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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Mm11

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Mm11

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by theolivebranch 07.10.10 20:34

candyfloss wrote:
theolivebranch wrote:I don't know what the rules are about bringing a link from another forum, and if I shouldn't have mods please remove and sorry.
Bren posted this link on the Maddie Case Files about , well I will let you read it. WEords fail me other than this should be investigated IMO.

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thumbsup no probs the olivebranch

Thanks Candyfloss, makes a very worrying read.

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by Autumn 07.10.10 20:43

theolivebranch wrote:I don't know what the rules are about bringing a link from another forum, and if I shouldn't have mods please remove and sorry.
Bren posted this link on the Maddie Case Files about , well I will let you read it. WEords fail me other than this should be investigated IMO.

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Thanks for the link theolivebranch,

From The Times article, Jim Gamble says:

“Images of children being sexually abused should only be shared in strictly controlled circumstances. Any unnecessary retention leads to the re-victimisation of the child.”

So why are CEOP allowing visitors to see these poor victims pictures and violating them all over again? Have they not suffered enough? Double standards and unfit code of practice is what I think.

If this is considered acceptable behaviour at CEOP then little wonder the Government want rid of them and Jim Gamble.

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by theolivebranch 07.10.10 20:55

Autumn wrote:
theolivebranch wrote:I don't know what the rules are about bringing a link from another forum, and if I shouldn't have mods please remove and sorry.
Bren posted this link on the Maddie Case Files about , well I will let you read it. WEords fail me other than this should be investigated IMO.

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Thanks for the link theolivebranch,

From The Times article, Jim Gamble says:

“Images of children being sexually abused should only be shared in strictly controlled circumstances. Any unnecessary retention leads to the re-victimisation of the child.”

So why are CEOP allowing visitors to see these poor victims pictures and violating them all over again? Have they not suffered enough? Double standards and unfit code of practice is what I think.

If this is considered acceptable behaviour at CEOP then little wonder the Government want rid of them and Jim Gamble.

Yes indeed Autumn and also how the hell are these visits allowed. It isn't a factory visit with a cuppa in the staff canteen at the end with a free sample of whatever, this man could actually see the screens with the abuse right there in front of him. Was this investigated, or, is it/was it common practice?

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by Guest 07.10.10 22:44

Perhaps if they did less of these visits they would catch more paedophiles. After all that is what they are paid to do.

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by aiyoyo 08.10.10 1:29

Let's put it this way, officials would not have expended time and resources changing anything unnecessarily. They must have good reasons for initiating the change, something must have triggered the review with the resultant change.

No one knows the percusors to the the proposal and adopted of changes. In any case changes are implemented and effected after an innumerable nr. of hours of official meetings and input of various officials and departments before that can happen. It is not an overnight decision. Whatever it be, the collective decision would have taking into considerations all aspects before coming to a general consensus to vote for the change. So, the change, not to the likings of Jim Gamble, may just be the what the officials hoped for because what better way to boot out an unwanted personnel than taking away their free rein power.

Merging CEOP would mean diluting his power; reducing him to being just a number among others curtailing his capacity to do further damage to his abuse of position. No one knows what culminated in his resignation - did he resign because he resents surrendering of his free rein days, or did he resigned because they'd his naughty tail clipped and edged him to a corner that he'd no choice or face humiliation of being removed. I think someone like him wouldnt have offered to stepped down without a good fight, so a fight it was and he lost obviously.

His staff coming out to protest is one thing. Who are the mccanns to decide who should run child protection agency or how it should be structured. Whether Jim Gamble heads an independent agency or not is immaterial to the bigger scheme of things. Anyway in my view, no child protection agency should ever be classed as 'quango' in the avoidance of abuse of power, improper internal conduct within CEOP, cover up, and buried in the dark and no one is the wiser.

Children victims have absolutely to be protected at all costs, even against CEOP staff, because I am wondering are all CEOP staff with rights to view images for duty reasons subjected to stringent criminal checks and have blamished free records? What about part time staff hired to cover duties - are they cleared by police first. The viewing of images within that organisation, CEOP, should be restricted to named personnel who have been first cleared by police, otherwise there's the real risk of dormant paedophile or potential paedophile in the midst whose aim is not to do the job of exposing, reporting or investigating perpetrators, but rather to protect perpetrators.

The one (more) thing that Theresa May had done so far is accepting Jim Gamble's resignation. Thumbs up to her!

exalt exalt exalt

Personally, I feel a biased person like Jim Gamble who had displayed that biased view so blatantly in public is not suited to head any children protection unit/agency as he's misleading the public.


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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by The Slave 12.10.10 18:45

Suspected Child Traffickers Arrested in Ilford
A major operation has been carried out by the Met Police in east London this morning (October 12) targeting suspected child traffickers.

Twenty eight children, aged between 3 and 17, have been taken into police protection after officers went into 16 addresses in Ilford.

The primary aim of the operation was to safeguard potential victims of a Romanian based gang of child traffickers.

A three year old boy has been taken to hospital because of bruising and facial injuries.

Three adults have been arrested on suspicion of assault and neglect of a child, two have been arrested for being on warrant and two on suspicion of benefit fraud.

Chief Inspector Colin Carswell is one of those involved in the investigation: "The aim of today's operation was to safeguard and identify victims, safeguard and identify any 'new' victims not previously identified, secure evidence, arrest suspects, and minimise any community impact that might occur.

"The trafficking and exploitation of children for forced criminality is a gross violation of their human rights. Our primary purpose, in tandem with our expert colleagues from the Specialist Crime Directorate, local authority and health trust, is to ensure these vulnerable children get any professional help they may require to remain safe and free from abuse.

"These children are exploited by gangs and in some cases their own parents. Many parents are told by the gang they can earn money if they give up their child to be taken aboard. The gangs loan them money to pay for the trafficking. This is at an extremely high interest rate, and it can take many years to pay off gangs, with increasing numbers of the children and even entire families becoming entrapped as debt slaves. Often the families are forced to move across the UK and Europe and into controlling fresh victims."

The children, all from the Romanian Roma community, will now be assesed by specialists in child protection.

So far the investigation, codenamed Operation Golf, has arrested 126 people in the UK for offences including trafficking human beings into the UK, trafficking human beings internally in the UK, money laundering, benefit fraud, child neglect, perverting the course of justice, theft and handling stolen goods - court cases are ongoing

Where were CEOP?????!!!!!
Great work from the Met.
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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Jim Gamble on Sky News 9th February 2016

Post by Liz Eagles 09.02.16 10:26

I chose this topic at random to post the latest on Gamble's new company. There are so many Gamble topics.

Jim Gamble has been on the Sky News sofa this morning promoting a new App from his company INEQE. Quite what this App is supposed to do is not entirely clear. Apparently teachers, parents and pupils will have to engage and take some form of test.

What is entirely clear to me is INEQE (whatever this associate based company is - and someone really does need to look into this imo) has been hosted by Sky News to promote their product.

Who endorsed this product?

Who endorses INEQE as a leading company?
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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by kaz 09.02.16 11:37

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Perhaps Ineqe are trusted with such secrets though - after all, its CEO Jim Gamble was [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP

Post by Liz Eagles 09.02.16 11:47

I sincerely hope someone can post up a link to the Sky News appearance of Gamble's launch of his new product today.

Gamble stumbles over his words, talks proudly of his product, criticizes the UK Police and concedes his product will possibly direct people to CEOP (this would be the organisation he resigned from and almost damned).

Keep the focus on Gamble's new product and why it was allowed/invited to be aired. Keep the focus on why what appears to be a shadowy associate-based company with little financial info is now in our schools, our education system and is now producing an App that is wholly endorsed by Sky News who give Gamble credence to promote his new product.
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Jim Gamble resigns from CEOP - Page 3 Empty The case against SKY News, continued...

Post by Tony Bennett 09.02.16 12:18

SKY News promoting Jim Gambles 'ineqe' yet again, on 10 March 2015:

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We shouldn't forget that SKY News also:

1. Promotes Mark Williams-Thomas, the self-styled 'criminologist and child sexual abuse expert' who is on record as stating that the brutally-murdered Joana Cipriano is still a 'missing child' case, and that her case and that of Madeleine McCann are 'very similar'

2. Promotes Sonia Poulton, who lies about a documentary she claims to have made about Brenda Leyland and Madeleine McCann, has labelled CMOMM a 'cesspit', and arranged for a notorious anti-McCann 'vile troll' who gets a rise out of 'squishing people on Twitter' to occupy two pages of the Sun last year  

3. Hounded Brenda Leyland to an early death, and

4. Is owned by Rupert Murdoch


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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