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Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program) Mm11

Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program) Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program) Mm11

Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program) Regist10

Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program)

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Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program) Empty Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program)

Post by Jill Havern 17.08.19 7:04

Lots of very cute photos and videos of puppies growing up to be awesome Police Dogs!

Devon & Cornwall Police Dogs (Puppy Development Program) Pic_5_10

Welcome to the first DCC Dog Section Blog

Since the 1950s, the Force has been reaping the benefits of four-legged colleagues working alongside police officers. In many situations, a nose is the most effective tool for the job, especially at night or when visibility is reduced. Dogs are used primarily to search for offenders who have run off, find missing people and locate drugs or explosives.

The Force has one of the larger police dog sections with over 60 general purpose and specialist police dogs. Specialist dogs consist of Labradors, Border Collies and Springer Spaniels who use their tracking and retrieving instincts to locate people, drugs, firearms and explosives.



And Youtube:
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
Chief Faffer

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