'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
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'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
'madeleine' – Discrepancies and Observations
Below are some points mentioned in Kate McCann’s book “Madeleine” where she may not be 100% accurate. (Page numbers in the tables refer to the electronic version. In the text below the tables, the first page number is to the hardback version and the second is to the electronic version.)
Page 56/31 : “In spite of what we’d been told about booking the Tapas restaurant, Rachael managed to get a table for nine at 8.30pm pencilled in for the rest of the week after having a word with the receptionist at the pool and Tapas area.”
Luisa Coutinho’s statement says that the block booking was made by one of the male members of the party on Sunday; the rogatory interviews with the McCann party say it was made by Rachael on Monday. Unfortunately it’s impossible to ascertain which account is correct as the document to which Kate refers isn’t amongst those released by the Portuguese authorities.
Page 57/32 : “that I ran back to our apartment for my camera to record the occasion. One of my photographs is known around the world now: a smiling Madeleine clutching armfuls of tennis balls.”
According to Rachel Oldfield, it was Jane Tanner who took the ‘Tennis Balls photo’. From her rogatory interview : “Madeleine and E**a and their sort of group came to have a tennis lesson as part of their creche activities, erm and Kate didn’t have her camera and Jane was there then as well and Jane took some photos of both Madeleine and E**a, that’s one, that poster of Madeleine with the tennis balls, that sort of pictures.”
Page 57/32 : “In the afternoon Gerry and I decided to take the children down to the beach.”
Kate is clearly placing this event on Tuesday afternoon (May 1st). However, the creche records show Maddie signing out of the creche at 12:20 and back in at 14:30 for the rest of the afternoon (see the sheet for the twins). Monday(30th) is the more likely day for the visit to the beach, between 12:10 and 15:15.
Page 65/36 : “We heard later that they’d been on a speedboat as well as a dinghy. Fiona told me she’d spotted Ella there but not Madeleine.”
Jane Tanner says that Fiona Payne saw both Ella and Madeleine. From her rogatory interview “Yeah, erm, I think we met Dave and Fi coming back and they said they’d seen Madeleine and Exxxx on a boat, because they’d taken the kids sailing that morning, so they said ‘Oh we’ve seen Madeleine and Exxxx on a boat down there’.”
Page 66/37 : “I remember feeling fleetingly disappointed that we hadn’t known they were all heading for the beach, as it might have been nice to have joined them, especially for the kids.”
Fiona Payne says that McCanns were told of the afternoons’ beach arrangements. In her rogatory interview : “So, again, that’s generally why we didn’t see them because they had things booked to do in the afternoon without the kids and we didn’t. So, you know, we had asked them but, you know, they had tennis lessons or something. So, yeah, we all headed, we headed off and then, once we were on the beach, …..”
Page 66/37 : “I had finished my run by five-thirty at the Tapas area, where I found Madeleine and the twins already having their tea with Gerry. “
The creche records show that Kate signed Sean and Amelie out at 5:25 and Madeleine at 5:30.
Page 68/37 : “She asked if she could wear my engagement ring, which she often liked to do”
Maybe not Kate’s engagement ring, but her wedding ring. From Kate’s diary, published in the News of the World 13/09/2008 : “I have clear recollections of that night. You were so tired. After your baths, you sat on my knee and put my wedding ring on your finger.”
Page 69/38 : “In fact, we’d wondered about doing that [have a leisurely dinner in the sitting room or on the veranda] tonight”
From ITV’s ‘One Year On’ programme, they’d also considered all going to another restaurant, the Millennium. “It was just because the walk was so long and we didn’t have a buggy and the kids were tired by that time and I thought we were, you know we did talk about going up to the Millennium that night.”
Page 69/38 : “We exited via the patio doors at the back, facing the restaurant and pool area, just as we had done the previous three nights.” And “After ordering his food, Gerry left to do the first check just before 9.05 by his watch. He entered the apartment via the patio doors “
And yet Gerry’s first statement states “Thus, at 9.05 pm, the deponent entered the club [i.e. the apartment], using his key, the door being locked,”, though his second statement says “At 21H05, ….. He walked the normal route up to the back door, which being open he only had to slide”. This is strange. By Thursday, the routine was that they checked via the patio doors which is why they left them open, and according to the book and Gerry’s second statement, that was how he’d come in. So why the confusion in Gerry’s first, detailed, statement?
Page 71/39 : “Then I noticed that the door to the children’s bedroom was open quite wide, not how we had left it. ….. Suddenly it slammed shut, as if caught by a draught.”
“Quite wide” or “completely open”? Both Kate and Gerry’s first statements say “and saw right away that the children’s bedroom door was completely open,”. And there is no mention of the door slamming in any of their statements.
Page 72/40 : “Everybody sprinted back to our apartment, except for Dianne, who remained in the Tapas area, and Jane, who was away from the table seeing to her kids.”
“Sprinted” or walked? From David Payne’s rogatory interview : “and as we were walking up towards the flat she said err you know they’ve taken her and it was, you know, and I know there’s been a controversy about what was actually said but you know that is very accurately what had been said.”
Page 75/42: “Scared for them, too, I placed the palms of my hands on their backs to check for chest movement, basically, for some sign of life.”
It seems Matthew Oldfield had no problems seeing the twins were breathing without even entering the room. From his rogatory interview : “‘You could see the shapes and you could see they were breathing, you’d stop and look and you could see they were sort of breathing ….. You could make out that it wasn’t blankets and just something piled there, you could see the chest moving”
Page 75/42 : “Then a lady appeared on a balcony – I’m fairly certain this was about 11pm, before the police arrived – and, in a plummy voice, inquired, ‘Can someone tell me what all the noise is about?’ I explained as clearly as I was able, given the state I was in, that my little girl had been stolen from her bed, ….”
The lady on the balcony, Mrs Pamela Fenn, makes no mentions of Kate speaking to her. In her statement, she says “Mrs Fenn then saw that it was the mother of little Madeleine who was shouting furiously. Upon leaning over the terrace, after having seen the mother, Mrs Fenn asked the father, Gerry, what was happening to which he replied that a small girl had been abducted. When asked, she replied that she did not leave her apartment, just spoke to Gerry from her balcony, which had a view over the terrace of the floor below. She found it strange that Gerry when said that a girl had been abducted, he did not mention that it was his daughter and that he did not mention any other scenarios.”
Page 144/79 : “Saturdays had become family days: a bittersweet idea.”
Saturdays were the only days the creche was closed; this was the day that guests at the complex arrived and left.
Page 206/113 : “Left with only the clothes we were wearing, we were all asked to leave the villa.”
Kate and Gerry will have chosen to leave the villa, as the search warrant states “mentioning that they can be present during the search and be accompanied or substituted by someone of confidence will be delivered.”
[url=http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/DOGS_INSPECTION.htm# p8p2085]http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/DOGS_INSPECTION.htm# p8p2085[/url]
Page 219/120 : “Did they really believe that a dog could smell the ‘odour of death’ three months later from a body that had been removed so swiftly?”
While Kate is correct in that it takes time for chemical reactions to produce the ‘odour of death’ that a cadaver dog would detect (90 minutes or less depending on local conditions) , there is no record of any suggestion that the body had been removed swiftly. Only Kate that has put forward this scenario.
Page 243/134 : “Then came the best bit. My lawyer Carlos Pinto de Abreu announced what police had proposed. If we, or rather I, admitted that Madeleine had died in an accident in the apartment, and confessed to having hidden and disposed of her body, the sentence I’d receive would be much more lenient: only two years, he said, as opposed to what I’d be looking at if I ended up being charged with homicide.”
This differs from the statement Philomena McCann gave to the press the next day, in a couple of ways.”They tried to get her to confess to having accidentally killed Madeleine by offering her a deal through her lawyer – ‘if you say you killed Madeleine by accident and then hid her and disposed of the body, then we can guarantee you a two-year jail sentence or even less’.” . Firstly the book makes no mention of Kate [accidentally] killing Madeleine, and secondly there’s no mention of any sort of deal either (the concept of the ‘plea bargain’, as seen in many an American court-room drama, does not exist in Portugal). It sounds like, having given the family the “green light to voice their outrage”, Kate is now backtracking in the book.
Page 328/182 : “Jane’s description had not been released to the public before the Irish witnesses made their statements), I am staggered by how alike they are, almost identical in parts.”
“Almost identical in parts” maybe, but the Smiths describe the skin colour as “normal” whilst Jane describes her sighting as “dark skinned”. Also the Smiths all describe the hair as short and brown or light-brown, while Jane Tanner describes it as “long at the neck” and “very dark”.
Page 328/182 : “As a lawyer once said to me, apropos another matter, ‘One coincidence, two coincidences – maybe they’re still coincidences. Any more than that and it stops being coincidence.'”
Coincidentally, the cadaver and blood dogs only signalled at various locations relating to the McCanns despite being also presented with a variety of locations relating to their friends and Robert Murat.
Coincidentally the only couple not at the Paraiso Restaurant on May 3rd were the only couple to report their child missing that evening.
Coincidentally the only evening during the week that a parent did a visual check of children that weren’t their own was by Matthew Oldfield on the evening Madeleine disappeared, and coincidentally in doing so, he did not check the one McCann child that was missing.
Credits : The above points were initially compiled over several months by members of The Maddie Case Files forum.
Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
I found Kate's account of the PJ's departure interesting;
Page 87/88
The next thing I knew, the PJ officers were heading for the front door..... We probably could have stayed in our apartment, but who would have wanted to? Looking back, it’s inexplicable, of course, that we should ever have been left in what was now a crime scene.
According to the PJ, however, they were not left with access to 5A;
He then states that upon leaving the apartment was locked, leaving the space preserved for the GNR elements that were stationed next to the apartment.
Kate continues;
Page 88
Mark Warner had prepared another flat for us on the first floor of an adjacent block, but Gerry and I were in no condition to be on our own. We couldn’t look after ourselves, let alone the twins. So the staff put up two extra cots in Fiona and David’s apartment and we carried a sleepy Sean and Amelie into their sitting room.
According to the PJ the twins were moved before that;
A request was made to the OC services director for the family to be re-allocated and accordingly the babies were taken out of the room, so that the site could be searched.
Emma Knight was involved;
I remember the police asking everyone to leave the apartment. I received a call from John informing me that he had arranged for another apartment for the McCanns. I went to reception and helped Lyndsey to move the two cots to the new apartment
The McCanns went to the new apartment and I remember seeing Kate and Mrs Payne seated on the sofa, each holding one of the twins. I left the new apartment at 04.30 in the morning after instructions from John Hill. I was the last to leave, the police had already left, but I left my number saying that I was available for anything that might be needed.
So Emma left the McCanns and Fiona in the block 4 apartment at 4.30am, not in the Payne's apartment.
Page 88
I needed to keep them close to me. I lowered myself down on to the couch with Fiona. She took a twin from me and we both sat there hugging my children. Holding one of my babies provided me with some much-needed comfort, albeit fleetingly.
Is seems the twins were moved twice. Once to block 4, then after Emma left, back to the Payne's in block 5. Dianne seemed to think the twins came straight from 5A;
4078 ”Yeah. So after the twins had been brought up did Fiona and Dave stay in the apartment with you?”
Reply ”Yeah well at that point Kate and Gerry came up as well and err because the Police had decided to close off the apartment, bit late in the day but you know, they came up and what we did we got the, there was mattresses on the spare beds in the room where Lily was sleeping so we got them and put them on the floor in the lounge beside the twins so that they could rest, if not sleep, err but by this time it must have been about half past four, five o’ clock in the morning.”
She thinks the Paynes carried them in;
"I think Fiona and Dave carried them up"
But the parents carried them out of 5A;
the parents removed the twins
from the beds in which they were still sleeping and took them to the first floor flat.
It was that anomaly which led me to examine the story in more detail; parents take twins from flat, Payne's arrive carrying them.
My opinion is that the twins were taken to block 4 initially and Fiona or Emma stayed with them. The McCanns arrived and then after Emma left they all went to the Payne's apartment. Why this wasn't made clear I don't know. Perhaps it was seen as insensitive to move the twins twice. Interestingly also, they appeared to be as deeply asleep at 4.30 or 5am as they were earlier;
4078 ”But with all your experience of small children, you thought that was odd that they had not woken?”
Reply ”Oh yeah definitely. Well even err the noise that was going on in the apartment and they slept through it all.”
4078 ”Mm.”
Reply ”They were taken from their cots when they were brought up to our apartment and they would have to come out into the cold and I would have err I would have expected some sort of awakening.”
**the page numbers relate to the electronic version**
Page 87/88
The next thing I knew, the PJ officers were heading for the front door..... We probably could have stayed in our apartment, but who would have wanted to? Looking back, it’s inexplicable, of course, that we should ever have been left in what was now a crime scene.
According to the PJ, however, they were not left with access to 5A;
He then states that upon leaving the apartment was locked, leaving the space preserved for the GNR elements that were stationed next to the apartment.
Kate continues;
Page 88
Mark Warner had prepared another flat for us on the first floor of an adjacent block, but Gerry and I were in no condition to be on our own. We couldn’t look after ourselves, let alone the twins. So the staff put up two extra cots in Fiona and David’s apartment and we carried a sleepy Sean and Amelie into their sitting room.
According to the PJ the twins were moved before that;
A request was made to the OC services director for the family to be re-allocated and accordingly the babies were taken out of the room, so that the site could be searched.
Emma Knight was involved;
I remember the police asking everyone to leave the apartment. I received a call from John informing me that he had arranged for another apartment for the McCanns. I went to reception and helped Lyndsey to move the two cots to the new apartment
The McCanns went to the new apartment and I remember seeing Kate and Mrs Payne seated on the sofa, each holding one of the twins. I left the new apartment at 04.30 in the morning after instructions from John Hill. I was the last to leave, the police had already left, but I left my number saying that I was available for anything that might be needed.
So Emma left the McCanns and Fiona in the block 4 apartment at 4.30am, not in the Payne's apartment.
Page 88
I needed to keep them close to me. I lowered myself down on to the couch with Fiona. She took a twin from me and we both sat there hugging my children. Holding one of my babies provided me with some much-needed comfort, albeit fleetingly.
Is seems the twins were moved twice. Once to block 4, then after Emma left, back to the Payne's in block 5. Dianne seemed to think the twins came straight from 5A;
4078 ”Yeah. So after the twins had been brought up did Fiona and Dave stay in the apartment with you?”
Reply ”Yeah well at that point Kate and Gerry came up as well and err because the Police had decided to close off the apartment, bit late in the day but you know, they came up and what we did we got the, there was mattresses on the spare beds in the room where Lily was sleeping so we got them and put them on the floor in the lounge beside the twins so that they could rest, if not sleep, err but by this time it must have been about half past four, five o’ clock in the morning.”
She thinks the Paynes carried them in;
"I think Fiona and Dave carried them up"
But the parents carried them out of 5A;
the parents removed the twins
from the beds in which they were still sleeping and took them to the first floor flat.
It was that anomaly which led me to examine the story in more detail; parents take twins from flat, Payne's arrive carrying them.
My opinion is that the twins were taken to block 4 initially and Fiona or Emma stayed with them. The McCanns arrived and then after Emma left they all went to the Payne's apartment. Why this wasn't made clear I don't know. Perhaps it was seen as insensitive to move the twins twice. Interestingly also, they appeared to be as deeply asleep at 4.30 or 5am as they were earlier;
4078 ”But with all your experience of small children, you thought that was odd that they had not woken?”
Reply ”Oh yeah definitely. Well even err the noise that was going on in the apartment and they slept through it all.”
4078 ”Mm.”
Reply ”They were taken from their cots when they were brought up to our apartment and they would have to come out into the cold and I would have err I would have expected some sort of awakening.”
**the page numbers relate to the electronic version**
G-Unit- Posts : 358
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
@G-Unit - morning!
The issue you have raised has puzzled me for a while - succinctly put by the way, so thanks for doing the hard work and collating the relevant points. Much clearer view of it all now.
I just wonder whether the twins/McCanns did actually go back to the Payne's (5H) from the new apartment sorted out by Emma Knight and Lyndsey at the behest of John Hill.
Kate's Book
Page 88
Mark Warner had prepared another flat for us on the first floor of an adjacent block, but Gerry and I were in no condition to be on our own. We couldn’t look after ourselves, let alone the twins. So the staff put up two extra cots in Fiona and David’s apartment and we carried a sleepy Sean and Amelie into their sitting room.
But Emma Knight says nothing about putting another 2 cots in the Payne's apartment, and she left Kate, Fiona and the twins in 4G at 4.30am, when she says she was 'the last to leave', so who put more cots up in 5H? Why would Fiona not just stay with Kate in 4G rather than them all transfer again to 5H?
We know the McCanns were certainly in 4G early the following morning when various people gathered there.
The only witnesses to the McCanns and the twins being in 5H that night are various members of the Tapas 7. From Dianne's confused statement it seems possible that the Mcs and twins didn't end up there that night. And, why would anyone carry the 2 mattresses out from Lily's room (undoubtedly waking Lily up in the process) and put them on the floor for the Mcs to sleep on? Surely they would have layed down on the beds in Lily's room instead. Dianne could have kept an eye on the twins for waking up as she was supposedly sleeping on the sofa bed in the sitting room area.
Was there some reason for the Mcs to say they were in 5H when infact they were in 4G? Did they need 'witnesses' to the fact that they put there heads down and stayed put for a couple of hours? We are told that they went out very early the following morning but might they have gone out almost as soon as Emma Knight left? Interesting.....
The issue you have raised has puzzled me for a while - succinctly put by the way, so thanks for doing the hard work and collating the relevant points. Much clearer view of it all now.
I just wonder whether the twins/McCanns did actually go back to the Payne's (5H) from the new apartment sorted out by Emma Knight and Lyndsey at the behest of John Hill.
Kate's Book
Page 88
Mark Warner had prepared another flat for us on the first floor of an adjacent block, but Gerry and I were in no condition to be on our own. We couldn’t look after ourselves, let alone the twins. So the staff put up two extra cots in Fiona and David’s apartment and we carried a sleepy Sean and Amelie into their sitting room.
But Emma Knight says nothing about putting another 2 cots in the Payne's apartment, and she left Kate, Fiona and the twins in 4G at 4.30am, when she says she was 'the last to leave', so who put more cots up in 5H? Why would Fiona not just stay with Kate in 4G rather than them all transfer again to 5H?
We know the McCanns were certainly in 4G early the following morning when various people gathered there.
The only witnesses to the McCanns and the twins being in 5H that night are various members of the Tapas 7. From Dianne's confused statement it seems possible that the Mcs and twins didn't end up there that night. And, why would anyone carry the 2 mattresses out from Lily's room (undoubtedly waking Lily up in the process) and put them on the floor for the Mcs to sleep on? Surely they would have layed down on the beds in Lily's room instead. Dianne could have kept an eye on the twins for waking up as she was supposedly sleeping on the sofa bed in the sitting room area.
Was there some reason for the Mcs to say they were in 5H when infact they were in 4G? Did they need 'witnesses' to the fact that they put there heads down and stayed put for a couple of hours? We are told that they went out very early the following morning but might they have gone out almost as soon as Emma Knight left? Interesting.....
skyrocket- Posts : 755
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
The PJ left about 4am, then the McCanns went to the Paynes, according to Kate's book.
Kate also mentions Gerry and David going out to search after they all arrived at the Payne's flat;
Page 88 On my insistence, Gerry and Dave went out again to look for some sign of Madeleine. They went up and down the beach in the dark, running, shouting, desperate to find something;
Gerry and David were seen by a GNR officer. They were searching for a church too, apparently;
at about 04.00 when Gerry McCann approached the GNR group of which he was a member to ask whether there was a church close by. He replied to him in English, giving the directions to a nearby church.
Kate also went out;
Page 88 I walked briskly up and down Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, sometimes breaking into a jog, clinging to the hope that I’d spot something in the dark
He remembers that during a brief rest period at about 04.00, Madeleine's mother asked whether there was any news and whether the roads had been blocked off.
According to Dianne, however, no-one went out after they arrived at the Payne's flat with the twins except the McCanns together at dawn, so those outings were from the block 4 flat.
So if the PJ left at 4am they didn't leave the McCanns in 5A as Kate insinuates; they were already in block 4 with the twins, both Paynes and Emma Knight. At 4am Gerry, David and Kate were all out and about.
Emma left them in block 4 at 4.30am. They then decamped to the Payne's. I wonder what their outings at 4am were about? Wasn't it a bit late to be running around the beach? Locals, staff and the GNR (with dogs) had been doing that all night. Kate was also covering old ground. Perhaps they were checking who was around? It was getting quieter by then as people went home. Perhaps the twins were moved to the Payne's so the McCanns could go out again together shortly after. I doubt if there were any supplies in the block 4 flat but Fiona probably had breakfast items and drinks if the twins woke up before they returned. She would also be there for her own children; Dianne didn't seem all that keen on them in my opinion. She preferred a bed settee in the living room to a bed in the same room as her granddaughter.
Kate also mentions Gerry and David going out to search after they all arrived at the Payne's flat;
Page 88 On my insistence, Gerry and Dave went out again to look for some sign of Madeleine. They went up and down the beach in the dark, running, shouting, desperate to find something;
Gerry and David were seen by a GNR officer. They were searching for a church too, apparently;
at about 04.00 when Gerry McCann approached the GNR group of which he was a member to ask whether there was a church close by. He replied to him in English, giving the directions to a nearby church.
Kate also went out;
Page 88 I walked briskly up and down Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, sometimes breaking into a jog, clinging to the hope that I’d spot something in the dark
He remembers that during a brief rest period at about 04.00, Madeleine's mother asked whether there was any news and whether the roads had been blocked off.
According to Dianne, however, no-one went out after they arrived at the Payne's flat with the twins except the McCanns together at dawn, so those outings were from the block 4 flat.
So if the PJ left at 4am they didn't leave the McCanns in 5A as Kate insinuates; they were already in block 4 with the twins, both Paynes and Emma Knight. At 4am Gerry, David and Kate were all out and about.
Emma left them in block 4 at 4.30am. They then decamped to the Payne's. I wonder what their outings at 4am were about? Wasn't it a bit late to be running around the beach? Locals, staff and the GNR (with dogs) had been doing that all night. Kate was also covering old ground. Perhaps they were checking who was around? It was getting quieter by then as people went home. Perhaps the twins were moved to the Payne's so the McCanns could go out again together shortly after. I doubt if there were any supplies in the block 4 flat but Fiona probably had breakfast items and drinks if the twins woke up before they returned. She would also be there for her own children; Dianne didn't seem all that keen on them in my opinion. She preferred a bed settee in the living room to a bed in the same room as her granddaughter.
G-Unit- Posts : 358
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
"On my insistence, Gerry and Dave went out to look for some sign of Madeleine"
Off they go to the beach. Gerry asks about the location of a church, the witness places him at the location in a statement.
Kate goes to Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, she asks if road blocks have been set up. Again, the witness places Kate at the location.
Was that the point of going outside, to be seen searching, and making sure they were seen by entering into dialogue?
Just a thought.
Off they go to the beach. Gerry asks about the location of a church, the witness places him at the location in a statement.
Kate goes to Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, she asks if road blocks have been set up. Again, the witness places Kate at the location.
Was that the point of going outside, to be seen searching, and making sure they were seen by entering into dialogue?
Just a thought.
JRP- Posts : 601
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
A good point JRP.
G-Unit- Posts : 358
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
Emma Knight makes no mention whatsoever of apartment numbers in her witness statement, nor precise location, only an alternative apartment arranged by John Hill. Her colleague Lyndsay Wagstaff, doesn't refer to the McCanns relocation at all in her witness statement.G-Unit wrote:My opinion is that the twins were taken to block 4 initially and Fiona or Emma stayed with them. The McCanns arrived and then after Emma left they all went to the Payne's apartment. Why this wasn't made clear I don't know. Perhaps it was seen as insensitive to move the twins twice. Interestingly also, they appeared to be as deeply asleep at 4.30 or 5am as they were earlier;
It stands to reason that Mark Warners would offer the McCanns alternative accommodation - they had no choice under the circumstances. It stands to reason that in-spite of this provision, initially the worse thing that could happen would be for the McCann family to be left alone to adjust to a new apartment, whether Madeleine had genuinely disappeared or not. It stands to reason they would initially be accommodated with their friends - in this case David and Fiona Payne.
As I say, Emma Knight makes no reference to apartment numbers, she only says they arranged for two cots to be provided in the alternative accommodation - this could easily have been the Payne's apartment.
Besides, what possible reason could there be for moving the twins from apartment 5a, to another apartment and then moving them to another? Personally, I believe they were initially moved to the Paynes apartment, I can see no reason to think otherwise.
Quite a bit later that night I remember the police asking everyone to leave the apartment. I received a call from John informing me that he had arranged for another apartment for the McCanns. I went to reception and helped Lyndsey to move the two cots to the new apartment
The McCanns went to the new apartment and I remember seeing Kate and Mrs Payne seated on the sofa, each holding one of the twins. I left the new apartment at 04.30 in the morning after instructions from John Hill. I was the last to leave, the police had already left, but I left my number saying that I was available for anything that might be needed.
Emma Knight witness statement - 30th April 2008 [Leicestershire police]
Guest- Guest
Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
What witnesses are they JRP, that place Gerry and Kate McCann at specific locations on the morning of 4th May after 4:00 am?JRP wrote:Off they go to the beach. Gerry asks about the location of a church, the witness places him at the location in a statement.
Kate goes to Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, she asks if road blocks have been set up. Again, the witness places Kate at the location.
Guest- Guest
Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
Carlos Manuel Carvalho Lacao, a GNR officer. He remembers during a brief rest period, at about 4am, Madeleine's mother asked if there was any news and if any roads were blocked off.
Rui Sergio Lopes Silva, a GNR officer. He says, he only had direct contact with the couple and their friends at around 4am, when Gerry McCann approached the GNR group of which he was a member to ask whether their was a church close by.
While both state the time of their sightings/meetings, neither of them state the location where they saw the parents.
Therefore the source of the story that Gerry McCann was on the beach at 4am, and Kate McCann was on on Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva at 4am is Kate McCann's Book, not the PJ Files.
Strange that Kate says the GNR officer Rui Sergio Lopes Silva, bumped into Gerry and Dave, but the officer states he had direct contact with the couple and their friends. Which puts both parents together, not at separate locations as Kate implies. Also, he states he had direct contact with their friends, which implies a group of friends, rather than just Dave.
This statement from GNR officer Carlos Manuel Carvalho Lacao, implies that the meeting he had with Kate was in the apartment.
"When they entered the apartment they did not speak to anyone, not wanting to get in the way of other GNR officers present. During the searches they only spoke to the sergeant, from Lagos GNR post, with a GNR officer and a security guard who was present, he does not remember what company he was from. The conversation was about whether they had found anything.
He remembers that during a brief rest period at about 4am, Madeleine's mother asked whether there was any news and whether any roads had been blocked off".
Carlos Manuel Carvalho Lacao, a GNR officer. He remembers during a brief rest period, at about 4am, Madeleine's mother asked if there was any news and if any roads were blocked off.
Rui Sergio Lopes Silva, a GNR officer. He says, he only had direct contact with the couple and their friends at around 4am, when Gerry McCann approached the GNR group of which he was a member to ask whether their was a church close by.
While both state the time of their sightings/meetings, neither of them state the location where they saw the parents.
Therefore the source of the story that Gerry McCann was on the beach at 4am, and Kate McCann was on on Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva at 4am is Kate McCann's Book, not the PJ Files.
Strange that Kate says the GNR officer Rui Sergio Lopes Silva, bumped into Gerry and Dave, but the officer states he had direct contact with the couple and their friends. Which puts both parents together, not at separate locations as Kate implies. Also, he states he had direct contact with their friends, which implies a group of friends, rather than just Dave.
This statement from GNR officer Carlos Manuel Carvalho Lacao, implies that the meeting he had with Kate was in the apartment.
"When they entered the apartment they did not speak to anyone, not wanting to get in the way of other GNR officers present. During the searches they only spoke to the sergeant, from Lagos GNR post, with a GNR officer and a security guard who was present, he does not remember what company he was from. The conversation was about whether they had found anything.
He remembers that during a brief rest period at about 4am, Madeleine's mother asked whether there was any news and whether any roads had been blocked off".
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
Book, p. 80
On my insistence, Gerry and Dave went out again to look for some sign of Madeleine. They went up and down the beach in the dark, running, shouting, desperate to find something; please God, to find Madeleine herself.
This is AFTER they had relocated to the Payne’s apartment, after she and Fiona has sat down with the twins
and suddenly Kate has to INSIST that Gerry goes to look for Madeleine. Not suggest, or ask.
INSIST = demand something forcefully, not accepting a refusal.
Demand, require, dictate, exhort . . .
Why ?
As JRP observes,
so that he shall be SEEN to be searching ?
Gerry clearly knows there is no point, but hasn’t worked out that he has to pretend.
Secondly - how could she know that he ran up and down the beach
And why would he go all the way to the beach, rather than working slowly outwards from the apartment
It is so clearly a total invention, a role play that has not been fully thought through, as when later Gerry goes to sleep.
Why did she not claim he was searching all night ?
On my insistence, Gerry and Dave went out again to look for some sign of Madeleine. They went up and down the beach in the dark, running, shouting, desperate to find something; please God, to find Madeleine herself.
This is AFTER they had relocated to the Payne’s apartment, after she and Fiona has sat down with the twins
and suddenly Kate has to INSIST that Gerry goes to look for Madeleine. Not suggest, or ask.
INSIST = demand something forcefully, not accepting a refusal.
Demand, require, dictate, exhort . . .
Why ?
As JRP observes,
so that he shall be SEEN to be searching ?
Gerry clearly knows there is no point, but hasn’t worked out that he has to pretend.
Secondly - how could she know that he ran up and down the beach
And why would he go all the way to the beach, rather than working slowly outwards from the apartment
It is so clearly a total invention, a role play that has not been fully thought through, as when later Gerry goes to sleep.
Why did she not claim he was searching all night ?
Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
According to Dianne Webster they didn't arrive at the Payne apartment until 4.30 or 5am. Gerry, Kate and David were out before that, so they did not go out from the Payne apartment, but from the McCann's new apartment where Emma Knight left them at 4,30am. (Note Dianne's reluctance to answer a simple question);
4078 ”Yeah. So after the twins had been brought up did Fiona and Dave stay in the apartment with you?”
Reply ”Yeah well at that point Kate and Gerry came up as well......
4078 ”Once they arrived at your apartment did they stay there a while or do you remember them leaving?”
Reply ”Err I think, I think, I think they stayed there because it was very late...............by this time it must have been about half past four, five o’ clock in the morning.”
**the dots indicate text skipped because I only included the relevant bits**
4078 ”Yeah. So after the twins had been brought up did Fiona and Dave stay in the apartment with you?”
Reply ”Yeah well at that point Kate and Gerry came up as well......
4078 ”Once they arrived at your apartment did they stay there a while or do you remember them leaving?”
Reply ”Err I think, I think, I think they stayed there because it was very late...............by this time it must have been about half past four, five o’ clock in the morning.”
**the dots indicate text skipped because I only included the relevant bits**
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
I don't believe for a second that Kate McCann wrote the book 'madeleine', it was a ghost writer using the McCann diary notes as a working document. Writing a book, particularly a novel, requires literary skill and natural talent - neither of which does Kate McCann show any aptitude.
Take for example..
"Gerry, David, Russell and Matt split into pairs and dashed around the adjacent apartment blocks, meeting back at our flat within a couple of minutes. Just after ten past ten, Gerry asked Matt to run to the Ocean Club’s twenty-four-hour reception to get the staff to call the police...
"I vividly recall sobbing, ‘Not Madeleine, not Madeleine, not Madeleine.’ I was trying so hard to suppress the negative voice in my head tormenting me with the words, ‘She’s gone. She’s gone.’ Even now, when the dark clouds close in on me, I find myself shaking my head manically and repeating over and over again, ‘Not Madeleine, not Madeleine. Please God, not my Madeleine....
"I was just so overwhelmed by fear, helplessness and frustration, I was hitting out at things, banging my fists on the metal railing of the veranda, trying to expel the intolerable pain inside me. Gerry had been over to the Mini Club above the twenty-four-hour reception, thinking that if Madeleine had been left somewhere, she might possibly make her way back to any place that was familiar to her. Our friends were running to and from the Tapas area, pleading with people to ring the police again from there....
"Gerry, meanwhile, was running from pillar to post, urging me to remain in the apartment with the twins so that I’d be on hand if Madeleine was found and brought back there. He’d asked Fiona to stay with me. I was in our bedroom, on my knees beside the bed, just praying and praying and praying, begging God and Our Lady to protect Madeleine and help us find her. They had heard many a supplication from me in the past but none so intense, nor so important, as these.....
"Friday 4 May. Our first day without Madeleine. As soon as it was light Gerry and I resumed our search. We went up and down roads we’d never seen before, having barely left the Ocean Club complex all week. We jumped over walls and raked through undergrowth. We looked in ditches and holes. All was quiet apart from the sound of barking dogs, which added to the eeriness of the atmosphere. I remember opening a big dumpster-type bin and saying to myself, please God, don’t let her be in here. The most striking and horrific thing about all this was that we were completely alone. Nobody else, it seemed, was out looking for Madeleine. Just us, her parents.....
Move over Barbara Cartland - there's a new kid on the block!
The book is the definitive innocent explanation for anything and everything the police may, or may not have found, with a generous helping of exaggerated poetic licence. 'madeleine' by Kate McCann, the McCanns witness statements and their friends witness statements (and a few 'witnesses' on the periphery) are a tissue of lies, contradictions and deceit. It's impossible to make any sense of the case from that alone. Indeed, that was the problem faced by the PJ from the very beginning which they soon started to realise - by then it was too late :<(
Take for example..
"Gerry, David, Russell and Matt split into pairs and dashed around the adjacent apartment blocks, meeting back at our flat within a couple of minutes. Just after ten past ten, Gerry asked Matt to run to the Ocean Club’s twenty-four-hour reception to get the staff to call the police...
"I vividly recall sobbing, ‘Not Madeleine, not Madeleine, not Madeleine.’ I was trying so hard to suppress the negative voice in my head tormenting me with the words, ‘She’s gone. She’s gone.’ Even now, when the dark clouds close in on me, I find myself shaking my head manically and repeating over and over again, ‘Not Madeleine, not Madeleine. Please God, not my Madeleine....
"I was just so overwhelmed by fear, helplessness and frustration, I was hitting out at things, banging my fists on the metal railing of the veranda, trying to expel the intolerable pain inside me. Gerry had been over to the Mini Club above the twenty-four-hour reception, thinking that if Madeleine had been left somewhere, she might possibly make her way back to any place that was familiar to her. Our friends were running to and from the Tapas area, pleading with people to ring the police again from there....
"Gerry, meanwhile, was running from pillar to post, urging me to remain in the apartment with the twins so that I’d be on hand if Madeleine was found and brought back there. He’d asked Fiona to stay with me. I was in our bedroom, on my knees beside the bed, just praying and praying and praying, begging God and Our Lady to protect Madeleine and help us find her. They had heard many a supplication from me in the past but none so intense, nor so important, as these.....
"Friday 4 May. Our first day without Madeleine. As soon as it was light Gerry and I resumed our search. We went up and down roads we’d never seen before, having barely left the Ocean Club complex all week. We jumped over walls and raked through undergrowth. We looked in ditches and holes. All was quiet apart from the sound of barking dogs, which added to the eeriness of the atmosphere. I remember opening a big dumpster-type bin and saying to myself, please God, don’t let her be in here. The most striking and horrific thing about all this was that we were completely alone. Nobody else, it seemed, was out looking for Madeleine. Just us, her parents.....
Move over Barbara Cartland - there's a new kid on the block!
The book is the definitive innocent explanation for anything and everything the police may, or may not have found, with a generous helping of exaggerated poetic licence. 'madeleine' by Kate McCann, the McCanns witness statements and their friends witness statements (and a few 'witnesses' on the periphery) are a tissue of lies, contradictions and deceit. It's impossible to make any sense of the case from that alone. Indeed, that was the problem faced by the PJ from the very beginning which they soon started to realise - by then it was too late :<(
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
I'm surprised it was ever released....it's a "working" statement that any police since 2011 and currently looking at the " last throw of the dice" could quite nail the " b***ards that took hid Madeleine?"
Just reading between the lines!
She's Gone"..................
Just reading between the lines!
She's Gone"..................
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: 'madeleine' - Discrepancies and Observations
Dear Mr and Mrs McCann - did you or did you not physically search for your daughter on the night of 3rd/4th May 2007?
Kate McCann witness statement - 4th May 2007
The group immediately headed to the club, and set about searching in all the buildings, swimming pool, tennis courts etc. as well as in the apartment with the help of employees.
Gerry McCann witness statement 4th May 2007
Immediately, the group headed for the club and searched across all the facilities, swimming pool, tennis etc., as well as in the apartment, with the help of Ocean Club employees, while at the same time they contacted the authorities, that would later appear.
Gerry McCann witness statement - 10th May 2007
They continued with searches outside, around the various apartment blocks, the deponent having asked MATTHEW to go to the secondary reception in order to communicate the fact to the local police, since he had no doubt that his daughter had been abducted.
Gerry McCann statement as arguido - 7th September 2007
When asked why instead of scouring the land next to the complex they remained inside the apartment, he replies that it did not happen that way. While the guests and resort workers were searching, he went to the main reception to check whether they had called the Police, and told Kate to wait inside the apartment. After returning from the reception he went back into the apartment where he stayed in the living room and in their bedroom.
Is that an emphatic no that I hear?
Kate McCann witness statement - 4th May 2007
The group immediately headed to the club, and set about searching in all the buildings, swimming pool, tennis courts etc. as well as in the apartment with the help of employees.
Gerry McCann witness statement 4th May 2007
Immediately, the group headed for the club and searched across all the facilities, swimming pool, tennis etc., as well as in the apartment, with the help of Ocean Club employees, while at the same time they contacted the authorities, that would later appear.
Gerry McCann witness statement - 10th May 2007
They continued with searches outside, around the various apartment blocks, the deponent having asked MATTHEW to go to the secondary reception in order to communicate the fact to the local police, since he had no doubt that his daughter had been abducted.
Gerry McCann statement as arguido - 7th September 2007
When asked why instead of scouring the land next to the complex they remained inside the apartment, he replies that it did not happen that way. While the guests and resort workers were searching, he went to the main reception to check whether they had called the Police, and told Kate to wait inside the apartment. After returning from the reception he went back into the apartment where he stayed in the living room and in their bedroom.
Is that an emphatic no that I hear?
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