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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Mm11

Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Mm11

Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Regist10

Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Empty Re: Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

Post by jeanmonroe 23.01.17 0:10

"Would you be happy to hear the mccanns are suing the lead detective who is searching for your missing child because he says your daughter died in their home and they concealed the crime, disposed of her body and then filed a false police report, even though he allows for it to be accidental?"

BOTH ex DCI A Redwood and Met police commissioner BHH have 'said', on 'record', 'Madeleine may have died, may not have left her apartment alive, is possibly dead'.........................have the McCan'ts 'SUED' them?

Not forgetting GM himself saying, on 'record', that '....and there's no evidence to implicate us (GM/KM) in her death'

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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Empty Re: Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

Post by Guest 23.01.17 7:49

I would wonder why they didn't answer all questions put to them.

The public are suspicious of them - so clear the suspicion.

That helps the search.

Lingering suspicion hinders the search.

They have had the public means to clear suspicion for nearly 10 years now.

They should invite questions and promise to answer them.

It's obvious.

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Post by jeanmonroe 23.01.17 11:52

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"They should invite questions and promise to answer them."

I'm pretty 'sure' at 10th 'anniversary' time they will 'answer' questions with lots and lots of 'alternative facts'!

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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Empty Re: Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

Post by Guest 23.01.17 12:03

BlueBag wrote:
That helps the search.
Search?  What search?

".... there is no one proactively searching for our daughter ...."  Gerry McCann

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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Empty Re: Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

Post by sandancer 23.01.17 17:05

jeanmonroe wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

"They should invite questions and promise to answer them."

I'm pretty 'sure' at 10th 'anniversary' time they will 'answer' questions with lots and lots of 'alternative facts'!
" Answers " like 
"I knew , KNEW "
"I know more than you cos I was there !" 
"Ask the dogs ( insert name ) "
"To be honest "

"Alternative facts " another meaning for lies ? 

Any questions would have to be strictly vetted by " a source close to the family "  beware
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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Empty Re: Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

Post by jeanmonroe 23.01.17 23:40

'alternative facts'

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Sorry, Kellyanne Conway. 'Alternative facts' are just lies!

Jill Abramson

I just bought my first official souvenir of the Trump era. No, it wasn’t a pink pussycat hat. It’s a black T-shirt with white typography that says “Alternative Facts are Lies”.

The shirt commemorates a piece of Orwellian newspeak that flew from the lips of Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday. She made the absurd claim that the new White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, hadn’t lied to reporters about the size of the inaugural crowd, he had merely presented them with “alternative facts”. The salient part of her exchange with host Chuck Todd is worth setting out in full:

Chuck Todd: "... answer the question of why the president asked the White House press secretary to come out in front of the podium for the first time and utter a falsehood. Why did he do that? It undermines the credibility of the entire White House press office ..."

Kellyanne Conway: "No it doesn’t."

Chuck Todd: "... on day one."

Kellyanne Conway: "Don’t be so overly dramatic about it, Chuck. what ... you’re saying it’s a falsehood. And they’re giving Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that. But the point remains ..."

Chuck Todd: "Wait a minute ... alternative facts? Alternative facts? Four of the five facts he uttered, the one thing he got right was Zeke Miller. Four of the five facts he uttered were just not true. Look, alternative facts are not facts. They’re falsehoods."

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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Empty Re: Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

Post by Guest 24.01.17 7:42

It's not difficult to see the slight of hand here.

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I presume they had a good reason for not showing the Trump crowd at 11.30 am

Or comparing them at noon.

Dirty game.

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Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost? - Page 2 Empty Re: Would You Be Happy With Their Behaviour And Inaction If It Were Your Daughter The McCanns Lost?

Post by plebgate 25.01.17 14:48

Trump gave em a bashing though didn't he and they didn't like it.

Trump gives better than he gets.  I am still hoping we will get a leader like that one day.

Come on Terri May show us what you're made of.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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