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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Mm11

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McCanns in Australia

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by lj 28.07.11 15:05


Must be a long wait for all 3 to toilet their teeth with the same brush. Wonder how other personal care task would have toiletted.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by kikoraton 28.07.11 15:29

Said Kate Mccann: the 'ludicrous' idea of their hire car being involved afterwards.
You may not know that "afterwards" does not necessarily mean 3 to 4 weeks later, when their hire of the car was documented. The car-hire records show an unexplained gap between 12 April and 8 May. It's my belief that this period of hire has been kept back from the public domain. It's a Rolls Royce to an electric phut-phut machine that somebody interesting hired that car between at least 28 April and 8 May, when it went back into general service.

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by Invinoveritas 28.07.11 16:20

kikoraton wrote:Said Kate Mccann: the 'ludicrous' idea of their hire car being involved afterwards.
You may not know that "afterwards" does not necessarily mean 3 to 4 weeks later, when their hire of the car was documented. The car-hire records show an unexplained gap between 12 April and 8 May. It's my belief that this period of hire has been kept back from the public domain. It's a Rolls Royce to an electric phut-phut machine that somebody interesting hired that car between at least 28 April and 8 May, when it went back into general service.

Very interesting, I wasn´t aware of that and it strengthens my personal opinion that Madeleine didn´t see the light of day on the 3rd of May

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Hygiene or lack of it in the McCann household

Post by Guest 28.07.11 16:28

LJ, you have created images in my head involving toothbrushes and toilets that I really would rather not have had! Kate's attempts to portray herself in her book and interviews as a wonderful caring mother are sickening but there are countless people, including normally sensible journalists, who have fallen hook, line and sinker for this absolute codswallop.

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by Ollie 28.07.11 18:13

This may have already been discussed so sorry if I am repeating, Kate acted out in her mockumentary (shown in the Australian interview) that when the door slammed she opened it and the curtains whooshed. In the Piers Morgan interview in May she says the curtains whooshed when she went back into Madeleines bedroom after searching their bedroom, not when she opened the door after it slammed. The more they tell the story the more inconsistencies.

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by Gillyspot 28.07.11 18:18

It is hard for liars to keep up the lies so after 4 years you would expect the stories to change somewhat. Mind the McCanns & T7 couldn't get their stories straight from the start.

Also you may see my name on here has changed from honeybunch. This is because I have been outed (by a hater LOL) on twitter & wanted to make more sense with my posts now.

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by Guest 28.07.11 18:46

Gillyspot wrote:It is hard for liars to keep up the lies so after 4 years you would expect the stories to change somewhat. Mind the McCanns & T7 couldn't get their stories straight from the start.

Also you may see my name on here has changed from honeybunch. This is because I have been outed (by a hater LOL) on twitter & wanted to make more sense with my posts now.

I wondered how you had managed to accumulate `174 posts big grin

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by Gillyspot 28.07.11 19:17

Gillyspot wrote:
I wondered how you had managed to accumulate `174 posts big grin

Well I type really fast thumbsup

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by lj 29.07.11 2:04

Jean wrote:LJ, you have created images in my head involving toothbrushes and toilets that I really would rather not have had! Kate's attempts to portray herself in her book and interviews as a wonderful caring mother are sickening but there are countless people, including normally sensible journalists, who have fallen hook, line and sinker for this absolute codswallop.

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he, the toilet - teeth association came really from Kate

so is the info of just one toothbrush for all

the rest are our dirty minds..... big grin

and as you know: a dirty mind is a joy forever

(one of the many variations on "a thing of beauty is a joy forever")

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by jd 29.07.11 2:10

I must admit when KM said toilet-teeth I did think yuk! what a thing to say to your children, like so many things this felt odd

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by kikoraton 29.07.11 8:37

I didn't read this toilet-teeth thingie.
But I expect that, equally, she used to order Gerry "shxx -shower-shave".
The thought that two GPs' kids would share a toothbrush is totally bizarre and incredible.

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty McCanns in Australia (not)

Post by Guest 29.07.11 9:07

The shared toothbrush story has in my opinion surpassed all Kate's silly stories to try to explain away the problems in her version of events. How she manages to keep a straight face when she comes out with this drivel I don't know. Give that woman an Oscar for her acting skills!

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by Miraflores 29.07.11 9:54

Marian wrote:The shared toothbrush story has in my opinion surpassed all Kate's silly stories to try to explain away the problems in her version of events.

I agree, but I would also award a prize to these two statements:

Her correction to the Australian interviewer when talking about the distance between the Tapas Bar and the apartment - 49.2m not 50m. As if this .8m matters! Just ignore the minor detail about the swimming pool and the wall between the two.

Or 'to be honest, we never made much about her eye.'

Both equally silly although not as gross.

How she manages to keep a straight face when she comes
out with this drivel I don't know. Give that woman an Oscar for her
acting skills!
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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by lj 29.07.11 13:46

another interesting one

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about the pathetic parents "needs", and certified by a professional.... titter

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by jd 29.07.11 13:57

Miraflores wrote:

Her correction to the Australian interviewer when talking about the distance between the Tapas Bar and the apartment - 49.2m not 50m. As if this .8m matters! Just ignore the minor detail about the swimming pool and the wall between the two.

Or 'to be honest, we never made much about her eye.'

Both equally silly although not as gross.

yes this 49.2 was a total sarcastic remark to have a dig at all the doubters to their made up story. You would think not only should they make much of the eye but also the rare birthmark on Maddies's left knee. I only found this out from reading their statements. Why don't they ever mention Maddie birthmark to the public? If anyone saw who they thought might be Maddie then this would be a strong indication it is her and the chance of anyone having both the eye and knee birthmark is extremely remote....But the McScams clearly do not want Maddie to be found

Why are they looking at photos of the girl in India and not checking these 2 marks? How would they know from photos its Maddie anyway as she has grown 4 years older since they last saw her, so even they could not be sure what she looks like now.....the whole world is confused to what Maddie actually looks like from all the different photos they have released of her


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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by Guest 29.07.11 14:04

jd wrote:
Miraflores wrote:

Her correction to the Australian interviewer when talking about the distance between the Tapas Bar and the apartment - 49.2m not 50m. As if this .8m matters! Just ignore the minor detail about the swimming pool and the wall between the two.

Or 'to be honest, we never made much about her eye.'

Both equally silly although not as gross.

yes this 49.2 was a total sarcastic remark to have a dig at all the doubters to their made up story. You would think not only should they make much of the eye but also the rare birthmark on Maddies's left knee. I only found this out from reading their statements. Why don't they ever mention Maddie birthmark to the public? If anyone saw who they thought might be Maddie then this would be a strong indication it is her and the chance of anyone having both the eye and knee birthmark is extremely remote....But the McScams clearly do not want Maddie to be found

Why are they looking at photos of the girl in India and not checking these 2 marks? How would they know from photos its Maddie anyway as she has grown 4 years older since they last saw her, so even they could not be sure what she looks like now.....the whole world is confused to what Maddie actually looks like from all the different photos they have released of her

What photo's jd? The police in Leh have said there isn't a girl. So if they have looked at photos where did they come from? And how come the police know nothing of this, surely if someone was taking photo's of a little girl the thought was Madeleine, they would have shown the police immediately. I would just like for someone to ask how did they get these photos.

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by jd 29.07.11 14:07

True. I was just going along with the Indian hoax just for arguments sake! laughat trying to make the point of why they don't ever mention her birthmark on her knee...and make light of the mark in her right eye. in the words of GM "Its a good marketing ploy"!!

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by PeterMac 29.07.11 14:17

49.2m ?
At p. 72 "I dashed over to the second bed, on the other side of the travel cots where the twins slept on, oblivious..."

It seems to me they do actually live in a parallel universe where time and space is far more flexible than in ours.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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McCanns in Australia - Page 3 Empty Re: McCanns in Australia

Post by jd 29.07.11 14:21

Also they don't say the fact that A) There was a plastic covering over the Tapas bar which rendered it impossible to see the apartment clearly enough, especially in the dark, and B) They had their backs to the apartment from their sitting position on the table

KM can sarcastically berate all the people that actually care about her daughter with 49.2, as she also can say facts that she was drinking new zealand wine. If only she had paid this amount of attention to her daughter!!!! especially after Maddie had asked why they didn't come when they cried last night

Who pulled the strings?...THE SYMINGTONS..And the Scottish connections...Look no further if you dare

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