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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Mm11

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Mm11

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Nina 21.04.13 22:24

Châtelaine wrote:The recreational ones? I think [as in "IMO"] that's where another well-known character comes into the picture.

I was meaning doctors in general not specific ones. When we were newly married, so a very long time ago our GP was struck of for drug and alcohol abuse, well actually I don't know if he was struck off, he and his wife just disappeared. His wife was a hospital anaesthetist.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Guest 21.04.13 22:46

It is late, Nina. Should I look for stats on drug-abuse by doctors ... ? There's so much documentation about their drink & drug abuse that it's scaring ... And, I have to add, somehow understandable with the pressure they live under, however, not completely excusable. Especially not in case of fatalities.
Note: I am NOT applying this to seven of them here under discussion, but I am not excluding them either.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Miraflores 21.04.13 22:49

I definitely think that sedation, followed perhaps by a fall leading to a blow to the head which went unnoticed, was involved.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Nina 21.04.13 22:57

Châtelaine wrote:It is late, Nina. Should I look for stats on drug-abuse by doctors ... ? There's so much documentation about their drink & drug abuse that it's scaring ... And, I have to add, somehow understandable with the pressure they live under, however, not completely excusable. Especially not in case of fatalities.
Note: I am NOT applying this to seven of them here under discussion, but I am not excluding them either.

Yes it is late Chateleine and I am soon for my bed. No need to look my dear roses

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Rufus T 26.09.13 21:47

Portia wrote:
jd wrote:gerry mccann was in the news in 2000 re drugs in sport/athletics

Dr Gerry McCann, a lecturer in sports medicine at the Centre for Exercise Science and Medicine at Glasgow University, said the list of banned substances was so comprehensive that it was highly unlikely that an athlete could take a legal substance, but register a positive result in a doping test.

However, he said there were two areas that could catch athletes out.

Some cold and cough remedies include banned stimulants such as ephedrin and pseudo-ephedrin.

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Sorry, forget the name of the (histamine) substance we discussed 2-3 weeks ago.

As GM studied banned substances, even lecturing in them, and as he therefor clearly was an expert on banned substances:
then how come he feigns the (anti?-)histamine accompanying the McCs on their week long holiday was current in 2007, instead of having been banned many years before, as causing cardiorythms as they were proven to do?

Again, why did they take this letal and scrapped stuff on this holiday?

And: did the McCs administer it to their children?
Sorry to nit pick, but terfenadine is not banned in the UK, it was removed from sale and became available by prescription only. Not sure if that makes a difference.
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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Woofer 13.02.14 15:07

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According to the above :-


  • terfenadine is only available in the UK on a named-patient basis through specialist importers. There are no longer any licensed preparations containing terfenadine available in the UK (November 2005)  "

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Our home in Glasgow...?

Post by missbeetle 17.06.14 21:14

Gerry first started coming to Leicester in order to participate in cardiology conferences held at Glenfield Hospital. It was usual for us to fetch him at the airport and take him to the conference and later return him to the airport. It is for this reason the family serves and we were always present when Kate or Gerry needed us. After selling our home in Glasgow, Kate rented a room in The Limes in Rothley and Gerry stayed at the hospital' I think that he made circuits between Glenfield Leicester Royal Infirmary and the Boston Hospitals. They married in 1998. They arranged to buy a home in Queniborough. I remember that Kate was anxious to have children and I also remember the day she informed us she was pregnant with Madeleine.

(snipped from Janet Kennedy's rogatory interview)

It sounds to me like the McCanns lived in a Glaswegian property owned by the Kennedys.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty He's got Gorbals...

Post by missbeetle 09.07.14 23:25

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Here's Gerry in the centre of this picture clipped from The Hares and Hounds website.

From their 1984-1985 report comes :

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From 1985-1986 it is reported :

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He's rather young to be going to university, let alone going away on rowdy sporting trips with fellows potentially much older than him.

He doesn't seem to have been chaperoned until 1987-1988 :

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Bit late by then...

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Guest 10.07.14 10:51

Sans neck-beard yet

However: 1984 is now thirty years ago. 30.
What age would that really make him now?

Somewhere around 47/48, surely?

Can anyone explain this?

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Guest 10.07.14 11:04

He was born in June 1968, so he's 46.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by PeterMac 10.07.14 11:15

Rufus T wrote:
Sorry to nit pick, but terfenadine is not banned in the UK, it was removed from sale and became available by prescription only. Not sure if that makes a difference.
Terfenadine-containing drugs were subsequently removed from the Canadian market in 1999,[5] and are no longer available for prescription in the UK.[6]

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terfenadine is only available in the UK on a named-patient basis through specialist importers. There are no longer any licensed preparations containing terfenadine available in the UK (November 2005)

Committee on Safety of Medicines (21/4/1997). Terfenadine: proposed change to prescription use, letter from Professor M D Rawlins.
Current Issues in Pharmacovigilance (1997), 23, 9.

In other words you can't get hold of it. So why did Gerry have it.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by Dont Make Me Laff 10.07.14 11:54

PeterMac wrote:
Rufus T wrote:
Sorry to nit pick, but terfenadine is not banned in the UK, it was removed from sale and became available by prescription only. Not sure if that makes a difference.
Terfenadine-containing drugs were subsequently removed from the Canadian market in 1999,[5] and are no longer available for prescription in the UK.[6]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
terfenadine is only available in the UK on a named-patient basis through specialist importers. There are no longer any licensed preparations containing terfenadine available in the UK (November 2005)

Committee on Safety of Medicines (21/4/1997). Terfenadine: proposed change to prescription use, letter from Professor M D Rawlins.
Current Issues in Pharmacovigilance (1997), 23, 9.

In other words you can't get hold of it.  So why did Gerry have it.

I was under the impression they had sedated the children with calpol, perhaps MBM took/was administered with this drug and that's why KM said "We've let her down" ??
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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by worriedmum 10.07.14 12:50

AFAIK Calpol is NOT a sedative. Children may go to sleep after taking it because their pain has been alleviated and it was bedtime anyway.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by comperedna 10.07.14 16:12

That is correct worriedmum. Calpol is children's and babies' strength liquid paracetamol, and is regularly recommended by GPs (primary care physicains) It is readily available over the counter, and is not a sedative.

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Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south? - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Gerry in Glasgow: when and why did he move south?

Post by tigger 16.06.15 19:42

missbeetle wrote:Gerry first started coming to Leicester in order to participate in cardiology conferences held at Glenfield Hospital. It was usual for us to fetch him at the airport and take him to the conference and later return him to the airport. It is for this reason the family serves and we were always present when Kate or Gerry needed us. After selling our home in Glasgow, Kate rented a room in The Limes in Rothley and Gerry stayed at the hospital' I think that he made circuits between Glenfield Leicester Royal Infirmary and the Boston Hospitals. They married in 1998. They arranged to buy a home in Queniborough. I remember that Kate was anxious to have children and I also remember the day she informed us she was pregnant with Madeleine.

(snipped from Janet Kennedy's rogatory interview)

It sounds to me like the McCanns lived in a Glaswegian property owned by the Kennedys.
 This is one of the things that is very  puzzling. The other one is that Gerry first lectured in sports medicine before finding a hospital to take him on to specialise in cardiology. 
It was hard to get such a placement says Kate.  However, I would think it would mostly depend on one's exam results?

From another post here on the use of anti- histamines: 
And why did Kate say that she ensured all the medicines were put back into the clasped bag and then safely stowed away. As I have commented before on this statement to put back means that they were out of the clasped bag, so why? There is no mention of either her or Gerry requiring to take a dose, so why were they out?

And From a post by Portia:

Kate says in her book, that they took the decision to move south in 2000, to enable Gerry to take up a training post in cardiology, 'positions that were hard to come by', according to her. 

She doesn't mention when they actually did move. 

Kate herself at the time 'had been promoted to a registrar post in anaesthetics in Glasgow and was -again according to Kate herself- working hard to complete her postgraduate examns or "fellowship". 

Apparently it was possible for her to transfer from Glasgow to Leicester within six months. She doesn't say six months from what. 

Can a post grad study be the same as a fellowship?  Had not heard this before. Might get a fellowship to do post-grad study. 
I'm getting the impression that these careers needed some creative PR. Anaesthetist is imo a lengthy study, you might learn to do epidurals in six months but I would not think you can call yourself an anaesthetist on that basis. 

The tale of the family going up and down to collect Gerry, didn't he have a car himself? Kate living in one room. It's all rather

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