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Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Mm11

Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Mm11

Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Regist10

Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007'

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Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Empty Re: Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007'

Post by PeterMac 08.02.14 16:11

jeanmonroe wrote:PeterMac:
Read my post in:
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Thanks for that. Sorry Admin, I had not realised it had been posted already. Do you want to merge and block
And yes, Jean it was your stuff that I picked up on, so thanks again for that.

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Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Empty Re: Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007'

Post by ultimaThule 08.02.14 16:21

It seems to me that media coverage of late has become a runaway train...

The '3 burglars' story broke of the eve of 7 January, the date set for the hearing of closing arguments in the libel trial. 
However, at the request of Isabel Duarte, counsel for the McCanns, the trial was postponed to an as yet unannounced date and, IMO, it was reasonable to suppose that the flurry of publicity which had all the hallmarks of TM's usual diversionary tactics would rapidly abate. 

Instead, press activity has continued at a pace with speculation as to the dastardly trio's mobile phone usage being followed by photos of AR and his own threesome arriving laden with files in Faro and entering a doorway set on a narrow street, an announcement that a number of MW workers had been put under the forensic microscope and found wanting becoming a search for the driver who ferried OC clients to and from the airport, and a subsequent search for the alleged would-be abductor of another young child 3 years after Madeleine's disappearance culminating in a hunt for the 'soothing couple'. 

All of the aforementioned set against the permanent backdrop of a gypsy encampment, conveniently set a few miles from Luz, with its implication of shady doings by an equally shady group of people which can be relied on to pad out thin stories where necessary.  Am I the only one to find it surprising that Jez Wilkins hasn't produced a series featuring children who've been stolen by gypsies... or fairies for that matter?

If I were minded to believe the media dance only to the McCanns' tune, I might suspect that one of the orchestra players is determined to strike a bum note by leaving them fresh out of hackneyed songs to sing when the trial resumes. 

What's left for TM to spin?  Alien abduction, or spontaneous combustion with the very same wind which whooshed the bedroom curtains blowing any ash deposits clean out of the unlocked patio doors?

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Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Empty Re: Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007'

Post by Guest 08.02.14 19:55

ultimaThule wrote:It seems to me that media coverage of late has become a runaway train...

The '3 burglars' story broke of the eve of 7 January, the date set for the hearing of closing arguments in the libel trial. 
However, at the request of Isabel Duarte, counsel for the McCanns, the trial was postponed to an as yet unannounced date and, IMO, it was reasonable to suppose that the flurry of publicity which had all the hallmarks of TM's usual diversionary tactics would rapidly abate. 

Instead, press activity has continued at a pace with speculation as to the dastardly trio's mobile phone usage being followed by photos of AR and his own threesome arriving laden with files in Faro and entering a doorway set on a narrow street, an announcement that a number of MW workers had been put under the forensic microscope and found wanting becoming a search for the driver who ferried OC clients to and from the airport, and a subsequent search for the alleged would-be abductor of another young child 3 years after Madeleine's disappearance culminating in a hunt for the 'soothing couple'. 

All of the aforementioned set against the permanent backdrop of a gypsy encampment, conveniently set a few miles from Luz, with its implication of shady doings by an equally shady group of people which can be relied on to pad out thin stories where necessary.  Am I the only one to find it surprising that Jez Wilkins hasn't produced a series featuring children who've been stolen by gypsies... or fairies for that matter?

If I were minded to believe the media dance only to the McCanns' tune, I might suspect that one of the orchestra players is determined to strike a bum note by leaving them fresh out of hackneyed songs to sing when the trial resumes. 

What's left for TM to spin?  Alien abduction, or spontaneous combustion with the very same wind which whooshed the bedroom curtains blowing any ash deposits clean out of the unlocked patio doors?


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Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Empty Who was there first ?

Post by PeterMac 08.02.14 21:38

Len Port, author of this piece lives a short distance away, and has contacts and friends in PdL.
He attended the "scene" around 8:30 (a.m. 4/5/7)
Jon Clarke, of Olive Press fame, claims he was the first English speaking journalist in PdL, having got there by mid-day.
He published his work in the Sun, with the Lazzeri creature, for 5 months before letting anything into his own paper.
Len speaks English AND Portuguese. (Which might help )
Great that we have a press who give us all the facts ! !

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Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007' - Page 3 Empty Re: Maddie McCann detectives 'probe Portuguese gypsy site 15-minutes away from hotel where three year-old was snatched in 2007'

Post by Guest 08.02.14 21:42

He's a member of this forum too -  hi - and was online earlier today but has never posted anything.

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