The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!! Mm11

Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!! Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
Welcome to 'The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann' forum 🌹

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Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!! Mm11

Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!! Regist10

Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!!

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Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!! Empty Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!!

Post by carly1979 09.05.11 8:12

im known as justiceforallkids and carlymichelle in the maddie forums

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Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!! Empty Re: Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!!

Post by Martin 10.05.11 2:06

Yet more lies from her 'account of the truth'!

What I'm finding completely baffling is the total, unquestioning acceptance by the media of this increasingly preposterous tale that she's telling! I know that journalism isn't a very highly regarded profession, but they're obviously too lazy to even go to the trouble to compare what she's (or her ghostwriter) coming out with against all the published files and previous interviews! I can imagine Clarence Mitchell up until the crack of dawn dictating tomorrows story to all the papers!



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Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!! Empty Re: Kate is a liar, she said they were the only ones who searched that night but they did not!!

Post by DENNISSALLY 16.06.16 0:35

I believe the problem within the mainstream media is that they are afraid the will be sued!  The mind boggles at the way they tolerate the McCanns especially when they are so ruthless to other so called news worthy stories.  Perhap now that GA has won his appeal just maybe the truth will start to seep through.

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