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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Mm11

Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Mm11

Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Regist10

Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up - by Himself

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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Empty Re: Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up - by Himself

Post by sami 01.10.12 21:52

I particularly like this quote from Kate :

If the general public (and the Portuguese people in particular) are
bombarded day in and day out with such theories, this will eventually
'colour' their understanding and judgement -lies and inaccuracies become

So true Mrs McCann, so so true.

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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Empty Re: Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up - by Himself

Post by Woofer 01.10.12 23:04

sami wrote:I particularly like this quote from Kate :

If the general public (and the Portuguese people in particular) are
bombarded day in and day out with such theories, this will eventually
'colour' their understanding and judgement -lies and inaccuracies become

So true Mrs McCann, so so true.

That statement glared out at me too. Can`t have people`s understanding and judgment being coloured can we, particularly by the TRUTH - now that will never do. Can`t have alternative thinking can we.

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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Empty Re: Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up - by Himself

Post by maebee 02.10.12 1:11

For us, there is only the abduction theory possible because we were not involved in Madeleine's disappearance and we know Madeleine did not wander off by herself.

Yes yes Kate, the abduction theory is the only possible theory for you. You told us that within an hour of your daughter's disappearance. You refused to consider all other senarios other than abduction. You want us to believe that, but we don't. The dogs told us otherwise. How do you know that Madeleine did not wander off by herself? You were not there. You were away from her and her siblings. You left them alone. Shame on you Dr. Kate McCann, for your neglect of your three children and your subsequent lies about the disappearance of your daughter. Hang your head in shame.
Madeleine Foundation

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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Empty Re: Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up - by Himself

Post by tigger 02.10.12 6:17

..... we know Madeleine did not wander off by herself.

I believe you 100% Ms Healy! The above statement is the truth, care to expand the statement a little?

The following is true too, from your own experience and unfortunately ours too: If the general public (and the Portuguese people in particular) are
bombarded day in and day out with such theories, this will eventually 'colour' their understanding and judgement -lies and inaccuracies become fact.'

Because we've seen many 'inaccuracies' stated as fact by the press and by your legal and government representatives, accepted as fact by the general public. Sad but true.

We are heretics, we do not 'believe'. Truth, it is said, is the daughter of Time. Soon it will be six years. I understand that in ten or fifteen years time all the remaining evidence will be made public. You are sitting on a time bomb of your own making.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Empty Re: Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up - by Himself

Post by marxman 02.10.12 10:35

..... we know Madeleine did not wander off by herself.

Yes indeed, but could she have wandered off

with a member of your tapas friends? The same

lot who have drawn up a 'pact of silence.'

Why have the Mccanns protected a motley crew

who they really didn't know for sure?

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Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up -  by Himself Empty Re: Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Re-Up - by Himself

Post by PeterMac 02.10.12 10:38

Woofer wrote:
sami wrote:I particularly like this quote from Kate :
If the general public (and the Portuguese people in particular) are
bombarded day in and day out with such theories, this will eventually
'colour' their understanding and judgement -lies and inaccuracies become

So true Mrs McCann, so so true.

That statement glared out at me too. Can`t have people`s understanding and judgment being coloured can we, particularly by the TRUTH - now that will never do. Can`t have alternative thinking can we.
Indeed not. Alternative Thinking is an offence punishable by imprisonment and unlimited fine.

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