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A few lies - Page 5 Mm11

A few lies - Page 5 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
Welcome to 'The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann' forum 🌹

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A few lies - Page 5 Mm11

A few lies - Page 5 Regist10

A few lies

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A few lies - Page 5 Empty Re: A few lies

Post by Guest 27.05.11 10:51

Didn't know where to put this video, so this will do as it's the top thread in this section. It's when Rachael Oldfield talks about recusitation..........why? wtf It's around 4mins into the video.............(sound poor need to turn it up)

[flash]object width="640" height="390">
Death Toll in McCann Case
A few lies - Page 5 Brunt_10
Gerry McCann called for an example to be made of 'trolls'. SKY reporter Martin Brunt doorstepped Brenda Leyland on 2 October 2014 after a 'Dossier' was handed in to Police by McCann supporters. She was then found dead in a Leicester hotel room two days later having, apparently, taken her own life. Brenda paid the price.
A few lies - Page 5 Jim_ga11
Ex-Deputy Chief Constable, Jim Gamble QPM congratulated SKY reporter Martin Brunt for doorstepping Brenda Leyland.
A Risky Gamble
A few lies - Page 5 Colins15

Colin Sahlke died suddenly in mysterious circumstances with a significant amount of morphine in his system. At the Inquest the coroner said there was no evidence as to how he had come to take morphine, and no needle mark was found. Gerry McCann had met Sahlke before he helped with the search but did not show any concern for his death. Link
A few lies - Page 5 Ricard10
Snr Gonçalo Amaral's cousin, Ricardo Cunha, shot dead in London Sept 2010. Murder still unsolved. Link
A few lies - Page 5 Kevin_10
Bloodied body of Kevin Halligen, who conned Maddie Fund of £583,00, is found dead at his Surrey mansion. Daily Mail
A few lies - Page 5 Martin11
Ex-Met DCI Colin Sutton: "The most likely scenario is that Madeleine was stolen to order by slave traders and smuggled into Africa for a rich family who wanted a white child."
A few lies - Page 5 Andy_r10
Ex-Met DCI Andy Redwood had a "revelation moment" on BBC1's Crimewatch on 14th October 2013 when he announced that Operation Grange had eliminated the Tanner sighting - which opened up the 'window' of opportunity' from 3 minutes to 45 minutes, in accordance with their remit, to allow the staged abduction to happen.
A few lies - Page 5 Rowley14
Former Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley made public on national TV that Operation Grange is a complete fraud.
Pat Brown, Criminal Profiler
A few lies - Page 5 Operat11
More than £12million spent so far on one victim.
A few lies - Page 5 Grenfe12
Grenfell: £5million shared between families of the 72 victims.

A few lies - Page 5 9_mp_t11
A few lies - Page 5 10_og_10

A few lies - Page 5 Sudden13