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 From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available! Mm11

 From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available! Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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 From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available! Mm11

 From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available! Regist10

From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available!

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 From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available! Empty From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available!

Post by HiDeHo 09.08.17 16:04

We already have a topic open for Pats book, but as of today she is offering it FREE for the next 5 days...  Keeping in mind her other book was banned from Amazon, I wanted to bring it to everyones attention ASAP in case it suffers the same...

From Pat Brown - SHARE and get the book FREE while it's still available! Links on her blog.

"Get my book FREE for the next five days and write a review on Amazon in support of OTHER CHILDREN. Let the world and the McCanns and the media and the politicians know that OTHER CHILDREN MATTER.

#FREE until Monday #Amazon #Kindle "Ten Missing & Murdered Chilldren's Cases that Have Nothing to Do with Madeleine #McCann "

Note to Readers: This book is a satirical but truthful look at how the Madeleine McCann case has eclipsed all other missing and murdered children's cases much to their detriment. This is not an in-depth look at these ten cases but a comparison of what has happened to cases like these in the time of Madeleine McCann. Do they get any media? Do they get support? Do they get properly investigated? Or does the Madeleine McCann case always beat them out, stealing away most of the publicity and funding? We, the public, need to stand up for other missing and murdered children because the McCanns and the media and the politicians surely will not make any real effort to right the imbalance."

Media, Money, and the McCanns and Why Other Children Matter

The three M's... it seems they have been married for an entire decade and show no signs of breaking up any time soon. Just today, the Sun ran yet another appalling article on how time and money are running out for the McCanns (oh, really? Will this ever be so?) but there is HOPE that the Scotland Yard (faux) investigation will get another bit of money so that they can continue to carrying on the search for Maddie or her abductors or whatever the hell the investigators do besides laugh in their beer at this whole ridiculous charade.

And THIS is why I wrote Ten Missing and Murdered Children's Cases that have Nothing to do with Madeleine McCann. Because this whole investigation of children's cases is appalling lopsided and not because there is necessarily good reason for one case to get more financial and investigative support than another but because narcissistic and possibly guilty people like the McCanns have hijacked all the resources via very cooperative media and political conspirators.

HERE is what should be done:

There should be oversight on ALL missing and murdered children's cases (as well as adult cases) by a public commission of experts who log and monitor how these cases are being handled by the police, the press, and politicians.

They need to pressure all of these agencies for proper handling of cases and push for needed training, resources, and outreach.

Most cases are indeed solved in the first 48 because that is when a correct analysis of the case leads to the (SEE MORE on link)

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 From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available! Empty Re: From Pat Brown: get her new book FREE while it's still available!

Post by Keitei 09.08.17 23:37

You don't need #Kindle to read my new #truecrime book! Just download the #FREE copy & read on your computer. #mccann

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