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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Mm11

CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Mm11

CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Regist10

CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Guest 17.10.13 17:11

candyfloss wrote:Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Doh I'm getting cynical again, next month!!!!  No rush then.

Doesn't  the libel trial resume next month, and ends next month. It's now 17th month to find this man???

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tiny 17.10.13 17:17

candyfloss wrote:
candyfloss wrote:Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Doh I'm getting cynical again, next month!!!!  No rush then.

Doesn't  the libel trial resume next month, and ends next month.  It's now 17th month to find this man???
That's ok,gerry isn't going any where:biggrin:

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by mouse 17.10.13 17:18

geh007 wrote:
nobodythereeither wrote:
intrigued89 wrote:
If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...
My take on this is that they had all left their children unattended night after night, and had also possibly had sedated them.

If it were to come out that Madeleine had died as a result of such action (eg by accidental death whilst in a dozy state because sedated) then they could be implicated as well if they had all done the same thing.

If her body had to be hidden because an autopsy would show sedation (or - possibly - signs of something else which was too awful to come to light) then clearly it was not a straightforward accidental death which could be explained away.

I don't want to surmise more than that, but there are theories online which would explain why there is a "pact of silence" . Whether that silence has now been broken by one or more of them, who knows.
I don't buy that for a second. There are many things about this case that are a little "odd". However....

But the suggestion that 9 people colluded is beyond any sense and reason and championing that "line" makes seemingly sensible people appear pretty daft.
Seemingly sensible people who thought it okay to leave their kids in a holiday apartment while they went out to eat most nights of the holiday. I wouldn't call that sensible behaviour - I'm with the 'nobodytheireither'  theory, always have been, and having to face the cold hard facts - if this scenario did happen - that they'd risked losing their most precious possessions - their much loved children if this all came to light, that they may face charges of neglect. Add to that their careers and the fact they'd be facing the onslaught of the world's press.....It might have appeared to be their only way out at that time.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by travesty 17.10.13 17:30

intrigued89 wrote:
If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?
Just a few possibilities:

1. They share some of the responsibility, e.g. they were also sedating their own or maybe each other's kids.
2. The McCanns have something on them, e.g. they are all taking part in some kind of criminal ring.
3. They genuinely believe enough of the McCann's story such that their personal friendships are enough to bias their recollections and statements.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by nobodythereeither 17.10.13 17:31

mouse wrote:
geh007 wrote:
nobodythereeither wrote:
intrigued89 wrote:
If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...
My take on this is that they had all left their children unattended night after night, and had also possibly had sedated them.

If it were to come out that Madeleine had died as a result of such action (eg by accidental death whilst in a dozy state because sedated) then they could be implicated as well if they had all done the same thing.

If her body had to be hidden because an autopsy would show sedation (or - possibly - signs of something else which was too awful to come to light) then clearly it was not a straightforward accidental death which could be explained away.

I don't want to surmise more than that, but there are theories online which would explain why there is a "pact of silence" . Whether that silence has now been broken by one or more of them, who knows.
I don't buy that for a second. There are many things about this case that are a little "odd". However....

But the suggestion that 9 people colluded is beyond any sense and reason and championing that "line" makes seemingly sensible people appear pretty daft.
Seemingly sensible people who thought it okay to leave their kids in a holiday apartment while they went out to eat most nights of the holiday. I wouldn't call that sensible behaviour - I'm with the 'nobodytheireither'  theory, always have been, and having to face the cold hard facts - if this scenario did happen - that they'd risked losing their most precious possessions - their much loved children if this all came to light, that they may face charges of neglect. Add to that their careers and the fact they'd be facing the onslaught of the world's press.....It might have appeared to be their only way out at that time.
I consider myself a perfectly sensible person.

What would your explanation be, geh007?



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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by geh007 17.10.13 17:34

nobodythereeither wrote:
mouse wrote:
geh007 wrote:
nobodythereeither wrote:
intrigued89 wrote:
If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...
My take on this is that they had all left their children unattended night after night, and had also possibly had sedated them.

If it were to come out that Madeleine had died as a result of such action (eg by accidental death whilst in a dozy state because sedated) then they could be implicated as well if they had all done the same thing.

If her body had to be hidden because an autopsy would show sedation (or - possibly - signs of something else which was too awful to come to light) then clearly it was not a straightforward accidental death which could be explained away.

I don't want to surmise more than that, but there are theories online which would explain why there is a "pact of silence" . Whether that silence has now been broken by one or more of them, who knows.
I don't buy that for a second. There are many things about this case that are a little "odd". However....

But the suggestion that 9 people colluded is beyond any sense and reason and championing that "line" makes seemingly sensible people appear pretty daft.
Seemingly sensible people who thought it okay to leave their kids in a holiday apartment while they went out to eat most nights of the holiday. I wouldn't call that sensible behaviour - I'm with the 'nobodytheireither'  theory, always have been, and having to face the cold hard facts - if this scenario did happen - that they'd risked losing their most precious possessions - their much loved children if this all came to light, that they may face charges of neglect. Add to that their careers and the fact they'd be facing the onslaught of the world's press.....It might have appeared to be their only way out at that time.
I consider myself a perfectly sensible person.

What would your explanation be, geh007?
Explanation for what?

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Guest 17.10.13 17:40

Seems that geh007 has been posting the same in two or more other threads.
I replied in the Matt Oldfield "check" one ...

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by nobodythereeither 17.10.13 17:41

geh007 wrote:
nobodythereeither wrote:
mouse wrote:
geh007 wrote:
nobodythereeither wrote:
intrigued89 wrote:
If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...
My take on this is that they had all left their children unattended night after night, and had also possibly had sedated them.

If it were to come out that Madeleine had died as a result of such action (eg by accidental death whilst in a dozy state because sedated) then they could be implicated as well if they had all done the same thing.

If her body had to be hidden because an autopsy would show sedation (or - possibly - signs of something else which was too awful to come to light) then clearly it was not a straightforward accidental death which could be explained away.

I don't want to surmise more than that, but there are theories online which would explain why there is a "pact of silence" . Whether that silence has now been broken by one or more of them, who knows.
I don't buy that for a second. There are many things about this case that are a little "odd". However....

But the suggestion that 9 people colluded is beyond any sense and reason and championing that "line" makes seemingly sensible people appear pretty daft.
Seemingly sensible people who thought it okay to leave their kids in a holiday apartment while they went out to eat most nights of the holiday. I wouldn't call that sensible behaviour - I'm with the 'nobodytheireither'  theory, always have been, and having to face the cold hard facts - if this scenario did happen - that they'd risked losing their most precious possessions - their much loved children if this all came to light, that they may face charges of neglect. Add to that their careers and the fact they'd be facing the onslaught of the world's press.....It might have appeared to be their only way out at that time.
I consider myself a perfectly sensible person.

What would your explanation be, geh007?
Explanation for what?
Your explanation for Intrigued89's question, which is what we are discussing ......

"Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?"

You said that you didn't buy MY explanation of it for a second, so I wondered what your explanation of it would be.



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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by nobodythereeither 17.10.13 17:42

Châtelaine wrote:Seems that geh007 has been posting the same in two or more other threads.
I replied in the Matt Oldfield "check" one ...
Oh? I notice that he or she has only just joined this forum .....

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Daisy 17.10.13 17:46

candyfloss wrote:
candyfloss wrote:Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Doh I'm getting cynical again, next month!!!!  No rush then.

Doesn't  the libel trial resume next month, and ends next month.  It's now 17th month to find this man???
Wonder if there's two different versions for Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland? I ask this because of this post from earlier on in thread.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Today at 2:22 pm
Have only skimmed this topic so forgive me if info has already been posted.
I read somewhere that the Dutch/German reconstruction was paid for by the Madeleine Fund
and therefore made to Parent's specification, rather than Police version.
Any truth in this?
UK version the one that was shown here in Ireland by the way.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by The Slave 17.10.13 17:47

Not everybody knew everything AT THE TIME.
They do now.
So will they cave now or be forever waiting for that tap on the shoulder?
Once the timeline was written 'in stone' so to speak..they sealed their own fates.
Easy, in the adrenaline haze of the first hour.
Who decided to write it all down?
That's a far more interesting question. And why?
The Slave
The Slave

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Guest 17.10.13 17:49

The Slave wrote:Not everybody knew everything AT THE TIME.
They do now.
So will they cave now or be forever waiting for that tap on the shoulder?
Once the timeline was written 'in stone' so to speak..they sealed their own fates.
Easy, in the adrenaline haze of the first hour.
Who decided to write it all down?
That's a far more interesting question. And why?
The most organised one? Needs some sangfroid to do that.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tasprin 17.10.13 17:51

[quote="candyfloss"]Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/quote

Planned to coincide with the resumption of the libel trial, by any chance?

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by MoonGoddess 17.10.13 18:06

nobodythereeither wrote:
intrigued89 wrote:One question here that continues to bother me (and I am genuinely not asking this to derail the thread). I am 99% convinced of the McCann's guilt, but there is one small nag. If someone can explain this to me I am completely sold...

If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...
My take on this is that they had all left their children unattended night after night, and had also possibly had sedated them.

If it were to come out that Madeleine had died as a result of such action (eg by accidental death whilst in a dozy state because sedated) then they could be implicated as well if they had all done the same thing.

If her body had to be hidden because an autopsy would show sedation (or - possibly - signs of something else which was too awful to come to light) then clearly it was not a straightforward accidental death which could be explained away.

I don't want to surmise more than that, but there are theories online which would explain why there is a "pact of silence" . Whether that silence has now been broken by one or more of them, who knows.
McCanns accused of pressuring Tapas Nine to 'keep them silent' Daily Mail (no longer available online)
Last updated at 15:04pm on 12th November 2007
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
In a secret visit to Portugal, three persons who had dinner at the Tapas Bar shattered the McCanns and Jane Tanner versions
1st link scroll halfway down

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by MoonGoddess 17.10.13 18:10

had real problems with that last post??

@ intrigued89

the above give a couple of examples of cracks in the "pact"... I think the first link might give you a good idea... I personally think that maybe 1 or 2 know the truth, the others are just caught up in the whole mess... I think JT deliberately lied about 'bundleman', I now think she did see SC leave the tapas with his child in his arms and turned him into bundleman in order to promote the 'abduction'... in a nutshell, I think a couple got roped in early on [but not knowing what they were getting roped into.... if that makes sense?]

Not to help justice in her need would be an impiety ~Plato~

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tasprin 17.10.13 18:13

What ever time the abduction happened - 9.15 or 10.00 - there is still the question of sedation. Even the McCanns say the children were sedated but how did an abductor sedate three children without waking them? Oral or intravenous sedation would have woken them and chloroform would have left an unmistakable smell.
Sedation could very well be the reason for collusion. Fear of the consequences could have deterred them from bringing the little girl to a hospital. If she suffered a fatal injury whilst under the influence of sedatives one or more of them may have attempted to resuscitate her. It is not unknown for doctors to cover up for each other.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tiny 17.10.13 18:18

tasprin wrote:What ever time the abduction happened - 9.15 or 10.00 - there is still the question of sedation. Even the McCanns say the children were sedated but how did an abductor sedate three children without waking them? Oral or intravenous sedation would have woken them and chloroform would have left an unmistakable smell.
Sedation could very well be the reason for collusion. Fear of the consequences could have deterred them from bringing the little girl to a hospital. If she suffered a fatal injury whilst under the influence of sedatives one or more of them may have attempted to resuscitate her. It is not unknown for doctors to cover up for each other.
I agree to the doctors do cover  up for each other,but we are talking about a 3yr old little girl, what sort of people are these tapas 7 to do a thing like that unless all the children were sedated and if they were then i can see why a cover up occurred,yep Gerry and kate have got them over a barrel if this is the case.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by ShuBob 17.10.13 18:23

candyfloss wrote:
candyfloss wrote:Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Doh I'm getting cynical again, next month!!!!  No rush then.

Doesn't  the libel trial resume next month, and ends next month.  It's now 17th month to find this man???
Next month? The tweet says later in the month i.e. later THIS month (October).

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by MoonGoddess 17.10.13 18:24

tiny wrote:
tasprin wrote:What ever time the abduction happened - 9.15 or 10.00 - there is still the question of sedation. Even the McCanns say the children were sedated but how did an abductor sedate three children without waking them? Oral or intravenous sedation would have woken them and chloroform would have left an unmistakable smell.
Sedation could very well be the reason for collusion. Fear of the consequences could have deterred them from bringing the little girl to a hospital. If she suffered a fatal injury whilst under the influence of sedatives one or more of them may have attempted to resuscitate her. It is not unknown for doctors to cover up for each other.
I agree to the doctors do cover do up for each other,but we are talking about a 3yr old little girl, what sort of people are these tapas 7 to do a thing like that
I think their behaviour over the last 6 years have given us that answer...... Deleted
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Not to help justice in her need would be an impiety ~Plato~

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tasprin 17.10.13 18:28

tiny wrote:
tasprin wrote:What ever time the abduction happened - 9.15 or 10.00 - there is still the question of sedation. Even the McCanns say the children were sedated but how did an abductor sedate three children without waking them? Oral or intravenous sedation would have woken them and chloroform would have left an unmistakable smell.
Sedation could very well be the reason for collusion. Fear of the consequences could have deterred them from bringing the little girl to a hospital. If she suffered a fatal injury whilst under the influence of sedatives one or more of them may have attempted to resuscitate her. It is not unknown for doctors to cover up for each other.
I agree to the doctors do cover  up for each other,but we are talking about a 3yr old little girl, what sort of people are these tapas 7 to do a thing like that unless all the children were sedated and if they were then i can see why a cover up occurred,yep Gerry and kate have got them over a barrel if this is the case.
There is also the possibility that she suffered an injury earlier than the 3 May and didn't seek medical assistance.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by mouse 17.10.13 18:33

tiny wrote:
tasprin wrote:What ever time the abduction happened - 9.15 or 10.00 - there is still the question of sedation. Even the McCanns say the children were sedated but how did an abductor sedate three children without waking them? Oral or intravenous sedation would have woken them and chloroform would have left an unmistakable smell.
Sedation could very well be the reason for collusion. Fear of the consequences could have deterred them from bringing the little girl to a hospital. If she suffered a fatal injury whilst under the influence of sedatives one or more of them may have attempted to resuscitate her. It is not unknown for doctors to cover up for each other.
I agree to the doctors do cover  up for each other,but we are talking about a 3yr old little girl, what sort of people are these tapas 7 to do a thing like that unless all the children were sedated and if they were then i can see why a cover up occurred,yep Gerry and kate have got them over a barrel if this is the case.
Way, way back - don't I remember something about them saying that some of this group (not the Mccanns) had been away on holiday together before. Perhaps they had sedated/left their kids on this prev. holiday with no incidents and thought that this was the way to go on this holiday with the Mccanns -  however this time it went wrong....for what ever reason...Maddie woke sedated, felt dizzy and tripped (as you can do when you awake after taking a sleeping pill or sedation) or she had a reaction to it, or neither of these but just woke up and something else happenend...but because they'd all sedated their kiddie....Perhaps they felt a cover-up was necessary as they wouldn't want the other kids tested for medication - being Doctors....Just thinking aloud.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Guest 17.10.13 18:34

ShuBob wrote:
candyfloss wrote:
candyfloss wrote:Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Doh I'm getting cynical again, next month!!!!  No rush then.

Doesn't  the libel trial resume next month, and ends next month.  It's now 17th month to find this man???
Next month? The tweet says later in the month i.e. later THIS month (October).
Oh Gawd, I'm losing it, sorry, and sorry SY, big grin  I apologise, but I am reading sooo many posts, my eyes aren't working big grin  Thanks for pointing it out ShuBob thumbsup 

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Daisy 17.10.13 18:39

MoonGoddess wrote:had real problems with that last post??

@ intrigued89

the above give a couple of examples of cracks in the "pact"... I think the first link might give you a good idea... I personally think that maybe 1 or 2 know the truth, the others are just caught up in the whole mess... I think JT deliberately lied about 'bundleman', I now think she did see SC leave the tapas with his child in his arms and turned him into bundleman in order to promote the 'abduction'... in a nutshell, I think a couple got roped in early on [but not knowing what they were getting roped into.... if that makes sense?]
Interesting. Here's another report that backs up your theory. It comes just a week after the DM article you mention above.

 I believe they would definitely have cracked if they had been made official suspects.

Madeleine: Changes in evidence from Tapas Nine could 'dramatically change investigation'

Last updated at 10:04 09 November 2007

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“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”   


“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” 

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by ShuBob 17.10.13 18:41

candyfloss wrote:
ShuBob wrote:
candyfloss wrote:
candyfloss wrote:Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

Metropolitan Police@metpoliceuk [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Doh I'm getting cynical again, next month!!!!  No rush then.

Doesn't  the libel trial resume next month, and ends next month.  It's now 17th month to find this man???
Next month? The tweet says later in the month i.e. later THIS month (October).
Oh Gawd, I'm losing it, sorry, and sorry SY, big grin   I apologise, but I am reading sooo many posts, my eyes aren't working big grin   Thanks for pointing it out ShuBob thumbsup 
You're doing grand Candy thumbsup 

The information overload the last week or so will make anyone go daft 

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Guest 17.10.13 18:43

Will you stop re-quoting my cock-up ShuBob big grin  That's what speed reading does for you, I think I need to go to specsavers.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Guest 17.10.13 18:48

candyfloss wrote:Will you stop re-quoting my cock-up ShuBob big grin   That's what speed reading does for you, I think I need to go to specsavers.
It's not your spectacles, Candyfloss. It's the amount of "information" and new posters coming left, right and center ...
Wishing you a "speedy" recovery

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by MoonGoddess 17.10.13 18:54

Daisy wrote:
MoonGoddess wrote:had real problems with that last post??

@ intrigued89

the above give a couple of examples of cracks in the "pact"... I think the first link might give you a good idea... I personally think that maybe 1 or 2 know the truth, the others are just caught up in the whole mess... I think JT deliberately lied about 'bundleman', I now think she did see SC leave the tapas with his child in his arms and turned him into bundleman in order to promote the 'abduction'... in a nutshell, I think a couple got roped in early on [but not knowing what they were getting roped into.... if that makes sense?]
Interesting. Here's another report that backs up your theory. It comes just a week after the DM article you mention above.

 I believe they would definitely have cracked if they had been made official suspects.

Madeleine: Changes in evidence from Tapas Nine could 'dramatically change investigation'

Last updated at 10:04 09 November 2007

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
yes another interesting one Daisy.... one thing's for sure, I bet they regret ever booking that holiday!!

Not to help justice in her need would be an impiety ~Plato~

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tasprin 17.10.13 18:55

mouse wrote:
tiny wrote:
tasprin wrote:What ever time the abduction happened - 9.15 or 10.00 - there is still the question of sedation. Even the McCanns say the children were sedated but how did an abductor sedate three children without waking them? Oral or intravenous sedation would have woken them and chloroform would have left an unmistakable smell.
Sedation could very well be the reason for collusion. Fear of the consequences could have deterred them from bringing the little girl to a hospital. If she suffered a fatal injury whilst under the influence of sedatives one or more of them may have attempted to resuscitate her. It is not unknown for doctors to cover up for each other.
I agree to the doctors do cover  up for each other,but we are talking about a 3yr old little girl, what sort of people are these tapas 7 to do a thing like that unless all the children were sedated and if they were then i can see why a cover up occurred,yep Gerry and kate have got them over a barrel if this is the case.
Way, way back - don't I remember something about them saying that some of this group (not the Mccanns) had been away on holiday together before. Perhaps they had sedated/left their kids on this prev. holiday with no incidents and thought that this was the way to go on this holiday with the Mccanns -  however this time it went wrong....for what ever reason...Maddie woke sedated, felt dizzy and tripped (as you can do when you awake after taking a sleeping pill or sedation) or she had a reaction to it, or neither of these but just woke up and something else happenend...but because they'd all sedated their kiddie....Perhaps they felt a cover-up was necessary as they wouldn't want the other kids tested for medication - being Doctors....Just thinking aloud.
Yes if other members of the group were doing it they may have been sympathetic to their plight - justifying by saying 'We've all done it - why should they suffer any more'? - but at the same time worried about their own position.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Pennypennypenny 17.10.13 19:07

Maybe one or two of the tapas 7 know but not all of them.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) - Page 2 Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by MoonGoddess 17.10.13 19:10

tasprin wrote:
mouse wrote:
tiny wrote:
tasprin wrote:What ever time the abduction happened - 9.15 or 10.00 - there is still the question of sedation. Even the McCanns say the children were sedated but how did an abductor sedate three children without waking them? Oral or intravenous sedation would have woken them and chloroform would have left an unmistakable smell.
Sedation could very well be the reason for collusion. Fear of the consequences could have deterred them from bringing the little girl to a hospital. If she suffered a fatal injury whilst under the influence of sedatives one or more of them may have attempted to resuscitate her. It is not unknown for doctors to cover up for each other.
I agree to the doctors do cover  up for each other,but we are talking about a 3yr old little girl, what sort of people are these tapas 7 to do a thing like that unless all the children were sedated and if they were then i can see why a cover up occurred,yep Gerry and kate have got them over a barrel if this is the case.
Way, way back - don't I remember something about them saying that some of this group (not the Mccanns) had been away on holiday together before. Perhaps they had sedated/left their kids on this prev. holiday with no incidents and thought that this was the way to go on this holiday with the Mccanns -  however this time it went wrong....for what ever reason...Maddie woke sedated, felt dizzy and tripped (as you can do when you awake after taking a sleeping pill or sedation) or she had a reaction to it, or neither of these but just woke up and something else happenend...but because they'd all sedated their kiddie....Perhaps they felt a cover-up was necessary as they wouldn't want the other kids tested for medication - being Doctors....Just thinking aloud.
Yes if other members of the group were doing it they may have been sympathetic to their plight - justifying by saying 'We've all done it - why should they suffer any more'? - but at the same time worried about their own position.
just thought I'd throw in at this point, for those that don't know, KM trained as a anaesthetist #justsaying

@Mouse ...You read it in the Gaspar statements....

We planned holidays for the first week of September 2005 in Majorca, Spain, together with three other couples including Kate and Gerry. We did not know the other two couples, they were friends of Kate and Gerry’s, we had never met them before.

one of the other couples being David and Fiona Payne

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ETA perhaps it wasn't this you were referring to as you mentioned the holiday didn't include the Mc'C's

Not to help justice in her need would be an impiety ~Plato~

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