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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Mm11

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by marconi 13.01.14 0:46

Collins got an Award for his journalistics and would he spoil his name writing bullshit?

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by jeanmonroe 13.01.14 0:47

sallypelt wrote:amIanHitchings Ian Hitchings
[url=javascript:;][/url] [url=javascript:;][/url][url=javascript:;][/url]3m

@DavidCollinsMir Just spoken to @metpoliceUK press bureau Alan Crockford's assistant. They have no knowledge of the #McCann press-release.

They have NOW!
 laughat  laughat  laughat

Poor old SY/MET, always the LAST to know!

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by marconi 13.01.14 0:50

Are the police announcing arrests?  Unless those burglars are already behind bars.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by void 13.01.14 0:54

Haha, SY have finally found the next 3 abductors, 100 more to go!

They are having a laugh, either SY are plain braindead or they are strategically trying to eliminate every possible line of enquiry until the only remaining possibility is for this to have occurred within the Tapas 9....

Still, its been millions spent out of our pockets already.

I mean, honestly, if this had happened to you, would you have tried to wiggle your way out like these two gibbons have or would you have accepted the hand of the law and accept your negligence?!

(geriatric LEFT, krazy RIGHT.)

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by jeanmonroe 13.01.14 1:09

"burglar x to burglar y, burglar x to burglar y, you got them wallets, passports, jewellery, money, cameras and stuff"

"burglar y to burglar x, nah, they've hidden them somewhere but some idiot has left three babies here alone"

"burglar x to burglar z, nothing of value but three babies'

"burglar z to buglar x, ok tell y to grab one of them'

burglar y to burglar x, shhhh someone's just coming in'

burglar x, ok hide behind the door or in the wardrobe'

burglar y, ok they have gone, they only went for a piddle'

"burglar x to burglar y, burglar z says nick a kid'

"burglar y to burglar x, WTF that's kidnapping and a life sentence if we get caught'

"burglar x to burglar y, burglar z says just do it but don't let any Irish people see ya'

"burglar y to burglar x, shall i smash the shutters to make it look like a burglary'

burglar x to burglar y , no just jemmy the window but don't leave any marks on the sill'

burglar y to burglar x, ok, i'll carry the kid through the streets, passed the busy bars, no one will clock me, see ya down the beach'

Well, MET 'elites' got that right,

That is a large number of calls between the 3 'ne'er do wells'!

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by void 13.01.14 1:10

jeanmonroe wrote:"burglar x to burglar y, burglar x to burglar y, you got them wallets, passports, jewellery, money, cameras and stuff"

"burglar y to burglar x, nah, they've hidden them somewhere but some idiot has left three babies here alone"

"burglar x to burglar z, nothing of value but three babies'

"burglar z to buglar x, ok tell y to grab one of them'

burglar y to burglar x, shhhh someone's just coming in'

burglar x, ok hide behind the door or in the wardrobe'

burglar y, ok they have gone'

"burglar x to burglar y, burglar z says nick a kid'

"burglar y to burglar x, but that's kidnapping and a life sentence if we get caught'

"burglar x to burglar y, burglar z says just do it'

burglar y to burglar x, ok, i'll carry the kid through the streets, passed the bars, no one will clock me, see ya down the beach'

 Mr  Mr  Mr  Mr  Mr hell am i going to be falling asleep at work tomorrow  spit coffee

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Mirage 13.01.14 1:12

Ian Hitchings goes back a long way with this case. Great respect for the guy.
As the provenance of this report in the Mirror remains unclear, I, will hang fire on the MET in case it is the work of the pink one

I saw this riled-up response on the Mirror facebook page (Not Hitchings just to be clear). It sums up the strength of feeling out there. As follows:-:

1. Did they use the babysitting service provided? NO
2. Did they use any listening devices? NO
3. Did they leave three children under 4 alone while going out drinking? YES
4. Did they do this every night? YES
5. Did they,under British law,endanger Maddie? YES
6. In the UK is significant harm a form of child abuse? YES
7. Is significant harm used by the UK courts in child abuse cases? YES
8. Does leaving the children as they did qualify under these rules ? YES
9. Did Kate sit writing timelines instead of searching for Maddie? YES
10. Are the frequent checks by the Tapas group challenged by other witnesses? YES
11. Was the bedroom withing sight of where they sat? NO
12, Were they within earshot? NO
13. Did anyone other than Tanner see any abductor? NO
14. Has anyone come up with a credible abductor? NO
15. Is there any evidence of an abduction? NO
16. Were the shutters in the room tampered with? NO
17. Did Kate say the shutters were tampered with? YES
18. Did Kate change her story to saying the door was unlocked? YES
19. Was the door unlocked on any other night? NO
20. Is there any physical evidence at all of a break in?NO
21. Is there any physical evidence of another party being in the room? NO
22 (missing)
23. Were the McCann's told not to inform the media? YES
24. Were they told it might harm the chances of finding Maddie alive? YES
25. Were the media informed by a McCann family member? YES
26. Were specially trained British dogs brought in to search the apartment ? YES
27. Did they find anything? YES 28. Have these dogs been successful in over 200 cases? YES
28. Have these dogs been successful in over 200 cases? YES
29. Do sniffer dogs lie? NO 30. Do the specially trained dogs get confused by other smells? NO
30. Do the specially trained dogs get confused by other smells? NO
31. Did they find cadaver(dead body) scent in the apartment? YES
32. Did they find blood? YES
33. Did they find cadaver scent behind the sofa? YES
34. On the child's toy? YES
35. In a cupboard in the room? YES
36. Did they find cadaver scent on Kate's clothes? YES
37. Did Kate explain this by saying she had examined dead bodies before holiday? YES
38. Is there any record of her doing so? NO
39. Has anyone come forward to say they saw her doing so? NO
40. Was the hire car rented after Maddie disappeared ? YES
41. Were tests done on DNA found in the car? YES
42. Did the dogs alert to the hire car? YES
43. Is a billion to one odds that it may be someone else's DNA? YES
44. Were the doors and boot left open to get rid of the smell in the car? YES
45. Did the parents explain it away as rotting meat? YES
46. Smelling due to taking rubbish to the tip in the hire car? YES
47. Smelling due to dirty nappies in the hire car? YES
48. Smell due to sea bass in the hire car? YES
49. Did the parents say the dogs were wrong? YES
50. Do you need tons of excuses if the dogs are just plain wrong? NO
51. Have the dogs ever been wrong? NO
52. Did Kate & Gerry flee Portugal? YES
53. Did they hire extradition lawyers? YES
54. Did the McCann's hire libel lawyers to gag anyone with a different view? YES
55. Did the government lend spin doctor Clarence Mitchell to the parents? YES
56. Dio spin doctors twist the truth for a favourable outcome? YES
57. Are they paid to do this? YES
58. Did the McCann's set up a fund in order to search for Maddie? YES
59. Did they use the money donated for anything other than searching? YES
60. Do the parents have a media monitoring unit? YES
61. Are there internet trolls helping the parents to quash getting at the truth? YES
62. Have the Portuguese police been portrayed as incompetent? YES
63. Did they look at all aspects of the case? YES
64. Did they conclude any abduction took place? NO
65. Did they conclude that Maddie was dead and the parents responsible? YES
66. Are there two British investigations into Maddie being missing? YES
67. Are they investigating ALL aspects of the case? NO
68. Have they been told by the government to focus on abduction only? YES
69. Have they come up with any evidence of an abduction? NO
70. Have they come up with any credible suspects? NO
71. Have they questioned the tapas group or parents over the case? NO
72. Have the parents made millions from Maddie being missing? YES
73. Did Kate write a book mentioning torn genitalia that the twins might read? YES
74. Did Gerry have his wallet stolen at Waterloo station as he claimed? NO
75. Does the CCTV footage from that day bear out his claims? NO
76. Did the Portuguese police ask British government for medical records? YES
77. Were they handed over? NO
78. Did they ask for bank statements? YES
79. Were they handed over ? NO
80. Did they ask for mobile phone records? YES
81. Were they handed over? NO
82. Have the media printed the McCann version of events? YES
83. Are the media intimidated by threats of libel? YES
84. Have the parents admitted they are responsible for Maddie's disappearance? NO
85. Have the parents faced any criminal charges to date? NO
86. No charges for manslaughter? NO
87. For neglect? NO
88. Did the McCann's say they would take a polygraph(lie detector test) ? YES
89. Did the McCann "people" contact Don Cargill head of polygraph studies?YES
90. Did the McCann's tell the world they would take one to prove innocence? YES
91. Have they taken one in the 2'000+ days since saying they would? NO
92. Did the parents impose a list of conditions for taking one? YES
93. Did Don Cargill say the list was "impossible to satisfy"? YES
94. Did Don Cargill state "They had no intention of taking one"? YES
95. Did Clarence Mitchell say they were innocent and did not need to do one? YES
96. IS Amaral on trial because he wrote a book stating the facts of the case? YES
97. Is it a proper account of the police investigation ? YES
98. Have the McCann's fought desperately to have this book banned? YES
99. Is it banned? NO
100. Is maddie missing because of the actions of the parents? YES

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by jeanmonroe 13.01.14 1:15

marconi wrote:Collins got an Award for his journalistics and would he spoil his name writing bullshit?

Yeah, so did Lori Campbell, Sunday Mirror, ("Murat reminded me of Huntley") and her husband Ross Hall was arrested over 'hackgate' conspiracy!

Whatever happened to the award winning journalist Ms Campbell?

As Nicky Graham would say "WHERE IS SHE"?

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by void 13.01.14 1:15

i almost choked on my ice cream guys, the laughs are proving difficult for my poor throat to handle spin

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by whatliesbehindthesofa 13.01.14 1:29

This 'story' clearly comes from Team McCann, the article says so explicitly.

Ask yourself - why are they doing this? If there really are three burglars that Scotland Yard want to arrest, why don't Gerry and Kate just sit quietly and let the police do their job?  Why the need for the media blitz?

If the story is true, how can leaking this to the press possibly benefit them in any way?

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Guest 13.01.14 1:33

When does the libel trial resume? Hmmmmmmm?

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by void 13.01.14 1:37

Dee Coy wrote:When does the libel trial resume? Hmmmmmmm?
Oi oi, tomorrow I hope Wink

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by jeanmonroe 13.01.14 1:42

whatliesbehindthesofa wrote:This 'story' clearly comes from Team McCann, the article says so explicitly.

Ask yourself - why are they doing this? If there really are three burglars that Scotland Yard want to arrest, why don't Gerry and Kate just sit quietly and let the police do their job?  Why the need for the media blitz?

If the story is true, how can leaking this to the press possibly benefit them in any way?

Because the Judge in Portugal has now read the document 'related to' witness Pike handed to her by ID on Tuesday 7th January 2014?

A few 'corrections' maybe?

Who knows?

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Mirage 13.01.14 2:05

jeanmonroe wrote:
marconi wrote:Collins got an Award for his journalistics and would he spoil his name writing bullshit?

Yeah, so did Lori Ca

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Follow us: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]mpbell, Sunday Mirror, ("Murat reminded me of Huntley") and her husband Ross Hall was arrested over 'hackgate' conspiracy!

Whatever happened to the award winning journalist Ms Campbell?

As Nicky Graham would say "WHERE IS SHE"?
Steve Wright at the Daily Mail, complained at Leveson in 2012 about the MET. 
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Daily Mail associate news editor Stephen Wright has warned that crime journalists are receiving 'intimidating calls'from the Metropolitan police 'demanding to know who sources are".

Wright covered crime for 15 years for the Mail and was instrumental in its campaign targeting the killers of Stephen Lawrence.
He denied suggestions that one article he wrote might have undermined the Lawrence inquiry and also warned that the current clampdown on unauthorised journalistic could encourage corruption.
During questioning about his sources, Wright told the Leveson Inquiry yesterday: 'I am concerned in the current climate, I have colleagues, former colleagues in the CRA [Crime Reporters Association] who have been receiving what I would call intimidating phone calls from a certain department in the Metropolitan Police demanding to know who sources are.
'I find that very concerning indeed, even over innocuous matters. I'm very mindful about going into detail about these matters."

Then Steve Wright was awarded a prestigious prize in 2013. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Prestigious award for Mail journalist: Stephen Wright honoured for reporting on Stephen Lawrence investigation

  • Judges at the Paul Foot Award praised Wright's 'dogged reporting'
  • He spearheaded the Mail's Justice for Stephen campaign through to the trial and conviction of two of the original suspects last year 

  • His investigation led to famous front page branding the suspects 'Murderers' 

Then Steve Wright wrote this in Jan 2014  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Three prime suspects for the abduction of Madeleine McCann have been identified by Scotland Yard officers.
Analysis of mobile phone data suggests a burglary gang was operating very near to where she vanished in Portugal in May 2007.
The three men made an unusually high number of calls to each other in the hours after Madeleine was reported missing from her holiday flat in the Algarve.
Police believe the thieves, including at least one Portuguese man, had already carried out one raid in the resort of Praia da Luz, disturbing a child.
That child’s parents, who had been drinking outside the property, rushed inside to find the intruders had fled.
During their bungled investigation Portuguese police attached no significance to the break-in, which came a few days before Madeleine disappeared.
British detectives said this oversight was a ‘disgrace’.
Following the Yard phone breakthrough, informal discussions have taken place about arresting the three burglars and searching their homes and other sites.
It is believed background checks have taken place into their criminal history, their circle of friends and relatives and the vehicles they have used.
British detectives believe the burglars may have panicked after they woke Madeleine up by mistake and decided to take her away with them.

What an interesting little histoire de nos jours.


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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by ultimaThule 13.01.14 2:10

jeanmonroe wrote:
whatliesbehindthesofa wrote:This 'story' clearly comes from Team McCann, the article says so explicitly.

Ask yourself - why are they doing this? If there really are three burglars that Scotland Yard want to arrest, why don't Gerry and Kate just sit quietly and let the police do their job?  Why the need for the media blitz?

If the story is true, how can leaking this to the press possibly benefit them in any way?

Because the Judge in Portugal has now read the document 'related to' witness Pike handed to her by ID on Tuesday 7th January 2014?

A few 'corrections' maybe?

Who knows?
As far as can be ascertained from Anne Gueddes's transcripts of the proceedings in Lisbon, neither the judge or the defence have asked for any documentation to be submitted in respect of the McCanns' witness, Alan Pike, and I'm curious to know the content of the document submitted by Izzy and why she asked for an adjournment or postponement of the trial immediately afterwards.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by plebgate 13.01.14 3:08

I think we have seen the burglars distrubed a child story before?

The burglars raided a flat and distrubed a child a few days before Maddie went missing.

hhhmmm, they raided the flat but left the child, they don't sound like child abductors to me?

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Aoife 13.01.14 7:04

It seems that the police have confirmed that a new letter of request (the previous one was last month) has been sent to Portugal, so it is not "just spin". Spin there may be, but substance also.

"Yesterday, a Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed an international letter of request was sent to the Portuguese last week but declined to discuss the contents."

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by columbostogeys 13.01.14 7:11

plebgate wrote:I think we have seen the burglars distrubed a child story before?

The burglars raided a flat and distrubed a child a few days before Maddie went missing.

hhhmmm, they raided the flat but left the child, they don't sound like child abductors to me?

Are we in GROUND HOG DAY....this is OLD OLD OLD news......regurgitated, because there is no NEW NEWS lol...

I think it highly unlikely the UK police are going off to Portugal to arrest anyone. Any arresting of known 3 burglars should belong to the PJ shouldnt it. Wouldnt they already know about this people anyway?

BLAH BLAH BLAH, its getting all so ludicrous now. 

Oh and one way to alert them isnt it plaster it all over the INTERNET couldnt make it up.

Perhaps its a new form of policing. You KNOW WHO YOU ARE, so give yourselves up and save us the air fare ....

The Dogs Dont Lie
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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by canada12 13.01.14 7:14

Aoife wrote:It seems that the police have confirmed that a new letter of request (the previous one was last month) has been sent to Portugal, so it is not "just spin". Spin there may be, but substance also.

"Yesterday, a Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed an international letter of request was sent to the Portuguese last week but declined to discuss the contents."

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I think that's probably the only true thing about the latest story.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Aoife 13.01.14 7:18

canada12 wrote:
Aoife wrote:It seems that the police have confirmed that a new letter of request (the previous one was last month) has been sent to Portugal, so it is not "just spin". Spin there may be, but substance also.

"Yesterday, a Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed an international letter of request was sent to the Portuguese last week but declined to discuss the contents."

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I think that's probably the only true thing about the latest story.
But we do not know what was in the letter of request. As this has come from a reputable journalist, it is possible that what is in the stry is true- that the MET want to interview  or have interviwed the three suspects to either eliminate or further investigate them.

There is certainly something happening.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by canada12 13.01.14 7:25

Aoife wrote:
canada12 wrote:
Aoife wrote:It seems that the police have confirmed that a new letter of request (the previous one was last month) has been sent to Portugal, so it is not "just spin". Spin there may be, but substance also.

"Yesterday, a Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed an international letter of request was sent to the Portuguese last week but declined to discuss the contents."

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I think that's probably the only true thing about the latest story.
But we do not know what was in the letter of request. As this has come from a reputable journalist, it is possible that what is in the stry is true- that the MET want to interview  or have interviwed the three suspects to either eliminate or further investigate them.

There is certainly something happening.

I think the only way a reputable journalist would be able to find out the contents of the letter would be to get a direct quote from the police force(s) involved. There doesn't seem to be any confirmation from Scotland Yard on this.

",,,a Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed an international letter of request was sent to the Portuguese last week but declined to discuss the contents."

So I think any speculation about the contents is just that, speculation. And spin.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Aoife 13.01.14 7:54

canada12 wrote:
Aoife wrote:
canada12 wrote:
Aoife wrote:It seems that the police have confirmed that a new letter of request (the previous one was last month) has been sent to Portugal, so it is not "just spin". Spin there may be, but substance also.

"Yesterday, a Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed an international letter of request was sent to the Portuguese last week but declined to discuss the contents."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I think that's probably the only true thing about the latest story.
But we do not know what was in the letter of request. As this has come from a reputable journalist, it is possible that what is in the stry is true- that the MET want to interview  or have interviwed the three suspects to either eliminate or further investigate them.

There is certainly something happening.

I think the only way a reputable journalist would be able to find out the contents of the letter would be to get a direct quote from the police force(s) involved. There doesn't seem to be any confirmation from Scotland Yard on this.

",,,a Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed an international letter of request was sent to the Portuguese last week but declined to discuss the contents."

So I think any speculation about the contents is just that, speculation. And spin.

There is a difference between speculation and spin- one does not entail the other. Speculation ranges over all possibilities where's spin is limited range of speculation with the intention of changing attitudes.

It is interesting that a new letter has been sent. It is quite possible that the journalist has been briefed 'off he record'. That is not spin.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by debs 13.01.14 8:12

now that this story has been in the Mail, the Telegraph and now the Mirror it must be true (....). Burglars in Praia in April/May 2007. So would one of our Portuguese friends on here please look up the court records for convicted burglars in Praia in 2007, then we should be able to narrow the field down to a few named suspects. But don't be surprised if there arent any. There may have been burglars in the area (though even that isnt certain) and three people made a lot of calls that night, but nobody can connect the two things unless the burglars were caught and their phone numbers recorded at the time

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by worriedmum 13.01.14 8:17

Could one of their suspects be 'tractorman', and they have traced his phone calls?

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Smokeandmirrors 13.01.14 8:23

worriedmum wrote:Could one of their suspects be 'tractorman', and they have traced his phone calls?

That would suit them nicely, find a way to blame the dead guy, shut up shop and enjoy the last 400K left in the fund, and maybe write another novel about the whole charade.

The truth will out.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Swannie 13.01.14 8:23

sallypelt wrote:"It means they have the intention of arresting and interviewing X, Y or Z. We don’t know who they have their sights on but it’s likely it is the burglars.
We know it would make far more sense if it referred to the Xdoctor, Ywouldthatbeourfault and the self-appointed Z Cars pink police spokesperson.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by suzyjohnson 13.01.14 8:31

whatliesbehindthesofa wrote:This 'story' clearly comes from Team McCann, the article says so explicitly.

Ask yourself - why are they doing this? If there really are three burglars that Scotland Yard want to arrest, why don't Gerry and Kate just sit quietly and let the police do their job?  Why the need for the media blitz?

If the story is true, how can leaking this to the press possibly benefit them in any way?

More to the point, how could this possibly benefit Madeleine in any way?



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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by debs 13.01.14 8:39

the Mail is there now, effectively repeating its own story but now with a Mirror twist
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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Guest 13.01.14 8:42

It's also being reported on BBC Radio 5 Live.

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Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014 - Page 2 Empty Re: Daily Mirror front page 13/01/2014

Post by Guest 13.01.14 8:45

A source close to her parents Kate and Gerry said.....

If the McCanns (via friends, sources close to and spokesperson etc.) feel the need to start broadcasting details of the investigation after months and months of refusing to comment (other than to say how "pleased" they are) for "operational reasons" indicates to me that the investigation is becoming more focussed and the McCanns are starting to feel the pressure.

It's their standard reaction to bad news - don't look over here, look over there at the swarthy bad foreigner(s) and the pretty little blond girl ...she's lovely.

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