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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™   

PeterMac's new e-book chapter: 'The Pool Photo refuses to go away'

Jill Havern | Published on the 28.04.18 22:52 | 526 Views

PeterMac's new e-book chapter: 'The Pool Photo refuses to go away'

The Pool Photo is of crucial importance. Of that there can be little doubt.
To put the matter simply –
IF it was taken on Thursday 3rd May 2007 - it is capable of showing that Madeleine was alive and well at lunchtime that day
IF it was not, - then the implications go far beyond a simple misunderstanding. The fact that it was presented by Mitchell on behalf of the McCanns as having been taken at a particular time on a particular date, and the fact that Kate unequivocally repeated this in her autobiography has great bearing on almost every aspect of the case. It goes directly to the veracity of the McCanns and the involvement of Mitchell – amongst many others.

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