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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Mm11

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Mm11

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Did tannerman exist or not?

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by chillyheat 12.12.13 8:03

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
ChillyHeat wrote:1am is when they knocked on JWs door and said Gerrys daughter has gone missing....When JW told BoD that Gerrys daughter had gone missing, Im surprised she didnt say Gerry who. It would be a shock moment to recall someone you had only met days earlier.....IMO

Not if everybody was "really into each other".

I jokingly made a reference to Balu and Berry being a couple the other day (thanks NFWTD by the way - I did know that they had "regular" partners) but at first reading of the case they seem like an inseparable item, joined at the hip. And they had drinks with the Jensen sisters. I always drink with strange women while I'm on holiday with my wife and child too! Like I said before, a whole load of strangers on holiday, all seemingly on first name terms with each other.

And boy did that tennis court take some hammer. They must have got that photo of Maddie all alone during the four nanoseconds of daylight that there wasn't a lesson or match going on.

Almost every person at the place was a suit and boot, a Doctor, TV Producer, etc etc all moneymen......Where are the families that scrimped and scraped to save for a holiday there...
They all seemed to fly in together (not all but you understand). It seems the place was a stage for the week. A bit Sandy Hookish IMHO.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Guest 12.12.13 8:05

ChillyHeat wrote:

Almost every person at the place was a suit and boot, a Doctor, TV Producer, etc etc all moneymen......Where are the families that scrimped and scraped to save for a holiday there...
They all seemed to fly in together (not all but you understand). It seems the place was a stage for the week. A bit Sandy Hookish IMHO.

Quite, Chillyheat. It was quite a revelation to me to find that the likes of Philip Edmonds holiday in the same kind of places I do.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by ScallyScouser 12.12.13 8:18

Hi All

This has probably been discussed many a time, However i was shocked when i heard it.

Here is link [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

At 10:17 of video listern to what JT says "I would have said something to you because KM said you had been gone along time watching football" ?

Now i am 70/30 on Madeleine being abducted but even i had to re listen a few times to believe what i heard 

Thanks Richie

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by chillyheat 12.12.13 8:21

Sandy Hook......
The Parker girls are called Emilie and Madeleine. The McCann girls are called Madeleine and Amelie  nah 

Sorry for the off topic......But this reminds me of Gerry McCann also

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Seek truth 12.12.13 9:21

ScallyScouser wrote:Hi All

This has probably been discussed many a time, However i was shocked when i heard it.

Here is link [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

At 10:17 of video listern to what JT says "I would have said something to you because KM said you had been gone along time watching football" ?

Now i am 70/30 on Madeleine being abducted but even i had to re listen a few times to believe what i heard 

Thanks Richie

This is not letting me type in the right box!!

This video:
Same old words and confusion(which is good for them)
"I think,   I think....." (Tanner) 
and then Gerry says the opposite to Tanner about where he was standing.

Deliberately confusing things. There will be no way to figure it out, and they've made sure of it.
Thank you.

Madeleine will be very disappointed.

Seek truth

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Seek truth 12.12.13 9:45

I've tried but still can't type in the right quote box, not working sometimes.

This was me:

This is not letting me type in the right box!!

This video:
Same old words and confusion(which is good for them)
"I think,   I think....." (Tanner) 
and then Gerry says the opposite to Tanner about where he was standing.

Deliberately confusing things. There will be no way to figure it out, and they've made sure of it.
Seek truth

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Deadlego 12.12.13 11:35

I believe that Jane Tanner did see someone carrying their child too/from the creche and wasn't herself necessarily involved knowingly in the conspiracy, but being easily manipulated, was used by other members of the group by suggesting to her what time it must have been and that it must have been madeleine etc.

I also think that Russell and Matt went to do the check together so that Matt could then go back and say Evie had been sick to Jane and Russell would have time to get her in the bath and the sheets in the washer to make it seem plausible, knowing that hearing this Jane would go to relieve Russ and then she would be out of the way for when they did the moving and disposing as they knew that Jane couldn't be told what was going on, or if she knew the basics they didn't trust her to know the details. And then it was just luck for them that jane then brought up Tanner/Creche-Man. To me the way that Tannerman has evolved was more wishful thinking on Jane's part over time, as she was probably wrestling with the terrible fears that Kate and Gerry, and worse, possibly Russell were somehow involved. And so she just really couldn't cope with these thoughts so her mind tricked her into thinking it had to be this stranger or RM perhaps, and sub-consciously fitted the details to this scenario. Or consciously to some extent due to peer pressure.

However, if I'm wrong and JT did make up Tannerman then she did a very bad job of it. And then the police know JT is the weakest link, and with obvious guilt about leaving her children and being unnatural as a liar, it suits the police if they then say they have found Tannerman and ask her to come down to talk to them to confirm if it was indeed this man she saw. This opens fresh dialogue with her and gives them a prime example to observe how she reacts. If this has already happened (using the guise of CW to say someone has come forward)and she has broke down and told them that she made Tannerman up then the police wouldn't want to say this, so as not to tip anyone off, on CW but would want to say they have ruled out Tannerman 1) to stop people calling in about him and 2) to keep people calling in about Smithman and other possibilities and 3) to see how KM&GM react.

"'no body fluids', according to Kate McCann...Perhaps Gerry McCann, when loading the car with leaflets...accidentally cut himself on Occam's razor". Dr Martin Roberts

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by ekatae 12.12.13 13:44

Very interesting points....!!



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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by russiandoll 12.12.13 20:24

quote Clay R    "  boy did that tennis court take some hammer"

  maybe le tennis was un petit euphemism for something else...  oh la la !    un petit " lifestyle event "  perhaps, mon cher  ?

  [ excuse the franglais]


 Tennis Player
Slang for a bisexual person.

Origin: Tennis players are known to have the ability to swing both ways - just like how a bisexual "swings both ways" too.
Example 1: Guy A makes a pass at Guy B. Guy B says, "Sorry dude, I don't play tennis!"

Example 2: "Man, WTF? You're a Tennis Player?"



             The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate,
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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Guest 12.12.13 20:34

russiandoll wrote:

 Tennis Player
Slang for a bisexual person.

Well I like to think I'm a man of the World but I did not know that.

Kind of makes me think of this

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by russiandoll 12.12.13 20:48

I remember watching Robbie W with my late Dad in the earlier years of this decade, when he attempted a smooth dude ratpack look and sound for a t.v. special.  He should have sacked his manager for advising him to do that gig.
     Sadly for him, he had neither the voice, class, nor style of Sinatra and decided to talk about fabulous f***ing songs,  lets do the next f****ing song folks,  and acted like the immature clown that he was.
   Perhaps marriage and fatherhood have made him grow up, and hopefully his latest attempt at swing classics is better than the show I watched with my Dad on t.v.  which was cringeworthy.

anyone for tennis ?!


             The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate,
contrived and dishonest — but the myth — persistent, persuasive and
~John F. Kennedy


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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Woburn_exile 12.12.13 21:42

However, if I'm wrong and JT did make up Tannerman then she did a very bad job of it. And then the police know JT is the weakest link, and with obvious guilt about leaving her children and being unnatural as a liar, it suits the police if they then say they have found Tannerman and ask her to come down to talk to them to confirm if it was indeed this man she saw. This opens fresh dialogue with her and gives them a prime example to observe how she reacts. If this has already happened (using the guise of CW to say someone has come forward)and she has broke down and told them that she made Tannerman up then the police wouldn't want to say this, so as not to tip anyone off, on CW but would want to say they have ruled out Tannerman 1) to stop people calling in about him and 2) to keep people calling in about Smithman and other possibilities and 3) to see how KM&GM react.

Exactly the point I wanted to make. If SY did concoct crecheman even to the point of putting his clothes and his chid's pyjamas on display then they are playing a very risky legal game. Unless they have in fact got at JT and maybe struck a deal.
On a side note, haven't the media gone quiet in the last month? No tannerman bundleman, smithman, tractorman (what a (deleted)joke he was) lawless hills of PDL, whoosh jemmied shutters, man staring at apartment, abductor, Kate telling all in court, gathering momentum, first arrests, bungling disgraced detectives, great parents missing children and the full support of the British people.

Just a few of my most miserable opinionated thoughts posted by a weirdo. spin  spin  spin  spin  youaretheman  youaretheman

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by suep 14.12.13 1:00

In my very, very humble opinion, being very,very new to all this, Tannerman never existed and Jane Tanner never walked up that road because if she had done Jes Wilkins would definitely have seen her, as would Gerry. I think its very possible that had Jes not happened along at that very moment Gerry would have made sure those shutters looked like they'd been 'jemmied' open (probably while wearing surgical gloves) and the agreed narrative that was first of all relayed to all the relatives and media back home would have matched the scene found by the police later. All Jane had to do was simply tell her story and there would have been no witnesses to know for sure that she never walked up that road at the salient time. Unfortunately Jes threw a spanner in the works by unexpectedly passing by just as Gerry was checking if anyone was about and there was no opportunity for Gerry to let Jane know she would actually have to act out her story by walking past them (and who knows what extra complications that could have caused). Gerry had no choice but to acknowledge Jes, since he knew him, and have a brief chat with him, but by doing so he must then have been left with no time to fake the window break in scene because this was clearly not done.

This suggests to me that for some reason things had to happen at that time and it was not possible to somehow regroup and adjust the script. Gerry just had to carry on and hope that when he told the rest of the group at the table he'd bumped into Jes they'd pick up on the implications because Dianne Webster was at that table and I'm pretty sure she wasn't in on the conspiracy so they couldn't discuss it and adjust the script. (By the time the script reached the point where Kate raises the alarm they were sufficiently aware something had gone wrong to find an excuse for Dianne to stay behind at the table, thus giving them their first opportunity to collaborate).

I'm not sure what role Matthew Oldfield was supposed to play at 9.30pm but if this hypothesis I'm purporting here were true then he would have expected to see some damage to those shutters and an open window if he hadn't already picked up on the significance of what Gerry said about bumping into Jes, then once he got to 5A he would certainly have done so. Maybe he tried unsuccessfully to lift them from outside, who knows.

Kate, of course, may still have failed to realise that Gerry hadn't been able to set the scene so when she got to 5A at 10pm and saw that the window and shutter were still intact she opened the window herself leaving her prints on it because unlike Gerry she didn't have any gloves, and attempted to lift the shutter manually from the inside again leaving prints (which were not forensically clear enough for identification). Maybe she even went outside to have a go.What's certain is that later several people who should have been forensically aware enough to know better messed around with those shutters before the police arrived thus ensuring that any prints left by Kate/Matthew were totally smudged.

I'm not sure if this next bit is significant in terms of the why or when of Madeleine's death and I don't want to speculate about that since apart from the evidence that points strongly to the fact of her death (cadaverine) there is no hard evidence of the why and when that I've come across yet. However, I wonder if anyone else has worried about the bit in Kate's book where she mentions that workmen were coming to the apartment one day to fix the washing machine and the shutters because Gerry had broken those shutters shortly after they arrived. She doesn't, as far as I remember, say exactly which window shutters Gerry broke and she dismisses it jokingly by saying its the 'Gerry touch' implying that an apparently skilled cardiologist used to doing delicate procedures is a heavy handed blunderer. It has niggled me a lot wondering what Gerry was doing interfering with shutters that they were never going to raise anyway. It also niggles me that she even bothered to mention it at all, unless it was the children's bedroom shutters he messed with and broke and Mark Warner has some documentary record of the work done to repair them.


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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by tiny 14.12.13 1:07

suep wrote:In my very, very humble opinion, being very,very new to all this, Tannerman never existed and Jane Tanner never walked up that road because if she had done Jes Wilkins would definitely have seen her, as would Gerry. I think its very possible that had Jes not happened along at that very moment Gerry would have made sure those shutters looked like they'd been 'jemmied' open (probably while wearing surgical gloves) and the agreed narrative that was first of all relayed to all the relatives and media back home would have matched the scene found by the police later. All Jane had to do was simply tell her story and there would have been no witnesses to know for sure that she never walked up that road at the salient time. Unfortunately Jes threw a spanner in the works by unexpectedly passing by just as Gerry was checking if anyone was about and there was no opportunity  for Gerry to let Jane know she would actually have to act out her story by walking past them (and who knows what extra complications that could have caused). Gerry had no choice but to acknowledge Jes, since he knew him, and have a brief chat with him, but by doing so he must then have been left with no time to fake the window break in scene because this was clearly not done.

This suggests to me that for some reason things had to happen at that time and it was not possible to somehow regroup and adjust the script. Gerry just had to carry on and hope that when he told the rest of the group at the table he'd bumped into Jes they'd pick up on the implications because Dianne Webster was at that table and I'm pretty sure she wasn't in on the conspiracy so they couldn't discuss it and adjust the script. (By the time the script reached the point where Kate raises the alarm they were sufficiently aware something had gone wrong to find an excuse for Dianne to stay behind at the table, thus giving them their first opportunity to collaborate).

I'm not sure what role Matthew Oldfield was supposed to play at 9.30pm but if this hypothesis I'm purporting here were true then he would have expected to see some damage to those shutters and an open window if he hadn't already picked up on the significance of what Gerry said about bumping into Jes, then once he got to 5A he would certainly have done so. Maybe he tried unsuccessfully to lift them from outside, who knows.

Kate, of course, may still have failed to realise that Gerry hadn't been able to set the scene so when she got to 5A at 10pm and saw that the window and shutter were still intact she opened the window herself leaving her prints on it because unlike Gerry she didn't have any gloves, and attempted to lift the shutter manually from the inside again leaving prints (which were not forensically clear enough for identification). Maybe she even went outside to have a go.What's certain is that later several people who should have been forensically aware enough to know better messed around with those shutters before the police arrived thus ensuring that any prints left by Kate/Matthew were totally smudged.

I'm not sure if this next bit is significant in terms of the why or when of Madeleine's death and I don't want to speculate about that since apart from the evidence that points strongly to the fact of her death (cadaverine) there is no hard evidence of the why and when that I've come across yet.  However, I wonder if anyone else has worried about the bit in Kate's book where she mentions that workmen were coming to the apartment one day to fix the washing machine and the shutters because Gerry had broken those shutters shortly after they arrived. She doesn't, as far as I remember, say exactly which window shutters Gerry broke and she dismisses it jokingly by saying its the 'Gerry touch' implying that an apparently skilled cardiologist used to doing delicate procedures is a heavy handed blunderer. It has niggled me a lot wondering what Gerry was doing interfering with shutters that they were never going to raise anyway. It also niggles me that she even bothered to mention it at all, unless it was the children's bedroom shutters he messed with and broke and Mark Warner has some documentary record of the work done to repair them.

good post and I agree with bit I highlighted in red

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Guest 14.12.13 1:14

suep wrote:because Dianne Webster was at that table and I'm pretty sure she wasn't in on the conspiracy

What was Dianne Webster there for? She would have been an ideal babysitting candidate. Is there any more on her background anywhere?

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by aiyoyo 14.12.13 1:18

No Tannerman.

No Crecheman.

No Smithman.

No Abduction. End of Story.

Madeleine is not going to be delivered home this Christmas.

Maybe we should all go home and come back 2.62974e6 minutes later and see what Team Redwood has to report.


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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by suep 14.12.13 1:37

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
suep wrote:because Dianne Webster was at that table and I'm pretty sure she wasn't in on the conspiracy

What was Dianne Webster there for? She would have been an ideal babysitting candidate. Is there any more on her background anywhere?

I've not come across anything significant about Dianne. She seems to have spent a lot of time on her own apart from being a convenient cook at lunchtimes.I get the feeling, and it is just a feeling, that she must have felt like a fish out of water at that Tapas table every night. Why she went with them to Portugal when apparently her husband declined to go, has always puzzled me.
One thing, above everything else that has convinced me she wasn't in on the conspiracy was something she said in her statements to do with the last time she'd seen Madeleine. She was talking about the high tea that MW regularly provided for the children at the Tapas restaurant around 5pm, and she said 'apparently' she saw her there on the 3rd May. Why 'apparently'? That sounds to me that she'd been unsure and someone assured her that she'd seen Madeleine there. As many people have pointed out Dianne is the only one of the Tapas group whose statements have been consistent throughout and that word 'apparently' is part of that consistency.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by The Rooster 14.12.13 1:46

I think Payne is the weakest link, reading his statement tells me he was a wreck at that time. He's also in it up to his neck. Was it 30 seconds or was 30 mins.  The time is irrelevant it's what he did that's relevant.  A wife with bruises and a missing child. Go figure...

F J Leghorn
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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by PeterMac 14.12.13 4:47

suep wrote:
One thing, above everything else that has convinced me she wasn't in on the conspiracy was something she said in her statements to do with the last time she'd seen Madeleine. She was talking about the high tea that MW regularly provided for the children at the Tapas restaurant around 5pm,  and she said 'apparently' she saw her there on the 3rd May. Why 'apparently'? That sounds to me that she'd been unsure and someone assured her that she'd seen Madeleine there. As many people have pointed out Dianne is the only one of the Tapas group whose statements have been consistent throughout and that word 'apparently' is part of that consistency.

This is one of my pet theories, so here is the bit from her Rogatory.
Diane Webster rogatory
4078   "Do you remember if you saw Madeleine that day?”
 Reply"I don’t think I did see her that day because the fact that we’d gone down to the beach in the afternoon and we hadn’t got the kid, the high tea, had we gone to the high tea err with the children then yes we would have seen her, but err I don’t recollect err seeing her because in the morning at the tennis she would have been in the kids club.”
4078   "And if the time that you were watching the men play tennis, well if it was that day or a different day, can you remember much about that time if that’s sort of clear in your mind?”
Reply  "What, in relation to…”
4078  "If, I’m just, it seemed to be clearer in your mind than some other things, you said you can remember standing there and the courts were lower and you can remember standing watching.”
Reply  "Well yeah I can remember err I can remember watching the men playing tennis but I can’t put a day on it, I can’t, I can’t remember err I don’t know if it was that, I don’t think it was that night I think it might be another night.”
4078  "Okay.”
Reply  "Because err when err when Madeleine went missing I, you know, I, my memory would have been fresher then and I don’t, I don’t remember seeing her on that day.”

And if Diane Webster is correct, then lots more falls into place. As we know know that Kate has told two different and mutually exclusive and contradictory stories about arriving back from the run.
In the book she says she returned to find them all at tea. The creche sheets show her signing Madeleine out at 5:30
Everyone else is very carful to state that they were all down at the Paraiso - first and only time - and well away from having to give any form of statement or testimony.
Then Kate says that Madeleine was so shattered and exhausted she had to be carried back to the apartment, and safely out of the way.
Despite an afternoon doing nothing more than finger-painting - no high diving, or scuba or wind surfing, or half marathons on soft sand for the toddlers that afternoon !
And that is the day of the Last Photo, taken at lunch time, when there was no one else there.
Also the day that Payne visited for his 30 second or 30 minute session and saw all the children dressed in WHITE. One supposes therefore that they changed into their coloured pyjamas later.

But let us not try to make it make sense.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Miraflores 14.12.13 4:53

As a cardiologist, I don't think that Gerry would need to be particularly skilled with his hands: he doesn't need to perform delicate surgery.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Guest 14.12.13 5:13

Miraflores wrote:As a cardiologist, I don't think that Gerry would need to be particularly skilled with his hands: he doesn't need to perform delicate surgery.

Let's all pray there wasn't a tracheotomy went awry, shall we?

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by bobbin 14.12.13 5:21

Portia wrote:
Miraflores wrote:As a cardiologist, I don't think that Gerry would need to be particularly skilled with his hands: he doesn't need to perform delicate surgery.

Let's all pray there wasn't a tracheotomy went awry, shall we?
I remember that that was a question that was posed. Someone with a medical background remarked on it after the Martin Brunt Sky News broadcast right at the beginning re the forensic blood spattering marks on the walls consistent with a fine spray..... I can't remember if tracheotomy was actually mentioned but I know it lead to discussion....may not even have been this forum. I was watching several fora at the beginning, including the ones that got closed down.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Mirage 14.12.13 6:05

PeterMac wrote:
suep wrote:
One thing, above everything else that has convinced me she wasn't in on the conspiracy was something she said in her statements to do with the last time she'd seen Madeleine. She was talking about the high tea that MW regularly provided for the children at the Tapas restaurant around 5pm,  and she said 'apparently' she saw her there on the 3rd May. Why 'apparently'? That sounds to me that she'd been unsure and someone assured her that she'd seen Madeleine there. As many people have pointed out Dianne is the only one of the Tapas group whose statements have been consistent throughout and that word 'apparently' is part of that consistency.

This is one of my pet theories, so here is the bit from her Rogatory.
Diane Webster rogatory
4078   "Do you remember if you saw Madeleine that day?”
 Reply"I don’t think I did see her that day because the fact that we’d gone down to the beach in the afternoon and we hadn’t got the kid, the high tea, had we gone to the high tea err with the children then yes we would have seen her, but err I don’t recollect err seeing her because in the morning at the tennis she would have been in the kids club.”
4078   "And if the time that you were watching the men play tennis, well if it was that day or a different day, can you remember much about that time if that’s sort of clear in your mind?”
Reply  "What, in relation to…”
4078  "If, I’m just, it seemed to be clearer in your mind than some other things, you said you can remember standing there and the courts were lower and you can remember standing watching.”
Reply  "Well yeah I can remember err I can remember watching the men playing tennis but I can’t put a day on it, I can’t, I can’t remember err I don’t know if it was that, I don’t think it was that night I think it might be another night.”
4078  "Okay.”
Reply  "Because err when err when Madeleine went missing I, you know, I, my memory would have been fresher then and I don’t, I don’t remember seeing her on that day.”

And if Diane Webster is correct, then lots more falls into place. As we know know that Kate has told two different and mutually exclusive and contradictory stories about arriving back from the run.
In the book she says she returned to find them all at tea.  The creche sheets show her signing Madeleine out at 5:30
Everyone else is very carful to state that they were all down at the Paraiso - first and only time - and well away from having to give any form of statement or testimony.
Then Kate says that Madeleine was so shattered and exhausted she had to be carried back to the apartment, and safely out of the way.
Despite an afternoon doing nothing more than finger-painting - no high diving, or scuba or wind surfing, or half marathons on soft sand for the toddlers that afternoon !
And that is the day of the Last Photo, taken at lunch time, when there was no one else there.
Also the day that Payne visited for his 30 second or 30 minute session and saw all the children dressed in WHITE.  One supposes therefore that they changed into their coloured pyjamas later.

But let us not try to make it make sense.

Whilst Dianne Webster has been by far the most consistent of the Tapas group, let's not forget her volte face about whether she - along with DP and FP -  saw MO on their way to the tapas bar on 3/5.  She had originally testified they had definitely not encountered MO coming to chivvy them along. Then in her Rogatory with Leicester Police, she retracted that - volunteered it right at the start of the interview in fact. She even recounted the conversation  between them that MO had originally given in his statement. Interestingly this change of mind happened post Rothley. Hence, I'm not a bit surprised by her "apparently in respect of seeing MM at tea.

If she knew nothing at the time ( I suspect she probably didn't on balance) , she sure knew more by the time she came to give these statements. IMO.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by bobbin 14.12.13 6:22

Mirage wrote:
PeterMac wrote:
suep wrote:
One thing, above everything else that has convinced me she wasn't in on the conspiracy was something she said in her statements to do with the last time she'd seen Madeleine. She was talking about the high tea that MW regularly provided for the children at the Tapas restaurant around 5pm,  and she said 'apparently' she saw her there on the 3rd May. Why 'apparently'? That sounds to me that she'd been unsure and someone assured her that she'd seen Madeleine there. As many people have pointed out Dianne is the only one of the Tapas group whose statements have been consistent throughout and that word 'apparently' is part of that consistency.

This is one of my pet theories, so here is the bit from her Rogatory.
Diane Webster rogatory
4078   "Do you remember if you saw Madeleine that day?”
 Reply"I don’t think I did see her that day because the fact that we’d gone down to the beach in the afternoon and we hadn’t got the kid, the high tea, had we gone to the high tea err with the children then yes we would have seen her, but err I don’t recollect err seeing her because in the morning at the tennis she would have been in the kids club.”
4078   "And if the time that you were watching the men play tennis, well if it was that day or a different day, can you remember much about that time if that’s sort of clear in your mind?”
Reply  "What, in relation to…”
4078  "If, I’m just, it seemed to be clearer in your mind than some other things, you said you can remember standing there and the courts were lower and you can remember standing watching.”
Reply  "Well yeah I can remember err I can remember watching the men playing tennis but I can’t put a day on it, I can’t, I can’t remember err I don’t know if it was that, I don’t think it was that night I think it might be another night.”
4078  "Okay.”
Reply  "Because err when err when Madeleine went missing I, you know, I, my memory would have been fresher then and I don’t, I don’t remember seeing her on that day.”

And if Diane Webster is correct, then lots more falls into place. As we know know that Kate has told two different and mutually exclusive and contradictory stories about arriving back from the run.
In the book she says she returned to find them all at tea.  The creche sheets show her signing Madeleine out at 5:30
Everyone else is very carful to state that they were all down at the Paraiso - first and only time - and well away from having to give any form of statement or testimony.
Then Kate says that Madeleine was so shattered and exhausted she had to be carried back to the apartment, and safely out of the way.
Despite an afternoon doing nothing more than finger-painting - no high diving, or scuba or wind surfing, or half marathons on soft sand for the toddlers that afternoon !
And that is the day of the Last Photo, taken at lunch time, when there was no one else there.
Also the day that Payne visited for his 30 second or 30 minute session and saw all the children dressed in WHITE.  One supposes therefore that they changed into their coloured pyjamas later.

But let us not try to make it make sense.

Whilst Dianne Webster has been by far the most consistent of the Tapas group, let's not forget her volte face about whether she - along with DP and FP -  saw MO on their way to the tapas bar on 3/5.  She had originally testified they had definitely not encountered MO coming to chivvy them along. Then in her Rogatory with Leicester Police, she retracted that - volunteered it right at the start of the interview in fact. She even recounted the conversation  between them that MO had originally given in his statement. Interestingly this change of mind happened post Rothley. Hence, I'm not a bit surprised by her "apparently in respect of seeing MM at tea.

If she knew nothing at the time ( I suspect she probably didn't on balance) , she sure knew more by the time she came to give these statements. IMO.
Highlighted above....we hadn't got the kid,...
What child is she talking about, one of Payne's children ? They had Lilli and Scarlett. Which kid was not with them when they went to the beach ? The one doubling up in creche as Maddie ? does any one have a clue as to what Dianne Webster is referring to here.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Penfold 14.12.13 6:23

Miraflores wrote:As a cardiologist, I don't think that Gerry would need to be particularly skilled with his hands: he doesn't need to perform delicate surgery.

They do insert stents in the heart -not a procedure I'd particularly want a clumsy cardiologist to do!

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Mirage 14.12.13 6:55

11/05/07  Dianne Webster.
Processos Vol IV. Witness statement to Portuguese police.

Asked, she adds that she went to the restaurant in the company of her daughter and son-in-law.

Asked directly if someone had gone to her apartment to call them (herself and the Payne couple) for dinner the witness said no.

Asked if there was the possibility of having crossed paths with someone during the journey between her apartment and restaurant, the witness said no.

That night she judges to have arrived at the restaurant close to 21h00, in the company of the Payne couple.

Rogatory Interview at Leics Police HQ. Dianne Webster. 11/04/08

Dianne Webster:   Err and the thing that I didn’t mention at the original err interview in Portugal was that I do vaguely remember seeing Matt, he was coming up because I think he made some joke about coming up to see where we were because we were so late, but he was actually on his way to check err check the children.

4078:  ”Do you remember who was there when you got there?”

Reply:  "Well Matt obviously wasn’t because we we’d just passed him but of course I don’t remember this at the time, and I think in my original statement I thought maybe Gerry wasn’t there, but maybe he was, you know, I don’t know.”


Disingenuous of her to suggest "I didn't mention at the err original interview in Portugal" It was put to her two definite ways and she said no, she hadn't encountered anyone coming to get them. Then a whole 11 months later her memory improves to recall meeting MO, sharing a joke about coming up because they were late.

Vaguely remember MO at first. Then relates the conversation from a vague recollection. Then moves on quickly to assert that obviously he wasn't at the tapas restaurant when they got there because they'd just passed him. It's the "but of course, I don't remember this at the time" that gets me. What she should have said was "I didn't remember when I was asked" This smacks of coaching, IMO.  Rothley has by now happened, of course.

I don't buy it. Any of the above. It's a deeply flawed account and this should have been picked apart at the time.

 But wait, they were all allowed to view each others' statements weren't they? 

Couldn't get their story straight in PdL. Couldn't get their story straight at Leics, nor any time since.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by NickE 14.12.13 7:12

I have received information that PJ will request a new reconstruction in PdL.
Can anyone confirm this, or any other information on this?

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Guest 14.12.13 7:39

is it from a reliable source nicke?can't imagine they will be up for it this time either...

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by Guest 14.12.13 7:51

Penfold wrote:

They do insert stents in the heart -not a procedure I'd particularly want a clumsy cardiologist to do!

I've seen suggestion here that some of the photos point to M having water on the brain, which also requires a stent. I really hope they weren't attempting anything like that themselves.

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Did tannerman exist or not? - Page 3 Empty Re: Did tannerman exist or not?

Post by ekatae 14.12.13 11:09




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