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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Mm11

Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Regist10
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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Mm11

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by Guest 04.02.13 8:33

Tony does not have chest pains and will be attending court, and he will post here this afternoon to let people know in which court the McCanns' committal-to-prison application will be heard.



Written by Tony:

In a letter to Carter-Ruck dated 30 January covering a number of matters, I wrote this:


I enjoy generally good health but wish to place the following on the record. I saw my doctor for a check-up on Monday as I have been short of breath (I am asthmatic) and have been feeling unusually anxious. This was very much worsened when on Friday 16 January in an attempt to back up the last six months’ data on to a spare hard drive, all my documents over the past few months were lost, due to ‘bad sectors’ on my original hard drive. Most of the documents I was preparing for the trial were lost. Whilst these were fully retrieved by a computer expert three days later, this event left me badly behind with my preparation for trial, distraught and overwrought - and I have not recovered.

My doctor has diagnosed an acute anxiety episode which she says will ameliorate at the end of my trial. My blood pressure is up significantly but not considered dangerous. My lung power, which for a healthy adult of my age should be around 600L, is currently down to about 250L, the lowest it has ever been. I have received medication for asthma for 31 years and was once hospitalised due to extreme shortness of breath. The only medication I am on at present is for the asthma.

Carter-Ruck then wrote back and said, in terms: Are you seeking an adjournment? - if so, you will need a letter from your doctor and the court will consider it.

I replied on 1 February:

I confirm that I am not seeking an adjournment on health grounds. I was simply making the Court aware of my current state of health. I remain in a state of great anxiety such as I have never known before, and that was not helped by your letter yesterday telling me that your total estimated costs in this matter have now risen to £288,503. That state of anxiety is bound to affect the extent to which I am able to conduct my defence effectively. That is all I can say on the matter.

NOTE: Both letters were copied to the judge.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by plebgate 04.02.13 9:47

Is it any wonder Tony is feeling such anxiety. He has to attend court knowing that he could possibly be jailed and bankrupted and yet they do not have to put their foot inside the court room. Leave that to a 32grand lawyer.
I would not be at all surprised if Tony had to seek urgent medical attention by the sound of things - this ill health cannot be taken lightly and I think if Tony does not feel well enough to attend court this week then he should seek a medical note to put to the courts. Maybe by the time the result of negotiations in Portugal are known Tony might be able to feel less anxious about his health and future and then see if he feels up to this absolutely horrendous court action against him.
All the very best Tony. I really do think that you should seek to delay the hearing as I think you do not sound like a well enough man to attend at the moment.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by tiny 04.02.13 9:53

this is exactly want cr want,for tony to ask for an adjournment,they are afraid.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by plebgate 04.02.13 9:56

Tony is also afraid who wouldn't be. His health comes first in my book - as he says he has not been able to properly prepare his defence and knowing that they have this team of extremely highly paid lawyers waiting and watching for him to make the smallest mistake must be absolutley frightening for him. Get a medical note would be my advice - seriously.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by Guest 04.02.13 10:01

Do we know where the rumour originated? I can probably guess!

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by Guest 04.02.13 10:05

I don't know how anyone can prepare a proper defence from at least 5 boxes of documents! Tony has some knowledge of the law so how on earth could anyone, like me, prepare for court?

I think Tony needs to go to court and get the inevitable over and done with asap. To prolong it will cause further health problems.

As I've said before, doctors are supposed to save lives not destroy them like they have with Amaral aswell. They caused him to lose his home, his finances and his marriage. And all he did was investigate what happened to their daughter who they admitted they left unattended wft

And the McCanns wonder why we're still here trying to get justice not only for Maddie but also now Amaral and Tony too.

We will not give up. If Carter Ruck close this forum down we will just set up a new one.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by plebgate 04.02.13 10:16

Well whatever Tony decides - the very best of luck to him - but think of yourself and your family first Tony - what others think does not come into the equation as long as you remain healthy and live to fight another day. The risk of a heart attack sounds possible to me.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by Guest 04.02.13 10:18

admin wrote:I don't know how anyone can prepare a proper defence from at least 5 boxes of documents! Tony has some knowledge of the law so how on earth could anyone, like me, prepare for court?

I think Tony needs to go to court and get the inevitable over and done with asap. To prolong it will cause further health problems.

As I've said before, doctors are supposed to save lives not destroy them like they have with Amaral aswell. They caused him to lose his home, his finances and his marriage. And all he did was investigate what happened to their daughter who they admitted they left unattended wft

And the McCanns wonder why we're still here trying to get justice not only for Maddie but also now Amaral and Tony too.

We will not give up. If Carter Ruck close this forum down we will just set up a new one.

In every country in this world, :) If this case was in my Country they would never get or gotten away with this scam !

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by tiny 04.02.13 10:36

admin wrote:I don't know how anyone can prepare a proper defence from at least 5 boxes of documents! Tony has some knowledge of the law so how on earth could anyone, like me, prepare for court?

I think Tony needs to go to court and get the inevitable over and done with asap. To prolong it will cause further health problems.

As I've said before, doctors are supposed to save lives not destroy them like they have with Amaral aswell. They caused him to lose his home, his finances and his marriage. And all he did was investigate what happened to their daughter who they admitted they left unattended Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 442375629

And the McCanns wonder why we're still here trying to get justice not only for Maddie but also now Amaral and Tony too.

We will not give up. If Carter Ruck close this forum down we will just set up a new one.

I with you on this,as bad as it has made tonys health,he must not give into these scum,thats why no one has bought justice for Madeleine ,every one is afraid of cr,but in truth they are scared why else bring in all these other top people.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by lufc50337 04.02.13 10:38

IMO to adjourn it would prolong his health issues

It's best dealt with and then at least Tony will know what he's dealing with, it's uncertainty that is stressful

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by Guest 04.02.13 10:53

tiny wrote:
admin wrote:I don't know how anyone can prepare a proper defence from at least 5 boxes of documents! Tony has some knowledge of the law so how on earth could anyone, like me, prepare for court?

I think Tony needs to go to court and get the inevitable over and done with asap. To prolong it will cause further health problems.

As I've said before, doctors are supposed to save lives not destroy them like they have with Amaral aswell. They caused him to lose his home, his finances and his marriage. And all he did was investigate what happened to their daughter who they admitted they left unattended Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 442375629

And the McCanns wonder why we're still here trying to get justice not only for Maddie but also now Amaral and Tony too.

We will not give up. If Carter Ruck close this forum down we will just set up a new one.

I with you on this,as bad as it has made tonys health,he must not give into these scum,thats why no one has bought justice for Madeleine ,every one is afraid of cr,but in truth they are scared why else bring in all these other top people.

Exactly. The McCanns are too afraid to fight Tony in person, they are fighting with their wallets - Smethurst's Kennedy's someone else's wallet that is.

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by Guest 04.02.13 10:55

admin wrote:I don't know how anyone can prepare a proper defence from at least 5 boxes of documents! Tony has some knowledge of the law so how on earth could anyone, like me, prepare for court?

I think Tony needs to go to court and get the inevitable over and done with asap. To prolong it will cause further health problems.

As I've said before, doctors are supposed to save lives not destroy them like they have with Amaral aswell. They caused him to lose his home, his finances and his marriage. And all he did was investigate what happened to their daughter who they admitted they left unattended Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 442375629

And the McCanns wonder why we're still here trying to get justice not only for Maddie but also now Amaral and Tony too.

We will not give up. If Carter Ruck close this forum down we will just set up a new one.

Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 759815

The simple fact that CR are now publicly fingering TB for an adjournment too says it all: 'Please, please, someone get us out of here!'

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Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

Post by Guest 04.02.13 10:57

And here is a tweet from Carter-Ruck sponsored, chief McCann supporter:

MuratFan‏@muratfan@alfibab3 oh...bugger ...thought he croaked it...there's my bet lost

  • 1hRumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 243ba43465bd321117805ac85d27b2cb_normalMuratFan‏@muratfan

    1. #McCann someone said there was post on here about Bennett being in hospital? Anyone see it..i want a laugh
  • Anonymous

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by Guest 04.02.13 11:04

    admin wrote:And here is a tweet from Carter-Ruck sponsored, chief McCann supporter:

    MuratFan‏@muratfan@alfibab3 oh...bugger ...thought he croaked it...there's my bet lost

  • 1hRumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 243ba43465bd321117805ac85d27b2cb_normalMuratFan‏@muratfan

    1. #McCann someone said there was post on here about Bennett being in hospital? Anyone see it..i want a laugh

  • They are so sick in their heads ! This is typicall for them tough, passing on shit everday, thats all they got , thats all they can.. Karma will bite their asses big time one day very soon ...And we will all popcornandcola and enjoy the show..

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by ufercoffy 04.02.13 11:10

    admin wrote:And here is a tweet from Carter-Ruck sponsored, chief McCann supporter:

    MuratFan‏@muratfan@alfibab3 oh...bugger ...thought he croaked it...there's my bet lost

  • 1hRumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 243ba43465bd321117805ac85d27b2cb_normalMuratFan‏@muratfan

    1. #McCann someone said there was post on here about Bennett being in hospital? Anyone see it..i want a laugh

  • It doesn't surprise me that the McCanns have people like this on their team, after all they had someone who caved in Amaral's dog's head didn't they? They are nothing but the British version of the Mafia. They're not doctors, they're all pure evil.

    I wonder if Laffin will be in court tomorrow to meet up with muratfan? They've been at each others' throats for years.

    Whose cadaver scent and bodily fluid was found in the McCann's apartment and hire car if not Madeleine's?  Shocked

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by tiny 04.02.13 11:13

    Moa wrote:
    admin wrote:And here is a tweet from Carter-Ruck sponsored, chief McCann supporter:

    MuratFan‏@muratfan@alfibab3 oh...bugger ...thought he croaked it...there's my bet lost

  • 1hRumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 243ba43465bd321117805ac85d27b2cb_normalMuratFan‏@muratfan

    1. #McCann someone said there was post on here about Bennett being in hospital? Anyone see it..i want a laugh

  • They are so sick in their heads ! This is typicall for them tough, passing on shit everday, thats all they got , thats all they can.. Karma will bite their asses big time one day very soon ...And we will all Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 566835 and enjoy the show..
  • Trouble is this muratwat thinks he sooooo clever,but on twitter they make mincemeat out of him,its a joy to watch.Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 110921
  • tiny

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by joyce1938 04.02.13 11:18

    This makes me feel quite sick to the stomach,how can they be so cruel one man stood there to face all the legal eagles ,and the ones who should stand and be ready to ask the questions not having to attend at all?yak its too hard to explain how bad it makes me feel any many others here too i would think.joyce1938

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by Guest 04.02.13 11:27

    admin wrote:And here is a tweet from Carter-Ruck sponsored, chief McCann supporter:

    MuratFan‏@muratfan@alfibab3 oh...bugger ...thought he croaked it...there's my bet lost

  • 1hRumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 243ba43465bd321117805ac85d27b2cb_normalMuratFan‏@muratfan

    1. #McCann someone said there was post on here about Bennett being in hospital? Anyone see it..i want a laugh

  • Dear mr Muratfan,

    In view of the fact that we are looking at the disappearance of a minor in very suspicious circumstances - her own father is convinced she was kidnapped by paedophiles- I feel that your use of the word 'croaked' does not do justice to the endeavours of Mr Bennett (MP) and thousands of others supporting his and Dr Amarals efforts to find out what happened to the little girl.

    Are we to assume that your lot WANTS to see the demise of mr Bennett?


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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by bristow 04.02.13 11:28

    Tony can you get to a Boots Chemist before tomorrow? (if not there is one at Charing Cross Station)
    Bach Rescue Remedy is great, I have used it a number of times, I have suffered from acute anxiety in the past, please buy some.

    Also aconite is fantastic, you will be able to buy that in Boots too.

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by Guest 04.02.13 11:34

    admin wrote:And here is a tweet from Carter-Ruck sponsored, chief McCann supporter:

    MuratFan‏@muratfan@alfibab3 oh...bugger ...thought he croaked it...there's my bet lost

  • 1hRumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety 243ba43465bd321117805ac85d27b2cb_normalMuratFan‏@muratfan

    1. #McCann someone said there was post on here about Bennett being in hospital? Anyone see it..i want a laugh

  • How evil. How can anyone say that about another human being. Even if I thoroughly despise a person, I would never, ever wish them ill and say such things. Despicable and sickening!! And this is a supporter of the McCanns!

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by aiyoyo 04.02.13 11:36

    Best get it over and done with. Prolong will only worsen the anxiety.

    For all people know the Mccanns might be equally,if not in higher, anxiety state than TB.
    32 grand silk lady or not, they are not confident at all about their case.
    It's plain they have no confidence in the collective skills of their existing 1 barrister and 2 lawyers, hence the late addition of the silk.
    The preliminary round didn't go their way and they have good reason to be worried. Plus, if that's a good indication they can only go downhill.

    So far TB 1 Mccanns 0.

    Always stay optimistic. They can intimidate but can't take the law into their hands.

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by Mirage 04.02.13 11:38

    joyce1938 wrote:This makes me feel quite sick to the stomach,how can they be so cruel one man stood there to face all the legal eagles ,and the ones who should stand and be ready to ask the questions not having to attend at all?yak its too hard to explain how bad it makes me feel any many others here too i would think.joyce1938

    You are not wrong there, Joyce. I am jittery myself for Tony. I sense many members on this forum are of a certain age and it is terrible to stand by and watch what most of us grew up hearing on austere radio broadcasts about life behind the Iron Curtain happening here. It's the next generation I am fearful for, not myself. There is a sense that this country is so morally adrift nothing can save it. I appeal to young journalists and lawyers. Don't go against what you know in your heart is wrong. Injustice is a canker and it will serve everyone ill in the long run.

    Tony is an exceptionally brave man, as we all agree. One more push, Tony. Get it over and done. The time is ripe for the first teetering steps back towards some measure of justice

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by bristow 04.02.13 11:42

    And they call us the nutters and haters, says it all really.
    Muratfan just seems like a deranged moron with the intelligence of a gnat.

    If I were the McCanns I would be worried having a supporter like that.

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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by Guest 04.02.13 11:45

    Yes, I'm one of the "maturing nicely" generation who cannot believe what this country is coming to when I see professional thugs attempt to restrict personal freedom.

    As I have said before, it speaks volumes that they are trying to silence Tony; why not just ignore him if he is a nutcase - sorry, Tony. The alternative can only be that they are afraid of what he has found out.

    Bristow: don't insult house flies please!


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    Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety Empty Re: Rumour re Tony being to ill to attend court not true - but is in state of anxiety

    Post by bristow 04.02.13 11:47

    admin wrote:
    I think Tony needs to go to court and get the inevitable over and done with asap. To prolong it will cause further health problems.

    Totally agree. Don't prolong the anxiety any longer, once Tony is there. inside the court he WILL feel less anxious.

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