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Falling incident Mm11

Falling incident Regist10
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Falling incident Mm11

Falling incident Regist10

Falling incident

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Falling incident Empty Falling incident

Post by Anon32 11.12.17 8:53

Hi all.

Very strange indeed this perfect embedded confession from the mother herself....Based on G Amaral's findings of an accidental death behind the blue sofa...Now go have a read in Kate's book Madeleine on page 135....Prayer to God: Please keep them all safe (The family of 5) "Please don't let them fall off something and bang their heads, or please don't let them be involved in a car accident"....Go figure....

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Falling incident Empty Re: Falling incident

Post by sharonl 11.12.17 22:29

Kate has been trying to tell us something for years.


Please don't let them fall off something and bang their heads

It didn't happen due us leaving the kids alone, I know it happened under other circumstances

I am haunted by Madeleine

I go to Madeleines' room everyday to speak with her

I wish that there was a car crash and we could all be together again

I hope that she is in a better place

Then we have:

The open bible

Kates' dream that Madeleine was buried on a hill

The very graphic & horrific quote from her book, about Madeleine lying on a grey slab with torn genitals

Kates' lyrics to the song "you are my sunshine" which included the words "please don't take my Madeleine away"

The shrine & the rosary in the bedroom

The wearing of green and yellow which signifies light & resurrection
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Falling incident Empty Re: Falling incident

Post by worriedmum 11.12.17 22:47

Just posted this on another thread, but it concerns me
'Im Madeleine's mummy and I know that she was taken (in?from?)the apartment and I know she's out there' (Antenna TV interview)

'That's when I noticed that Madeleine was there' (Sandra Felgueiras interview 2010)

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Falling incident Empty Re: Falling incident

Post by Guest 12.12.17 0:36

worriedmum wrote:Just posted this on another thread, but it concerns me
'Im Madeleine's mummy and I know that she was taken (in?from?)the apartment and I know she's out there' (Antenna TV interview)

'That's when I noticed that Madeleine was there' (Sandra Felgueiras interview 2010)
1. " I'm Madeleine's mummy and I know she was taken from that apartment and I know she's out there...."

2.  "That's when I noticed Madeleine was(n't) there....  and then I went through to our room and she was(n't) there.... "

The sound is less than perfect.  I don't think there is anything untoward here - if you think about it, after all those months perfecting the act, it's very unlikely either she or her husband would make such a crass slip of the tongue.

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Falling incident Empty Re: Falling incident

Post by Anon32 12.12.17 6:02

It is indeed also strange that she wears socks with her sandals (Must habe been chilly) but yet wears a sun hat so she doesn't get sunburnt(Sunshine) How does that add up? How does she have a gap in her teeth in the tennis balls photo yet in the playground photo and all others none? I bet had the sniffer dogs been in the apartment before their arrival they would not pick up a single scent....How could Gerry also announce an anniversary one year ahead not knowing that the 'kidnapped'girl could turn up at any moment? Why did the priest say he was deceived by them. Was the priest not questioned? If my child went missing I would literally go searching in every single continent and country yet they've only been to their own countries of interest for whatever reason. If this was an abduction there would have been little to no inconsistencies whatsoever. Why are these people still free if its all so obvious to even a 10 year old?? That is why this world will be destructed and come to an end and wars break out because where is the justice?? We might as well let all criminals free....Maddie's make up photo was taken in front of that strange background. Have the parents ever been questioned about exactly where it was taken and then investigate that said location and place to see if it matches up?? As Gerry clearly said in the video on the shuttle he is not there to enjoy himself...Why was he there and what made him think he wouldn't? Kate said in her book it was a well deserved holiday and they were all looking forward to it. As for the clear discrepancies in the pool photo? That little girl was definitely not okay on Thursday why is there so much emphasis on placing her in certain places and emphasis that she was okay and happy but no other memories of particular little things and photos to prove it? Kate said the maintenance men came to fix first the washing machine..Then the shutters. So why did she then have the washing machine fixed that wasn't working as she had clothes taken to the laundromat service in the complex after the disappearance if she could have aslo just done laundry in the apartment seeing as the machine was fixed and conveniently a day later their daughter goes missing supposedly out the "jemmied"shutters that they had fixed. There is absolutely NO evidence of a break in or anyone being in the apt other than the parents so there is the answer simple as that and yet the parents don't even get taken for neglect? Do scanners at airports have footage saved? Were those checked by the police to try see what was in their luggage when they boarded the plane and do the contents match what was found or left at the apt?  The PJ confirmed there was no medication in the apartment..Strange. Surely they would have packed medicine. They could at least then try determine what they could have gotten rid of after the fact. Just a thought

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Falling incident Empty Re: Falling incident

Post by MayMuse 12.12.17 12:21

worriedmum wrote:Just posted this on another thread, but it concerns me
'Im Madeleine's mummy and I know that she was taken (in?from?)the apartment and I know she's out there' (Antenna TV interview)

'That's when I noticed that Madeleine was there' (Sandra Felgueiras interview 2010)
A very  noticeable "was" and her pleading look a towards her husband who steps in.... I do believe a slip of the tongue as KM recalled her account and possibly her brain was giving her visuals of when she actually found Madeleine ?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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