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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Mm11

Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Regist10
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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Mm11

Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Regist10

Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Jane Tanner and the football comment

Post by dragonfly 28.09.11 0:46

Does anyone know what Jane meant at 1.45 in video regarding football comment, When Jane and Gerry are disagreeing where they are standing , Jane says something like 'I would of said to you Kate had been moaning about you being gone along time watching the football? Gerry then cuts her off and Jane then really smiles , Watching football I thought they were all together having tapas , can someone fill me in ? Thanks



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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty from PJ file

Post by dragonfly 28.09.11 1:15

After 20.30, the witness and his wife, after looking at the children, went to the Tapas Bar, about 50 metres away, where they had dinner. As usual, every half hour and as the restaurant was near, the witness or his wife, would check whether the children were all right. In this way, at about 21.05 the witness came to the Club, entered the room using his respective key, the door being locked, went to his children's bedroom and checked that the twins were fine, as was Madeleine. "He then went to the WC" where he remained for a few moments, left, and bumped into a person he had played tennis with and who had a child's push chair, he was also British, he had a short conversation with him, "returning after that to the restaurant."

How on earth has Gerry Managed to go to tapas bar leave Kate and be gone a long time watching football which caused Kate to Moan 'Words from Jane Tanners mouth' during this small time frame? If Gerry was watching football else where ? Who was he watching football with? Why he leave the group ?



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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Gillyspot 28.09.11 1:23

dragonfly wrote:Does anyone know what Jane meant at 1.45 in video regarding football comment, When Jane and Gerry are disagreeing where they are standing , Jane says something like 'I would of said to you Kate had been moaning about you being gone along time watching the football? Gerry then cuts her off and Jane then really smiles , Watching football I thought they were all together having tapas , can someone fill me in ? Thanks

Kate says in her "novel" that she thinks that Gerry was held up (why Jane Tanner went) as thought he was "watching the footie" in the apartment. Which is clearly rubbish as why would anyone switch on the television to watch it whilst on a quick check on your children (if you didn't want to disturb them).

They say in this clip that the families were checking on each others children - not true either as PJ files will tell anyone.

Gerry also says "our world was essentially shattered and probably 3 or 4 minutes before Madeleine was taken. We obviously absolutely (ahh whats the word) persecuted ourselves for not being here and ah not being here at that moment increased am the risk of it."

Well said Gerry!

The whole story on this episode is rubbish. Jane Tanner knew Gerry had left the apartment (yet she saw him "standing like that") - not walking just standing! How on earth does she know which way he had been walking?

They had a mini argument of where Gerry & Jez were standing.

But as Dave Edgar says "There are inconsistencies you know in every every individual investigation. Obviously the most important thing is what you saw Jane it is not where Gerry and Jez were actually stood but they did not obstruct of the man who you saw." So we'll move Gerry over the road so JT has a better view. Well that says it all!

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Gillyspot 28.09.11 1:27

Sorry for the delay in posting a response I was interested in what they said so had to get it down word for word. That is only some of the first 2 minutes. Yet asks more questions than they think it answers.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by dragonfly 28.09.11 1:34

Thanks Gilly , So Gerry watching football in apartment, While 'abductor' hiding behind door, and 'abductor ' wastes more time pulling up the shutters to leave as a red herring! despite nearly getting caught, If the Mccanns thought it was dining in the back yard at the tapas and they had good view, yet ' abductor' pulling up shutters does not alert Gerry despite being outside house, if he went to apartment at 9ish and went to toilet and watched football in how many minutes ? and Kate calls that gone for ages? I thought Mccanns did not turn light on as not to disturb kids but Gerry put telly on with gives of light and sound? Why Gerry not mention watching football in any interviews or pj files?



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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by jd 28.09.11 1:46

Gerry McCann is amazing at what he can do, he is super human....Ladies take note, this guy made the name 'multi tasking'!!!!

On May 3rd 2007, there were 2 Europa Cup semi finals (2nd legs) matches being played...starting at 8.45pm Portuguese time. One match was Espanyol v Werder Bremen, and the other match was Osasuna v Sevilla. Thats 3 Spanish teams and a German British teams

I can't see Gerry leaving his family and friends to watch any of these 2 matches, you'd have to be a serious football fanatic to watch these games. It was either on somewhere in the resort (though he never actually watched it but just knew it was on somewhere), or this comment could relate to either of the previous 2 nights where both Manchester United and Liverpool were playing the semi finals of the Champions league. If anything, he would be watching these games, though being an Everton fan then Manchester United and Liverpool are their biggest rivals

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 28.09.11 3:17

I just take the comment to be Kate's attempt to describe a normal event - a man hanging around to grab a few minutes of a football match. What a shame that he didn't stay to watch the end of the game and then that pesky abductor would have been foiled! Incidentally, Jane Tanner's remarks from about 3.40 that she was the one person who could have stopped it all happening if only she'd known remind me of Ian Huntley's comments about his sighting of the Soham girls. I can't find the clip I'm thinking of but he said something very similar that he could have stopped it happening.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Tears, lies and videotape

Post by tigger 28.09.11 6:50

Marian wrote:I just take the comment to be Kate's attempt to describe a normal event - a man hanging around to grab a few minutes of a football match. What a shame that he didn't stay to watch the end of the game and then that pesky abductor would have been foiled! Incidentally, Jane Tanner's remarks from about 3.40 that she was the one person who could have stopped it all happening if only she'd known remind me of Ian Huntley's comments about his sighting of the Soham girls. I can't find the clip I'm thinking of but he said something very similar that he could have stopped it happening.

I'm not sure if I got the title right. It was on McCannfiles. Huntley actually tells the truth to the press: that he was the last one to see them.
So many similarities with the McCs. Except that taking CuddleCat everywhere, makes the expert sure that Kate is innocent.

It makes me sure they did their research.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Not being here -

Post by tigger 28.09.11 7:00

' and there is no doubt that not being here at that moment, increased the risk of it....'

Well Gerry, if you'd been there at that moment, it wouldn't have happened.
I hope he doesn't diagnose his patients using the same searing logic

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Bebootje 28.09.11 8:44

Telling that the man (smith) recognised Gerry, but the PJ dismissed that after investigation, is a BIG FAT LIE. Besides, the location where Smith saw him was placed in the opposite direction Jane told us the supposed abductor went to.
interesting though that Gerry stayed away a longer amount of time from the Tapas table (I never heard that before). And Gerry jumping in very quickly, it is an odd scene really.
I always believed that he must have been away a longer time, and now it fits in! Presented by Jane. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Poor Jane, I suppose Gerry was not very glad with that!

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 28.09.11 9:20

Yes I love the "not being here increased the risk" comment! The "Tears, Lies and Videotape" programme was recently discussed somewhere else here but needless to say I can't find it. Here's another link:

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P.S. The part about Ian Huntley begins at 22.15.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Angelique 28.09.11 13:04

I remember reading this comment something like - "he was gone longer than usual - they thought he was watching footie" can't remember but it must have been in one of the statements somewhere. Will go and have a look.

Also the reason for arguing which side of the road Gerry was standing is because he needs to have a reason why he didn't see JT. If JT actually walks past him within inches it puts doubt on the sighting. He wants it moved so it's possible JT could slip past without him noticing if he was standing with his back to the apartment. I think (not sure about this) that's why he went to see Jez at some point after Madeleine disappeared.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty re jane tanner

Post by russiandoll 28.09.11 13:25

this entire reconstruction is so insulting to the intelligence of most people, who did these idiots think they were dealing with in portimao.... inspector clouseau? and why is the man carrying the girl in the smith sighting section of this video depicted as having her in his arms and not upright and over his shoulder as clearly stated ? the very way of carrying her that made Mr Smith think it was Gerry when he saw him on tv getting off the plane in the UK carying his son this way, upright, arm dangling down, childs head on shoulder !
this so called reconstruction has clearly been made to dishonestly reinforce the story that it is the same man JT allegedly saw. It is not as described by Mr Smith . How on earth did Mc Canns and co manage to circulate this second sighting when it is not as told by the person who actually saw the man and child?
Did any reasonable person actually believe a man carrying out such a heinous crime would traipse around the place for such a long time? A sleeping toddler is some weight and erm would he not erm risk being erm seen ?

sorry but I have to say this and I hope you dont think I am disrespecting young Maddie, I am merely disrespecting her parents and their friends. There is more chance that Maddie is giving Willy Wonka his 2 pence worth at his chocolate factory, is with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, or at the north pole in a new role as one of santas elves than her disappearance happened the way they tell it.
I have a sneaking feeling the police are playing a very patient waiting game. I think they are sitting on some evidence and that thank goodness the truth is eventually going to come out.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 28.09.11 13:48

russiandoll wrote:this entire reconstruction is so insulting to the intelligence of most people, who did these idiots think they were dealing with in portimao.... inspector clouseau?
I have a sneaking feeling the police are playing a very patient waiting game. I think they are sitting on some evidence and that thank goodness the truth is eventually going to come out.

I think they liked to portray the police as a mixture of CLouseau and Keystone Cops from the beginning.. unfortunately it feeds into that strange type of British viewpoint that sees foreigners as bumbling fools.. it would also be guaranteed to be lapped up by the press as well if the police were portrayed in that way.. and also meant that the fund would be fed nicely by people who fell for the police aren't helping us line..

Hope you're right that there is lot more known to the police than has been revealed so far and they're just playing a long game and not releasing evidence that would provide a loophole to be found if it ever comes to trial....


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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Ollie 28.09.11 13:54

How can Jane Tanner claim that it was Madeleine being carried by the abductor. I watched the Mccanns reconstruction on the mockumentary, and when they showed the 'abductor' walking carrying something the lighting was so bad that it was difficult to make out that it was a child let alone what she was wearing.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 28.09.11 14:05

I wonder if Jeremy Wilkins' partner was involved in this wondrous reconstruction?! That was her line of work per the attached article.

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P.S She is also renowned for her remark that she quite admired the McCanns for not being paranoid and leaving their children alone!!

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 28.09.11 14:14

Marian wrote:I just take the comment to be Kate's attempt to describe a normal event - a man hanging around to grab a few minutes of a football match. What a shame that he didn't stay to watch the end of the game and then that pesky abductor would have been foiled! Incidentally, Jane Tanner's remarks from about 3.40 that she was the one person who could have stopped it all happening if only she'd known remind me of Ian Huntley's comments about his sighting of the Soham girls. I can't find the clip I'm thinking of but he said something very similar that he could have stopped it happening.

Agree, its on the truth lie and videotape vid where he says it .. And very similar to what Jane Tanner said.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 28.09.11 14:22

Moa: this isn't the exact quote that I remember. There was another one in a BBC intervew (I think) where I'm sure that he used the words that he could have stopped it happening. Indeed he could have!

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Angelique 28.09.11 16:13

Yes - found it - you'll never guess - or perhaps you will. Jane Tanner's Rogatory statement:

00.04.50 4078 “So there is no rush, just in your own time”.
Reply “Yeah. Erm, so, yeah, I think everybody, everybody arrived about nine o’clock. I
think we ordered fairly, as soon as Dave and Fi arrived we sort of like ordered almost
straight away I think. And almost I think as soon after Dave and Fi arrived Gerry
went to do his check, because they’d already been there since sort of half past eight,
so, you know, sort of like it was half an hour, a half an hour check for them. So he,
yeah, he, he went off to his check and he was longer than a bit, because I can
remember Kate sort of saying ‘Oh bet he’s put the footy on’, because I think there
was a football match that night and she sort of said ‘Oh I think he’s probably’, erm,
you know, ‘got side tracked and put the telly on and catch up on the score’
, so he
was gone a bit longer than normal. Erm, and then I think we thought ‘Oh well the
starters are going to appear any minute’. So Russ had sort of come down about
quarter to. And I think at this point, I don’t know whether I knew that Matt had been
and listened or what, so I remember saying to Russ ‘Shall I got and check’ and I
remember at that time thinking ‘Oh can I persuade Russ to go and check so I don’t
have to’. But, no, so, you know, I’ll go and check at that point. So, timing wise, I
mean, I think it was sort of five past, ten past, ten past nine, around, around that sort
of time”.
4078 “From what I know from reading statements, Gerry was still absent?”
Reply “He wasn’t there at that point, no, no. So, erm, then I walked, so I just walked out
the, erm, the Ocean Club bit and walked, sort of walked up the road. And then Gerry
was there, he was talking to Jez WILKINS in the road, well they were sort of, as I
went by. So I think I thought then ‘Oh that’s why Jez’, not Jez, ‘That’s why Gerry
has been, you know, that’s why he’s longer than we thought’”.
4078 “Backtrack a little. How long after Gerry had gone was it before you went to do your
Reply “Well I think it must have been, well it must have been at least five minutes, if not
more, because, I say, because he was gone, before I actually left there had been the
conversations about him being waylaid. So, I mean, if, I think it must have been sort

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by steevo1962 12.10.11 22:46

Kate sort of saying ‘Oh bet he’s put the footy on’, because I think there
was a football match that night and she sort of said ‘Oh I think he’s probably’, erm,
you know, ‘got side tracked and put the telly on and catch up on the score’, so he
was gone a bit longer than normal

Could this be when the accident actually happened?

Also regarding the check done by Jane Tanner, I believe the others including JT entered their flats via the front door which was on the main street where the alleged abductor came from. If she went that way, wouldn't she have noticed the shutter and window "wide open" as Kate described on finding them in her check?

The PJ know that they are lying, mis-leading whatever one wants to call it?

We know and I'm sure many supporters quietly feel uneasy that they have been duped by their knee-jerk emotions into supporting both financially and spiritually a charade of events which only hindered rather than helped in the search for poor wee Madeleine!

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by dragonfly 13.10.11 0:05

Angelique wrote:Yes - found it - you'll never guess - or perhaps you will. Jane Tanner's Rogatory statement:

00.04.50 4078 “So there is no rush, just in your own time”.
Reply “Yeah. Erm, so, yeah, I think everybody, everybody arrived about nine o’clock.
Well Mccanns arrived after 8.30 and Russ at quarter to
I think we ordered fairly, as soon as Dave and Fi arrived we sort of like ordered almost
straight away I think. So this is just after 9 I take when every one has sat down accepting they had prompt service, (Why Gerry and Kate get there so early if they had to make an advance booking for whole week? Leaving kids longer than they ever needed to)

And almost I think as soon after Dave and Fi arrived Gerry
went to do his check
, because they’d already been there since sort of half past eight, So Gerry Leaves after 9pm
so, you know, sort of like it was half an hour, a half an hour check for them. So he,
yeah, he, he went off to his check and he was longer than a bit, because I can
remember Kate sort of saying ‘Oh bet he’s put the footy on’, because I think there
was a football match that night and she sort of said ‘Oh I think he’s probably’, erm,
you know, ‘got side tracked and put the telly on and catch up on the score’
, so he
was gone a bit longer than normal. How has he been gone so long if he just left after 9pm? see next statement

Erm, and then I think we thought ‘Oh well the
starters are going to appear any minute’. so food has been ordered and cooked within minutes? wait for next statement

So Russ had sort of come down about quarter to.
Cant be quarter to 10 so must be quarter to nine
And I think at this point, I don’t know whether I knew that Matt had been
and listened or what, so I remember saying to Russ ‘Shall I got and check’ and I
remember at that time thinking ‘Oh can I persuade Russ to go and check so I don’t
have to’. But, no, so, you know, I’ll go and check at that point. So, timing wise, I
mean, I think it was sort of five past, ten past, ten past nine, around, around that sort
of time”.

4078 “From what I know from reading statements, Gerry was still absent?”
Reply “He wasn’t there at that point, no, no. So, erm, then I walked, so I just walked out
the, erm, the Ocean Club bit and walked, sort of walked up the road. And then Gerry
was there, he was talking to Jez WILKINS in the road, well they were sort of, as I
went by. So I think I thought then ‘Oh that’s why Jez’, not Jez, ‘That’s why Gerry
has been, you know, that’s why he’s longer than we thought’”.
4078 “Backtrack a little. How long after Gerry had gone was it before you went to do your

Reply “Well I think it must have been, well it must have been at least five minutes, if not
more, because, I say, because he was gone, before I actually left there had been the
conversations about him being waylaid. So, I mean, if, I think it must have been sort

So 8.30 Kate Gerry arrive at Tapas alone
9.00 'Everybody' arrives This must include Dave and Fi
9.01- 9.05 their after (aprox from Janes statement) Gerry Leaves
905- 9.10 Jane leaves
9.06-9. 11 aprox Jane see Gerry Talking to Jez

So Gerry has left tapas walked back checked kids admired Madeleine looking at her on bed thinking how lucky he was gone toilet and watched football as well
Yet this caused Kate to moan to Jane How long Gerry had been gone! Jane is saying she only left 5 minutes after Gerry! (what with Jane just getting to restaurant and almost leaving to do a check straight away) Am I reading this wrong? !!
Ps do not know where original links gone for video

Thanks Angelique Interesting to re read again



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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by dragonfly 14.10.11 0:58

dragonfly wrote:
Angelique wrote:Yes - found it - you'll never guess - or perhaps you will. Jane Tanner's Rogatory statement:

00.04.50 4078 “So there is no rush, just in your own time”.
Reply “Yeah. Erm, so, yeah, I think everybody, everybody arrived about nine o’clock.
Well Mccanns arrived after 8.30 and Russ at quarter to
I think we ordered fairly, as soon as Dave and Fi arrived we sort of like ordered almost
straight away I think. So this is just after 9 I take when every one has sat down accepting they had prompt service, (Why Gerry and Kate get there so early if they had to make an advance booking for whole week? Leaving kids longer than they ever needed to)

And almost I think as soon after Dave and Fi arrived Gerry
went to do his check
, because they’d already been there since sort of half past eight, So Gerry Leaves after 9pm
so, you know, sort of like it was half an hour, a half an hour check for them. So he,
yeah, he, he went off to his check and he was longer than a bit, because I can
remember Kate sort of saying ‘Oh bet he’s put the footy on’, because I think there
was a football match that night and she sort of said ‘Oh I think he’s probably’, erm,
you know, ‘got side tracked and put the telly on and catch up on the score’
, so he
was gone a bit longer than normal. How has he been gone so long if he just left after 9pm? see next statement

Erm, and then I think we thought ‘Oh well the
starters are going to appear any minute’. so food has been ordered and cooked within minutes? wait for next statement

So Russ had sort of come down about quarter to.
Cant be quarter to 10 so must be quarter to nine
And I think at this point, I don’t know whether I knew that Matt had been
and listened or what, so I remember saying to Russ ‘Shall I got and check’ and I
remember at that time thinking ‘Oh can I persuade Russ to go and check so I don’t
have to’. But, no, so, you know, I’ll go and check at that point. So, timing wise, I
mean, I think it was sort of five past, ten past, ten past nine, around, around that sort
of time”.

4078 “From what I know from reading statements, Gerry was still absent?”
Reply “He wasn’t there at that point, no, no. So, erm, then I walked, so I just walked out
the, erm, the Ocean Club bit and walked, sort of walked up the road. And then Gerry
was there, he was talking to Jez WILKINS in the road, well they were sort of, as I
went by. So I think I thought then ‘Oh that’s why Jez’, not Jez, ‘That’s why Gerry
has been, you know, that’s why he’s longer than we thought’”.
4078 “Backtrack a little. How long after Gerry had gone was it before you went to do your

Reply “Well I think it must have been, well it must have been at least five minutes, if not
more, because, I say, because he was gone, before I actually left there had been the
conversations about him being waylaid. So, I mean, if, I think it must have been sort

So 8.30 Kate Gerry arrive at Tapas alone
9.00 'Everybody' arrives This must include Dave and Fi
9.01- 9.05 their after (aprox from Janes statement) Gerry Leaves
905- 9.10 Jane leaves
9.06-9. 11 aprox Jane see Gerry Talking to Jez

So Gerry has left tapas walked back checked kids admired Madeleine looking at her on bed thinking how lucky he was gone toilet and watched football as well
Yet this caused Kate to moan to Jane How long Gerry had been gone! Jane is saying she only left 5 minutes after Gerry! (what with Jane just getting to restaurant and almost leaving to do a check straight away) Am I reading this wrong? !!
Ps do not know where original links gone for video

Thanks Angelique Interesting to re read again

Sorry writing in red is highlighted words from tanners statement my words blue if it does not make sense



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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Angelique 14.10.11 1:17


You are welcome.

Exactly as you say. This is why they wouldn't return to do a reconstruction.

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by steevo1962 14.10.11 1:51

They acted out their own restruction and my opinion is that they did it this way so they could control the events and timelines to suit their own ficticious accounts of what they say happened that night.

Ironically it backfired on them with the confusion over where Tanner, Gerry and Jez were located and the fact Jez couldn't remember seeing Tanner.

And why would Tanner check her kids 10 minutes after arriving at the Tapas? And surely she would have seen the open window and shutter after seeing the apparent abductor as she would have passed the window going to and leaving her apartment which she apparently always entered by the front door at the car park area?

Unfortunately the McCann's are sly as foxes and they know that "No body, No crime"!!!!

I would love to spend a couple of hours alone with Gerry......just a couple of hours and the mystery would be solved!

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 14.10.11 7:52

That's right. Both of them had to stick to their original statements, or face the consequences. I've never thought about that before. titter That's why we saw the confusion we did. I'm quite surprised we were allowed to even see that !!!

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty as posted elsewhere by me....

Post by russiandoll 14.10.11 11:06

I never lie because I dont fear anyone. You only lie when you are afraid. [ John Gotti.]

No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar [Abraham Lincoln]

With lies you may get ahead in the world- but you can never go back [ Russian proverb].

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Me 14.10.11 12:37

steevo1962 wrote:
Kate sort of saying ‘Oh bet he’s put the footy on’, because I think there
was a football match that night and she sort of said ‘Oh I think he’s probably’, erm,
you know, ‘got side tracked and put the telly on and catch up on the score’, so he
was gone a bit longer than normal

Could this be when the accident actually happened?

Also regarding the check done by Jane Tanner, I believe the others including JT entered their flats via the front door which was on the main street where the alleged abductor came from. If she went that way, wouldn't she have noticed the shutter and window "wide open" as Kate described on finding them in her check?

The PJ know that they are lying, mis-leading whatever one wants to call it?

We know and I'm sure many supporters quietly feel uneasy that they have been duped by their knee-jerk emotions into supporting both financially and spiritually a charade of events which only hindered rather than helped in the search for poor wee Madeleine!

Yes, that's something that has cropped up before. Jane Tanner, Matt and Russell in their subsequent visits ( i think both of them went past but it may have been one of them) all walked past the front door of the McCann apartment but none of them noticed the shutter and window open. Ok!

Yet when Kate went and discovered Maddie missing the door whoosed because the window was open. Why didn't that happen when Gerry did his check?

Why did it only happen when Kate checked?

The only plausible explanation can be that the window wasn't open at the point of Gerry being in the apartment. So then we are supposed to believe that when Gerry left and was talking to Jez the abductor opened the shutter and window (with no-one hearing him and leaving no evidence) and climbed out / passed out Maddie whilt Gerry wa sin the next street!

Then we have to accept the absurdity of the abductor walking across the very road that Gerry & Jez are talking on and the road that the parents and their friends walked up and down all the time, when an abductor would surely have not taken that risk and would, one suspects, have walked the other way out of sight and using the cover of the complex wall.

Added to this we have the superhuman eyesight of Tanner, who from a distance in low light conditions can identify the type and colour of pyjamas the child was wearing.

That reconstruction is a disgrace, and has no credibility because they have essentially tried to tie up Tanner's sighting with the Smith's sighting as being the same person. Yet Martin Smith's statement, in the files, states that he thought it was Gerry with 60-80% accuracy.

What is certain is that since the start of the investigation there were  incongruent and even contradictory situations concerning the witness statements; the telephone records of calls that were made and received on mobile phones that belonged to the couple and to the group of friends that were on holidays with them; the movements of people right after the disappearance of the little girl was noticed, concerning the state in which the bedroom from where the child disappeared from was found (closed window? open window? partially open window?) etc., and the mystery would only become even thicker due to the clues that were left by the already mentioned sniffer dogs. - The Words of a JUDGE in relation to the McCanns

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by jd 06.01.12 18:52

dragonfly wrote:Does anyone know what Jane meant at 1.45 in video regarding football comment, When Jane and Gerry are disagreeing where they are standing , Jane says something like 'I would of said to you Kate had been moaning about you being gone along time watching the football? Gerry then cuts her off and Jane then really smiles , Watching football I thought they were all together having tapas , can someone fill me in ? Thanks

Oh he does totally cut her off doesn't't he!!! And remember we have the Moyes who were 2 floors up at that very time on their balcony saying how so very quiet it was

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Guest 28.09.12 13:31

jd wrote:
dragonfly wrote:Does anyone know what Jane meant at 1.45 in video regarding football comment, When Jane and Gerry are disagreeing where they are standing , Jane says something like 'I would of said to you Kate had been moaning about you being gone along time watching the football? Gerry then cuts her off and Jane then really smiles , Watching football I thought they were all together having tapas , can someone fill me in ? Thanks

Oh he does totally cut her off doesn't't he!!! And remember we have the Moyes who were 2 floors up at that very time on their balcony saying how so very quiet it was

wow that is a very odd reaction from Gerry there! He defently want to get the attention away from what Jane just said there...And why the smile from Jane there aswell, the whole scene had a weird tone to it..

(TY Jean for linking to this thread, had forgotten all about it..)

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Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm? Empty Re: Where was Gerry 9,30 - 10.00pm?

Post by Nina 28.09.12 14:07

So blooming obvious, and no-one picked it up and not mentioned again. So if Gerry was gone for long enough for Kate to think he was watching the football it was longer than a. the getting there to check the children, b. check the children c. maybe visit the toilet d. return to the bar. So longer than five minutes then. And not just a quick check of the football but actually watching it so quite some time then.
Does/could this link with the thread of the query digging of a grave in RM's garden.

Edited to add..... just read the SB thread and some posters were also querying whether there could be a link with the timings of SB.

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