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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Mm11

Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Regist10
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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Mm11

Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Regist10

Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by sharonl 29.02.12 23:43

Kate and Gerry McCann insist that those are who are looking at the evidence and researching their case are hindering the search for Madeleine.

They claim that Goncalo Amaral, having said that Madeleine had died in the apartment and later written his book on the case, The truth about a lie, is hindering the search.

They claim that Tony Bennett, by bringing the (already public) facts of the case to attention of the public is hindering the search.

They claim that we as truthseekers, by discussing the facts of the case on an internet forum are hindering the search.

The McCanns claim to be the only people searching for Madeleine, But:

1. Against the good advice of the Portuguese police, they put Madeleine at risk by advertising the defect in her right eye. Gerry said that it was possible that this may harm Madeleine but it was a good marketing ploy. Enough to make the abductor hide Madeleine away or harm her.
2. They did not co-operate with the Portuguese police and dis-credited all the evidence.
3. They used a controversial firm of investigators to run an investigation along side the official investigation.
4. There were so many contradictions in their statements
5. When the investigation was going on they went globetrotting.
6. When Madeleine was sighted in Belgium, they went to Huelva
7. They employed bogus detectives Alphaig and fraudster Halligen allegedly to find Madeleine.
8. They infuriated donors to their fund by paying their mortgage with the fund money.
9. Kate refused to answer 48 questions
10. Kate agreed that by not answering the 48 questions that she was jeopordising the investigation.
11. They refused to do a re-construction
12. Kate McCann admitted that they did not physically search for Madeleine
13. The McCanns courted the media, agreeing to be photographed at certain times to give the press the stories that they wanted. In return the press would print nothing bad. We have since seen endless bogus sighting of Madeleine. ,There is always a mystery man or a witness who cannot be named. We have had the most ridiculous tales of letters from dead paedophiles, gypsies and even sightings that were made a few years ago but the witness has only now had time to come forward. But what if Madeleine had been abducted and the sighting was genuine? Is the abductor going to come forward and bring Madeleine home? Of course not. Is he going to continue to live a normal life, going about his daily duties, shopping, going to the café, buying petrol etc. and with Madeleine in tow? Of course not. He going to be running scared, he is going to hide away and assuming that he doesn’t harm Madeleine or abandon her, he is going to take her into hiding too. Would it be unfair to say that the McCanns relationship with the media is hindering the search for Madeleine?
14. They appear to spend more time suing than searching.

My question is, who exactly is responsible for hindering the search?

A. Goncalo Amaral
B. Tony Bennett
C. The truthseekers
D. The McCanns
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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by PeterMac 01.03.12 9:34

E Metodo3 - by making up "sightings" in Morocco and diverting attention
F Halligen - by setting up a "Help Line", which acts in people's minds as a substitute for real searching, and then not following up a single call
G Edgar - by failing, or refusing, or neglecting to organise a search any time within the past 4 years, for the "hellish lair within 10 miles of PdL," even though he states he is sure she is there
H Carter-Ruck, for taking vast amounts of money from the "Fund" thereby depriving the said "Fund" of resources to conduct a proper search

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by aiyoyo 01.03.12 11:25

The answer is "the mccanns", yes I am sure.

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by womandotcom 01.03.12 12:29

sharonl wrote:Kate and Gerry McCann insist that those are who are looking at the evidence and researching their case are hindering the search for Madeleine.

They claim that Goncalo Amaral, having said that Madeleine had died in the apartment and later written his book on the case, The truth about a lie, is hindering the search.

They claim that Tony Bennett, by bringing the (already public) facts of the case to attention of the public is hindering the search.

They claim that we as truthseekers, by discussing the facts of the case on an internet forum are hindering the search.

The McCanns claim to be the only people searching for Madeleine, But:

1. Against the good advice of the Portuguese police, they put Madeleine at risk by advertising the defect in her right eye. Gerry said that it was possible that this may harm Madeleine but it was a good marketing ploy. Enough to make the abductor hide Madeleine away or harm her.
2. They did not co-operate with the Portuguese police and dis-credited all the evidence.
3. They used a controversial firm of investigators to run an investigation along side the official investigation.
4. There were so many contradictions in their statements
5. When the investigation was going on they went globetrotting.
6. When Madeleine was sighted in Belgium, they went to Huelva
7. They employed bogus detectives Alphaig and fraudster Halligen allegedly to find Madeleine.
8. They infuriated donors to their fund by paying their mortgage with the fund money.
9. Kate refused to answer 48 questions
10. Kate agreed that by not answering the 48 questions that she was jeopordising the investigation.
11. They refused to do a re-construction
12. Kate McCann admitted that they did not physically search for Madeleine
13. The McCanns courted the media, agreeing to be photographed at certain times to give the press the stories that they wanted. In return the press would print nothing bad. We have since seen endless bogus sighting of Madeleine. ,There is always a mystery man or a witness who cannot be named. We have had the most ridiculous tales of letters from dead paedophiles, gypsies and even sightings that were made a few years ago but the witness has only now had time to come forward. But what if Madeleine had been abducted and the sighting was genuine? Is the abductor going to come forward and bring Madeleine home? Of course not. Is he going to continue to live a normal life, going about his daily duties, shopping, going to the café, buying petrol etc. and with Madeleine in tow? Of course not. He going to be running scared, he is going to hide away and assuming that he doesn’t harm Madeleine or abandon her, he is going to take her into hiding too. Would it be unfair to say that the McCanns relationship with the media is hindering the search for Madeleine?
14. They appear to spend more time suing than searching.

My question is, who exactly is responsible for hindering the search?

A. Goncalo Amaral
B. Tony Bennett
C. The truthseekers
D. The McCanns

Can I phone a friend? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Galloway, MP: "The McCanns have either been the victims of a
cataclysmic historic injustice, almost unprecedented, or they have been
complicit in a scheme so duplicitous, so evil, so foul that Shakespeare
himself could not have written it.".........

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by aiyoyo 01.03.12 14:37

womandotcom wrote:
sharonl wrote:Kate and Gerry McCann insist that those are who are looking at the evidence and researching their case are hindering the search for Madeleine.

They claim that Goncalo Amaral, having said that Madeleine had died in the apartment and later written his book on the case, The truth about a lie, is hindering the search.

They claim that Tony Bennett, by bringing the (already public) facts of the case to attention of the public is hindering the search.

They claim that we as truthseekers, by discussing the facts of the case on an internet forum are hindering the search.

The McCanns claim to be the only people searching for Madeleine, But:

1. Against the good advice of the Portuguese police, they put Madeleine at risk by advertising the defect in her right eye. Gerry said that it was possible that this may harm Madeleine but it was a good marketing ploy. Enough to make the abductor hide Madeleine away or harm her.
2. They did not co-operate with the Portuguese police and dis-credited all the evidence.
3. They used a controversial firm of investigators to run an investigation along side the official investigation.
4. There were so many contradictions in their statements
5. When the investigation was going on they went globetrotting.
6. When Madeleine was sighted in Belgium, they went to Huelva
7. They employed bogus detectives Alphaig and fraudster Halligen allegedly to find Madeleine.
8. They infuriated donors to their fund by paying their mortgage with the fund money.
9. Kate refused to answer 48 questions
10. Kate agreed that by not answering the 48 questions that she was jeopordising the investigation.
11. They refused to do a re-construction
12. Kate McCann admitted that they did not physically search for Madeleine
13. The McCanns courted the media, agreeing to be photographed at certain times to give the press the stories that they wanted. In return the press would print nothing bad. We have since seen endless bogus sighting of Madeleine. ,There is always a mystery man or a witness who cannot be named. We have had the most ridiculous tales of letters from dead paedophiles, gypsies and even sightings that were made a few years ago but the witness has only now had time to come forward. But what if Madeleine had been abducted and the sighting was genuine? Is the abductor going to come forward and bring Madeleine home? Of course not. Is he going to continue to live a normal life, going about his daily duties, shopping, going to the café, buying petrol etc. and with Madeleine in tow? Of course not. He going to be running scared, he is going to hide away and assuming that he doesn’t harm Madeleine or abandon her, he is going to take her into hiding too. Would it be unfair to say that the McCanns relationship with the media is hindering the search for Madeleine?
14. They appear to spend more time suing than searching.

My question is, who exactly is responsible for hindering the search?

A. Goncalo Amaral
B. Tony Bennett
C. The truthseekers
D. The McCanns

Can I phone a friend? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

CM or CR? At this rate your chances of winning the million dollar price is slim.

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by womandotcom 01.03.12 15:15

aiyoyo wrote:
womandotcom wrote:
sharonl wrote:Kate and Gerry McCann insist that those are who are looking at the evidence and researching their case are hindering the search for Madeleine.

They claim that Goncalo Amaral, having said that Madeleine had died in the apartment and later written his book on the case, The truth about a lie, is hindering the search.

They claim that Tony Bennett, by bringing the (already public) facts of the case to attention of the public is hindering the search.

They claim that we as truthseekers, by discussing the facts of the case on an internet forum are hindering the search.

The McCanns claim to be the only people searching for Madeleine, But:

1. Against the good advice of the Portuguese police, they put Madeleine at risk by advertising the defect in her right eye. Gerry said that it was possible that this may harm Madeleine but it was a good marketing ploy. Enough to make the abductor hide Madeleine away or harm her.
2. They did not co-operate with the Portuguese police and dis-credited all the evidence.
3. They used a controversial firm of investigators to run an investigation along side the official investigation.
4. There were so many contradictions in their statements
5. When the investigation was going on they went globetrotting.
6. When Madeleine was sighted in Belgium, they went to Huelva
7. They employed bogus detectives Alphaig and fraudster Halligen allegedly to find Madeleine.
8. They infuriated donors to their fund by paying their mortgage with the fund money.
9. Kate refused to answer 48 questions
10. Kate agreed that by not answering the 48 questions that she was jeopordising the investigation.
11. They refused to do a re-construction
12. Kate McCann admitted that they did not physically search for Madeleine
13. The McCanns courted the media, agreeing to be photographed at certain times to give the press the stories that they wanted. In return the press would print nothing bad. We have since seen endless bogus sighting of Madeleine. ,There is always a mystery man or a witness who cannot be named. We have had the most ridiculous tales of letters from dead paedophiles, gypsies and even sightings that were made a few years ago but the witness has only now had time to come forward. But what if Madeleine had been abducted and the sighting was genuine? Is the abductor going to come forward and bring Madeleine home? Of course not. Is he going to continue to live a normal life, going about his daily duties, shopping, going to the café, buying petrol etc. and with Madeleine in tow? Of course not. He going to be running scared, he is going to hide away and assuming that he doesn’t harm Madeleine or abandon her, he is going to take her into hiding too. Would it be unfair to say that the McCanns relationship with the media is hindering the search for Madeleine?
14. They appear to spend more time suing than searching.

My question is, who exactly is responsible for hindering the search?

A. Goncalo Amaral
B. Tony Bennett
C. The truthseekers
D. The McCanns

Can I phone a friend? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

CM or CR? At this rate your chances of winning the million dollar price is slim.

well, CR is very busy just now trying to destroy TB so I can't bother them. CM also has his problems right now with his sinking boats so I guess I'm on my own. Its not a hard question to answer though, the McCann's have done everything possible to derail and divert the search for Maddie, from their dodgy photographs right at the start to their equally dodgy inverstigators right up to their equally dodgy practice of suing the pants off anyone who showed any inclination to at least try and find out what happened to this little girl. Final answer.

Galloway, MP: "The McCanns have either been the victims of a
cataclysmic historic injustice, almost unprecedented, or they have been
complicit in a scheme so duplicitous, so evil, so foul that Shakespeare
himself could not have written it.".........

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by juliet 01.03.12 20:40

Of course, the McCanns have done everything in their power to first remove, and then smear and ruin, the one official who was likely to find out the truth - Senor Amaral. I have never heard of any other parents of missing children going on a witch hunt against the policeman in charge of finding them...and trying to have his book about the case banned worldwide.

Don't forget Gordon Brown reportedly said that Sr Amaral had been sacked, even before Sr Amaral and his staff were notified.

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by Gillyspot 01.03.12 20:50

All the pro trolls on twitter insist that we are harming the search by sharing our evidence but when pressed their version of "searching" for Madeleine is finding & abusing us & reporting us to Carter-Ruck. So would that be the REAL search purpose & is it Madeleine "who" as far as they are concerned? sad

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by Merrymo 04.03.12 20:39

Gillyspot wrote:All the pro trolls on twitter insist that we are harming the search by sharing our evidence but when pressed their version of "searching" for Madeleine is finding & abusing us & reporting us to Carter-Ruck. So would that be the REAL search purpose & is it Madeleine "who" as far as they are concerned? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

'Opinion' isn't evidence.

'Theorising' - isn't evidence.

'Speculation' isn't evidence.

It's my understanding that the McCanns are searching through the files to see if anything has been overlooked -which might be of help to the case - and which they can follow up. I would not expect them to give chapter and verse in a public way - as that would also be pre warning the perpetrators of their findings and intentions.

They are also endeavouring to keep their daughter's profile in the public eye - especially with people going on holiday abroad. It might be that one day - as a direct result of that - someone will see something and be suspicious enough to act upon it- which they would not have done if the Maddie case had long since faded from their minds and memories - which IMO is what happened with the Ben Needham case.

It could well be that none of the above will yield anything - but the McCanns are not going to give up doing everything they can to find out what happened to their daughter in the meantime. That seems a natural enough reaction to me.

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by Kololi 04.03.12 22:38

Merrymo wrote:
Gillyspot wrote:All the pro trolls on twitter insist that we are harming the search by sharing our evidence but when pressed their version of "searching" for Madeleine is finding & abusing us & reporting us to Carter-Ruck. So would that be the REAL search purpose & is it Madeleine "who" as far as they are concerned? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

'Opinion' isn't evidence.

'Theorising' - isn't evidence.

'Speculation' isn't evidence.

It's my understanding that the McCanns are searching through the files to see if anything has been overlooked -which might be of help to the case - and which they can follow up. I would not expect them to give chapter and verse in a public way - as that would also be pre warning the perpetrators of their findings and intentions.

They are also endeavouring to keep their daughter's profile in the public eye - especially with people going on holiday abroad. It might be that one day - as a direct result of that - someone will see something and be suspicious enough to act upon it- which they would not have done if the Maddie case had long since faded from their minds and memories - which IMO is what happened with the Ben Needham case.

It could well be that none of the above will yield anything - but the McCanns are not going to give up doing everything they can to find out what happened to their daughter in the meantime. That seems a natural enough reaction to me.

A cheerful smiley :flower: to lessen the blow when that big stick comes down across your shoulders!

And a fair enough comment btw although I do wish that if they find anything that may have not been noticed previously they pass that information straight to Scotland Yard rather than to one of the mickey mouse private detective agencies they seem keen on using.

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by PeterMac 04.03.12 23:03

Merrymo wrote:
Gillyspot wrote:All the pro trolls on twitter insist that we are harming the search by sharing our evidence but when pressed their version of "searching" for Madeleine is finding & abusing us & reporting us to Carter-Ruck. So would that be the REAL search purpose & is it Madeleine "who" as far as they are concerned? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
'Opinion' isn't evidence.
'Theorising' - isn't evidence.
'Speculation' isn't evidence.
It's my understanding that the McCanns are searching through the files to see if anything has been overlooked -which might be of help to the case - and which they can follow up. I would not expect them to give chapter and verse in a public way - as that would also be pre warning the perpetrators of their findings and intentions.

They are also endeavouring to keep their daughter's profile in the public eye - especially with people going on holiday abroad. It might be that one day - as a direct result of that - someone will see something and be suspicious enough to act upon it- which they would not have done if the Maddie case had long since faded from their minds and memories - which IMO is what happened with the Ben Needham case.

It could well be that none of the above will yield anything - but the McCanns are not going to give up doing everything they can to find out what happened to their daughter in the meantime. That seems a natural enough reaction to me.
Indeed so.
What we have been doing is exactly that. "Going through the files to see if anything has been overlooked."
Such as the inconsistencies; such as the impossibilities of certain things having happened in the way described; such as the bizarre nature of some of the actions reported, and so on.
And on the question of pre-warning the perpetrators, consider the trademarking of the coloboma, which almost everyone accepts would have been Madeleine's death warrant, consider the boast by the M3 clown that he knew who took her and was closing in, and would have her back by Christmas, and so on, all contained in the "files".

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by Gillyspot 05.03.12 1:25

Merrymo can you actually say what the McCann couple are doing in the "search" for Madeleine? They have employed 3 lots of dodgy Private Invesigators and an awful lot of expensive libel lawyers. They have spent a lot of time making sure they are regularly in the newspapers and must appear sad (even after 4.5 years) and whoosh any picture in UK of them smiling.

I personally don't see any of the above as actual "searching" so can you point me to evidence they are actuallly looking?

We on the other hand spend time going through the evidence held within the official police files (and elsewhere) & trying to see what the truth is in regards to what happened to Madeleine.

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by russiandoll 05.03.12 12:39

It's my understanding that the McCanns are searching through the files to see if anything has been overlooked -which might be of help to the case - and which they can follow up. I would not expect them to give chapter and verse in a public way - as that would also be pre warning the perpetrators of their findings and intentions.

They are also endeavouring to keep their daughter's profile in the public eye - especially with people going on holiday abroad. It might be that one day - as a direct result of that - someone will see something and be suspicious enough to act upon it- which they would not have done if the Maddie case had long since faded from their minds and memories - which IMO is what happened with the Ben Needham case.

are you not indulging in a bit of specualtion yourself here?
where is your evidence that their motives for searching through the files is to see if something has been overlooked? they might have a very different motive for going through them meticulously.
where is the evidence that they will follow up anything new which they discover in the files?
where is the evidence that they are endeavouring to keep Madeleine in the public eye in order that she will be found? how do you know that is their motive?
as you say, it is all just your opinion.


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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by Liz Eagles 05.03.12 13:10

SY is looking through the files too. They have the PJ files, the PI files and their own investigation/review. I'm not aware that SY have to in anyway report to McCann HQ any of their findings. That's a potential worry for TM if that's the case. Does anyone know if SY have the power to urge the PJ to re-open the case in light of new evidence or of their professional opinion to point PJ to further investigate certain areas?
Liz Eagles
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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by Gillyspot 05.03.12 20:05

As far as I can recall it was constantly referred to that the McCanns' Lawyers were searching through the files. Forgive me for being simple but wouldn't it be better for police or PI's to be doing this not Lawyers?

Or do Kate & Gerry think lawyers make better detectives in the "search" for Madeleine

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Re: Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible?

Post by Kololi 05.03.12 22:15

I am probably very wrong Gillyspot but wasn't it Kate McCann who was searching the files?

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Hindering the search for Madeleine, who is responsible? Empty Kate the Fileperuser

Post by Guest 05.03.12 22:21

Kololi wrote:I am probably very wrong Gillyspot but wasn't it Kate McCann who was searching the files?

So it is rumoured.

Some purport this was, to collect information to waylay suspicions it the bewk.
In order to clear whomsoever

Perish the thought! Of course not!

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