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Joana Morais:  The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"  Mm11

Joana Morais:  The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"  Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Joana Morais:  The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"  Mm11

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Joana Morais: The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"

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Joana Morais:  The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"  Empty Joana Morais: The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"

Post by Guest 18.12.18 11:47

The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"

by Joana Morais 8 years ago

Joana Morais:  The McCann's Pastiche Appeal & the "Fluffy Worthless Words"  The+McCann%27s+Pastiche+Appeal+&+the+Fluffy+Worthless+Words

The McCann Press release published today in the majority of the UK media, subsequently recopied and republished in some of the foreign media, can be read in the following paragraphs:

«Kate and Gerry McCann today said they have had enough of “fluffy worthless words”, calling again for a full case review over their daughter Madeleine's disappearance. Exactly three-and-a-half years since Madeleine went missing, the couple said they want “action” and for “somebody to do something”. They launched a petition on Tuesday to lobby the UK and Portuguese governments for a joint or independent review of the case. “Essentially for the last three-and-a-half years the authorities have not been doing anything proactive to help Madeleine,” Mr McCann said..»

«Kate and Gerry McCann also accused Home Secretary Theresa May of offering “words, but no action” to help the search for their daughter. Mrs McCann said: “Reviews are done in all major investigations, at least in this country. The benefits of pulling together different bits of evidence can be enormous but, until that is done, we can't be sure what has been missed”. An independent report by Jim Gamble, of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, is thought to back the couple's demand for a review of all the evidence gathered by British and Portuguese police. The report was commissioned by Labour Home Secretary Alan Johnson but not completed until the summer, when Mrs May took office under the coalition Government. Yet the Home Office refuses to disclose its recommendations to the McCanns.»

«Mrs McCann said when they met Mr Johnson, who commissioned a “scoping exercise” by CEOP to see if a review would be helpful, they felt they were making progress, but now did not even know if the report had been read. “There has not been a formal case review and I think for such a serious case like this, and with the profile of it and international aspects, that should be carried out,” her husband said.»

«Madeleine was three when she went missing from her family's holiday flat in Praia da Luz in the Algarve on May 3 2007 as her parents dined with friends nearby. Portuguese police launched a massive investigation with the support of British officers, but the inquiry was formally shelved in July 2008 without reaching any firm conclusions about her fate. Private detectives employed by the McCanns are still investigating the case and as well as the petition, the couple are appealing for continued financial support for the official Find Madeleine fund - as it stands the fund will run out in spring 2011.»

«Private detectives employed by the McCanns are still investigating the case. As well as the petition, the couple are appealing for continued financial support for the official Find Madeleine fund. As it stands, the fund will run out in the spring of next year. Mr McCann said fundraising was a secondary objective to urging people to put pressure on the governments “to do what they should have done all along”.(…) She continued: “In the interim, we are carrying on, we're interviewing witnesses, dealing with new information and continuing reviewing the information available to us”. The couple spoke of how their family was coping. Mrs McCann said: “Sean and Amelie are great, they are doing really well, they seem to have taken everything on board and coped really well”.»

«Explaining how much the search for their daughter costs Gerry said £1 pays for a multi-lingual call centre for an hour, £10 pays for 1,000 posters that are distributed across the world and £50 pays for the running costs of a Portuguese investigation team for two hours. He said: “Without our investigation team it would be almost impossible. "If the money does run out there would still be a helpline manned by volunteers, email. But it would be very, very difficult. It would essentially mean that any kind of pro-active search for Madeleine would cease.”»

«A Home Office spokesman said: “The Home Secretary has met Kate and Gerry McCann and is deeply sympathetic to their situation.
The Government wants to ensure that everything feasible is being done to progress the search for Madeleine. The British authorities will maintain a dialogue with the Portuguese and continue to liaise with Madeleine's family on any developments”.»

Summing up the above: Kate and Gerry McCann - who have been since May 15, 2007 gathering donations in a Private Limited Fund with the “alleged” goal of supporting the expenses of a multimillionaire media campaign in order to help the search for their daughter Madeleine ever since she was “allegedly abducted” on May 3, 2007, whilst the Tapas 9 were “allegedly” having dinner in their alleged “back garden” about 120 meters away, from an “alleged locked or unlocked” apartment as the McCann Couple and their Tapas friends have incongruently and allegedly stated [read the G9 statements] - are now begging the public to donate again so that they can keep their “alleged” search alive.

All of this, with total disregard of the conclusions of the process, of the Operation Task - the joint Portuguese and British authorities conclusions, which state, black on white, that Madeleine Beth McCann died in all probability on the night of May 3, 2007 and that her parents are suspects of concealing her cadaver and simulating an abduction; and despite the fact that the donations were, “allegedly”, used to pay for the best lawyers, the best media spinners, the likely worst rent-a-cops, and were abusively misused in the numerous attempts to silence a former coordinating inspector, a TV channel, a book editor, a film production company, the media and printed press, to menace bloggers and sites, and to hinder the real and only official investigation?!

What the media and the McCanns themselves totally fail to mention is that the couple had and still have more than one possibility to reopen the criminal investigation into the disappearance of their daughter, Madeleine Beth McCann, for free! That's right: for free, without the need for a Limited Private Fund; for public donations; for media spinners; for backers; without the need for rent-a-cops or dodgy PIs, who according to the Portuguese Law cannot make private investigations in Portugal during an ongoing investigation; and especially without the need of fake MI5's who are currently being sought by the FBI.

A totally free and law abiding criminal investigation into their daughter's disappearance! Well, perhaps not so free-free because it would be paid by us the Portuguese people, again; and make no mistakes it would be gladly paid by the very same people who were portrayed as “stupid sardine-munchers” in the UK media if only it would end this farcical media circus, once and for all.

What the latest McCann media stunt fails to mention is that the McCann couple as (former) arguidos, (as citizens, as parents or as assistants if they had gained that status or continued that appeal) of the criminal investigation process into their daughter's disappearance have somehow missed the statutory legal deadlines to oppose to the Portuguese Public Ministry process archival and to apply (formulate a petition for) for the reopening of the instruction (finding of facts) pertaining to the investigative proceedings, as it was their legal right; clearly stated in the archival dispatch:

«Nevertheless, anyone who feels unsatisfied about the epilogue of the investigations, will have the possibility to react against it, having the possibility of eventually changing that epilogue, by prompting diligences based on new evidence, as long as that person has the legitimacy to request them and the requested diligences are serious, pertinent and consequent. They may do so in three ways: by requesting the reopening of the inquiry, under article 279º, number 1 of the Penal Process Code; by appealing hierarchically against this dispatch under number 2 of article 278º, or in another case, under number 2 of article 279º of the Penal Process Code, or by requesting the opening of the instruction under article 287º, number 1, item b, of the Penal Process Code.

Finally, it should be noted that an archiving decision may be a fair decision, although of the possible justice, and, especially, to underline heavily that the archiving of the present files does not equal a definite and irreversible closing of the process. This process, as long as the prescription deadline for the possibly committed crimes does reach its term, and if new evidence that justifies it, appears, can always be reopened, officiously or through the request of an assistant, again ordinate to a final decision of accusation or non accusation

note: the petition mentioned on the above video appeal was mysteriously wooshed in February 1, 2010

more to follow...

Exclusive Video: McCanns Press Conference
«The following video was recorded by a journalist, the only journalist who dared ask the McCann couple tough questions. You may have seen some of the footage broadcast on your own countries' TV channels, edited to suit the spin, and some even altered or omitted the fact that the McCanns only mentioned that they would like the archived process of Madeleine McCann to be re-opened or reviewed after the former PJ coordinator, Gonçalo Amaral, told the media a few hours earlier that he was evaluating the legal aspects to constitute himself as an assistant in the process in order to pressure its reopening, so the investigation into Madeleine's disappearance can continue.

The whole of the mainstream media also didn't make any reference to a press note distributed among the journalists during the court lunch break by 'Citizens in Defence of Rights and Freedoms - Project Justice Gonçalo Amaral' featuring an appeal to 'the English subjects, and especially to the English media, to pressure the police to open their archives' and that 'the world wants to know what really happened to Madeleine Beth McCann. Premature shelving is not an answer'.

In this video Gerry McCann says that he would be 'delighted' if the case is reopened. We eagerly wait for the McCann Couple to request the reopening of the case and for their participation in a reconstruction

Any Resemblance Is Pure Coincidence
«“From everything that has been exposed, it RESULTS from the Files THAT:

A) the minor Madeleine McCann died in apartment 5A at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, on the night of the 3rd of May 2007;

B) a simulation of an abduction took place;

C) in order to render the child’s death impossible before 22H00, a situation of checking of the McCann couple’s children while they slept was made up;

D) Kate McCann and Gerald McCann are involved in the concealment of the cadaver of their daughter, Madeleine McCann;

E) at this moment, there seem to be no strong indications that the child’s death was not the result of a tragic accident, yet;

F) from what has been established up to now, everything indicates that the McCann couple, in self-defence, doesn’t want to deliver the cadaver immediately and voluntarily, and there is a strong possibility that it was moved from the initial place of deposition. This situation may raise questions concerning the circumstances in which the death of the child took place. (Page 2601 of the process

The McCanns Strategy to re-open the Process - Allegedly
video only with added McCann rent-a-cop spin (in a UK media article)
«The Ulster detective leading the search for Madeleine McCann today reveals his most chilling theories yet, exclusively to Sunday Life. Hardened ex-RUC cop Dave Edgar told us he is convinced that little Maddie is imprisoned in a hellish lair – just like kidnapped sex slave Jaycee Lee Dugard.

He insisted the “back from the dead” reappearance of Jaycee – and the cases of Austrian cellar girls Elisabeth Fritzl and Natascha Kampusch – confirmed his suspicion.

And despite fresh leads taking his probe to Australia and Barcelona, the east Belfast man insists the golden-haired youngster is being held just 10 miles from where she was snatched in Praia da Luz two years ago.

But he warned that the sprawling wilderness where he believes Maddie is languishing is almost impossible to search completely

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