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Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Mm11

Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Mm11

Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Regist10

Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine

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Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Empty Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine

Post by Jill Havern 25.12.22 9:56

Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Madele11

Oh wait, that's last year's message....

"We'll never give up."  Oh yes you have.

Meanwhile we're still here.

Merry Christmas, Madeleine, wherever you may be.  singlerose

tree santa
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Empty Re: Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine

Post by PeterMac 31.12.22 9:46

What could they possibly say this year ?
"Despite losing the Appeal in Portugal, and in the Supreme Court, and when we tried to overturn that decision we were distressed to read the 'obiter dicta', so we went to the ECHR where we lost again.
But anyway – to change the subject, we still miss our daughter MargaretMadalynMadeleine,  madeleine and want to keep her name in the press so that people will continue to donate to the "fund" which is running a bit low.
We caught the twins reading the book, but luckily we had torn out page 126. We still don't allow them to look at the internet, which we have been told is responsible parenting, even though they are now 18.
Err, umm,  Happy, yer know, Christmas"

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Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Empty Re: Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine

Post by CaKeLoveR 31.12.22 11:53

You are being kind - that's far too articulate.
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Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Empty Re: Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine

Post by sharonl 31.12.22 19:42

When was the last Christmas Message to Madeleine? I seem to remember one Christmas where they used Brian Healy's health as an excuse not to do a Christmas message, nothing was said the following year either.

They're probably too afraid to speak for fear of putting their foot in it, as they did every time the spoke in the past.
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Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine Empty Re: Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine

Post by PeterMac 04.01.23 8:08

The Christmas Message is out. But like the "Fund's" accounts is late.


3 January, 2023

Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine New-year-2023

Happy New Year

We'd like to wish all our supporters a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2023. As has been the case over the many years without Madeleine, the kind messages of support and Christmas wishes which we have received have brought that extra touch of warmth and hope to our lives. Christmas and other celebratory events will never be the same with our family incomplete but we continue to make the best of our situation whilst never forgetting or giving up.

We head into the new year with continued determination and positivity.

May 2023 be a good one for us all.

With our best wishes and eternal thanks.

Kate, Gerry & family 

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