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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Mm11

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Mm11

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Tony Bennett 10.05.12 14:47

These short extracts from Dr Kate McCann's book 'madeleine', a paperback version of the hardback book published a year ago, are published here under the 'Fair Use' provisions of the Copyright Act:

p. 453

Editions of the book were released in Portugal, the Netherlands, Brazil, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Sweden and Finland.

Sales have been ‘phenomenal’.

A ‘considerable amount of money’ has been raised to ‘help fund the search for Madleeine’.

Publishing the book ‘exposed us to a fresh wave of press attention’.

Dr Kate McCann was adamant that she didn’t want the book serialised on any newspaper, ‘especially not a tabloid’. There is about a page of how much and why she really didn’t want the book serialised.

p. 454

Then: “It wasn’t until Gerry suggested that perhaps we could seek ‘a different, broader kind of arrangement, in which the serialisation of the book was combined with some specific backing for our campaign, that I opened my mind a little further to the idea”.

“In the spring of 2011, we met a tam form News International…”

They only agreed to a serialisation once News International said they were prepared to spearhead a drive to re-energise the search for Madeleine”.

They agreed to a serialisation in The Sun and the Sunday Times.

The week the book was published was ‘nerve-racking’ but ‘the daily coverage was helping to re-engage hearts and minds in the U.K.


The Sun then printed their ‘open letter to the Prime Minister’, although “We hadn’t wanted to challenge him so publicly…”

Susan Hubbard came over to look after the twins whilst we were dealing with the publicity, she “took charge of Madeleine’s birthday party in Rothley…”

“Our gift to our daughter was a marathon day of intensive interviews and press conferences in London...”

The Prime Minister ’phone back the same day, although “We hadn’t expected a response to the open letter for several days at least, if we got one at all…”

“Oh my God! Finally help was coming. Happy birthday, Madeleine. Other than hearing that she had been found, there could have been no news sweeter to my ears…”

p. 456

“…we were swamped by calls, text messages and emails from delighted family and friends…”

But the following morning “critics had clouded the furst ray of hope we’d had in ages…”

She then lists complaints about the cost of the Scotland Yard review and why they were getting such preferential treatment.

Then they were “preoccupied by the many questions swimming around our heads”. For example, “Did the Portuguese authorities know about this decision?”

The Scotland Yard Review team “were in touch with us within a few days…”

“The following week we met several of them at Scotland Yard. Almost immediately, Gerry and I felt confident, reassured and hopeful”.

p. 457

“..we are sure that this process, whether it takes months or years, will bring us closer to obtaining our goal. And possibly even all the way there”.

Scotland Yard have met Leicestershire Police, the Portuguese Police, the Spanish Police, and ‘other U.K. law enforcement agencies.

“Perhaps the most encouraging aspect for Gerrv and me so far is how good the communication has been. We are regularly updated…it’s a marked and welcome change from what went before”.

“In the meantime, our search continues, as does our work to raise awareness for various charities and organisations concerned with missing people…”

p. 458

In October 2011, the McCanns talked to counsellors and other professionals at the annual conference of the Child Bereavement, Trauma and Emotional Wellbeing Service, and spoke to the ‘child psychologist who advised us after Madeleine’s abduction’, David Trickey.

In June 2011, the McCanns attended the ‘first-ever’ Parliamentary inquiry into the rights of the families of missing people. Dr Kate McCann complains of how little support there is for the victims of child abduction.

p. 459

She then summarises the issues raised at the inquiry.

There is then a reference to their travelling to the Netherlands to publicise their book. A taxi-driver said: “Oh yes, I remember, you wee the parents accused of killing your daughter!”

p. 460

They had an unhappy experience publicising the book in Spain, where the TV company showed a film ‘that could only be described as propaganda’.

“…we were in a difficult position. We were tempted to abandon the interview, but we knew what kind of message that would send out…So we sat in stunned silence, our hearts pounding fiercely, as selectively edited and apparently damning images gathered form media and Portuguese police footage were displayed on a big screen…barking cadaver dogs, book, documents and medicines taken from the villa we’d rented…the commentary presented these ‘exhibits’ as fact - as evidence of guilt”.

“Our treatment at the hands of the media is a central strand of our story and yet here we were, once again, forced to explain the facts and defend ourselves…by now I’ve run out of superlatives to adequately express my shock and disgust at this abhorrent behaviour”.

p. 461

Most of this page deals with the hacking of Milly Dowler’s ’phone and the conduct of News International and the police. She refers to the News of the World’s ‘skulduggery’.

p. 462

Dr Kate McCann explains how “Gerry and I were invited to apply to assist the Leveson enquiry as ‘core participants’. Knowing how useful our testimony would be, we decided we had a moral obligation to do so…we have certainly suffered greatly from the invasion of our privacy and defamation at the hands of the press. We had a lot to share and hoped that by contributing we might help to prevent others from being subjected to similar treatment”.

Then there is a description of the day they gave evidence to the inquiry: “At first we were both nervous and shaky (yes, even Gerry!), but the questioning was sensitive and sympathetic…going through all the libellous headlines and reports that had appeared on a daily basis filled me with renewed disbelief…I was no nearer to understanding how these journalists and editors could be allowed to print such dreadful, untrue stories, or how they could sleep at night”.

p. 463

Dr Kate McCann deals with how ‘shocking’ it was to have excerpts from her diary splashed all over the News of the World.

size=18]The McCanns hope that ‘lessons will be learned’ from the Leveson enquiry. [/size]

There is then a long paragraph about how she thinks about Madeleine: “It is scary how time marches on. Madeleine has been in my head and my heart for every minute of every day of the past five years. As the weeks roll by, as the months roll by, as I’m swept along by life, I start to think about little Madeleine, as she was, and about what’s happened, and then BOOM!, it hits me - that uncomfortable, restless sensation, that heavy ache in my chest, the constriction my throat”.

p. 464

“I hold on to the fact that we, and the search, are in a better position than we have been in for a long time”.

Then a reference to the McCann Team:

“A police review of Madeleine’s case is under way…Our own capable and experienced team remains on standby, ready to respond if and when it is needed…”

“In December Amelia asked me: ‘Are we going to have a good Christmas, Mummy?’

‘Yes, we are’. ‘Even without Madeleine?’ ‘Yes, Amelie, we’re still going to have a really good Christmas’.

They had a ‘Christmas full of fun and love’.

“My New Year’s resolution for 2012 was not only to remain positive, but to try to be more positive. It is a tremendous help to know that at last those stones are being turned”.

“If you have any information which may be related to Madeleine’s disappearance, please share it with us. We need you. Please contact: Metropolitan Police Service, Homicide and Serious Crime Command - Operation Grange and/or the Find Madeleine Team via, or call 0044 (0)845 838 4699. Alternatively, speak to a religious leader in your community”.

p. 465

“If you know what has happened to Madeleine or where she is now, for her sake and ours, please open your heart and let us know. It is never to late to do the right thing”.


On 28 June 2007, 56 days (8 weeks) after Madeleine was reported missing, Dr Gerald McCann accurately predicted, quote:

I have no doubt we will be able to sustain a high profile for Madeleine’s disappearance in the long-term”.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by tigger 10.05.12 15:02

Phew! Still not in for the Booker then - I'm going to have a lie-down ....
Just a thought, why worry about the Leveson inquiry - they are core participants on the same level as the government - with the attendant priviliges.
Seen no headlines today.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by jd 10.05.12 15:13

So nothing about Maddie then except for their wonderful 'gift' to her
“Our gift to our daughter was a marathon day of intensive interviews and press conferences in London...”
...Nice, sure Maddie will be very comforted how a marathon day and press interviews about themselves will get her found!!! lol Its all about the mccanns, kate and gerry...slipping in their PR buzz word
It is a tremendous help to know that at last those stones are being turned
And slowly but surely, they are introducing the twins into it. In future, there will be a whole new angle using them looking for their sister (can see this coming). So much for protecting them from the media...mind you mother kate left them all alone exposed to an abductor when she found out there was one lurking about!

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Ross 10.05.12 15:19

“A police review of Madeleine’s case is under way…Our own capable and
experienced team remains on standby, ready to respond if and when it is
Yes, but capable and experienced at what?

"Believe nothing, no matter where you heard it, no matter who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."


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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Guest 10.05.12 15:29

Ross wrote:
“A police review of Madeleine’s case is under way…Our own capable and
experienced team remains on standby, ready to respond if and when it is
Yes, but capable and experienced at what?

I thought they had gone?

Thanks for your summary TonyA summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book 636506 So Not a very long epilogue then. Are people going to buy the book again just to read a few extra pages?

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by aiyoyo 10.05.12 15:30

For this to be solved, there need to be an Inquiry into the UK Police handling of this case.

First there was called me "stu" from LP. Over familiar with mccanns.
Now the review team, SY, (likely AR) was reported (by kate) as having been in contact with them within a few days of the Operation Grange coming into force, and updating them regularly on development.

Question has to be asked :is that usual Police practice? If not, why were the mccanns singled out and given preferential treatment?


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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Fred Up 10.05.12 15:35

I have very horrible visions of the future (if this dreadful 'show' is still rolling on) where "The Twins" become media "celebrities", appearing everywhere we look, telling their story: fame by association, if you like. Please, no! It seems, by the McCann's constant referrals to them that they are paving the way? More sponduliks into the fund forever more...

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Paperback Additions

Post by rainbow-fairy 10.05.12 15:36

I have just skim-read the paperback edition epilogue in Asda... It leapt out of my hands onto the floor - (think it was trying to tell me something!A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book 742129 )

1) This is paraphrased etc, but it seems that K+G were shocked by the speed of DC's response, "making us think things had been going on behind the scenes") - they had Kate. Portugal were reviewing already!!!

2) Still no inclusion of any holiday pics, no last pool pic, no tennis pic (pretty certain)

3) Front cover still two year old, 'age progression' on the back. It is ALSO inside, with a very handy inset small picture of Kate at 'around the same age' - look carefully. Eye bags. I'm very convinced that some of the photo's of 'Maddie' ARE Kate...

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra FelgueirasA summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book 670379

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by jd 10.05.12 15:41

Hope nobody you know saw you in Asda's!!

Exactly, no photos from the holiday, old photo of maddie on the cover! If they want to find her then put the new one on the front!!

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Guest 10.05.12 15:45

I have merged your topic rainbow-fairy, as already being discussed on this thread.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by jay2001 10.05.12 15:56

Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Guest 10.05.12 16:02

jay2001 wrote:Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.

Susan Hubbard came over to look after the twins whilst we were dealing with the publicity, she “took charge of Madeleine’s birthday party in Rothley…”

Very strange, a long way to go to babysit. And she took charge of Madeleine's birthday party???

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Close friends

Post by Tony Bennett 10.05.12 16:03

jay2001 wrote:Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.
The Hubbards and the McCanns have a very close relationship, not sure now if they actually knew each other before their Praia da Luz holiday in 2007? Dr Kate McCann has had several short breaks staying with the Hubbards in Praia da Luz over the past five years.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by aiyoyo 10.05.12 16:04

jay2001 wrote:Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.

It is certainly odd, as is everything about their case!

At the moment the only people who benefit from this bewk are the mccanns who exploit Maddie. They even exploit the twins by dropping them in the general scheme of things so that their marketing of Maddie as a product can become a family business in the long run. Beggars belief.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Tony Bennett 10.05.12 16:06

candyfloss wrote:
jay2001 wrote:Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.

Susan Hubbard came over to look after the twins whilst we were dealing with the publicity, she “took charge of Madeleine’s birthday party in Rothley…”

Very strange, a long way to go to babysit. And she took charge of Madeleine's birthday party???
There is reference to 'a nerve-wracking week' in the lead-up to the launch of the book. There is no reference to Father Hubbard coming over, nor to any members of the family being around to help them that week. Probably Susan Hubbard came over for the whole week. It did make me wonder what a birthday party for a missing person would be like...


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by aiyoyo 10.05.12 16:08

candyfloss wrote:
jay2001 wrote:Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.

Susan Hubbard came over to look after the twins whilst we were dealing with the publicity, she “took charge of Madeleine’s birthday party in Rothley…”

Very strange, a long way to go to babysit. And she took charge of Madeleine's birthday party???

What birthday party? without the birthday girl? What did Susan Hubbard have to do for this party?

She came to babysit the twins so what happened to family members? If family members shunned away from them or were not supportive of them, who babysit the twins when they were travelling Europe promoting their bewk?

It's a bizzare thing to do - to have a b/day for a missing person !


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Post by jd 10.05.12 16:12

It was Susan Hubbard who took the keys back for the villa when the mccans left in Sept 2007 overseeing their departure from PDL, and also collected two or three boxes with dossiers that were in the villa garage

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty 'We need effective deterrents and sanctions'

Post by Tony Bennett 10.05.12 16:15

One other thing I didn't mention in my summary of Dr Kate McCann's 'Epilogue' was her strident call for much stronger regulation of the press.

She writes:

"Clearly self-regulation has not worked. We recognise that balancing press freedom with privacy is difficult, but we'd like to see the activities of the media overseen by a properly independent body, with the help of effective deterrents and sanctions. Individual jounalists should be accountable for what they write. In medicine, healthcare professionals have to take reponsibility for their actions, and repeat offenders are struck off to prevent them ruining more lives. Why should journalists be any different?"


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by aiyoyo 10.05.12 16:21

Oh dear, how can press freedom be compared with regulation of medical practice? It's not comparing apple to apple.

I think if kate has her way, she would like the Country's Constitution to be rewritten to suit her agenda!

She has a flaming cheek that woman - why did she not object to Journalists ruining innocent people's lives on their behalf?
People sighters dragged into the mud by having their detail splashed all over the pages with insinuation of abductor or worst paedophile.

How did the press get a hold of these stories in the first place? From mccanns' source? What good would it do the search to have these leads published in the press/media when it is the Police they should be working with to find Madeleine. They should pass the leads to Police on the quiet.


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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Hmmm

Post by FH 10.05.12 16:25

Tony Bennett wrote:One other thing I didn't mention in my summary of Dr Kate McCann's 'Epilogue' was her strident call for much stronger regulation of the press.

She writes:

"Clearly self-regulation has not worked. We recognise that balancing press freedom with privacy is difficult, but we'd like to see the activities of the media overseen by a properly independent body, with the help of effective deterrents and sanctions. Individual jounalists should be accountable for what they write. In medicine, healthcare professionals have to take reponsibility for their actions, and repeat offenders are struck off to prevent them ruining more lives. Why should journalists be any different?"

I can think of a couple of healthcare professionals I'd like to see struck off. Perhaps they have to repeat the offence first? Lets hope they have the sense to not leave their remaining children alone, or at least lock the door on the way out.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by nomendelta 10.05.12 16:32

Kate's vicious tone against the press really beggars belief. News International have bent over backwards to follow their lead of false sightings and dying paedophiles confessions. The Express group among others gave hefty handouts to all concerned for, what seems to me, somewhat lightweight treatment. It does smack very much of biting the hand that feeds...I hope that their arrogance will be their undoing but alas they continue.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by tigger 10.05.12 16:37

Tony Bennett wrote:
jay2001 wrote:Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.
The Hubbards and the McCanns have a very close relationship, not sure now if they actually knew each other before their Praia da Luz holiday in 2007? Dr Kate McCann has had several short breaks staying with the Hubbards in Praia da Luz over the past five years.

I think - there is a Canadian connection. Didn't the McCanns go to Canada some time at the end of 2007? Hope I'm not making this up - but I had an idea that it was the last time they took the twins out of the country. Some such story. I'll have look.

Here it is:
Wish you were here, Madeleine The Sun

Published: Today

MADELEINE McCann's parents have revealed their heartache after their first holiday since she vanished.

Doctors Kate and Gerry said they spent three weeks in Canada with twins Sean and Amelie for the sake of the three-year-olds.

But it was "incredibly difficult". Gerry, 40, confessed after the family's return to Rothley, Leics: "To have been on holiday without Madeleine – it is all too apparent what is missing."

Their daughter, then three, vanished 14 months ago in Praia da Luz, Portugal – where cops still regard the couple as suspects.

Yesterday Portugal's attorney-general revealed he had ordered prosecutors to decide by the end of the month whether to close the investigation.

Gerry, writing in his internet diary, said he and Kate, 40, were thrilled the EU is to adopt a system when kids go missing similar to America's Amber Alert – which the couple have crusaded for.

He said: "This is a small step in the right direction."

The couple went to Canada to stay with Kate's aunt in Vancouver.

A pal said: "They couldn't even contemplate going anywhere in Europe."

Wasn't there a nanny who also went to Canada?

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Post by pauline 10.05.12 17:02

Hey, for once I agree with Kate.

Yes - 'journalists should be held accountable..'

But I'm thinking of the likes of Antonella whatsername and co

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Post by aiyoyo 10.05.12 18:16

But kate is talking about journalists who do not toe their line.

The likes of Antonella Lazzeri and Lorraine Kelly, who licked their boots, I am sure she will recommend them for some sort of award.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by aiyoyo 10.05.12 18:31

tigger wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:
jay2001 wrote:Does anyone else think it strange that Susan Hubbard came to attend to the twins? Where were close friends and family? Just strikes me odd that someone comes over from Portugal.
The Hubbards and the McCanns have a very close relationship, not sure now if they actually knew each other before their Praia da Luz holiday in 2007? Dr Kate McCann has had several short breaks staying with the Hubbards in Praia da Luz over the past five years.

I think - there is a Canadian connection. Didn't the McCanns go to Canada some time at the end of 2007? Hope I'm not making this up - but I had an idea that it was the last time they took the twins out of the country. Some such story. I'll have look.

Here it is:
Wish you were here, Madeleine The Sun

Published: Today

MADELEINE McCann's parents have revealed their heartache after their first holiday since she vanished.

Doctors Kate and Gerry said they spent three weeks in Canada with twins Sean and Amelie for the sake of the three-year-olds.

But it was "incredibly difficult". Gerry, 40, confessed after the family's return to Rothley, Leics: "To have been on holiday without Madeleine – it is all too apparent what is missing."

Their daughter, then three, vanished 14 months ago in Praia da Luz, Portugal – where cops still regard the couple as suspects.

Yesterday Portugal's attorney-general revealed he had ordered prosecutors to decide by the end of the month whether to close the investigation.

Gerry, writing in his internet diary, said he and Kate, 40, were thrilled the EU is to adopt a system when kids go missing similar to America's Amber Alert – which the couple have crusaded for.

He said: "This is a small step in the right direction."

The couple went to Canada to stay with Kate's aunt in Vancouver.

A pal said: "They couldn't even contemplate going anywhere in Europe."

Wasn't there a nanny who also went to Canada?

Anglican priest at church of Nossa Senhora da Luz (Our Lady of the Light) in Praia da Luz and his wife, Susan, have become close friends and confidants of McCanns. Members of St. Vincent's Anglican Church welcomed the Rev. Haynes Hubbard on May 6th when he arrived at Faro Airport after a 20 hour journey from his native Canada with his family and pet cat. Rev Haynes Hubbard was born in Norfolk and his wife Susan speaks Portuguese and Spanish.

Got that excerpts from
Incidentally the photos on that blog show Susan Hubbard and kate pushing the twins in strollers in Rothley in 2009.

I get the impression they take turn to visit each other on a fairly regular basis in UK and Portugal respectively.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Tony Bennett 10.05.12 18:44

aiyoyo wrote:
Anglican priest at church of Nossa Senhora da Luz (Our Lady of the Light) in Praia da Luz and his wife, Susan, have become close friends and confidants of McCanns. Members of St. Vincent's Anglican Church welcomed the Rev. Haynes Hubbard on May 6th when he arrived at Faro Airport after a 20 hour journey from his native Canada with his family and pet cat. Rev Haynes Hubbard was born in Norfolk and his wife Susan speaks Portuguese and Spanish.

Got those excerpts from

Incidentally the photos on that blog show Susan Hubbard and Kate pushing the twins in strollers in Rothley in 2009. I get the impression they take turn to visit each other on a fairly regular basis in UK and Portugal respectively.
I realise this is straying off topic a little, but just re-reading the above again, it sounds like he and the family completely upped sticks from their home in Canada on 6 May 2007, in order to make their new home in Praia da Luz. I assume that this was a pre-planned move and not a sudden rush out to Portugal in view of what had happened to Madeleine McCann?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by aiyoyo 10.05.12 19:41

Tony Bennett wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Anglican priest at church of Nossa Senhora da Luz (Our Lady of the Light) in Praia da Luz and his wife, Susan, have become close friends and confidants of McCanns. Members of St. Vincent's Anglican Church welcomed the Rev. Haynes Hubbard on May 6th when he arrived at Faro Airport after a 20 hour journey from his native Canada with his family and pet cat. Rev Haynes Hubbard was born in Norfolk and his wife Susan speaks Portuguese and Spanish.

Got those excerpts from

Incidentally the photos on that blog show Susan Hubbard and Kate pushing the twins in strollers in Rothley in 2009. I get the impression they take turn to visit each other on a fairly regular basis in UK and Portugal respectively.
I realise this is straying off topic a little, but just re-reading the above again, it sounds like he and the family completely upped sticks from their home in Canada on 6 May 2007, in order to make their new home in Praia da Luz. I assume that this was a pre-planned move and not a sudden rush out to Portugal in view of what had happened to Madeleine McCann?

My thoughts too.
Which can only mean they were known to the mccanns priorly and possibly already good friends.
I cant believe they got acquainted in Pdl for the first time post Maddie, became so close that they became confidants sharing secrets, and that they now take turn to visit and stay over at each other's house. No one shares secret with strangers or new acquaintances - it will be highly unusual if that is what happened.

Their relationship must have gone beyond PdL. I suspect they might be somewhat remotely related. Remember Kate has an aunt, Aunt Nora in Canada.

A YEAR had passed since Madeleine was snatched and the family went on holiday to Canada. But feelings of guilt were not far away for Kate, who at times questioned her Catholic faith — even after she and Gerry received a blessing from the Pope at the Vatican.
In this extract of Kate’s book, edited and abridged by ANTONELLA LAZZERI and OLIVER HARVEY, she recalls how she battled to find God in her life again.

I didnt realise Antonella Lazzeri edited her bewk!

I REMEMBER very clearly the first brief moment of peace I experienced. It was on our first holiday since Madeleine’s abduction in the summer of 2008, in that wonderful isolated cabin in British Columbia.

Gerry and I had been for a run through the forest and returned to find that Auntie Norah had prepared a fabulous lunch for us.

After we ate I went for a long soak in the bath, taking a glass of red wine with me.

I lay back, completely immersing my head and letting the burning hot water wash over my face.

My mind was at rest, my body calm, and suddenly I felt the weight of our life lift temporarily. It was fleeting, but it was good.

Just acknowledging this slow personal “improvement”, however, brings a wave of guilt over me.

My life is weighed down by guilt: guilt for what happened to Madeleine, guilt at surviving this horror, guilt that our family, especially Sean and Amelie, had to experience any of it, guilt for not being quite the person or wife I once was and guilt about taking even five minutes for myself.

Perhaps being a mother and a Catholic is a double whammy when it comes to guilt. It is certainly a heavy load to carry around with you. It preys on your conscience and when you weaken it can pull you down.

What a strange thing to say when her confidant and best friend is wife of an Anglican Priest!

Religious ... Kate and Gerry in church
That said, the knowledge that I am a stronger and more able woman now than I was a couple of years ago helps me to shake off a little of that guilt: I recognise this is a positive development, for me, for Gerry, for Sean and Amelie, and for Madeleine.
DECEMBER 4 2010: We went to the Leicestershire and Rutland Irish Golf Society dinner dance last night (the proceeds were being donated to Madeleine’s Fund.) It was a really good “do” — lovely people and great music.

Gerry and I danced for a large part of the evening. We hadn’t danced since Madeleine was taken. We actually enjoyed it. It felt a little strange but I wasn’t consumed with guilt as is often the case in these situations.

Our pain might be the most acute, but our whole family, as well as our closest friends, suffer it to some degree, too, every day. So many people miss Madeleine — their granddaughter, sibling, niece, cousin, godchild and friend — and of course they worry about Gerry and me. We all have our own needs and cannot always deal with each other’s. This has been very hard for us — especially given the incredible support our family and friends have been throughout the last four years.

I own up that my expectations of others have sometimes been too high. Early on, friends and relatives were there for us constantly, devoting their time and resources to anything that might help find Madeleine.

Inevitably, as time moves on, motivation wanes, priorities change and people have their own lives to lead. This is only natural. But while I understand that, at times it makes me sad that anyone else is capable of switching off when Madeleine is still missing. And I suppose I envy them their freedom to do so.

Certain reactions to our situation have been hard to deal with.

For some people it seems too painful to bear. It’s as if they are almost pretending Madeleine’s abduction never happened.

Perhaps by not mentioning it, or even acknowledging it, they are trying to reassure themselves the world is still a good place.

Here she admits that family and friends who were once supportive of them were drifting away and getting on with their lives. Maybe their friends got clued up or wised up. Family members were definitely in the know and probably got fed up with their continued attention seeking in the press.

Blessing ... couple meet the Pope
While this is difficult for us to handle, living as we do with our pain every single day, we realize that everyone has their own way of coping with their feelings. It doesn’t mean they don’t have them. In the case of those we know less well, we understand that sometimes people just don’t know what to say. For Gerry and me it feels easier, and right, to talk about Madeleine and we are relieved when others do so, too. I am often asked, “Has your faith been tested? Do you get angry with God?”
There have been many times when I’ve felt God has deserted me or that He has let Madeleine down. I’ve occasionally doubted His existence altogether. And yes, I’ve been angry with Him.

Here she is saying she is angry with God, yet she professed to pray for the person who took Maddie! wtf

I’ve shouted out loud and on occasion I’ve hit things. (I’m afraid even the church pews have had the odd thumping!). I do not blame God for Madeleine’s abduction. The abductor is responsible for that. What I do wrestle with, though, is the inexplicable fact that despite so many prayers, almost total global awareness and a vast amount of hard work, we still do not have an answer. My aunt quotes a saying: “Pray as if everything depends on God. Work as if everything depends on you”, and I truly believe this is what we’ve done.

At risk of taking this thread off topic, I feel this piece is worth re-reading if only to take it together in context with her new bewk.

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Guest 10.05.12 19:44

Tony Bennett wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Anglican priest at church of Nossa Senhora da Luz (Our Lady of the Light) in Praia da Luz and his wife, Susan, have become close friends and confidants of McCanns. Members of St. Vincent's Anglican Church welcomed the Rev. Haynes Hubbard on May 6th when he arrived at Faro Airport after a 20 hour journey from his native Canada with his family and pet cat. Rev Haynes Hubbard was born in Norfolk and his wife Susan speaks Portuguese and Spanish.

Got those excerpts from

Incidentally the photos on that blog show Susan Hubbard and Kate pushing the twins in strollers in Rothley in 2009. I get the impression they take turn to visit each other on a fairly regular basis in UK and Portugal respectively.
I realise this is straying off topic a little, but just re-reading the above again, it sounds like he and the family completely upped sticks from their home in Canada on 6 May 2007, in order to make their new home in Praia da Luz. I assume that this was a pre-planned move and not a sudden rush out to Portugal in view of what had happened to Madeleine McCann?

Goncalo Amaral: "The British priest staged everything."

Goncalo Amaral: "The priests also know very well what happened that night"

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by Guest 10.05.12 19:49

I find this a little odd as well, from the article on Fr Hubbard posted on the Video R Hubbard 5 years on.........

It's hard to imagine a couple better suited to extend the hand of friendship to Kate and Gerry McCann, who are also devout Christians. Although the McCanns are Roman Catholic, in this seaside town, the lines between Catholic and Protestant are blurred. Both faiths share the pretty, white and mustard yellow-trimmed church, Our Lady of Light, which sits just above the shimmering beach in the town centre.

The McCanns were soon attending Haynes Hubbard's weekly services, and Susan Hubbard reached out to Kate McCann. In keeping with her rural Ontario upbringing, she made her approach in that very Canadian way of offering food.

So they are Catholics, and yet they were attending the Haynes Hubbard weekly services? There would obviously be a Catholic service on too, wouldn't that be the one you would naturally go to. Catholics don't normally do this do they?

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A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book Empty Re: A summary of the 'Epilogue' in Dr Kate McCann's new paperback book

Post by nomendelta 10.05.12 20:19

Well I would certainly think that there'd be catholic services and if they were as devout as they and Hubbard are making out I don't think it would be appropriate to "switch sides" as such.

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