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Lord Toby Harris:  Blog Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Lord Toby Harris:  Blog Mm11

Lord Toby Harris:  Blog Regist10

Lord Toby Harris: Blog

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Lord Toby Harris:  Blog Empty Lord Toby Harris: Blog

Post by Guest Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:24 pm

Lord Toby Harris:  Blog Croppe10
Lord Toby Harris

13th May 2011

The Prime Minister’s instruction to the Metropolitan Police to review the Madeleine McCann case is in breach of the draft protocol that is supposed to protect the operational independence of the police

David Cameron has instructed the Metropolitan Police to review the case of Madeleine McCann. This is in response to an open letter in The Sun and is entirely predictable in terms of the “pulling power” of News International on Government policy.

However, his intervention drives a coach and horses through the draft protocol issued by the Home Office designed to preserve the operational independence of the Police which says:

“The operational independence of the police service, and the decisions made by its operational leadership remain reserved to the Office of Chief Constable and that Office alone.”

Whilst no-one doubts the desirability of doing what can sensibly be done to find out what has happened to Madeleine McCann, I can imagine that the senior leadership of the Metropolitan Police are not exactly happy about this. It again embroils their officers in a high profile investigation, where the chances of success are unclear, and which will divert limited investigative resources away from other matters.


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