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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Mm11

Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Mm11

Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Regist10

Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by bristow 17.11.13 11:15

A MAN on a motorbike tried to snatch a tot yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished only weeks later, The Sun on Sunday can reveal.
The goatee-bearded scruff drove up to four-year-old Tirna Duncan on a moped and reached out as if to grab her.

Tirna said he looked like the suspect who The Sun revealed was preying on kids in Portugal before Madeleine vanished in 2007.
When he tried to grab Tirna, her parents spotted the beast and yelled at him as they gave chase. He sped off, pulled over, shoved the moped in the back of a white van and drove off.

The Duncans gave details of the kidnap bid to the British Embassy and Irish police after they heard about three-year-old Madeleine.

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Missing ... Madeleine McCann

Yet they have NEVER been quizzed by Portuguese or British detectives.
Mother Shauna, 42, from Londonderry, Northern Ireland said: “Maddie would still be here if he had got Tirna. If we hadn’t shouted, he would have lifted her.”
The Duncans saw the man lurking by their flat every day during their March 2007 stay in Praia de Luz and “up to 30 times” in all.
Mum-of-five Shauna said: “No matter what time I looked, he’d be there. He was watching our children.”
The family’s two teenage daughters ran when they spotted him following them.
A private detective did visit the Duncans and showed Tirna the sketch of the suspect. Shauna recalls her saying: “That’s the man who tried to get me.”
The Sun revealed on Monday that a man matching the suspect’s description tried to lure a five-year-old in Portugal weeks before Madeleine was kidnapped.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by plebgate 17.11.13 11:20

If someone had tried to snatch my child and I thought that this man had been watching my children, I would have reported it immediately to the police.  Only reported once they had seen that Maddie had been snatched.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by ProfessorPPlum 17.11.13 11:26

Please please Portugal, PJ and Amaral, put us out of this misery because SY don't seem to be able to do it. When the truth finally emerges, I hope that someone will stand back from this all and write an authoritative book on every layer of exploitation that has gone on here. In fact I think Pat Brown and Goncalo Amaral should team up to write it, make a decent sized packet and retire (with Tony Benett as Consultant to the Project).

The prime suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann cannot be permitted to dictate what can and can't be discussed about the case

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Guest 17.11.13 11:30

Oh classic, they would have caught him easily, and why did he have a moped and a white van big grin 

her parents spotted the beast and yelled at him as they gave chase. He sped off, pulled over, shoved the moped in the back of a white van and drove off


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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by MarleneP 17.11.13 11:32

Oh how funny. Yesterday in the TV , the Portuguese show drunken Englishman and today  the British (Sun) bring again pedophiles in Portugal. Only stupid that most of them are also British ...

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by plebgate 17.11.13 11:32

Nobody ever seems to take photos with their phones of these incidents.   Amazing.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by columbostogeys 17.11.13 11:45

plebgate wrote:If someone had tried to snatch my child and I thought that this man had been watching my children, I would have reported it immediately to the police.  Only reported once they had seen that Maddie had been snatched.
EXACTLY, note the WHITE VAN had to be mentioned lol.....

So what was the perb going to do then, snatch a child on their moped then what? Jeez someone perhaps on too much Irish Whiskey lol...

Well its in the Sun so it must be true lol.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by marxman 17.11.13 12:01

And was moped-man Not wearing a helmet?

Got a good view of him? Eh

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by columbostogeys 17.11.13 12:20

marxman wrote:And was moped-man Not wearing a helmet?

Got a good view of him? Eh
Thats a very good point Marxman, as its illegal to drive without a helmet.

A lot of helmets cover the face.

For example:

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The Dogs Dont Lie
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Penfold 17.11.13 12:50

plebgate wrote:Nobody ever seems to take photos with their phones of these incidents.   Amazing.
Amazing indeed plebgate - all the holidaymakers with videocams and cameraphones never think to do that, and these who saw a man 30 times  fgs,  30 times!!  and don't take a picture.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty found!!

Post by MarleneP 17.11.13 12:51

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Guest 17.11.13 13:07

I wonder what happened to that man who actually was photographed in Lanzarote and named and branded in some tabloids as a child snatcher.

There's nothing recent about him on the Internet.

As for the latest heap of old dung, the bottom of the barrel is in danger of falling out with all the scraping it's been getting.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Smokeandmirrors 17.11.13 13:16

The Sun is in danger of alienating it's readership, as 90% of the Sun hardcopies can be found on the passenger seat of white vans along with packets of B&H and Ginsters pastie wrappers.

Linking White Van Man to the gruesome twosome like this could be a dangerous move by the Sun.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Silver Shuffle 17.11.13 13:19

This Article is beyond a joke, as another posted stated, we really do want to be put out of our misery .
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Bishop Brennan 17.11.13 13:23

The white van is the significant point here.  It may be the next element in the whitewash scenario being prepared.  The timeline has now been extended (9'15 to 10pm).  We "know" the patio doors were left unlocked.  That gives plenty time for the abductor to go in, steal Maddie and put her into the waiting WHITE VAN that pulled up just seconds before, and then disappeared into the night.  They were just waiting for the opportunity...

Anticipate much more to be made of the WHITE VAN in the upcoming crimewatch and press.  This is just the start.  Efit of a White Van coming to your papers soon!  "Have you seen this van?  Do you own this van?"...  etc etc etc.    Cue xenophobic rants from the press about Portuguese not locking the borders and searching every white van on the night. (With never a mention about not locking patio doors...).
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Daisy 17.11.13 13:26

I smell a rat.

"... Yet they have NEVER been quizzed by Portuguese or British detectives."

"A private detective did visit the Duncans and showed Tirna the sketch of the suspect."

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”   


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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Jackie Regan 17.11.13 13:27

White Van = Whitewash.

Will this forum still be here in another 6 1/2 years. huh 

You Betcha!
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Smokeandmirrors 17.11.13 13:32

MarleneP wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Stick him on a tractor!! laughat

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Jackie Regan 17.11.13 13:38

I'm sorry ,, that helmet wearing suspect has been photoshopped Mr 

It's just NOT fact it's just Ludicrous laughat
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Lance De Boils 17.11.13 13:50

This family from Derry... I reckon that if someone was to do a little digging, it'd be discovered that they are not entirely unconnected to the McCann family.
In fact, I'd put money on it. winkwink
Lance De Boils
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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by SixMillionQuid 17.11.13 14:06

Mother: "oh look, for the 30th time there's a dodgy bloke eying up our daughter"
Father: "...yes that would appear to be the case"
Mother: "hmmm"
Father: "interesting"
Mother: "indeed. excuse me Mr dodgy-looking-bloke-repeatedly-eying-our-daughter. Would you mind going away please?"
Dodgybloke: Harumph! I've been waiting here aaallllll day for the past week looking the opportune moment to kidnap your daughter, before Maddie arrives. But by remarkable coincidence you just caught me at the right time. Fiddlesticks!. I'll just put this moped in this white van that still has no registration number after all these years"
Mother: "yes please do that so I can faff about for the rest of the holiday without a care in the world, and then report this incident from the safety of the UK after you have kidnapped Maddie. ok?".
Dodgybloke: "yep sounds good to me"

What a crock of ****!!big grin

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Swannie 17.11.13 14:09

bristow wrote:
The goatee-bearded scruff drove up to four-year-old Tirna Duncan on a moped and reached out as if to grab her.

Tirna said he looked like the suspect who The Sun revealed was preying on kids in Portugal before Madeleine vanished in 2007.
When he tried to grab Tirna, her parents spotted the beast and yelled at him as they gave chase. He sped off, pulled over, shoved the moped in the back of a white van and drove off.
Wonder if the "goatee-bearded beast" knew the nannies??


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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by petunia 17.11.13 14:22

he sped off and threw the moped in the van and sped off..what did he do drive the white van there, then walk home for his moped and drive back again.big grin big grin this is getting more and more:thing: thing

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by MissDaisy 17.11.13 14:26

Lance De Boils wrote:This family from Derry... I reckon that if someone was to do a little digging, it'd be discovered that they are not entirely unconnected to the McCann family.
In fact, I'd put money on it. winkwink
I googled Shona Duncan and Derry, may not be the same person but a Shona Duncan left a couple of comments on an article about the SAS Diana conspiracy in The Mirror, she mentions the IRA and MI6 in her comments, they can be found here.
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Of course, it may be nothing and not even the same person. But IMO if the truth ever comes out about this whole thing it will come full circle back to the St Johnston connection. St Johnston is about 10 miles from Derry.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Guest 17.11.13 14:28

bristow wrote:

Mother Shauna, 42, from Londonderry, Northern Ireland said: “Maddie would still be here if he had got Tirna. If we hadn’t shouted, he would have lifted her.”
You what? "If only he'd made off with our daughter, poor little Maddie would still be here"? Who, in the blue f**k, would think along those lines, let alone actually speak it out loud?

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by MissDaisy 17.11.13 14:29

Lance De Boils wrote:This family from Derry... I reckon that if someone was to do a little digging, it'd be discovered that they are not entirely unconnected to the McCann family.
In fact, I'd put money on it. winkwink
I googled Shona Duncan and Derry, may not be the same person but a Shona Duncan left a couple of comments on an article about the SAS Diana conspiracy in The Mirror, she mentions the IRA and MI6 in her comments, they can be found here.
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Of course, it may be nothing and not even the same person. But IMO if the truth ever comes out about this whole thing it will come full circle back to the St Johnston connection. St Johnston is about 10 miles from Derry.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Guest 17.11.13 14:31

Bishop Brennan wrote:The white van is the significant point here.  It may be the next element in the whitewash scenario being prepared.  The timeline has now been extended (9'15 to 10pm).  We "know" the patio doors were left unlocked.  That gives plenty time for the abductor to go in, steal Maddie and put her into the waiting WHITE VAN that pulled up just seconds before, and then disappeared into the night.  They were just waiting for the opportunity...

Anticipate much more to be made of the WHITE VAN in the upcoming crimewatch and press.  This is just the start.  Efit of a White Van coming to your papers soon!  "Have you seen this van?  Do you own this van?"...  etc etc etc.    Cue xenophobic rants from the press about Portuguese not locking the borders and searching every white van on the night. (With never a mention about not locking patio doors...).
We had an incident near here recently that you may have heard about, it made the national news. A three year old boy was killed by a driver who failed to stop. Without putting too fine a point on it, the area in question is home to a lot of, well I won't spell it out, but Jez Wilkins could make a documentary there.... Police are now looking for a white van in connection with the incident. That will narrow it down a bit then.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by MissDaisy 17.11.13 14:37

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:The name is Shauna not Shona, Miss Daisy.
Thanks, you are right, I must pay more attention.

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Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished Empty Re: Yet another Tannerman sighting The Sun - man on moped tries to snatch girl yards from where Madeleine McCann vanished

Post by Lance De Boils 17.11.13 15:06

Her full name is Shauna Costello Duncan.
Lance De Boils
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