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various sightings Mm11

various sightings Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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various sightings Mm11

various sightings Regist10

various sightings

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various sightings Empty various sightings

Post by macgee 18.10.13 0:08

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when asked about possible sightings,they are totally dumbstruck.

was it amsterdam ? they can hardly even remember

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various sightings Empty Re: various sightings

Post by russiandoll 18.10.13 0:15

why on the t'internet these are now referred to as  SHIGHTINGS...


             The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate,
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various sightings Empty Re: various sightings

Post by MRNOODLES 18.10.13 0:30

russiandoll wrote:why on the t'internet these are now referred to as  SHIGHTINGS...

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various sightings Empty Re: various sightings

Post by MRNOODLES 18.10.13 0:40

I've just skimmed through that again. And the number of times Gerry does that drop the shoulder fidget before he goes on a ramble is ridiculous.

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various sightings Empty Re: various sightings

Post by tiredofthebs 18.10.13 0:54

The bit where she asks them about the cadaver dogs is so revealing. Kate tries to just change the subject and pretend the question hasn't been asked. Gerry just screams guilt. Any body language expert would have a field day.

"Cadaver dog? What is it? Lassie?" - Philomena McCann, This Morning, September 2007

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various sightings Empty Re: various sightings

Post by dotdot 18.10.13 2:49

macgee wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

when asked about possible sightings,they are totally dumbstruck.

was it amsterdam ? they can hardly even remember
it really is shocking to see how thrown they were by that question!!  even though the sole purpose of their existence is to 'find' Madeleine and they cant even remember the two sightings that they themselves had just said moments before that they felt were the most promising (when asked by Sandra).  that journalist/interviewer Sandra is brilliant and i dont think she believes a word they are saying!

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