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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Mm11

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Mm11

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Regist10

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by Jill Havern 01.08.11 7:58

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? LancetThe McCann family has asked health professionals to look out for Madeleine McCann, a 4-year-old English girl with a coloboma of her right iris, who was abducted while on holiday in Praia Da Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007. 1 Madeleine's disappearance highlights the ever-present danger of child abduction worldwide, remembered in a national day—May 25—in the USA. Link

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? CarlosDM_468x370Quote: Carlos Anjos, Polícia Judiciária: "If that situation had been of an abduction, it would have been terrible for the child. Because if that child were to be sold, or something else... She was as good as... it was her death sentence. That situation, that day, advertising that photo, was simply the death sentence of that child."


Gerry McCann: "We thought it was possible this could hurt her. Her abductor might do something to her eye. But in marketing terms it was a good ploy."


In the Piers Morgan interview where Kate and Gerry were promoting their new book:

MORGAN: Madeleine had a very distinctive eye pattern, didn't she? Tell me about that, Kate, in case people see somebody they think may be Madeleine. Tell me about her eye.

K. MCCANN: If I'm honest, we haven't put too much emphasis on her eye, because I think you have to be very close to her to see it. But her eyes are slightly different colors, and one of them has this brown fleck in it. But you do notice, particularly on photographs, but --

MORGAN: Slightly distinctive eye colors and a little fleck.

MORGAN: And do you know if that would be still there if she's now eight years old?

G. MCCANN: Certainly believe it wouldn't have changed. I think there's been a pattern to be still there. That it's -- the technical term is coloboma, where there's a defect in the iris. I don't think it is actually. I think it's actually an additional bit of color. She certainly had no visual problems.


A few links from our forum:


A few comments from our forum:

"For me this is the most shocking revelation of this whole saga. That means either they knew she could not be found, or they don't want her to be found. No other possibilities."

"Missing a diagnosis is bad for a doctor, but making up one, especially for financial gain, is worse."

K. MCCANN: If I'm honest, we haven't put too much emphasis on her eye

"You couldn't make it up could you?

The posters with LOOK (showing coloboma in the 'O's)

The Bryan Adams song (Look into My Eyes)"

The other poster with 'Look into my Eyes' as displayed by David Beckham

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Becks
Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Madeleine_FA_Cup_Final_2007Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? LookWhy have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Kate%2Bwith%2BposterWhy have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Coloboma2Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Kate%2Bpiss%2Btaker
"If I'm honest, we haven't put too much emphasis on her eye"

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by Smokeandmirrors 01.08.11 8:22

This is the sort of glaring contradiction that quite frankly, any journo worth their salt should pick up and run with. It makes you want to shake the police and say, "look, it's right in front of you, PROOF beyond all reasonable doubt that at the very least the testimony of these people changes". It is the perpetual ignoring of key pieces of spoken contradiction by the Mc's that is so frustrating. Why oh why are the media so spineless? Is every single newspaper being controlled?

It's like being trapped in one of those nightmares where you scream and no sound comes out your mouth.

I can only hope that there is a long game being played here. I hope someone somewhere is working on all these contradictions. If not it leaves one to believe that the "establishment" are all as thick as the proverbial.

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by Angelique 03.08.11 3:24

I agree - it seems that it makes no difference what the McCanns say even if it's a blatant contradiction to what has been said before, what they say now is their reality.

I don't think the establishment are thick as the proverbial - I think they are as thick as thieves!

Things aren't always what they seem

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by ROSA 03.08.11 3:33

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Z%20(8)_small

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Who else was in on the story?

Post by Guest 03.08.11 9:26

I can excuse the children who were roped into this farce but what about all the adults - friends, relatives, neighbours, medical professionals and parish priests to name just a few?

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by PeterMac 09.08.11 13:02

Forgive me, but I have just printed a copy of this page and intend to mail it to DCI Redwood. (OIC Madeleine review )
I shall not send it till tomorrow or thursday so if there are objections please let me know.

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Count me in!

Post by Guest 09.08.11 13:08

You have my full support PeterMac.

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? 636506

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty SY

Post by ROSA 09.08.11 13:13

Please find the coloboma biggergrin

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by Guest 09.08.11 13:15

PeterMac wrote:Forgive me, but I have just printed a copy of this page and intend to mail it to DCI Redwood. (OIC Madeleine review )
I shall not send it till tomorrow or thursday so if there are objections please let me know.

Please do PeterMac, and thank you thumbsup

Don't forget to tell him you're a retired police superintendent smilie

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by Guest 09.08.11 13:31

@PeterMac thumbsup clapping

It might be an idea to send details of the India sighting and ask how that came about?

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by Gillyspot 09.08.11 14:00

And the jemmied shutters interviews by all the Team McCann back in the UK and David Payne in interviews in Portugual on the 4th May 2007.

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by PeterMac 17.08.11 11:49

And this from

The McCann family has produced a new poster of Madeleine who went missing on the Algarve on Thursday May 3.The photo clearly shows her distinctive right eye, where the pupil runs into the blue-green iris.
Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? 1535110
New poster of Madeleine
:: You can download the poster here::
:: Download the original poster (English) ::
:: Download the original poster (French) ::
:: Download the original poster (Spanish) ::
It is this distinguishing mark that will identify Madeleine to those on the lookout for her, according to aunt and uncle John and Diane McCann.
:: The number telephone number displayed on the poster is for people phoning from within the UK who may have information.

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by PeterMac 17.08.11 11:51

And this from

Mira Dentro De Mis Ojos
Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Madeleine_right_eye
la familia de Madeleine McCann cree que una foto nueva de la desaparecida de 4 años podria jugar un papel vital en su búsqueda.
La foto muestra claramente su distintivo ojo derecho, donde su pupila se corre en su iris azul-verde.
es esta distintiva marca la que identificara a Madeleine con aquellos que la buscan.
Busco voluntarios.
para traducir partes de esta página a francés y árabe. Si pudieran ayudar con alguno de estos idiomas porfavor envia un email

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by PeterMac 17.08.11 11:58

And this from
Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Madeleine1

Secuestrada en Praia Da Luz, Portugal, en Marzo 5, 2007
Abducted from Praia Da Luz, Portugal, on March 5, 2007

"Como sabréis mi sobrina, Madeleine, sigue desaparecida y estoy pidiéndoles a todos mis conocidos que envíen una carta cadena, es decir, mandársela a todo el que uno conozca y que a su vez hagan lo mismo, ya que la noticia sólo se conoce en Gran Bretaña, Irlanda y Portugal. No creemos que ella siga en Portugal y necesitamos que su fotografía y su noticia cruce toda Europa lo más rápido posible. Cualquier indicio será bienvenido.

Phil McCann"

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Madeleine2

La familia de Madeleine McCann cree que esta nueva fotografía de su hija de cuatro años puede ser vital en su búsqueda. La foto de la chiquilla permite ver claramente un rasgo característico en su ojo derecho [where the pupil runs into the blue-green iris]. El nuevo cartel de Madeleine es una característica distintiva para reconocer a Madeleine por aquellos que la busquen, según sus tíos John y Diane McCann. La pareja de Glasgow tratará de repartir tan lejos como puedan el cartel con la descripción que incluye el teléfono de las fuerzas de seguridad. La Sra. McCann dijo: "La intención del cartel es resaltar la característica especial del ojo derecho de Madeleine. Queremos remarcarlo mucho, porque sabemos que le podrían cortar o teñir el pelo".

Portuguese Police on 00351 282 405 400
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by PeterMac 17.08.11 12:03

So, to sum up.
They have not lied about Madeleine's coloboma for the last 4 years.
They are lying about it now.
They are also lying about not having made a big issue of it, now.
Why ?

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by ROSA 17.08.11 12:12


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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by lj 17.08.11 13:16

Then it was a good marketing ploy.
Then it also was, if Madeleine was truly abducted, a death sentence.


a family member or family doctor has come forward to say there was no coloboma.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by PeterMac 17.08.11 13:31

lj wrote:Then it was a good marketing ploy.
Then it also was, if Madeleine was truly abducted, a death sentence.
a family member or family doctor has come forward to say there was no coloboma.
They are terrified that Madeleine's remains will be found. When they are the coloboma will no longer be apparent (Sorry for the mental imagery, but this is science !)
What will still be available is DNA. (2 nights ago there was the programme about the identification of Tutankhamen's mother from DNA, so don't imagine that 4 years is a long time)
DNA may show that there was an underlying genetic abnormality, - Turners, XO, or whatever. This would not be very unusual in an IVF child. They do show more than the 'normal' number of abnormalities.
That would lead to questions about behaviour patterns, learning difficulties, and to the horrifying revelation that Madeleine was not "Perfect" in every way.

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Coloboma and eye colour change!

Post by tigger 17.08.11 14:17

PeterMac wrote:So, to sum up.
They have not lied about Madeleine's coloboma for the last 4 years.
They are lying about it now.
They are also lying about not having made a big issue of it, now.
Why ?

1)In Kate's book she writes about Madeleine's 'big brown eyes' when she was born. Now I don't think that brown eyes turn green or blue, but the other way round is possible in Caucasian babies.
2)Coloboma: if you look at the little film where she is about 2 (in blue) and of which they have a still on their own website. There's indeed just a fleck to be seen, but no way the thick stripe. In the still there IS a very pronounced coloboma.
In lots of photographs the coloboma is shopped in, one of the easier things to do with adobe photoshop, but: not always in the same position, 6.00 o'clock, 7 o'clock. Sometimes almost 8 o'clock. Not possible colobomas don't move. There are a few photographs were there is nothing much visible at all. So, I am convinced there was a 'fleck' but nothing more.
3) Reasons for inventing this:
Good marketing ploy - known as 'Unique Selling Point' (I think Gerry missed his true vocation)
There were going to be thousands of sightings of little blond girls - but the Team McCann need not fly out to ascertain whether it's Maddie or not!
They were way too busy with their tours and interviews.
4) Reason for playing it down:
They now NEED sightings. If the Indian one had been halfway true, they'd have been out there in a blaze of publicity. Think of it: once again the disappointment, the hope, the desparate parents.
More sightings, more publicity, more attention, more money. Easy.
This has always and ever been about the money, IMO.

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by ROSA 17.08.11 23:31

a coloboma is not a lie?yes no i dont know please find the body a coloboma on a dead body bomb

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Brown Eyes

Post by Guest 17.08.11 23:43

Tigger, I can't find Katie's reference to the big brown eyes, do you know what page it is on?

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Maddie's birth.

Post by tigger 18.08.11 6:30

Molly wrote:Tigger, I can't find Katie's reference to the big brown eyes, do you know what page it is on?

I'll have a look, I must check it in the library, I quoted from someone who quoted from her book on this site. I believe on the topic of Kate obsessed by beautiful children.

Just checked, it's in the 'Book' topic and on page 2 the post and quotes by Peter Mac.

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Re: Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years?

Post by LG78 22.08.11 10:25

Difference in color and how the "colomba" stands
[img]Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Sun11310[/img]

[img]Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Sun11311[/img]

[img]Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Madele10[/img]

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Take a look

Post by LG78 22.08.11 10:56

Okey I looked on the photos in photoshop, I found the pictures here [url= ] [/url]

All I have done is blow them up.

Look closly at the first picture, and the fleck in her eye, and how it is very bendt, and seems like it doesnt belong there. Really looks like it has been put there in a hurry. Also see how it floats over the eyelid..

[img]Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Mc10[/img]

And then there is this, with clear blue eyes and a good visible fleck standing straight at 6 o clock. And also to the left of the "colomba" is another tiny little fleck, just like someone by accident without noticing made that little fleck there. If you look at the picture in my post before this, the official campaign colomba picture, that little fleck isnt there, and the "colomba" also is not in the same position. There its more 7 oclock. What I wonder is why Kate looks so very young on this picture, it cant be more than 3 years before the trip to PDL. Still she looks ten years younger.

[img]Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Mc210[/img]

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Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Empty Hi

Post by MOTBO 22.08.11 11:11

LG78 wrote:Okey I looked on the photos in photoshop, I found the pictures here [url= ] [/url]

All I have done is blow them up.

Look closly at the first picture, and the fleck in her eye, and how it is very bendt, and seems like it doesnt belong there. Really looks like it has been put there in a hurry. Also see how it floats over the eyelid..

[img]Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Mc10[/img]

And then there is this, with clear blue eyes and a good visible fleck standing straight at 6 o clock. And also to the left of the "colomba" is another tiny little fleck, just like someone by accident without noticing made that little fleck there. If you look at the picture in my post before this, the official campaign colomba picture, that little fleck isnt there, and the "colomba" also is not in the same position. There its more 7 oclock. What I wonder is why Kate looks so very young on this picture, it cant be more than 3 years before the trip to PDL. Still she looks ten years younger.

[img]Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? Mc210[/img]

I have yet to find a photo of Madeleine that I beleive has not been photoshopped, or is not her. Ever heard the attraction/distraction method it is very subtle, this instance the eye errors are so designed so you focus on that point (attraction), and fail to look anywhere else(distraction).

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