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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Mm11

QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Mm11

QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Regist10

QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'?

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I can link Clarence Mitchell to this number of yellow or grey blobs

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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap0%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 0% 
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap0%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 0% 
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap0%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 0% 
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap13%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 13% 
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap0%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 0% 
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap0%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 0% 
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap0%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 0% 
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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_lcap74%QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Vote_rcap 74% 
[ 6 ]
Total Votes : 8

QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Empty QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'?

Post by Tony Bennett 07.02.12 22:36

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Look at the yellow and grey blobs/dots.

To how many of those could you link CLARENCE MITCHELL?
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Empty Re: QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'?

Post by Ollie 07.02.12 23:01

Wasn't very good at this, and that's all I have to say! (not saying how many).

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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Empty Clarence Mitchell - close to the centre of the nation's 'web of power'

Post by Tony Bennett 09.02.12 18:39

It would be nice if I could put up the BBC's 'Web of Power' chart for us all to have a look at here, but I'm unable to transfer it onto here. Here's the link to the chart again:

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Those of you who answered that Clarence Mitchell was connected to 8 or more powerful people in the nation's 'web of power' were correct.

Here are just 10 names from the web of power with whom Clarence Mitchell had direct and close associations:

1. Clarence Mitchell worked as Director of the Media Monitoring Unit, reporting direct to the Cabinet Office, under Tony Blair’s premiership

2. Clarence Mitchell was chosen by David Cameron to work as his Deputy Director of Communications during the 2009 General Election campaign

3. Clarence Mitchell worked for 3 months under Andy Coulson when he was Director of Communications for Prime Minister David Cameron in the spring of 2009

4. Clarence Mitchell, once he ceased to work for the McCanns full-time, went to work for Matthew Freud, boss of Freud Communications

5. Clarence Mitchell ‘spoke almost on a daily basis with Ian Edmondson’*, Former News of the World Assistant Editor

6. Clarence Mitchell was employed by the Foreign Office during Gordon Brown’s premiership to assist the McCanns in Portugal (after September Mitchell left the Foreign Office and the Civil Service to work full-time for the McCanns)

7. Clarence Mitchell worked closely with Rebekah Wade, former Editor of the News of the World and CEO of News International on news stories connected with Madeleine McCann

8. Clarence Mitchell worked closely with Colin Myler, Editor of the News of the World, on stories connected with Madeleine McCann

9. Clarence Mitchell liaised with former Met Police Chief Sir Paul Stephenson who set up the current Scotland Yard Review Team into Madeleine’ McCann’s disappearance

10. Clarence Mitchell worked with Stuart Kuttner, News of the World, on stories connected with Madeleine McCann


* REF: Edmondson was at that time in daily contact with Clarence Mitchell, the family's spokesman.

Myler said:

Ian Edmondson had assured me on more than one occasion Clarence was aware of what we were intending to do and said 'Good'... I think it was clear that Mr Edmondson had spelt out what he was doing

Myler says he made his views clear in the Friday news conference "by using the phrase 'I do not want Kate to come out of church on Sunday morning and find the diaries were there without her knowledge'... I wouldn't have published if I thought she hadn't been made aware of it."
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'? Empty Re: QUIZ/POLL - Where should Clarence Mitchell go on this BBC 'Map of Power'?

Post by aiyoyo 10.02.12 3:55

Without a shadow of doubt, without CM, the mccanns story would have become unstuck ages ago.

The $64M question is why was CM deployed to act for the Mccanns? Purely logistic, or purely political, or something else?


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