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Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Mm11

Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Regist10
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Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Mm11

Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Regist10

Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews

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Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Empty Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews

Post by Guest 07.05.11 13:55

I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread solely for listing any discrepencies found, so they are all together on one thread.  Please keep the general discussion to the other threads, this is purely for differing statements in the book and PJ files.

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Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Empty extract from daily mail

Post by dragonfly 07.05.11 14:34

Please correct me if I am wrong as I am not as well read as others on here

As she entered the apartment, she felt a draft and noticed the door to the children’s bedroom was wide open – but did not immediately realise a stranger had entered.
She said: ‘When I realised Madeleine wasn’t actually there, I went through to our bedroom to see if she’d got into our bed. That would explain the open door.
‘On the discovery of another empty bed, (im assuming that is Kate & Gerrys bed) the first wave of panic hit me. As I ran back into the children’s room the closed curtains flew up in a gust of wind.
‘My heart lurched as I saw now, that, behind them, the window was wide open and the shutters on the outside raised all the way up.

Now from what I can remember again I need someone to confirm or correct me, Kate upon entering the apartment stood outside the childrens bedroom door to listen for sounds, she saw the door was open at a larger angle than 'Gerry had left it' So as she pulled it towards her the wind pushed the door to a slam , and that is when she noticed the window and curtains billowing That is what made her enter the room the door slamming . From the above statement It appears that on entering the childrens room the second time after Kate checked her own room that she noticed the gust of wind and curtains blowing in



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Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Empty Re: Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews

Post by dragonfly 08.05.11 10:32

extract from DM 08/05/011

She tells how she realised something was wrong when she noticed that the door to the children’s bedroom was wide open – not as she and her husband had left it. She glanced at Madeleine’s bed but couldn’t make her out in the dark.
When she was sure Madeleine wasn’t there, she went to check her own room. When she could not see her daughter there either, she panicked and ran back to the children’s room.
‘My heart lurched as I saw now that, behind them, the window was wide open and the shutters on the outside raised all the way up.

This is stating the check before Kates check was done together with Gerry ,
This is also different from the door slamming shut

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 00.5 - 0.27 right at the start

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Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Empty "We were all asked to leave the villa" - Files - 'they can be present during the search'

Post by HiDeHo 09.05.11 4:13

From Sun article:
On August 2 I had a call from Gerry. The police wanted to come over at 10am. Something to do with forensics.

It was 5pm when they eventually showed up. They told us they wanted to shoot some video footage of our clothes and possessions.

The forensics people would then take these away and return them the following day.

They offered no explanation. We were all asked to leave the villa When we were allowed back, I was devastated. They had taken my Bible, Cuddle Cat (Madeleine's favourite toy) and my diaries.[/i]

There was an official search warrant being applied.

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That part jumped out at me immediately as I recall that (Paiva?) has mentioned about them in the swimming pool or jacuzzi.

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The search should include the entire property, even the part occupied by people other than the suspects, including annexes and rented areas.

Before proceeding to effect the search, copy of the dispatch attached determining who had access to the place, mentioning that they can be present during the search and be accompanied or substituted by someone of confidence will be delivered.

If the persons in reference are not present, copy of the dispatch can be delivered where possible to a family member, neighbour, caretaker or whoever acts as substitute, article 176, n 1 and 2 of the CPP.

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Search of McCanns villa - summary from 'The Truth of the Lie'

- When preparing to go to the McCann's villa with the dogs, everyone knew this was the moment to either take up a technical and legal instrument which could assign responsiblity, or fully remove from suspicion, Madeleine's parents in her disappearance.
- We knew, then, that we had failed when we decided to not wiretap and follow the friends and McCanns from the beginning of the investigation.
- The Public Ministry (MP) created the proper search documents. At the same time, they asked for authorisation to wiretap the villa and car at that time. The MP agreed, as it's been used in other cases. 24 anxious hours later the sitting Judge, covering for someone on holiday, denied the MP's agreement. No time to re-request, the last chance to know what the McCanns said away from the press microphones was gone, just as the couple prepared to leave the country.
- The search was planned in great detail.
- The villa is on Rua das Flores, 27, rented at the beginning of the summer with money donated to the Find Madeleine Fund.

- At 6pm-ish, the inspectors knocked on the door. Kate and Gerry were giving the twins a bath in the exterior pool. Surprisingly, they both reacted well to the search warrant and in a forthright and open way gave unlimited access to the investigators.

- Eddie started, going directly to the living room where on top of a chair was cuddlecat, which now had a little green ribbon and rosary around its neck. Again, Eddie showed his 7 years of experience dedicated to forensic crime scene work and, with a determined and affirmative bark, indicated that CuddleCat had been in contact with a cadaver.
- Using cardboard boxes, all the clothes in the house were taken to a specially prepared area to be placed on the ground for the dogs.
- At 23h20 all the clothes are spread out. Again, Eddie marks a strong cadaver odor on Kate's clothes: slacks in black/white check and a sleeveless white blouse. He barks frenetically.
- Keela finds no blood vestiges..

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Gerry's pings show a trip to Budens shortly after their arrival

2nd... Another Budens trip this evening. Ping at Luz Centro at 18:11 then Budens at 18:32 followed by an activation in Luz at 18:43. Then 5 more Budens pings between 19:16 and 19:18 followed by a ping back in PdL Centro at 20:37

Jon Corner was visiting (and claimed in the documentary they had prior warning.

This was the day they postponed the trip to Huelva.

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Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Empty Re: Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews

Post by ufercoffy 09.05.11 18:20

'As soon as it was light Gerry and I resumed our search. We jumped over walls and raked through undergrowth. We looked in ditches and holes. '

Death Toll in McCann Case
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Brunt_10
Gerry McCann called for an example to be made of 'trolls'. SKY reporter Martin Brunt doorstepped Brenda Leyland on 2 October 2014 after a 'Dossier' was handed in to Police by McCann supporters. She was then found dead in a Leicester hotel room two days later having, apparently, taken her own life. Brenda paid the price.
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Jim_ga11
Ex-Deputy Chief Constable, Jim Gamble QPM congratulated SKY reporter Martin Brunt for doorstepping Brenda Leyland.
A Risky Gamble
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Colins15

Colin Sahlke died suddenly in mysterious circumstances with a significant amount of morphine in his system. At the Inquest the coroner said there was no evidence as to how he had come to take morphine, and no needle mark was found. Gerry McCann had met Sahlke before he helped with the search but did not show any concern for his death. Link
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Ricard10
Snr Gonçalo Amaral's cousin, Ricardo Cunha, shot dead in London Sept 2010. Murder still unsolved. Link
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Kevin_10
Bloodied body of Kevin Halligen, who conned Maddie Fund of £583,00, is found dead at his Surrey mansion. Daily Mail
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Martin11
Ex-Met DCI Colin Sutton: "The most likely scenario is that Madeleine was stolen to order by slave traders and smuggled into Africa for a rich family who wanted a white child."
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Andy_r10
Ex-Met DCI Andy Redwood had a "revelation moment" on BBC1's Crimewatch on 14th October 2013 when he announced that Operation Grange had eliminated the Tanner sighting - which opened up the 'window' of opportunity' from 3 minutes to 45 minutes, in accordance with their remit, to allow the staged abduction to happen.
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Rowley14
Former Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley made public on national TV that Operation Grange is a complete fraud.
Pat Brown, Criminal Profiler
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Operat11
More than £12million spent so far on one victim.
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Grenfe12
Grenfell: £5million shared between families of the 72 victims.

Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews 9_mp_t11
Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews 10_og_10

Discrepancies between the book and the statements in the PJ Files/Videos/Interviews Sudden13