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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Mm11

CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Regist10
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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Mm11

CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Regist10

CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by sofieellis 17.10.13 15:07

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:I've found something about the Jones case.
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Thank you. Shocking that his sentences were cut, despite repeat offending.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by russiandoll 17.10.13 15:20

Tigger I can never open these little boxes to click on....can you advise what's wrong please ?


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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by MRNOODLES 17.10.13 15:22

Pennypennypenny wrote:Please correct me if I am wrong, but in the very early days of this case, didn't TM state on several occasions that they felt they were being watched or that the children were being watched? If this is the case it beggars belief that they went out night atfer night and left the poor mites alone.
This is it. The parents seem to want it both ways to whatever argument or excuse they come up with.

We felt we were being watched... so we went out anyway.
Maddie asked why you didn't come when we were crying... so we went out anyway.
We were warned of burglaries... so we left the doors unlocked and went out anyway.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by windchime 17.10.13 15:23

sofieellis wrote:Something which Gerry said in Crimewatch and has said previously, confuses me. He insists that the younger a child is when they are abducted, the chance of them being found alive, is statistically higher. Does anyone know where he gets this often quoted statistic from?

I've done a quick search of cases I can remember where children were recovered alive, and most are older children/teenagers. Can anyone think of any other very young children, who were found years later?

Jaycee Dugard - abducted aged 11, found 18 years later.
Elizabeth Smart - abducted aged 14, found nine months later.

Shaun Hornbeck - abducted aged 11, found 4 years later, along with
William Benjamin "Ben" Ownby - abducted aged 13, found 4 days later.

Steven Staynor - abducted aged 7, escaped 7 years later along with
Timmy White abducted aged 5, escaped 2 weeks later.

Carlina White - abducted from hospital aged 19 days, discovered her true identity 23 years later.
Katie Beers - abducted aged 9, found 17 days later.
Natascha Kampusch - abducted aged 10, escaped 8 years later.
Natasha Ryan - "abducted" aged 14, found living secretly with her boyfriend 5 years later (they later married!!!)

Amanda Berry - abducted aged 16, found 10 years later, along with
Gina DeJesus - abducted aged 14, found 9 years later, with
Michelle Knight - abducted aged 21 (I know she wasn't a child, but she was held with the 2 above), found 11 years later.

Elisabeth Fritzl - abducted aged 18, found 24 years later, along with her children.
Steve Carter - reported missing by his father, when he was 6 months old. taken by his mother, who gave false names and handed him over to the authorities. Placed in an orphanage and later adopted. Discovered his true identity 35 years later!

Shasta Groene - abducted aged 8, found 7 weeks later ( her kidnapper had killed her parents and siblings)
Christi and Bobby Baskin - abducted aged 8 and 7 by their Grandfather, found 20 years later.
Alex Griffiths - abducted from hospital aged 2 days, found 17 days later.

Is there anyone I've missed out? I must be missing loads, if Gerry's statistic is correct.
This is what has always bothered me greatly about this sorry mess.  Every time I hear one of them tell us that they refuse to believe any harm has come to Madeleine because so many other abducted children are found alive years afterwards.  It bothers me because it is IMO this fact that they believe will happen, it will get them off the hook, it will tell everyone they were not involved and will also give credence to GMs statement 'find the body....!'

Yes I know about all the other evidence, dogs, dna etc etc etc it just bothers me everytime I hear it!.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by sallypelt 17.10.13 15:25

russiandoll wrote:Tigger I can never open these little boxes to click on....can you advise what's wrong please ?
Russiandoll, I have the same problem when I use Explorer. However, when I use Google Chrome the boxes will open. Explorer tells me I need to install Flash, but I have already done this. There appears to be a clash between Chrome and Explorer.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Karen Pinto 17.10.13 15:27

With thanks to Becky Starr  - suspect (Smithman) identified

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Karen Pinto

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by russiandoll 17.10.13 15:34

the standout things for me as well as the proportions of the face are

  the upward slant of the mouth to the right

  one eye slightly lower than the other

 even the handsome Denzel Washington has the latter facial feature and it is surprising how many people do when you look closely !


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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by garfy 17.10.13 15:40

the  efit  of the  more fuller faced man.....was full of shave spots  ......this was  not  mentioned on CW.....was it ...probably a  bit  of a diversion from i would have  thought  would  have  been more  important  to be mentioned  on CW...

a repeat  of  the sky showing about maddies  disappearance  [which imo was a lot better ]  repeated  on  pick tv 9pm  tonight for  anyone who missed  it

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tigger 17.10.13 15:53

sallypelt wrote:
russiandoll wrote:Tigger I can never open these little boxes to click on....can you advise what's wrong please ?
Russiandoll, I have the same problem when I use Explorer. However, when I use Google Chrome the boxes will open. Explorer tells me I need to install Flash, but I have already done this. There appears to be a clash between Chrome and Explorer.
Sorry, no. I use probably the latest version of Safari and it's now easier to copy/paste photographs which come up as slightly reduced pictures.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by ChippyM 17.10.13 16:00

sofieellis wrote:Something which Gerry said in Crimewatch and has said previously, confuses me. He insists that the younger a child is when they are abducted, the chance of them being found alive, is statistically higher. Does anyone know where he gets this often quoted statistic from?
I don't know where he got that from but it did stand out to me on the programme. Could it be a statistic that even includes lost children or those in custody battles? He chooses to ignore the statistics that say most children abducted are an average age of 10 and they will be abducted outside or lured somewhere by the kidnapper.
Someone climbing into a house to snatch a 4 year old is incredibly rare. 
  The women that have turned up after years of captivity were taken as teenagers to be some kind of forced 'wife' of the perpetrator, so to thrust that forward as some kind of evidence of what happened with Madeliene is ridiculous.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Ollie1 17.10.13 16:20

Pennypennypenny wrote:Please correct me if I am wrong, but in the very early days of this case, didn't TM state on several occasions that they felt they were being watched or that the children were being watched? If this is the case it beggars belief that they went out night atfer night and left the poor mites alone.
This is it. The parents seem to want it both ways to whatever argument or excuse they come up with.

We felt we were being watched... so we went out anyway.
Maddie asked why you didn't come when we were crying... so we went out anyway.
We were warned of burglaries... so we left the doors unlocked and went out anyway.
But we did lock the doors during the day when the children were at the crè how
is it our fault?

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by intrigued89 17.10.13 16:38

One question here that continues to bother me (and I am genuinely not asking this to derail the thread). I am 99% convinced of the McCann's guilt, but there is one small nag. If someone can explain this to me I am completely sold...

If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Ollie1 17.10.13 16:45

Det Redwood back in May (can't remember if this is the correct month) asked for people to keep looking for Madeleine and they showed how she may look now, but in the Crimewatch programme the picture wasn't shown and nothing was said about the possibility of Madeleine being alive, I wonder why

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by russiandoll 17.10.13 16:53

Translated quickly from the French, I have posted from this blog before as the man talks a lot of sense imo.  Hope easy to follow!

October 17, 2013 , by G.Moréas
The disappearance of Maddie turns to mush.

Three days ago, in its Crimewatch programme , the BBC attempted to reconstruct the investigation into the disappearance of little Madeleine McCann. We remember that it was on May 3, 2007, in a seaside resort in southern Portugal. Coincidentally the broadcast was scheduled in the middle of court action by the girl's parents against Gonçalo Amaral, the detective who led the investigation. The issue massively increased ratings. It must be said that the launch had been trailed . You were to expect startling revelations from the Scotland Yard investigators , perhaps even arrests live according to some tabloids ... Interviewed by a Spanish television channel after the broadcast, Amaral summarized the opinions of many Portuguese : " Nothing new ! ".

In any case, if the criminal investigation is a failure, we can say that the television show was a success : 6.7 million viewers , representing 27.4 % market share . A spokesman for the BBC said: " This is the best audience for Crimewatch since 2002. " Almost double the average. Nearly a thousand people contacted Scotland Yard at the end of the programme. Testimonies and denunciations- anything goes after the release of several composite sketches . The case proved so juicy that other channels plan to follow the BBC.

Blog Pamalam , which since the beginning of this case has listed each piece of information  in a " McCann PJFiles ",  logged one hundred visitors per minute.

It is now more than six years since Madeleine McCann disappeared. Was she abducted ? Is she dead ? Millions of people pondering this case will undoubtedly  remember it as the first criminal investigation to have set the Internet ablaze. And probably the one that has made the most money . Shortly after the incident , Maddie's parents opened a website to collect donations and celebrities from several countries opened their cheque books , such as Joanne Rowling ( Harry Potter ) and Cristiano Ronaldo. At the same time, the McCanns threatened several media outlets for libel; they preferred to negotiate the payment of compensation . In all, nearly 1.2 million pounds. Kate McCann has also written a book which was promoted by a tabloid, which agreed to pay £ 200,000 for exclusive publication.

 Today, their pot must be comfortable . With this money , after slamming the door on the Portuguese police , they were able to engage a myriad of private detectives , some of which had simply scented a bargain. The McCanns are stars . They were received by Pope Benedict XVI and it is David Cameron who  , in May 2011,  put a team of Met investigators on the case - doing more than either of his predecessors, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, who had personally intervened in this case. There would be no less than 37 police officers attached to this investigation. On the other side of the Channel , voices expressed surprise at this deployment of resources and wondered whether taxpayers' money was being well spent.

Maddie's parents have also filed a complaint against Gonçalo Amaral , who was dismissed from the investigation  and then wrote a book in which he gave his version of events. They are suing him for a million pounds. For the former policeman, the little girl died , possibly as a result of an accident, and parents had concealed the body to escape the consequences.
  The trial is being held in Lisbon. Amaral denies any defamation. He merely reported the facts, he said. Several police officers also came to the court to confirm that in his book , he merely repeated the elements contained in the files of the PJ . Not without humour , shaking  the book that promised unprecedented revelations , the judge said: " But then, it is false advertising ! ".   So Scotland Yard decided to assist the BBC to demonstrate that it was indeed a kidnapping and that Maddie was probably still alive. Which suddenly increases the defamatory accusation against Gonçalo Amaral . Some whisper that this could also be a maneouvre to influence the Portuguese court . If this is the case, it has not been a success, because the judge does not seem to believe it relevant . It might replace Gerry McCann after he announced that he would not attend the trial, and now feels he must to testify. We'll see after all witness testimony is recorded, if hearing of the complainants and the accused is necessary, the judge replied drily . The verdict is scheduled for late November.

But why would  Scotland Yard want at all costs to do a whitewash on the McCann case?

Pat Brown, an American profiler, writes on her blog about a  ridiculous reconstruction ( the film was shot in Spain with professional actors ) and a scripted story . She studied the case and wrote a book about the disappearance of the girl ( Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann ) . This book has been removed from Amazon's library at the request of the McCann family, but you can find it on other sites. The blog also reports the assumption ( without believing  that this is the case ) that investigators are attempting to trap the McCanns.  In any case it demolishes, piece by piece, the "investigation" of the BBC.

Scotland Yard is offering a reward of up to £ 20,000 for any information relevant to the investigation. It is almost an admission of failure , because it must be said that the British investigators have not been better than their Portuguese colleagues . It is likely that this is an abduction " to order ," says Andy Redwood . Or, he says, it might be a bungled burglary . But nothing was stolen . The only disturbing element is in the timing. Until now it was thought that the events occurred at 9.15 pm . In fact , according to the Met, it is closer to 10pm . If this hypothesis is confirmed, there might be a hearing of the witnesses taking into account where they were at the time. This could be more serious than in a general reconstruction, each having to take up his position on the evening of May 2007. It won't be easy!

Serious now : the big revelation that everyone expected revolves around this stranger who was reportedly seen holding a child in his arms. But this element was already apparent in the investigation by the Portuguese police. This is the testimony of an Irish family on holiday in the area, the Smiths. Mr. Smith had been shocked when he saw Gerry McCann on tv, filmed when he got off the plane that brought him back from Portugal in 2007. It was the way he was walking and the way he was holding the child which had caught his attention. He informed Scotland Yard. Amaral had asked the British authorities for permission to record his statement . But when the answer came - six months later - Amaral was gone . He had been removed  from the case. However, without a hundred percent certainty, Mr. Smith said that the individual he had seen the evening of the drama strongly resembled the father of Maddie . This is troubling , is it not ?


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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by russiandoll 17.10.13 16:55

Ollie1 wrote:Det Redwood back in May (can't remember if this is the correct month) asked for people to keep looking for Madeleine and they showed how she may look now, but in the Crimewatch programme the picture wasn't shown and nothing was said about the possibility of Madeleine being alive, I wonder why
  YES... no mention of likely changes, likely height..............or a non- changing thing

 the coloboma.


             The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate,
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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by ShuBob 17.10.13 17:03

ChippyM wrote:
sofieellis wrote:Something which Gerry said in Crimewatch and has said previously, confuses me. He insists that the younger a child is when they are abducted, the chance of them being found alive, is statistically higher. Does anyone know where he gets this often quoted statistic from?
I don't know where he got that from but it did stand out to me on the programme. Could it be a statistic that even includes lost children or those in custody battles? He chooses to ignore the statistics that say most children abducted are an average age of 10 and they will be abducted outside or lured somewhere by the kidnapper.
Someone climbing into a house to snatch a 4 year old is incredibly rare. 
  The women that have turned up after years of captivity were taken as teenagers to be some kind of forced 'wife' of the perpetrator, so to thrust that forward as some kind of evidence of what happened with Madeliene is ridiculous.
What I found even more interesting is that the issue about statistics was brought up by Kirsty Young who revealed that Gerry had mentioned the statistics to her off-camera. She wanted him to repeat what he'd told her on air titter 

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Post by Pennypennypenny 17.10.13 17:04

I was under the impression that Redwood had no reason to suspect she was dead.! Didn't he say that not so long ago when speaking on sky news or am I imagining it?

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Post by ShuBob 17.10.13 17:10

Ollie1 wrote:Det Redwood back in May (can't remember if this is the correct month) asked for people to keep looking for Madeleine and they showed how she may look now, but in the Crimewatch programme the picture wasn't shown and nothing was said about the possibility of Madeleine being alive, I wonder why
The simple fact that viewers were teased for over a week about the Crimewatch 'special' confirmed to me Redwood wasn't looking for a live child.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by russiandoll 17.10.13 17:24

Never believed the abduction tale, and it was Kate' s book first, then the files and GA's book making me want to debate

 another good one from this blog :

Shut that Door

Gerry McCann his message to Madeleine if he could get one to her-

"How much we lovED her"

A strange message to get to a 'living findable little girl!'

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'Lies, Leaks and Misinformation' says Kate McCann - Indeed what the German audience have been served up is all of those!

And in true McCann style they have "updated."   As always in 'answer' to comments on internet.

If this was not the tragic case of a missing child it would be hysterically funny, not only the McCanns dreadful acting which they clearly think adds to the drama but the fact that they seem to believe that no one notices that each time they appear their story changes!

The obvious question is - Why was the German audience treated to this nonsense, different nonsense from the British audience?  

Do the McCanns think the Germans more gullible?   It would seem so...

I have only had a quick look at the video and speaking of the video and not in relation to missing Madeleine - it will have those who know the story - laughing aloud - not least at "Oldfield's" face when Kate comes to tell the group what Oldfield already knew!  

Have you falling off your seats.

The "McCanns" in this version spent more time with the kids than Kate and and Gerry McCann did in Portugal!

And what a 'Jolly Gerry' they found to play the part of McCann - Well I don't suppose if they had shown the real Gerry McCann the one on the airport bus who had said in front of the children and other passengers that he was not going on holiday to 'Fucking enjoy himself'...or if they had shown Kate performing her mantra in respect of the Portuguese Police Officer, what was it she proudly told us in her book 'Madeleine' that she chanted?  Oh Yes...Fucking Tosser, Fucking Tosser...

But yes, one of the most obvious things the McCanns have updated is the patio door.   Kate carefully opens it turns around and closes it before heading to kids room.

Very different from their OWN documentary 'Madeleine Was Here where she said she simply opened it and stood inside, intending to just leave again.

Why would she need to 'make much' of closing this patio door once inside?

Well in one of her earlier versions she had stated when the bedroom door slammed that she had gone over to check if she had closed the patio door.   In another she said she just looked over her shoulder basically to see if she had closed the patio door.

But how could she have seen if door was open or closed as she had also already stated that there were heavy curtains draping this door which were CLOSED!

Unless there was a gale blowing through an open patio door as we are to believe happened in the bedroom, blowing those curtains wide open - Kate McCann could not have seen, by looking over her shoulder that the patio door was closed!

In this new version Kate treats us to her very deliberate emphasis on closing the patio door - so that we can see the curtains were open!

And they needed to be open for Kate to look over her shoulder and see that the patio door was CLOSED!

What a web of deceit they weave!

Again the McCann are being calculating, a deliberate attempt, subtle in nature in misleading the viewing public, that is, those who have not followed the case and particularly so the German audience.

McCanns have always maintained those curtains were CLOSED and have done so many times.

Those heavy closed curtains were one of the reasons they gave for Madeleine being unable to get out of that apartment - Madeleine could not negotiate her way through them, nor they said could she slide a patio door open, nor could she open the gate at the top of the stairs!

But, she could look after her 2 year old twin siblings night after night while her parents were out wining and dining!

In answer to other internet comment where the public cannot understand the McCanns never making a direct and heartfelt message to Madeleine - Gerry rather unconvincingly does so, he said if they could 'get a message to Madeleine' ...

Still neither parent can bring themselves to look straight in a camera and tell the child how much she IS loved ...  

Their reason for not being able to?   Perhaps Gerry answered that for us in his message...

By the time this travelling circus reaches the Netherlands the story will be double dutch!

Can there really be anyone out there who still believe this couple?

Open doors, closed doors, doors that can be open by some and not by others - doors that are open a little, doors that were open a lot, then not - the tapas bunch must dream about doors or rather have nightmares about them, where they cannot remember what their original story was! 

The McCanns certainly bring new meaning to the saying 'as one door closes another opens!'

A perfect end to the nonsense in Germany would have been for the interviewer to have asked the McCanns to
shut the door on their way out!
17th October 2013


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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by plebgate 17.10.13 17:30

Well what are the SY to make of all these changes of story.  Can't fathom it myself.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by sallypelt 17.10.13 17:33

So, what country is the Crimewatch tour in next, and will it be, yet again, a tweaked version of the UK and the German one? Variety IS the spice of live, or so they say!

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tiny 17.10.13 17:33

plebgate wrote:Well what are the SY to make of all these changes of story.  Can't fathom it myself.
if its a whitwash,nothing,if it isn,t then they need to be taken in and questioned, pronto

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Daisy 17.10.13 17:37

nobodythereeither wrote:
plebgate wrote:
nobodythereeither wrote:
Smokeandmirrors wrote:
There is also a witness statement from someone else at the Tapas (not the main group, another party or couple) which is not in the public domain, and I wager this contradicts the timings or absences from the table.
I have seen references recently to several witness statements which are apparently not in the public domain.

Yet I am sure that somebody (Dr Amaral?) has said that all the Portuguese police papers were published apart from those specifically relating to previously known paedophiles?

Can anybody help? Smoke and Mirrors, how do you know about this witness statement? If there may be others which we don't know about, then that certainly puts a new complexion on things.
I am pretty sure one of Mr. A's  police witnesses at the libel trial said that all files had been released apart from those relating to named paedophiles.
Yes, that must be where I heard it from.

And I can't see that Leicestershire Police would have interviewed anybody (apart from the rogs requested by the Portuguese) so I'm not sure how these witness statements would not have been in the public domain, as if they were from fellow diners at the Tapas Bar surely those people wouldn't fit into any of the three categories mentioned?

ETA: Just seen your post, Daisy, thanks. Then I still don't understand. If Leicester Police did interview other people, surely those statements or whatever would have been sent to Portugal and included in their files? Or can nothing be added after the first tranche of files are released about a case in Portugal?

Just a bit bemused.
No, it can't be that NTE, it's her first statement given on the 7th May 2007 that is missing, her statement from 2008 is included in the files. I'm as bemused/confused as you are.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by plebgate 17.10.13 17:37

tiny wrote:
plebgate wrote:Well what are the SY to make of all these changes of story.  Can't fathom it myself.
if its a whitwash,nothing,if it isn,t then they need to be taken in and questioned, pronto
Agree Tiny, it is getting absolutely ridiculous now imo.    Setting traps and waiting WHY?   Surely there have been enough changes of story to start asking WHY?

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by nobodythereeither 17.10.13 17:37

sallypelt wrote:
russiandoll wrote:Tigger I can never open these little boxes to click on....can you advise what's wrong please ?
Russiandoll, I have the same problem when I use Explorer. However, when I use Google Chrome the boxes will open. Explorer tells me I need to install Flash, but I have already done this. There appears to be a clash between Chrome and Explorer.
I use Firefox, and I can't see any little box to click on at all, just blank space below Tigger's text!



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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by mouse 17.10.13 17:38

Just been listening to 5Live whilst working and the Richard Bacon show - every Thursday he has a spot which follows the lead stories of the week. Two guest commentators were in to discuss the topics, one Boris Johnson's sister and a guy I didn't catch the name of. When they got to the Madeleine story - both guests seemed to think the programme bizarre but then seemed to totally change their reaction and started bleeting on about the poor Mccanns and what they'd been through, and all the horrible stories that had been written about them putting in the frame in the newspapers etc - and how they hoped this would stop now.....Bacon never said anything really, which is out of character for him...Its on a pod cast I believe, but again the BBC supporting the Mccans as per.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by tiny 17.10.13 17:40

plebgate wrote:
tiny wrote:
plebgate wrote:Well what are the SY to make of all these changes of story.  Can't fathom it myself.
if its a whitwash,nothing,if it isn,t then they need to be taken in and questioned, pronto
Agree Tiny, it is getting absolutely ridiculous now imo.    Setting traps and waiting WHY?   Surely there have been enough changes of story to start asking WHY?
My thoughts exactly.  To be honest I would have thought they would have gone over the mccanns and tapas statements first,but it seems like they went to the bottom of the heap and only put the smiths sighting out as they knew they couldn't get away with keeping hidden.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by nobodythereeither 17.10.13 17:46

intrigued89 wrote:One question here that continues to bother me (and I am genuinely not asking this to derail the thread). I am 99% convinced of the McCann's guilt, but there is one small nag. If someone can explain this to me I am completely sold...

If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...
My take on this is that they had all left their children unattended night after night, and had also possibly had sedated them.

If it were to come out that Madeleine had died as a result of such action (eg by accidental death whilst in a dozy state because sedated) then they could be implicated as well if they had all done the same thing.

If her body had to be hidden because an autopsy would show sedation (or - possibly - signs of something else which was too awful to come to light) then clearly it was not a straightforward accidental death which could be explained away.

I don't want to surmise more than that, but there are theories online which would explain why there is a "pact of silence" . Whether that silence has now been broken by one or more of them, who knows.



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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by geh007 17.10.13 18:05

nobodythereeither wrote:
intrigued89 wrote:One question here that continues to bother me (and I am genuinely not asking this to derail the thread). I am 99% convinced of the McCann's guilt, but there is one small nag. If someone can explain this to me I am completely sold...

If the version of events widely believed by posters on here and other sites is true (that the McCann's are in some way responsible for Madeleine's death and that the T7 were aware of this and helped them cover it up), my question is why? Why would the T7 risk their careers and livelihoods to protect their friends' negligence?

It is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me and I am yet to hear a rational explanation. The cadaver, the 48 questions, the lack of coherence in the relative stories all points in one direction. I have even come round to dismiss the 'why do they still keep going on tv if they are guilty' line of thought, so for me this is the one remaining question and it remains an important one. 

I hope someone can help me out with this one...
My take on this is that they had all left their children unattended night after night, and had also possibly had sedated them.

If it were to come out that Madeleine had died as a result of such action (eg by accidental death whilst in a dozy state because sedated) then they could be implicated as well if they had all done the same thing.

If her body had to be hidden because an autopsy would show sedation (or - possibly - signs of something else which was too awful to come to light) then clearly it was not a straightforward accidental death which could be explained away.

I don't want to surmise more than that, but there are theories online which would explain why there is a "pact of silence" . Whether that silence has now been broken by one or more of them, who knows.
I don't buy that for a second. There are many things about this case that are a little "odd". However....

But the suggestion that 9 people colluded is beyond any sense and reason and championing that "line" makes seemingly sensible people appear pretty daft.

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CRIMEWATCH ON BBC  ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth) Empty Re: CRIMEWATCH ON BBC ***Part 2 DISCUSSION**** including CRIMEWATCH UPDATE (for what it was worth)

Post by Guest 17.10.13 18:08

Someone asked if that was it or was there more to come, well off to Ireland next.............

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DCI Redwood: "The next stage of the appeal will be in Ireland later in the month." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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