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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Mm11

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by PeterMac 30.06.13 14:54

ShuBob wrote: How would they know TB is not on a fishing expenditure?
TB as a clandestine member of TM ?
Now there's a thought !
That really WOULD make a good conspiracy theory.
It has all the elements, a sacrificial stooge / patsy, willing to be punished - but only in a symbolic way, costs reduced at the last minute by 98%,

I think a fully paid up Lizard should have a go at this one.
If we can work Opus Dei into it as well we may have a film script

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Guest 30.06.13 15:03

Calling Dan Brown, calling Dan Brown - have you got the time to come up with a new novel based on the case, to include Peter's last post - to be made into a film later. Perhaps we can have Derren Brown to lend a hand with a bit of hocus pocus too.

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by PeterMac 30.06.13 18:02

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:Calling Dan Brown, calling Dan Brown - have you got the time to come up with a new novel based on the case, to include Peter's last post - to be made into a film later. Perhaps we can have Derren Brown to lend a hand with a bit of hocus pocus too.
We have all the necessary magic numbers - 7 Tapasniks, 3 children,
Masonic wailings
Trainers that light up automatically
Visitations during the night by the dead child (or not - depending which version of the truth you accept !)
Visits to Shrines
Visit to Rome
Blessed by the Pope
Vatican web site

Why didn't we think of this before. It is a huge screenplay waiting for Jon Corner to film it.


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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Guest 30.06.13 18:26

Peter! Puke ...! Don't do this to me whilst I'm preparing dinner ...

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Lance De Boils 30.06.13 18:59

Oh yes, and Gerry's epiphany, "the light at the end of the tunnel", the "coded" blogs....
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by loopzdaloop 30.06.13 19:44

Tony Bennett wrote:On the evening of 14 August 2009, Gary Hagland wrote a letter of complaint to BBC TV East Midlands, on behalf of the then Chairman of The Madeleine Foundation, Debbie Butler.

Two days earlier, a leaflet about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann had been circulated in different parts of Leicestershire, including some in Rothley. Earlier that evening, BBC TV East Midlands had transmitted their interview of Ms Butler, about what became known as 'The Rothley Leaflet Drop'.

Gary Hagland kindly copied the letter to me, and did not stipulate that it was sent in confidence.

Here, with absolutely no editing, is the letter he sent:


To: The Editor,
BBC TV East Midlands

14 August 2009


During your East Midlands Today broadcast of 6:30pm Friday 14th August 2009, the show’s anchor, Anne Davies , presented an item on the activities of The Madeleine Foundation (‘TMF’). The item covered the recent, lawful, activity of TMF in distributing a leaflet in, amongst other locales, the Rothley Village area of Leicestershire, the content of which, inter alia, relates to the urging for a re-opening of the formal enquiry into the disappearance of Madeleine Beth McCann.

Ms Davies opted to interrogate, as opposed to interview, the on-camera TMF representative, and Ms Davies presented such a biased and subjective ‘report’ on this event as to relegate journalism to the sewers.

I strongly object to the gross lack of professional performance of Ms Davies in this matter, and I earnestly recommend that, in light of her plastic reporting, she revert to her founding secretarial crammer course as a more viable, certainly more honest, career path.

The issue of the loss of Madeleine Beth McCann as a phenomenon itself is so vast and amorphous that no crisp and perspicuous analysis of its concept, let alone the event proper, can avoid being procrustean. Nonetheless, it should be possible to say something helpful, even though it is not likely to be decisive. Even the most basic and preliminary questions about this matter remain, after all, not only unanswered but also unasked. I should know.

As a journalist, Ms Davies failed, miserably so, to professionally exploit the opportunity presented by the activity of TMF and to present a balanced account of events to-date and, indeed, the legitimate realm of alternative approaches as represented by TMF, however unpalatable to some such may be (though unlikely Madeleine herself).

What I do know is that organisations such as TMF, and their related acts, have a proper and rightful place in society’s search for the truth as to Madeleine ’s situation. This child was: (1) betrayed by her parents; (2) let down by a retarded EU host state; and now (3) dealt further injustice by the likes of the stance of Ms Davies and your public broadcast organisation. As a viewer, licence fee payer, and founder-investigator for Gerry and Kate McCann from September 2007 to April 2008, I find such reporting abhorrent, puerile, and reprehensible.

The contemporary proliferation of this sort of reporting also has deeper sources, in various forms of scepticism that deny that we can have any reliable access to an objective reality, and which therefore reject the possibility of knowing how things truly are. These “antirealists”, like Ms Davies, pander to doctrines which undermine confidence in the value of disinterested efforts to determine what is true and what is false, and even in the intelligibility of the notion of objective inquiry.

One response to this loss of confidence has been a retreat from the discipline required by journalistic dedication to the ideal of correctness to a quite different sort of discipline, which is imposed by a pursuit of an alternative ideal of sincerity. Rather than seeking primarily to arrive at accurate representations of a common world, the individual turns toward trying to provide an honest representation of herself. Convinced that reality has no inherent nature, which she might hope to identify as the truth about things, she devotes herself to being true to her own nature. It is as though Ms Davies decides that since it makes no sense to try to be true to the facts, she must therefore try instead to be true to herself and her employer: In colloquial parlance, I believe the descriptive word is humbug - as in humbug reporting.

I expect higher standards of and from the BBC, entrenched dumbed down cheap and simplistic regional reporting or not. It seems all Ms Davies has perfected in her career to-date is, and I quote her “...the art of carrying a tray of teas and coffees, all the newspapers and a great pile of tapes - at the same time”.

God help us.


Gary Hagland, MBA, Dip.Comp.Stud. (Exon), FSI

E-mail (withheld by TB)

Someone asked what Gary Hagland's motivation is.

Its a really good question - what is Gary Hagland's motivation?

We know that:

A> He used to be an 'insider' between the dates September 2007 to March 2008,
B> He is writing a book that he is trying to get published
C> He used to be a member of MM fora
D> He started to leak info to Tony Bennett (April 2009) who has compiled a dossier.  
E> He wrote the above letter in August 2009.

We are not sure why in A> that he left the Mccann's cause.

However, through the actions of D> and E> we can suggest Gary has had a complete reversal of perspective through working with the Mccann's case.

If Gary was reading this today, with reference to the quoted letter It might be asked

i) what are the most basic and preliminary questions about this matter remain that should be answered and asked?
ii) With reference to the above how should 'you know?' in what way?
iii) What motivated you to wrote that letter to the BBC complaining about the treatment of TMF?
iv) In what way does he feel that M was 'betrayed' by her parents and what led him to that conclusion?
v) For him to tell is more about the further injustice by the 'likes' of the stance of the BBC?

With regards to iv and v, we know the answers to those questions but Gary Haglands reasoning would be intersting.

My next questions would be:

1) Why has this mysterious blog poster released this information upon Gary Hagland now?
2) Why has this brand new poster taken the information from this mysterious blog poster and put it on this site?
3) How did this new poster find/search for this information about Gary Hagland?

Gary Hagland, by virtue of this topic and the nature of this thread is pretty much unknown.
There can be very few people who would have been 'searching' for Gary Hagland.

The only possible conclusion to this is with regards to what we know B> that Gary Hagland is trying to publish a book.
For the book to be successful, he would need publicity. He would need to become a 'known', and what better way of announcing his intentions through making himself known through fora such as this, the members of which are likely to be interested in his book.

With relation to what we know, C>, he USED to be a member of fora, we all know old habits die hard. Tony Bennett has told him of his plan to release some of the information upon this particular forum and if I was Gary Hagland, I would interested to know what is being released. Which means that Gary Hagland is reading this right now.... In which case... he can tell us what he knows.

What are your motivations?
When did your perceptions of them change?
Tell us more about the behind the scenes organisation of things!

I'm 100% you're reading this right now, you clearly want to discuss things.
Go for it....

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by deafoldbat 30.06.13 20:18

Now someone has put a link to this page on Twitter a lot more people will be asking questions!

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 30.06.13 20:39

Very interesting points, loopzdaloop.

If we examine what is now known about Gary Hagland, he can hardly be described as a publcity-shy shrinking violet.

If we go back to the article about him in the Financial Times magazine (2001), it is clear that the article is very much focussed around him and his role as a consultant for law firm Wragge and Co.

In the central body of the article, we read this:

"Gary Hagland is a consultant with law firm Wragge & Co advising clients on the active management of compliance risks, including money laundering.

He works with the Institute of Directors' board consultancy department on the 'Compliant Board' initiative that aims to guide company directors through the labyrinth of regulations and procedure that successful compliance demands. Mr Hagland paints a broad picture of the type of non-financial services businesses that may well be targets for the money launderer. These include auction houses, expensive car dealerships, property agents and developers - indeed any business that is used to handling high-value assets.

According to Mr Hagland, a problem for companies in complying with anti-money laundering initiatives is that their prevailing culture and ethos does not lend itself readily to accommodate scepticism about prospective customers. Rather, the opposite is likely to be the case. "To tackle the possible threat of being unwitting accomplices to a money laundering scheme, the challenge for non-financial businesses is to change their mindset, their core attitudes. The reputational focus of most businesses is clearly not on money laundering," says Mr Hagland".

The article begins with the two words: 'Gary Hagland'. It features his work. It quotes him in person. It almost suggests that he may have approached the FT and invited them to write about him.

Another major clue comes from the article in the Nottingham Post about him, dated 15 March 2010 - nine years after the FT article.

Consider these points:

* A 'neighbour' was hospitalised due to stress from the all-night antics of nearby Nottingham Trent University...
* But it is Hagland who makes representations to the University...
* It is Hagland who approaches the Nottingham Post and makes a series of comments, and...
* He is perfectly happy to be photographed.

Next, consider his actions in relation to his 7-month stint with the McCann Team.


* Keeps notes and diaries of his time with the McCann Team
* He twice discussed his experiences inside the McCann Team with journalists from The Times, who visited him at home
* He shared a great deal of information with me when he 'phoned me in April 2009
* He was happy to go on the record - name, qualifications, e-mail address etc. - and to openly dicclose that he was a former McCann Team insider to the editor of BBC TV East Midlands  
* He was happy to send me a copy of that e-mail with no confidentiality restriction
* He has sent me various extracts from his book, again with no confidentiality restrictions, and
* He has since given me further details, over the 'phone, about his actions within the McCann Team investigations.

It seems unlikely now, over 5 years after he left the McCann Team (he resigned), that he will have any useful information about the whereabouts of Madeleine McCann.

But he seems the kind of man who wants to talk about what he is doing, and he clearly believes, in writing a book about his experiences in the McCann Team, that he has an interesting, and maybe marketable, story to tell the world.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by ShuBob 30.06.13 20:55

With the McCanns' heavyweight legal team, I'll be surprised if they didn't get Hagland to sign a confidentiality agreement. Having said that, I kinda hope they didn't.

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by DIBarlow 30.06.13 20:57

Presumably though, from information that TB received from Hagland, he has information that might be counter-productive for TM?

Presumably too, TM might have a court restriction on him?

Understandably this might be information that should not be aired in advance of any developments in the case?

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 30.06.13 21:11

DIBarlow wrote:Presumably though, from information that TB received from Hagland, he has information that might be counter-productive for TM?

Presumably too, TM might have a court restriction on him?

Understandably this might be information that should not be aired in advance of any developments in the case?
According to Gary Hagland, he has shown at least a synopsis of his book to several publishers. I doubt he could have done that if he had had to sign a watertight confidentiality agreement before working for the McCann Team.

Also, by the sound ot it, after Metodo 3 folded and sacked most of its staff earlier this year, some Metodo 3 staff were 'singing' to the authorities about what really went on in the McCann Team investigation - there were even some reported quotes, which I won't repeat here. They were generally slagging off their former Metodo 3 bosses, as some people tend to do when thrown out of work without warning - especially in today's Spain with 20% unemployment.

As Hagland actually visited Metodo 3's offices in Barcelona and discussed the Madeleine McCann case with Metodo 3 staff in Brian Kennedy's Knutford investigation HQ as well, most probably he knows many of these now-disgruntled ex-Metodo 3 men?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty PI's and pay offs

Post by Harriet94 30.06.13 21:27

This is probably not appropriate to post here, but years ago. a newspaper , the daily telegraph, I think featured an article about thr McCanns new detectives not being up to the job. Oakly international ? The newspaper then reported a retraction and an apology and paid out damages to the people involved.

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 30.06.13 21:31

Harriet94 wrote:This is probably not appropriate to post here, but years ago. a newspaper , the daily telegraph, I think featured an article about thr McCanns new detectives not being up to the job. Oakly international ? The newspaper then reported a retraction and an apology and paid out damages to the people involved.
That was the Sunday Express apologising on 24 February 2008 for disparaging remarks they had made on 13 January about Noel Hogan (see separate thread on this site). Yes, they paid him damages and his legal costs.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Cristobell 30.06.13 21:40

littlepixie wrote:Wow, I only just understood all those big words, he seems "well brainy" as they say around here big grin 

Reminds me of how the poster Tripz used to write from the old 3A forum.

So he was on the side of the truth being told about Madeleines' disappearance.

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Harriet94 30.06.13 21:56

Yes sorry, I will research further ,but perhaps some people will not separate out the Hogans from the Haglands and the Halligens

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Guest 30.06.13 22:28

The Hogans, the Haglands and the Halligens ... That's quite a nice alliteration ... laughat 

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Harriet94 30.06.13 22:39

I was aiming for an onomatopoeia !

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 30.06.13 22:49

Châtelaine wrote:The Hogans, the Haglands and the Halligens...
One strange feature of Dr Kate McCann’s book, ‘madeleine’, is how little credit by name, or even mention, is given to their main investigators, who were, after all, the recipients of most of the money raised from the British public, fund-raising events, sale of yellow wrist bands, fees for TV shows etc.

With the addition of Henri Exton and Noel Hagan to the status of ‘main investigators, we now have nine:  

Francisco Marco ) Metodo 3
Antonio Jiminez Raso) Metodo 3
Julian Peribanez) Metodo 3
Gary Hagland
Noel Hagan
Kevin Halligen) Oakley
Henri Exton) Oakley
Dave Edgar
Arthur Cowley.

The first three, the Metodo men, are not named in Kate’s book. There are simply a few bland references (p. 283) to their work: “made significant strides”, “worked very hard for us”, “their fees were very low”, “we maintain good relations with Metodo 3 today” etc.

The fourth, Gary Hagland, a key link man with Metodo 3, is not mentioned.

Neither is the fifth, Noel Hogan, despite media reports that he’d spent ‘hundreds of hours’ going painstakingly through the witness statements of the Tapas 7 and some others.

Kevin Halligen, or Richard Halligen as they knew him, is certainly mentioned. Kate sys “We had a particularly bad experience with him”, although she adds that Halligen’s “proposals and overall strategy were streets ahead of all the others”.

Halligen’s partner in Oakley International, Henri Exton, is not mentioned, even though Mark Hollingsworth, in his August 2009 Evening Standard article, wrote: “When Henri Exton, a former undercover police officer who worked on M15 operations, and Kevin Halligen, a smooth-talking Irishman who claimed to have worked for covert British government intelligence agency GCHQ, walked through the door, their timing was perfect”.

Neither are Dave Edgar and Arthur Cowley mentioned, who between them did so much work between the end of 2008 and 2010.

On page 284 of the book there is a general acknowledgement that “our experiences with independent investigators have been good”, and a reference to “Our current tried and trusted team…spearheaded by a former police officer” which has “enabled us to recruit the best-qualified people available…”

So only one of the nine lead investigators appears to be actually named in the book:

Kevin (formerly Richard) Halligen.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Guest 30.06.13 22:49

There's a former police officer called Ian Horrocks whose surname is a near match to his views on the McCann case! 
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Guest 30.06.13 22:50

Harriet94 wrote:I was aiming for an onomatopoeia !
OK, Harriet :-)
You got me, illiterate Dutch, grabbing my Oxford Dictionary again ... big grin

ETA And it seems I can add Horrocks and Hagan

Jesting and turning into the silken sheets.

Good night everybody smilie 

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by bobbin 30.06.13 23:00

Châtelaine wrote:
Harriet94 wrote:I was aiming for an onomatopoeia !
OK, Harriet :-)
You got me, illiterate Dutch, grabbing my Oxford Dictionary again ... big grin

ETA And it seems I can add Horrocks and Hagan

Jesting and turning into the silken sheets.

Good night everybody smilie 
The Hogans, the Haglands, the Horrocks and the Halligens... should we refer to them as the 4 H's.big grin

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by maebee 30.06.13 23:02

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:There's a former police officer called Ian Horrocks whose surname is a near match to his views on the McCann case! 
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The former Scotland Yard detective said: "The thought that Kate and Gerry McCann had anything to do with the death of their daughter, whether being directly responsible or covering it up, is frankly preposterous.
"There is not one shred of credible evidence, either direct or otherwise, to indicate that this is even a remote possibility."

So the dogs' findings were a load of horrocks!
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty language barriers

Post by Harriet94 30.06.13 23:04

You put me to shame. And has all the EU members I have met in this long 6 year journey.

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 30.06.13 23:05

Felicity Hathaway in her comprehensive bio of Gary Hgaland did not include this reference to him:



Document Information:





Article type:

General review


10.1108/eb024824 (Permanent URL)




Schedule 2 of the Financial Services Act 1986 (FSA) was amended by s. 204(1) of the Companies Act 1989 to make it incumbent on self-regulatory organisations (SROs) to have a satisfactory mechanism to take account of cost factors in compliance. Critically, however, published regulatory guidelines for the assessment of cost of compliance fail to address a key and fundamental quantitative aspect of the entire industry equation — that of people and the impact of a compliance based control administration upon their individual professional motivation. This paper attempts to evaluate critically such a compliance administrative control system on the employees of an FSA authorised financial institution.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 30.06.13 23:13

bobbin wrote:The Hogans, the Haglands, the Horrocks and the Halligens... should we refer to them as the 4 H's?
Strictly speaking, Ian Horrocks was brought in just for a week and paid by a newspaper; he was never a McCann Team investigator.

Incidentally, it was suggested that Kevin Halligen and Henri Exton from Oakley were brought in by the McCann Team 'to replace Metodo 3'.

I venture to suggest that this may not be correct.

There is evidence that Metodo 3 were still being used by the McCann Team as late as March 2009, and even later - and of course Dr Kate McCann's book (May 2011) said explicitly that "we maintain good relations with Metodo 3 today".

Is not the following more likely: that with Gary Hagland's resignation from the McCann Team in April 2008, they needed someone to replace a person of his expertise and experience?

Apparently Henri Exton and Kevin/Richard Halligen fitted the bill.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by maebee 30.06.13 23:14

 “Is believing that Madeleine is alive being overly and unrealistically optimistic.
“I do not think so, and until there is categoric evidence to the contrary, I will continue to believe this.

Is this former SY detective for real?
Let's hope that the 30 SY detectives currently on the case are not so stupid.
Madeleine Foundation

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 30.06.13 23:29

Here's another publication by Gary Hagland that Felicity Hathaway may not have found.

It was published on 1 May 2005 in MONEY LAUNDERING BULLETIN:




“It is not intended that the [new UK Joint Money Laundering Steering Group] guidance be applied unthinkingly, as a checklist of steps to take.” (Preface, Part I, para 14).

"Hurrah for that”, says Gary Hagland (‘GH’), a former UK Compliance Officer who currently works in a similar role and as an MLRO in an offshore jurisdiction, here writing in his personal capacity.

A recent encounter with a major UK financial institution proved to be a bruising experience as the correspondence shows. Individuals’ names have been disguised to save embarrassment.

Gary Hagland is the former Compliance Officer and MLRO of Albert E Sharp, the stock broking firm. In 1998 Albert E Sharp was acquired by Old Mutual of South Africa. Old Mutual merged Albert E Sharp with the stockbroker Capel-Cure Myers which it had acquired in 1997. The resultant entity became Capel-Cure Sharp. In 2000 Old Mutual acquired the Gerrard Group and Capel-Cure Sharp was rebranded as Gerrard. In 2003 Gerrard was sold to a bank - Barclays".



Note: The full article is only available to subscribers to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

MLRO = Money Laundering Regulations Officer.

Gary Hagland's expertise at Albert E Sharp, an investment/stockbroking company, was in the Money Laundering Regulations.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by Tony Bennett 01.07.13 17:30



BBC REPLY, 13 SEPTEMBER Forwarded to me by Gary Hagland

-----Original Message-----
From: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] []
Sent: 13 September 2009 09:04
To: Gary Hagland
Subject: BBC Complaints

Dear Mr Hagland

Thanks for your e-mail regarding 'East Midlands Today' broadcast on the
14 August.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in replying. We know
our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we're sorry you've had to
wait on this occasion.

We understand you felt that Anne Davies was rude and disrespectful
towards Debbie Butler and we've discussed your concerns with the programme's
senior editorial team.

We feel that there are several groups which could be described as being
against the McCann family and obviously their views can be very
controversial especially in the McCann's home town of Rothley in

The premise of the 'East Midlands Today' report and subsequent interview
on 14 August with Debbie Butler, chairman of the Madeleine Foundation, was
to concentrate on the emotional aspects in terms of the distress caused
specifically in Rothley by the group's leaflet distribution. This intent
was well signposted for viewers in the introduction, during the filmed
report and the introduction to the interview.

Ms Butler had to be steered back to the presenter's question on a few
occasions because we had to be extremely careful to ensure that there
weren't any legal issues arising from broadcasting the group's more
controversial allegations, some of which were referenced in the
presenter's introduction.

We do feel that the interview was balanced because we were determined to
focus on the group's decision to distribute leaflets in Rothley. Also,
during the interview, the 'East Midlands Today' presenter did apologise
for having to interrupt but then explained that she wanted to concentrate on
this aspect.

That said, in retrospect whilst the interview was robust and challenging
we do feel that a comment from the 'East Midlands Today' presenter about
the facts in the leaflet referred to by the Madeleine Foundation may have
erroneously given rise to a perception that the BBC held a view on the
matter. We'd like to assure you that this isn't the case and we
apologise if such an impression may have been given.

We'd now like to assure you that we've registered your comments on our
audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we
compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives
within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points,
and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us with your concerns.


Gemma McAleer
BBC Complaints


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by margaret 02.07.13 10:04

I hadn't read this thread until last night, thanks for bringing this here Tony.  I hope Gary Hagland has been able to unburden himself to SY.

I do believe you will be completely vindicated soon Tony. clapping1

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Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations  - Page 3 Empty Re: Gary Hagland - The ‘mysterious seventh man’ in the McCann Team private investigations

Post by PeterMac 02.07.13 11:48

Perhaps Hagland will be the "key" they have been going on about for so long.

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