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Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Mm11

Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Mm11

Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Regist10

Maybe Tannerman was there after all?

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Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Empty Re: Maybe Tannerman was there after all?

Post by PeterMac 26.11.13 18:33

Nightfly wrote:Looking through all the recent discussions, if Tannerman has now been dropped and the Smiths sighting is being questioned, then I still ask the question as to how a child could easily be spirited away/abducted/hidden etc and I still think the most obvious is using a vehicle. Have we all been misdirected to forever discuss the mutitude of weirdoes wandering Portugal like the Zombies or address the question at the heart of everything - Why has Madeiline not been found in the resort?
Maybe because she isn't in the resort? If either abducted or taken somewhere (I'm trying to respect the sensibilities of some posters!) then surely anybody in the same situation would look to get out of the resort and the noses of the Police and journalists. There has always been a feeling that the 'grinning' confidence and condescending arogant attitude is a pathological response to 'I'm brainier than you lot' (because we're all looking in the wrong spot!).
Any self respecting Abductor who had been "Watching the family for a week" and "taking notes" as Kate has helpfully told us, would surely have had, or borrowed, or nicked a car.
The idea of his prancing round the streets of a tiny village, going towards the very area where the most people would be, rather than away from it is absurd. Sorry, Ludicrous.

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Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Empty Re: Maybe Tannerman was there after all?

Post by Guest 26.11.13 18:34

Nightfly wrote: [...]. There has always been a feeling that the 'grinning' confidence and condescending arogant attitude is a pathological response to 'I'm brainier than you lot' (because we're all looking in the wrong spot!).
You remind me of my dear late father, who used to say to me: "If you have a problem and cannot solve it, turn it around and look at it from the other side."

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Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Empty Re: Maybe Tannerman was there after all?

Post by Guest 26.11.13 18:40

PeterMac wrote:
Any self respecting Abductor who had been "Watching the family for a week" and "taking notes" as Kate has helpfully told us, would surely have had, or borrowed, or nicked a car.
The idea of his prancing round the streets of a tiny village, going towards the very area where the most people would be, rather than away from it is absurd. Sorry, Ludicrous.
Do I remember correctly that a couple acquainted to O'Brien/Tanner actually had a car that week? Please correct me, if I'm wrong. And I'll do some additional research.

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Maybe Tannerman was there after all? - Page 2 Empty Re: Maybe Tannerman was there after all?

Post by Guest 26.11.13 18:54

The O'Connor family, highly pregnant wife, something about their hired car return and those first two days of that week they did nót spend at The Ocean Club. 
The family Jane Tanner contacted by phone, alledgedly cancelling a BBQ in the UK for the week after... 
IIrc that is

Kindest regards


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