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Round and Round we go - Express front page - Suspects paid to snatch Maddy - Page 5 Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Round and Round we go - Express front page - Suspects paid to snatch Maddy - Page 5 Mm11

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Round and Round we go - Express front page - Suspects paid to snatch Maddy - Page 5 Empty Re: Round and Round we go - Express front page - Suspects paid to snatch Maddy

Post by ultimaThule 01.02.14 21:04

Ollie wrote:< snip >
I have been reading David Paynes rogatory interviews, just started reading part three (this will probably sound bizarre) I thought of blackmail...could SY be checking bank accounts because someone knew what happened and maybe blackmailed the McCanns? I know it's probably farfetched but after Reading DPs RIs it's not really surprising!
What did you read in that particular work of fiction which turned your thoughts to blackmail, Ollie?

Ms Kish's statement which put GM in Lagos cmid-day-1pm on Monday 7 May 2007 could go some way to substantiating this theory but, as KM was at pains to explain in her bewk, at that time both she and her spouse were 'surrounded by media, police, and embassy officials as of course Gerry's phone records showed', albeit she does not give any indication as to which of Gerry's phones showed him to be in Luz imbibing pre-luncheon sherry with the aforementioned parties.

Nevertheless, this theory would conveniently account for the contents of the buckets/boxes and other collecting devices used for soliciting cash donations which do not appear to be shown in the lifestyle fund's published records of income and expenditure as, should they be questioned on this matter, the limited company's directors can explain that the blackmailer(s) wouldn't agree to take cheques or accept regular payments by bank transfer.     winkwink

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