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Webmaster told not to remove Tannerman - Page 7 Empty Re: Webmaster told not to remove Tannerman

Post by worriedmum 30.01.14 0:08

My thoughts, for what they are worth

Gerry has bare arms , no one is dressed in particularly warm clothing

It is sunny and dry

The children and Dianne Webster are clutching clear plastic carrier bags with 'Newsweek' printed in red across the top. Does anyone know where these are given out, as a freebie or otherwise? Is there a newsagents at East Midlands airport which might give these out?

Although the clip of Madeleine shows her tumbling on the steps first, there are no marks that I can see on the legs of her trousers when she is sitting on the bus.

The person filming(David Payne?) says 'we're on holiday'. Would you be more likely to say this before the flight or after you have landed?

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