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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Mm11

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Mm11

Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Regist10

Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Guest 01.02.14 21:14

Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Lioned 01.02.14 21:22

Carole Malone very nearly gets it right again.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Rasputin 01.02.14 21:34

Lioned wrote:Carole Malone very nearly gets it right again.
A few coincedences too
Parents endangering their childrens lives ( smoking )
Deaths covered up and no-one responsible ( Mid Staffs Hospital ) there would be hell on if we lost a battalion in a war but it seems 1400 souls are acceptable .
Then Margret Hodge gets a mention .

"I'm not buying it" Wendy Murphy

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Tony Bennett 01.02.14 21:36

candyfloss wrote:Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more

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Quote:  "How devastating this must all be for Kate and Gerry McCann – another flurry of headlines, more promises of suspects and arrests... and then nothing. Again!"

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I know, I know. How awful. How awfully devastating.

How did this all start, I wonder?

Ah yes!

The boss of Metodo 3, Francisco Marco.

Dceember 2007.

Over six years ago.

'We are closing in on the kidnappers'.

'We know where they are'.

'Maddie is alive'.

'Maddie will be home by Christmas'.

How awful that anyone should do this.

To devastate the family with - er - "another flurry of headlines, more promises of suspects and arrests...and then nothing!"

And especially when you're paying them a retainer of 50 grand a month.

Plus expenses.

And on top of all that.

The sheer agony of learning that Wayne Hewlett actually burnt the letter from his 20-year-estranged, dying, paedophile Dad, with news of the tipsy gypsy who knew exactly what happened to Madeleine.

Such a little act of burning.

Maybe it took just one match.

The hope of finding Madeleine.

Gone up in smoke.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by ultimaThule 01.02.14 21:37

My first thought on reading this 'article' is that Carole Malone wrote it as a space filler with the additional intention of convincing the proprietor and readers of the Mirror that she is a worthy successor to the late and long lamented (by some) Marje Proops.

Second thought is, having made £millions from their daughter's disappearance, it can't be said that Madeleine's parents have been left with 'nothing' and that even this inconsequential piece is likely to get one or more of their virtual gift box tills ringing 'once more'.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Okeydokey 01.02.14 21:43

Well, fair dos, she has at least thrown a pebble of scepticism into the pool of nonsense - the ripples will spread out nicely. It's definitely NOT what the McCanns want to read at the breakfast table, even with the standard anti-carter-rucking genuflection to them at the end.

Let's hope Carole Malone has the guts to make a few similar comments in the future. It would be nice if for instance she asked about the fund - why we never see any detailed accounts about who gets the money.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by canada12 01.02.14 22:34

Feb 01, 2014 20:00
by CaroleMalone

Sunday Mirror columnist Carole Malone questions why small-time burglars are suspected by Scotland Yard of snatching the little girl
Scotland Yard detectives ­probing Madeleine McCann’s disappearance are saying she might have been taken by three burglars who’d been robbing apartments in the area.

Seriously? Burglars? I’m sorry, but the kind of crooks who break into holiday lets are looking for a few euros, mobiles and a bit of jewellery.

They don’t see a little girl and think, “Oh we’ll take her instead”. They’d run a mile rather than kidnap a child because they’re small-time.

And while they have contacts who can “fence” baubles and cameras, they’re unlikely to have any who can sell children.

The Met are saying they believe these burglars could have taken Maddie because the night she disappeared they were making lots of calls to each other.

Well they would if they were on the rob in an area where cops had been alerted that a little girl was missing.

And if the Met has to write “request letters” to the ­Portuguese police asking if they can search these men’s homes and access their bank accounts, how close are they to arresting anyone?

Four officers from ­Operation Grange in Portugal last week, are now back in London having made no arrests.

How devastating this must all be for Kate and Gerry McCann – another flurry of headlines, more promises of suspects and arrests... and then nothing. Again!

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I think the sarcasm in this article is self-evident. She's taking a well-aimed punch at Kate and Gerry and the spin.all the way through.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Doug D 01.02.14 23:25

Hang on a minute, this is the "Sunday Pink'un".

Everybody & his dog (apart from SY that is) knows that the three burglars story is just complete bollocks, and having tried to divert front pages from the end of the libel trial, which still hasn't happened, something 'new & headline grabbing' is going to be needed over the next few weeks, as this rubbish has come to the end of its shelf life. This is just adding a bit of closure, pending next weeks amazing 'new' revelations.

Penny for your thoughts CM.
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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by russiandoll 02.02.14 9:36

CM is right to ridicule the theory of burglars taking a child, but she is afaik wrong to say that the Met believe that this could be what happened. All I heard Redwood say is that M might have disturbed burglars in the apartment, it is the tabloid press who jumped on that and wrote about SY having this theory of burglars taking Madeleine, drawing an inference from his words which might not be what he intended at all.

If this was the scenario, which I do not accept as plausible for a minute, she might have woken, alerted them that they were not alone, they made a quick exit,, forgetting to close a door and she wandered out, had an accident which was discovered at the next check.

 Anything could have happened after she woke, without the burglars making off with her.

 If they did, she certainly would not have been carried away down the street to be seen by the Smiths.

So there is now a third child with patterned pjs and fair hair aged about 3, if M was taken by burglars, Smithman;s and crecheman's girls being numbers 1 and 2. 
 a trio of blonde under 5s out of their beds with just their pjs on, what did Kate say about her limit on believing in coincidence? I am sure it was 2.


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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by bobby18 02.02.14 9:45

canada12 wrote:
       Feb 01, 2014 20:00
       by CaroleMalone

Sunday Mirror columnist Carole Malone questions why small-time burglars are suspected by Scotland Yard of snatching the little girl
Scotland Yard detectives ­probing Madeleine McCann’s disappearance are saying she might have been taken by three burglars who’d been robbing apartments in the area.

Seriously? Burglars? I’m sorry, but the kind of crooks who break into holiday lets are looking for a few euros, mobiles and a bit of jewellery.

They don’t see a little girl and think, “Oh we’ll take her instead”. They’d run a mile rather than kidnap a child because they’re small-time.

And while they have contacts who can “fence” baubles and cameras, they’re unlikely to have any who can sell children.

The Met are saying they believe these burglars could have taken Maddie because the night she disappeared they were making lots of calls to each other.

Well they would if they were on the rob in an area where cops had been alerted that a little girl was missing.

And if the Met has to write “request letters” to the ­Portuguese police asking if they can search these men’s homes and access their bank accounts, how close are they to arresting anyone?

Four officers from ­Operation Grange in Portugal last week, are now back in London having made no arrests.

How devastating this must all be for Kate and Gerry McCann – another flurry of headlines, more promises of suspects and arrests... and then nothing. Again!

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I think the sarcasm in this article is self-evident. She's taking a well-aimed punch at Kate and Gerry and the spin.all the way through.
Clever article by Malone IMO - strikes the right balance with perceived 'sympathy' and highlighting the nonsense of child-abducting burglars to the mainstream.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by ultimaThule 02.02.14 9:57

Okeydokey wrote:Well, fair dos, she has at least thrown a pebble of scepticism into the pool of nonsense - the ripples will spread out nicely. It's definitely NOT what the McCanns want to read at the breakfast table, even with the standard anti-carter-rucking genuflection to them at the end.

Let's hope Carole Malone has the guts to make a few similar comments in the future. It would be nice if for instance she asked about the fund - why we never see any detailed accounts about who gets the money.
As I see it, any 'pebble of scepticism' CM (what unfortunate initials!) has thrown is likely to be lost on the average Mirror reader whose reaction, on perusing this piece, is likely to be 'Oh those poor doctors.  Those sardine munching Portuguese police messed up, now that useless Scotland Yard's barking up the wrong tree, and they're no nearer finding their beautiful little girl.  Let's send 'em a quid/fiver/tenner' < insert sum according to financial means of the reader bearing in mind that the poor tend to be more generous than the rich >

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Cristobell 02.02.14 10:21

Oh, for heaven's sake, all the disappointments the McCanns have had don't add up to a can of beans when compared to the massive disappointment of all the other families of missing children who have had no help at all!  

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Guest 02.02.14 10:22

This is an interesting piece of journalism. Imo, it seems to say one thing and do another.

On the face of it, yes, CM does seem indeed to be stating in a very common-sense way, that small time burglars would not be interested in abducting a child and finishes with an apparently heartfelt remark of how awful it will be for the Macs to have their hopes raised and dashed dah de dah... On the face of it, a clearly pro-Mac article.

..Or is it? since it clearly serves very well to rubbish the credibility of this particular aspect of the SY investigation, which, if allowed to gather momentum and run its full course, could see the Macs being handed the solution to their problem. 

I suspect CM is no fool. She has paid lip service to TM and has avoided the possibility of being Carter-rucked here, but the message is strong, ie hat in her opinion, this particular line of enquiry is a waste of time, it doesn't hold up. And if it doesn't hold up, then it's one less solution available for anyone on tenterhooks. If I was a true cynic I might even think that that last remark was written tongue firmly in cheek. Oh Carol!! All imo of course. I am interested in others' views.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Guest 02.02.14 10:26

Carol has made some good points before, here is her article from 2012............

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Bishop Brennan 02.02.14 11:04

A similar thread running through Anorak's review of the media:

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by NickE 02.02.14 12:13

I do not live in the UK but I have a feeling that this will be the biggest scandal of the century when the truth comes out. 
We have an ongoing scandal here in Sweden where a man confessed 16 murders because of the medication from the mental hospital where he was sentenced to a life sentence. 
Police made false evidence,there was a murder in Norway, the girl was never found but police did a DNA test on a human bone they found in the woods and confirmed that it came from the girl, the problem was that it was a piece of wood that they found. 
He is now cleared of all murder and Government appoint a truth commission. 
This means that it might go 16 killers around the streets.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Guest 02.02.14 16:01

Carole Malone has written a VERY clever article here imo.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by diatribe 02.02.14 18:28

Cristobell wrote:Oh, for heaven's sake, all the disappointments the McCanns have had don't add up to a can of beans when compared to the massive disappointment of all the other families of  missing children who have had no help at all!  

The disappointments to other families of missing children would be miniscule if compared to the disappointments of the millions who want to see the McCanns busted, Cristobell. big grin

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by sami 02.02.14 18:52

Cristobell wrote:Oh, for heaven's sake, all the disappointments the McCanns have had don't add up to a can of beans when compared to the massive disappointment of all the other families of  missing children who have had no help at all!  

I agree.  At least they have been able to attend gala balls, football matches, tv appearances.  Helps keep their mind off things.

Imagine their disappointment when it was confirmed Portugal were re-opening the case.  That was a big one I bet.  laughat

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by sami 02.02.14 18:56

Bellisa wrote:Carole Malone has written a VERY clever article here imo.

I'm not so sure.   The poor souls who donate to the fund will believe every word as written.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Daisy 02.02.14 19:14

sami wrote:
Bellisa wrote:Carole Malone has written a VERY clever article here imo.

I'm not so sure.   The poor souls who donate to the fund will believe every word as written.
I'm not so sure either.

Carol Malone is dictated to. She hasn't risked her pay cheque up to now nor will she. (again just my ol' cynical opinion). She just has her finger on the pulse.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Five Star 02.02.14 19:44

I got a little virus tracking thingy from that link!!   affraid
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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by plebgate 02.02.14 19:47

Which link - Carol Malone or Anorak?

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Five Star 02.02.14 19:52

Sorry, the Carol Malone one
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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by plebgate 02.02.14 19:56

Thanks Five Star.

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Guest 02.02.14 20:01

Sami I think that the people who donate to the fund these days are few and far between,I would hate to think that anyone reading the article would decide to donate though.
I agree she hasn't got a lot of clout there but seen her on press review last week and she just would not let newsreader move on until she questioned new mccann info.
I didn't like her before but find she is trying to leak things out a bit..

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by Cristobell 02.02.14 20:14

diatribe wrote:
Cristobell wrote:Oh, for heaven's sake, all the disappointments the McCanns have had don't add up to a can of beans when compared to the massive disappointment of all the other families of  missing children who have had no help at all!  

The disappointments to other families of missing children would be miniscule if compared to the disappointments of the millions who want to see the McCanns busted, Cristobell. big grin

LOL, in that event I would be getting my marching boots out!

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by sami 02.02.14 20:25

Bellisa wrote:Sami I think that the people who donate to the fund these days are few and far between,I would hate to think that anyone reading the article would decide to donate though.
I agree she hasn't got a lot of clout there but seen her on press review last week and she just would not let newsreader move on until she questioned new mccann info.
I didn't like her before but find she is trying to leak things out a bit..

They are indeed few and far between, but I use them as an example of people who steadfastly believe the story.

Irony, innuendo, reading between the lines, whatever we want to call it, is lost on those who sat with their breakfasts reading the article. There are many people who believe what is written in the press quite simply because it is there.

It's not an attack or a criticism of the writer.  I simply think journalists should have the balls to tell it like it is or not bother reporting at all.  

In a discussion with an acquaintance recently, I mentioned I did not believe in the burglar story.  This caused a heated debate by the other party which resulted in them losing the plot and telling me I was jealous of Kate McCann.  I'm still trying to figure that argument out  nah

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Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14 Empty Re: Madeleine McCann madness continues - and leaves her parents with nothing once more - Carol Malone - MIRROR 1/2/14

Post by diatribe 02.02.14 20:57

sami wrote:

In a discussion with an acquaintance recently, I mentioned I did not believe in the burglar story. This caused a heated debate by the other party which resulted in them losing the plot and telling me I was jealous of Kate McCann. I'm still trying to figure that argument out nah

Heaven forbid you should ever mention to your acquaintance that you don't believe in Father Christmas, lest you should be accused of being jealous of Charles Dickens.

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Post by Cristobell 02.02.14 22:24

sami wrote:
Bellisa wrote:Sami I think that the people who donate to the fund these days are few and far between,I would hate to think that anyone reading the article would decide to donate though.
I agree she hasn't got a lot of clout there but seen her on press review last week and she just would not let newsreader move on until she questioned new mccann info.
I didn't like her before but find she is trying to leak things out a bit..

They are indeed few and far between, but I use them as an example of people who steadfastly believe the story.

Irony, innuendo, reading between the lines, whatever we want to call it, is lost on those who sat with their breakfasts reading the article. There are many people who believe what is written in the press quite simply because it is there.

It's not an attack or a criticism of the writer.  I simply think journalists should have the balls to tell it like it is or not bother reporting at all.  

In a discussion with an acquaintance recently, I mentioned I did not believe in the burglar story.  This caused a heated debate by the other party which resulted in them losing the plot and telling me I was jealous of Kate McCann.  I'm still trying to figure that argument out  nah

Being jealous of Kate is an old pro argument Sami, something that I think originated from Kate herself, or at least from her Mother, when asking people to show more sympathy - her slim body, etc, too yucky to recall. Might have been better if she had focused on the trauma Kate was experiencing as the mother of a missing a child for sympathy, rather than the perfection of her daughter's physique. Some might say both Kate and Gerry show psychopathic traits, imagining people are jealous of them would be one of them.

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