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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Mm11

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Mm11

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by ShuBob 12.06.12 13:06

Apologies for having to start a new thread but I'm curious about what Kate says in her book about Jill Renwick. Is she even mentioned? She was used mercillessly by the McCanns in the early hours following news of Maddie's disappearance and I'm curious about how Kate explains the blatant lies told through her (Renwick).

Thanks in advance.

(Please don't apologise for starting a new thread as any new subject should have a new thread. Admin)

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by PeterMac 12.06.12 13:52

Not as far as I can see. Searched the Kindle and the .rtf files for "Jill" and "Renwick"
Not by name that is.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by dentdelion 12.06.12 17:04

There is no reference to her in the index of the book. No mention of her being contacted on that first morning though other phone contacts/friends are spoken of.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by ShuBob 12.06.12 17:26

Thanks Admin. I wanted to ask the question in an existing thread but feared it may get swallowed by other discussion Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" 847771

Thanks PeterMac and Dentdelion for the replies. It's very curious indeed if she's not mentioned. For some unexplanable reason, Renwick being mentioned in Kate's book suddenly entered my thoughts this morning. I wondered if she was still friends with the couple and if she's one of those "lost friends" Kate writes about in her book. Perhaps, appalled and ashamed of the role she was made to play by the couple, Renwick specifically asked not to be mentioned? Or was it Kate's decision not mention her?

Just curious........

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 12.06.12 18:30

Isn't Jill Renwick the one who does the runs with KM for the fund? Or am I getting mixed up with someone else.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 12.06.12 18:53

I think that the fun run friend is Nicky Gill.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 12.06.12 18:54

Jean wrote:

I think that the fun run friend is Nicky Gill.

Ah, thank you JeanDoes Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" 636506 Always get mixed up with all these namesDoes Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" 110921

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 12.06.12 18:55

Have just realised the connection with Jill and Gill myself!

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Hicks 05.11.13 19:22

I have found a link (Reuters) that has the headline-'Kidnapping concern for missing girl in Portugal'.... Jill Renwick, a FRIEND ON HOLIDAY WITH THE FAMILY......told BBC television that she was sure Madeleine had been abducted....

Cannot post the link!!!!  Is this an error?

Jill Renwick turned out to be a very useful friend for the McCann's didn't she?

Renwick asked Gordon Browns brother (John) who lives in the same street, if Gordon could help.

Renwick's sister called someone she knew in CID.

Renwick called someone who had a connection with Des Browne-the then- defence secretary.

Renwick's friend who lives close to Kirsty Wark 'knocked on her door' and asked for help....umm... all very handy.

Just found this link..

Jill Renwick appears to have twins as well.

Could this whole mystery have something to do with babies? IVF? doctors? Scroll down to 'Jill and Andrew Renwick'.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 05.11.13 19:26

I think that's an error about Jill R being on holiday with them.

Here's an even earlier report that mentions her.

How ominous that the abduction word was being promoted so soon.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 19.03.17 8:16

I have a new dead horse to flog so apologies whilst I do it.

How did Jill Renwick know the McCanns?
She lived on the same street as John Brown but where was that?

And Kate never mentioned her in the book?

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 19.03.17 9:14

I think I found Jill Renwick's facebook page.

Lots of posts.

No mention of McCann anything.

I wonder what the relationship is like now?

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Tony Bennett 19.03.17 9:35

BlueBag wrote:I have a new dead horse to flog so apologies whilst I do it.

How did Jill Renwick know the McCanns?
She lived on the same street as John Brown but where was that?

And Kate never mentioned her in the book?
The events of that night after Madeleine was reported 'missing' are recorded in pp. 72 to 81 of 'madeleine'.

Here is a list of the contacts made between the McCanns & the Tapas 7 and others that night, as recorded in the book:

Kate runs from the apartment to the Tapas group screaming 'She's gone' (p.72)

'Just after 10.10, Gerry asks Matt to 'run to Ocean Club reception' to 'get staff to call the police' (p.73)

Guests and staff were rapidly made aware and began searching (p.73)

Mark Warner activated 'missing child search protocol' at 'close to 10.30 (pp.73-4) 

Police not arrived by 10.35 so Matt is asked to run down to Ocean Club reception again (p.74)

John Hill, Manager, arrives on the McCans' veranda at this time (p.74)

Tapas group were 'running to and from the Tapas area' pleading with people to ring the police from there (p.74)

Emma Knights, Mark Warner customer care manager, came and sat on the bed with Kate (p.75)

About 11pm, 'before the police arrive', Mrs Fenn leans over the balcony and says: 'Can someone tell me what all the noise is about?' (p.75)

11.10 Two GNR policeman arrive (pp.75-6)

Silvia Batista, maintenance and service manager ,arrived to help with translation (p.76)

Gerry called Trisha Cameron (p.77)

Trisha and Sandy Cameron called the Foreign Office, British Consulate (Algarve) and British Embassy (Lisbon) (p.77)

11.52 Gerry spoke to Uncle Brian & Auntie Janet in Rothley and then Brian called the Foreign Office (p.77)

Just after midnight, Gerry called Kate's mother and father They rang 'friends and family' who 'rallied with support' (p.78)

The PJ arrived (p.78)

One of the PJ police officers tried to take our fingerprints. This was 'unsuccessful' (p.78)

Kate asked the resort staff to find a priest to pray with us and support us (p.78)

'Just after 2am' Kate spoke to Father Seddon on the 'phone (p.78)

Next Kate called her 'best mate', Michelle (p.79)

At about 3am, Kate 'managed to get hold of Michelle's partner, Jon Corner' (p.79)

David Payne sent an email to SKY news, using a computer borrowed from 'a retired British couple in a nearby apartment'. He used 'an address listed on their website'. Dave's email 'remained buried in some inbox' (pp.79-80) 

The PJ officers left (p.79)

'The first SKY heard of Madeleine's disappearance was from the Press Association (p.80)

Rachael contacted a friend of hers at the BBC [time not given] (p.80)

We carried Sean and Amelie into the Paynes' apartment (p.80)

On Kate's insistence, Kate & Gerry went out to 'look for some sign of Madeleine' (p.80)

They went back to the Paynes' apartment: "...the cold, black night enveloped us all for what seemed like an eternity...At long last, dawn broke" (p.81).

That's it, absolutely no mention of Jill Renwick, here or elsewhere in the book


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 19.03.17 10:19

"That's it, absolutely no mention of Jill Renwick, here or elsewhere in the book"

Isn't that strange.

I think Jill may have backed quietly away since 2007.

I think the McCanns may have airbrushed her from the story.

Her Facebook is from 2010 and there is not a single McCann post there. It's mostly family posts but she supports cancer charities and events.

I wonder if there have been words.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 19.03.17 13:17

Pinched from Pamalam's gaff..


Dr Paul MacIntyre, a consultant cardiologist at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley and his wife, Kate, also a doctor, are part of a small group of close friends of Madeleine's parents, Gerry and Kate McCann, who are at the centre of the campaign to help publicise the little girl's kidnapping in Portugal. Through a network of around 10 couples in Glasgow, mostly doctors, and John McCann, Gerry's brother, they have seen prominent sportsmen, businessmen, celebrities and politicians become involved. Dr McIntyre first met Gerry McCann at a running club in Coatbridge when he was a teenager. Both John McIntyre and Gerry McCann trained at Glasgow University before specialising in sports medicine. Paul attended Kate and Gerry's wedding. Their paths crossed again when Dr McCann returned from New Zealand, with his wife Kate, and took over Dr MacIntyre's teaching post at Glasgow University. Paul was at Gerry and Kate's wedding and last November 2006 he was trying to convince Gerry, to head back north and take up a cardiology post at the Glasgow's Western Infirmary. After Madeleine's disappearance, Dr MacIntyre first made contact with the McCanns through a mutual friend, Dr Andrew Renwick.


"Jill Renwick has known the couple since they all worked together at a Glasgow hospital more than a decade ago. She spoke to Kate at 7am on the morning after Madeleine vanished: "She just said, 'Help me, please help me'. She said, 'We've been searching all night until 4.30am, and then everybody left us'. At that stage there was only one police officer at the door. They didn't know what to do. So I phoned GMTV." Andrew Renwick is a Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley. Both Jill and Andrew are part of the network of around 10 couples in Glasgow, mostly doctors, and John McCann, Gerry's brother, who are heading the campaign which has seen prominent sportsmen, businessmen, celebrities and politicians become involved.

I can't verify the content as I don't know the source of Pamalam's biographies.

According to The Sun on 6th May 2007..

Family pal Gill Renwick revealed how panicking Kate sent her a text saying: “I need help.”

She said: “Kate was at the police station in hysterics. When we spoke she said the police weren’t doing enough.”

Speaking about the £1,500 family holiday, pal Gill went on: “It’s the first time they have done this.

“They are very careful parents. They chose Mark Warner because it is a family-friendly resort.”

Direct quotes but I have my doubts about anything reported by the UK media - confusion is good!

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 19.03.17 13:27


Now I'm certain I found her facebook page.

No McCann support there since first posting in 2010.


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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Roxyroo 19.03.17 20:50

Kirsty Wark def lives in Glasgow as ive been in her house, in glasgow (my friends dad is a director and knows her) but i wonder how many other media types have holiday homes in the Algarve. Warks husband owns a successful production company, from what i can remember

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Reggiregg 19.03.17 22:24

I remember that first report.  The Renwick woman kept on about how pretty Madeleine was and how blonde. I remember thinking that it seemed the child's major value was how pretty she was, according to this woman. It was crass. Also she had been missing such a relatively short time, so why the certainty of abdction. (Kidnap was the usual term anyway). Back to the blonde description: didJR even know Maddie? She was not blonde.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Guest 19.03.17 23:56

BlueBag wrote:"That's it, absolutely no mention of Jill Renwick, here or elsewhere in the book"

Isn't that strange.

I think Jill may have backed quietly away since 2007.

I think the McCanns may have airbrushed her from the story.

Her Facebook is from 2010 and there is not a single McCann post there. It's mostly family posts but she supportspa cancer charities and events.

I wonder if there have been words.
When you think about it, not so very surprising - I imagine there are scores of people associated with the McCanns who distanced themselves after the initial outcry.  Nothing to suggest they were close friends anyway, they lived miles apart after McCann/Healy left Glasgow and again this information is only taken from a UK press report, how reliable is that?

Maybe Kate McCann did phone her or text her (depending which version you read) but it doesn't really signify much.  Whatever, somehow the UK press got hold of her name and the alleged information reported.  If she was any use to team McCann, they would have named her and/or her husband as character witnesses to be interviewed during the rogatory process.

One thing for sure, if that were me, I would have distance myself from the pair around 01:00am on Friday 4th May 2007.

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Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine" Empty Re: Does Kate Mention JILL RENWICK In "Madeleine"

Post by Reggiregg 20.03.17 9:37

Renwick was the voice of the McCanns at the beginning. She started the hysteria off. She was part of the big plan imo. But did she even know the family or was she a tool? Bridget ODonnell wwe another one who pushed the pretty blonde narrative. Perhaps the plot originally involved Amelie!

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