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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Mm11

Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Regist10
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Mm11

Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Regist10

Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Swannie 18.11.13 21:21

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:He had a van as well so perhaps he was a real Jack of all trades, doing roofing and paving along with the pizzas.
Do you think it was 'im who were responsible for taking down the shelf in apartment 5A??

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Moped man's risky strategy

Post by worriedmum 18.11.13 21:44

If moped man was wearing a helmet, he would have to take it off in order to drive the van because his visibility would be restricted and because it would draw attention to him to be seen driving a van whilst wearing a helmet. So not only does he plan to abduct a four year old child on a moped without over-balancing , he also has to open the van doors,lift the moped into the back and remove his helmet while at the same time restraining/ carrying a four year old child without drawing attention to himself.

I would say this possible but risky.
Why bother with the moped if there was that most anonymous and ubiquitous of vehicles, a white van. Speed? Well yes but only until the van is reached.
Well maybe there was an accomplice in the van? Possibly. But it still leaves the messy scenario with the moped. If there was another abductor, easier to run with the child to the van than to mount a vehicle?

Horrible to think of and very very puzzling.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Swannie 18.11.13 22:01

worriedmum wrote:Why bother with the moped if there was that most anonymous and ubiquitous of vehicles, a white van. Speed? Well yes but only until the van is reached.
Well maybe there was an accomplice in the van? Possibly. But it still leaves the messy scenario with the moped. If there was another abductor, easier to run with the child to the van than to mount a vehicle?
If only he'd have been clever enough to think of using the missing shelf as a ramp to ride up into the van.....

I'm not surprised no one from the Embassy or police followed up this 'story'.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by ultimaThule 18.11.13 22:53

Pershing36 wrote:
No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:He had a van as well so perhaps he was a real Jack of all trades, doing roofing and paving along with the pizzas.
One for JT, "oh yes, oh yes it has all come back to me now.  He was wearing a crash helmet and had a Pizza bag"
... he was driving a tractor which was towing white van, there was a moped visible through the open rear doors, he was white with a very dark complexion, he had long hair cut in a short style, he was clean shaven and had a beard, he was wearing trousers which didn't have buttons down the side but they did if Gerry says so, he was about 5'8" tall but looked to be nearer 6'...

If all eyewitnesses were as reliable as JT, there'd be a lot of prison officers out of a job.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by sharonl 18.11.13 23:09

Deja Vu

isn't this just more press recycling?

We heard this story years ago, only then it was father and son.  The little boy was walking just behind his dad as the mystery abductor struck, the father chased him off, allegedly, yards away from the Maddie apartment.
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by ultimaThule 18.11.13 23:44

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:I wonder what happened to that man who actually was photographed in Lanzarote and named and branded in some tabloids as a child snatcher.

There's nothing recent about him on the Internet.

As for the latest heap of old dung, the bottom of the barrel is in danger of falling out with all the scraping it's been getting.
I'm wondering what dregs they've got left for the 27th?

"Ice cream van man tried to lure my 4 year old to the tune of 'We'll see you alright' by TM O Sole Mio" says Breda O'Blarney of Co. Donegal.  "I dread to think what would have happened if I hadn't bought her a cornetto from the shady looking seller who drove off after I paid". 

Mrs O'Blarney tried to report the incident, which occurred a week before Maddie disappeared, but dialled the wrong number.  Six and a half years later, Mrs O'Blarney can recall every detail of her terrifying ordeal "It was a sunny rainy day and the van was parked by the beach outside the local school on the road into town" she told Fibsrus Daily.  "It was a quarter past 13 o'clock and I knew the seller was up to something when he failed to put a flake bar in my daughter's soft ice cream cornet".

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by AB1 19.11.13 0:20

ultimaThule wrote:
No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:I wonder what happened to that man who actually was photographed in Lanzarote and named and branded in some tabloids as a child snatcher.

There's nothing recent about him on the Internet.

As for the latest heap of old dung, the bottom of the barrel is in danger of falling out with all the scraping it's been getting.
I'm wondering what dregs they've got left for the 27th?

"Ice cream van man tried to lure my 4 year old to the tune of 'We'll see you alright' by TM O Sole Mio" says Breda O'Blarney of Co. Donegal.  "I dread to think what would have happened if I hadn't bought her a cornetto from the shady looking seller who drove off after I paid". 

Mrs O'Blarney tried to report the incident, which occurred a week before Maddie disappeared, but dialled the wrong number.  Six and a half years later, Mrs O'Blarney can recall every detail of her terrifying ordeal "It was a sunny rainy day and the van was parked by the beach outside the local school on the road into town" she told Fibsrus Daily.  "It was a quarter past 13 o'clock and I knew the seller was up to something when he failed to put a flake bar in my daughter's soft ice cream cornet".
I swear on me babby's life big grin 

Why the Irish connection with so many of these reports?

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by columbostogeys 19.11.13 5:36

ultimaThule wrote:
No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:I wonder what happened to that man who actually was photographed in Lanzarote and named and branded in some tabloids as a child snatcher.

There's nothing recent about him on the Internet.

As for the latest heap of old dung, the bottom of the barrel is in danger of falling out with all the scraping it's been getting.
I'm wondering what dregs they've got left for the 27th?

"Ice cream van man tried to lure my 4 year old to the tune of 'We'll see you alright' by TM O Sole Mio" says Breda O'Blarney of Co. Donegal.  "I dread to think what would have happened if I hadn't bought her a cornetto from the shady looking seller who drove off after I paid". 

Mrs O'Blarney tried to report the incident, which occurred a week before Maddie disappeared, but dialled the wrong number.  Six and a half years later, Mrs O'Blarney can recall every detail of her terrifying ordeal "It was a sunny rainy day and the van was parked by the beach outside the local school on the road into town" she told Fibsrus Daily.  "It was a quarter past 13 o'clock and I knew the seller was up to something when he failed to put a flake bar in my daughter's soft ice cream cornet".
Exactly it can easily be made up as you go along. The telling is like the fish you catch its only really 4inches long but by the time you tell it a few times its huge and weighs 13lb lol.

The trouble is though all these stupid reportings do is make a mockery of the case of a little girl, who probably in all honestly lost her life that night of the 3rd May, and will sadly never be found. What horrors she accounted we cannot bear to think about.

But the sightings like this do NOTHING to find her, and just make everyone (even people who dont follow the case) ROLL THEIR EYES to the heavens and say not another one....


Its a serious subject the media are turning it into a circus and providing us with the clowns. Its actually all very sad.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by NickE 19.11.13 7:16

Does someone remember the "Transformer" toys back in the days.
They become for real down in Portugal.
A white van turn into a tractor,then turn into a moped.
A caucasian male turn into a gipsy,then turn into a black african male,and what now,a british pedo.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by jeanmonroe 19.11.13 11:14

NickE wrote:Does someone remember the "Transformer" toys back in the days.
They become for real down in Portugal.
A white van turn into a tractor,then turn into a moped.
A caucasian male turn into a gipsy,then turn into a black african male,and what now,a british pedo.
None of this 'pin the tail' on the next 'suspect', imo, could be allowed WITHOUT 'consent' from the 'elite' team at SY.

IF there is an 'attack' (FATAL or otherwise) on an innocent pictured 'suspect' what will SY/MET say?

"nuffing to do with us, guv!"

eta: Anyone know what happened to Mr Lawler, plastered all over the papers as a FIEND 'Maddie snatcher'?

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by columbostogeys 19.11.13 13:32

jeanmonroe wrote:
NickE wrote:Does someone remember the "Transformer" toys back in the days.
They become for real down in Portugal.
A white van turn into a tractor,then turn into a moped.
A caucasian male turn into a gipsy,then turn into a black african male,and what now,a british pedo.
None of this 'pin the tail' on the next 'suspect', imo, could be allowed WITHOUT 'consent' from the 'elite' team at SY.

IF there is an 'attack' (FATAL or otherwise) on an innocent pictured 'suspect' what will SY/MET say?

"nuffing to do with us, guv!"

eta: Anyone know what happened to Mr Lawler, plastered all over the papers as a FIEND 'Maddie snatcher'?

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This is all i could find...

The thing is it was a YEAR before this hit the papers.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Guest 19.11.13 13:37

Yes that was when the story first hit the papers more than a year after the event happened. There's been nothing since.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by jeanmonroe 19.11.13 15:29

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:Yes that was when the story first hit the papers more than a year after the event happened. There's been nothing since.
So Mr Lawler wasn't the world's most wanted paedophile, snatcher of sleeping kids, in history after all then?

Oh well, plenty more paedo, child snatching, scum in the Met's 'back catalogue' to plaster over the front pages until the libel trial has finished.

ONE of them had to have 'dun it', innit?

Is Jack the Ripper actually 'dead'?

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by ultimaThule 19.11.13 16:58

On the subject of recycling, this has just appeared at no.1 in the google search 'madeleine mccann' that I do once or twice a day to see if there is any 'hot off the press' news about the case:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by columbostogeys 20.11.13 6:46

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:Yes that was when the story first hit the papers more than a year after the event happened. There's been nothing since.
Felt sorry for the guy just trying to help.

It happened to a friend of ours close to where we live. He was up for his run early in the morning in the summer and came across a child in the MIDDLE of the road with just PJ top and nappy on...walking along about 2 or a bit older maybe 3, men arnt good at guessing ages lol. 

Thank god this was in a housing estate with lots of sleeping policemen so no fast traffic or anything. He told us his first thought was oh cr^p why me, what do i do now. He was worried if he touched the child someone might think he was up to no good. Isnt it a sad world really that makes men think that way?

He was just about to grab the child when he saw a women running towards them crying and shouting a childs name. Thankfully it all ended well. Naughty thing had gone through the back dog flap, and then managed to open the side gate. See these kids can get out if they want too...

The thing is too, this guy in the Mall wasnt looking after his daughter very well was he if she just wondered off to be picked up by a possible pedophile. You cant take your eyes off them for seconds...

The Dogs Dont Lie
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by jeanmonroe 20.11.13 9:55

columbostogeys wrote:
No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:Yes that was when the story first hit the papers more than a year after the event happened. There's been nothing since.
Felt sorry for the guy just trying to help.

It happened to a friend of ours close to where we live. He was up for his run early in the morning in the summer and came across a child in the MIDDLE of the road with just PJ top and nappy on...walking along about 2 or a bit older maybe 3, men arnt good at guessing ages lol. 

Thank god this was in a housing estate with lots of sleeping policemen so no fast traffic or anything. He told us his first thought was oh cr^p why me, what do i do now. He was worried if he touched the child someone might think he was up to no good. Isnt it a sad world really that makes men think that way?

He was just about to grab the child when he saw a women running towards them crying and shouting a childs name. Thankfully it all ended well. Naughty thing had gone through the back dog flap, and then managed to open the side gate. See these kids can get out if they want too...

The thing is too, this guy in the Mall wasnt looking after his daughter very well was he if she just wondered off to be picked up by a possible pedophile. You cant take your eyes off them for seconds...
"You cant take your eyes off them for seconds"

Well, the McCanns, diliberately, knowingly, took their eyes off THREE kiddies, all under 4 years old, for at LEAST 34 minutes (8:30pm-9:04pm) IF you 'believe' the McCanns. KM did not 'see' her kids for an hour and a half! (8:30pm-10:00pm)

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by ProfessorPPlum 20.11.13 10:09

Columbostogeys - reminds me of a time in my little town a few years ago. I pulled up outside the Spar shop and parked. Just as I was walking round the car, I saw that in a car behind me an 18-24 months old child, left alone in a kiddie seat in the back, had suddenly woken up and started screaming in terror. Being a human being, having kids myself and having BEEN a kid, I went into instant 'help' mode. Within a split second I saw that a) she was alone (her parent had obviously parked up and left her sleeping to go into the shop) b) she was scared and c) there was a wasp on her about to sting her - maybe already had. 

I grabbed at the door and pulled and it opened. I made all kinds of reassuring noises (as you would) to be un-threatening and shoo-ed the wasp away. But of course, the poor thing was disorientated and scared still. 

And guess what? Of course. At that exact moment the mother comes out of the shop and goes into shrieking panic mode because there's a man meddling with her child. She flew at me like a banshee, yelling all manner of abuse. 

Luckily I had the presence of mind to be able to see through her insults and realise (even there and then with the adrenaline going) that her shrieking was borne out of terror borne out of HER stupid, selfish mistake. As a result, I didn't react the way I instinctively wanted to (which was to bawl her out for leaving her child ALONE and scared). When all's said and done, I think she learned her lesson. Of course she didn't thank me!

The prime suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann cannot be permitted to dictate what can and can't be discussed about the case

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Its nearly Christmas

Post by PeterMac 22.11.13 10:21

On the sixth day of Christmas
Ma-del-ine sent to me

Six English cleaners
Five swarthy gypsies
Four spotty mumblers
Three stairwell lurkers
Two crecheman fathers

and a dead man in a coco-nut tree

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Guest 22.11.13 12:25

ProfessorPPlum wrote:Columbostogeys - reminds me of a time in my little town a few years ago. I pulled up outside the Spar shop and parked. Just as I was walking round the car, I saw that in a car behind me an 18-24 months old child, left alone in a kiddie seat in the back, had suddenly woken up and started screaming in terror. Being a human being, having kids myself and having BEEN a kid, I went into instant 'help' mode. Within a split second I saw that a) she was alone (her parent had obviously parked up and left her sleeping to go into the shop) b) she was scared and c) there was a wasp on her about to sting her - maybe already had. 

I grabbed at the door and pulled and it opened. I made all kinds of reassuring noises (as you would) to be un-threatening and shoo-ed the wasp away. But of course, the poor thing was disorientated and scared still. 

And guess what? Of course. At that exact moment the mother comes out of the shop and goes into shrieking panic mode because there's a man meddling with her child. She flew at me like a banshee, yelling all manner of abuse. 

Luckily I had the presence of mind to be able to see through her insults and realise (even there and then with the adrenaline going) that her shrieking was borne out of terror borne out of HER stupid, selfish mistake. As a result, I didn't react the way I instinctively wanted to (which was to bawl her out for leaving her child ALONE and scared). When all's said and done, I think she learned her lesson. Of course she didn't thank me!
Small wonder, if you really look like your Avatar!

Kidding aside: this type of accidents occur time and again, and children actually die, left alone in heated cars unwittingly

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by columbostogeys 22.11.13 14:01

ProfessorPPlum wrote:Columbostogeys - reminds me of a time in my little town a few years ago. I pulled up outside the Spar shop and parked. Just as I was walking round the car, I saw that in a car behind me an 18-24 months old child, left alone in a kiddie seat in the back, had suddenly woken up and started screaming in terror. Being a human being, having kids myself and having BEEN a kid, I went into instant 'help' mode. Within a split second I saw that a) she was alone (her parent had obviously parked up and left her sleeping to go into the shop) b) she was scared and c) there was a wasp on her about to sting her - maybe already had. 

I grabbed at the door and pulled and it opened. I made all kinds of reassuring noises (as you would) to be un-threatening and shoo-ed the wasp away. But of course, the poor thing was disorientated and scared still. 

And guess what? Of course. At that exact moment the mother comes out of the shop and goes into shrieking panic mode because there's a man meddling with her child. She flew at me like a banshee, yelling all manner of abuse. 

Luckily I had the presence of mind to be able to see through her insults and realise (even there and then with the adrenaline going) that her shrieking was borne out of terror borne out of HER stupid, selfish mistake. As a result, I didn't react the way I instinctively wanted to (which was to bawl her out for leaving her child ALONE and scared). When all's said and done, I think she learned her lesson. Of course she didn't thank me!
Yes it happens all the time doesnt it. Luckily for you she didnt hit you with something, as some just loose control and ask questions afterwards.

How many mums have left sleeping chldren in cars whilst they dash out to grab something from a shop, it happens a lot and sadly some children do get into problems with them doing so.

I am glad it turned out ok for you both.

The Dogs Dont Lie
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by ProfessorPPlum 22.11.13 18:22

PeterMac wrote:On the sixth day of Christmas
Ma-del-ine sent to me

Six English cleaners
Five swarthy gypsies
Four spotty mumblers
Three stairwell lurkers
Two crecheman fathers

and a dead man in a coco-nut tree
On the seventh day of Christmas 
Ma-de-leine sent to me

Seven charity collectors
Six English cleaners


Four spotty mumblers
Three stairwell lurkers
Two crechemen fathers

and a dead man in a coco-nut tree

The prime suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann cannot be permitted to dictate what can and can't be discussed about the case

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Pershing36 22.11.13 18:34

ProfessorPPlum wrote:
PeterMac wrote:On the sixth day of Christmas
Ma-del-ine sent to me

Six English cleaners
Five swarthy gypsies
Four spotty mumblers
Three stairwell lurkers
Two crecheman fathers

and a dead man in a coco-nut tree
On the seventh day of Christmas 
Ma-de-leine sent to me

Seven charity collectors
Six English cleaners


Four spotty mumblers
Three stairwell lurkers
Two crechemen fathers

and a dead man in a coco-nut tree
Don't forget

Eight bungling bobbies
Nine Tapas diners

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by ultimaThule 22.11.13 18:46

10 laaaw-yers 

11 media monitors

12 wealthy benefactors

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished - Page 3 Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Guest 22.11.13 19:18

This reminds me, I should have my Christmas decoration sorted out, checked and cleaned. Time's running fast ... AND we have had snow here since yesterday, November 21. There's an old saying, they told me, that when it's snowing on November 21, temperatures will be down to -21ºC this winter. Good gracious, I said, what have happened if first snow would have been November 29 ...????!

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