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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Mm11

Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Mm11

Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Regist10

Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

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What is the MAIN reason that you appreciate the work of this forum?

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Total Votes : 39

Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by Tony Bennett 25.11.12 10:30

It was sometime during the morning of 25 November 2009 that the forum-owner = Get 'em Goncalo established this forum.

I would like to send congratulations and a note of appreciation for her decision to set up the forum and also my thanks to all, especially the moderators, who have maintained and developed this forum and made it what it is today.

Some here may not know that 25 November 2009 was also the day that a total of 16 High Court undertakings were forced out of me by the financial power of the McCanns and those ever-mysterious people who back them (financially and otherwise) behind the scenes. Get 'em Goncalo originally set up this forum as a personal gesture of support to me, at a time when I was facing not only the might of the McCanns and Carter-Ruck but also other untrue accusations. I shall always be grateful to her and others who also stepped forward to help me at around that time.

Eight members joined on 25 November 2009, I was one of them. 'candyfloss' joined two days later, and has since then undoubtedly been the mainstay of this forum. I am also personally grateful to her. I have been aware of some difficult issues she, the forum-owner and other mods have had to resolve, mainly from those who do not wish this forum well and resent its success. It's a great tribute to the patience of both her and Get 'em Goncalo - and their commitment to developing this place as one where the many mysteries surrounding the case can be discussed - that it has not only survived but continues to prosper.

Today the forum has 2045 members. Today the forum has been going for 1,096 days. That's a joining rate of over 13 a week. Last August (2011) it became the most popular Madeleine McCann discussion forum anywhere on the net, and has remained so. In the run-up to the date of publication of the paperback edition of 'madeleine', it reached its highest number of visitors at any one time: 678 on 25 April 2012.

I'm going to put up a poll about the forum and hope that other members of the forum will add their own notes of appreciation for what Get 'em Goncalo and cadyfloss have achieved in the past three years.

Happy Birthday!


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by Guest 25.11.12 14:01

It was also a memorable date for me - the last time I was at work, which was driving me completely round the bend!

Well done to everyone involved with the forum.

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by pennylane 25.11.12 15:25

Superb post Tony! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Happy Third Anniversary CMOMM! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

A very heartfelt thank you to dear Jill (Get 'em Goncalo) [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

A very heartfelt thank you to dear candyfloss[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
You both absolutely rock! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

My respect and appreciation goes to all those involved in this Forum's longevity and well-being [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by Nina 25.11.12 15:31

Congratulations on the success of the forum and many thanks from me to Get em and the moderators for the hours they spend making it the place it is.

Not one more cent from me.
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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by Liz Eagles 25.11.12 16:05

I'm sending you a humble pie. It comes with no additives or preservatives. There are no candles or icing. It's a simple pie that always tastes good even when other things are on offer or distract. It sums up for me the diligence, courage and perseverence that you have to find justice for Madeleine. Happy Birthday.

aquila xxx
Liz Eagles
Liz Eagles

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by DeltaSquad 27.11.12 19:52

Come on people you need to vote. I don't usually post but I have voted, so please get voting

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by wjk 27.11.12 22:00

Happy 3rd Birthday! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by IAmNotMerylStreep 27.11.12 22:27

Here's to the next 3 years drinks

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by Angelique 27.11.12 22:52

Very Happy 3rd Anniversary and a big thank you to Jill and Moderators for all the work involved in this Forum. Although I was not a Member at it's inception I am very glad to be part of it now.

A big bouquet of flowers for you all.

Things aren't always what they seem

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by monkey mind 27.11.12 23:47

Congrats to the Founding Mothers, Founding Fathers....

And all!!
monkey mind
monkey mind

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by Guest 27.11.12 23:48

monkey mind wrote:Congrats to the Founding Mothers, Founding Fathers....

And all!!
I second this and all before roses

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by HiDeHo 28.11.12 13:29

I am in awe of the time/effort/research knowledge put in by Jill and candyfloss.

Three years of dedicaton to maintaining this forum regardless of personal issues.

Ever wonder what would happen if both of them did not give their time? I'm not sure how long this forum would exist. It's an 'every day' thing to keep this forum under control, not just to pop in when they have time. The commitment is constant. How many people would be able to give that commitment, never mind WANT to?

My congratulations is more than just a casual comment. It is with an honest appreciation that this forum is the place that is, and has been, here for us for the last 3 yrs!.

Thanks also to all the members for the wealth of information and opinions that will one day contribute to the closure of the investigation.

If, as the police files reflect, Madeleine is dead...then I hope that one day she can be found, with the world, (and her family), able to grieve and she can be laid to rest in peace and with the dignity that she deserves.

Thanks to Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann to help towards achieving that day!

Thanks also Tony for this thread, and all the research that you contribute. Good luck to you also for your upcoming trial! Your commitment to expose the truth is beyond what many realise. Thank you!

Meanwhile, in the spirit of Christmas, here is my little contribution to you all!

Santa's Message to Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann Members


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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by puzzled 28.11.12 16:26

Happy anniversary CMOMM!

____________________ did you feel the last time you squashed a bug? -psychopathic criminal, quoted in Robert Hare, Without Conscience

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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by LuzLady 28.11.12 17:00

Congrats to the forum!

Just one thing though.

OK, we know now that Edward Smethurst has been holidaying in Praia da Luz for more than a decade.

We know that Robert Murat lives, or lived, in Praia da Luz.

We know that Gerry McC looked most uncomfortable when asked if he already knew Murat.

We know that Martin Smith knows Murat well.

We know that Smethurst and Brian Kennedy have close links with both Manchester and Cheshire Police (through Steve May of Palladium Enterprises and so forth).

But when are you going to examine all those golfing holidays near Praia da Luz, organised by ACC Steve Heywood and others by the Greater Manchester Police Golfing Association?

Just a little tip to be going on with!

Love and light



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Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM Empty Re: Happy 3rd anniversary CMOMM

Post by hentie 28.11.12 17:49

Happy Birthday!!!!

Although belated, meant in every way!

Onwards and upwards getting better by the month!

Well done Jill and Moderators xx
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