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Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Mm11

Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Mm11

Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Regist10

Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today

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Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Empty Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today

Post by Guest 29.11.13 21:16

Sorry, I can't link, so please find out for yourselves

I dont understand BB, first time ever

Maybe he's drunk

Maybe I am

Maybe we both are

Plenty of reasons, methinks

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Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Empty Re: Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today

Post by sallypelt 29.11.13 21:23

Portia wrote:Sorry, I can't link, so please find out for yourselves

I dont understand BB, first time ever

Maybe he's drunk

Maybe I am

Maybe we both are

Plenty of reasons, methinks
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Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Empty Re: Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today

Post by sallypelt 29.11.13 21:26

Quote from Blacksmith's post:

"Mitchell feed – somewhat vitiated by the fact that the McCanns can't afford a spokesman anymore and never had a pal "

This tells me that if there's no money to pay Mitchell, then he's off. He was never a "pal" but only there as long as the money kept flowing

With the fund site "updating" and no money flowing into the fund, who is going to pay for all these big hitters, such as Carter-Ruck and ID?

Interesting times ahead.

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Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Empty Re: Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today

Post by chillyheat 29.11.13 21:42

Portia wrote:Sorry, I can't link, so please find out for yourselves

I dont understand BB, first time ever

Maybe he's drunk

Maybe I am

Maybe we both are

Plenty of reasons, methinks
big grin  I was going to ask too....I didnt understand any of it. But being Chilly, I had to pretend I was in the clue like everyone else. Or thought !!!
What is he saying ?

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Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today Empty Re: Blacksmith Redux; New BB out today

Post by chillyheat 29.11.13 21:44

sallypelt wrote:Quote from Blacksmith's post:

"Mitchell feed – somewhat vitiated by the fact that the McCanns can't afford a spokesman anymore and never had a pal "

This tells me that if there's no money to pay Mitchell, then he's off. He was never a "pal" but only there as long as the money kept flowing

With the fund site "updating" and no money flowing into the fund, who is going to pay for all these big hitters, such as Carter-Ruck and ID?

Interesting times ahead.
Ahhh....get it now I think.
No wonder Branson fu**ed off to his Island for health reasons big grin

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