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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Mm11

Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Regist10
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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Mm11

Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Regist10

Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 29.05.11 8:00

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 29.05.11 8:39

'Strain meant I couldn’t make love to Gerry': Kate McCann reveals guilt over Maddie stopped her taking any pleasure in life


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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by PeterMac 29.05.11 8:51

ROSA wrote:'Strain meant I couldn’t make love to Gerry': Kate McCann reveals guilt over Maddie stopped her taking any pleasure in life

See Photo of the pair leaving church 8 days after the event, on Madeleine's 4th birthday for the full horror of what they were feeling at the time.

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 29.05.11 8:55

Madeleine Beth McCann was born on May 12, 2003 in Leicester, England. She was 9 days short of her 4th birthday when she was reported missing on the night of May 3, 2007. At the time, she was sharing a week’s holiday in Portugal’s Algarve region with her parents and twin 2 year old siblings Sean and Amelie.

Of all the characters involved in the case, probably the least is known about little Madeleine. The parents refused to hand over Madeleine’s medical records during the investigation

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty The words of wisdom from Clarence

Post by Guest 29.05.11 9:03

Did he manage to keep a straight face when he said it, I wonder; if so he needs to teach his clients how not to snigger at inappropriate moments.

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty After Kate McCann was told that she would be made an arguido, she was asked 48 questions about her daughter's disappearance – all of which she refused to answer.

Post by ROSA 29.05.11 10:57

A Question She Did Answer

- Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardizing the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter?

- “Yes, if that’s what the investigation thinks.”

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by Me 29.05.11 18:55

Great news, Clarence!

Can you tell us when we should book the interview room at the police station in Portugal where your clients (and their friends) will allow themselves to be questioned?

I trust you've no problem with that Clarence given they are innocent and have nothing to hide?

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 29.05.11 22:54

McCanns Used Maddie Fund to Help Pay Their Mortgage


(NEWSER) - Madeleine McCann's parents used money from a fund set up to help find the missing girl to pay the mortgage, theGuardian Unlimited reports. The couple made two payments with money from the £1m fund, a family spokesman said. Both parents have been on unpaid leave since Maddie disappeared... [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 30.05.11 21:05

Making long-term plans to mark Madeleine’s alleged abduction - whilst at the same time claiming she was alive and could still be found
On 3rd June 2007, just one month after Madeleine had ‘disappeared’, Dr Gerry McCann was already planning a ‘big event’ to mark Madeleine’s ‘abduction’. He told the press: "We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing…It wouldn’t be a one-year anniversary, it will be sooner than that." He had talked specifically of approaching celebrities like Elton John to ‘front’ a major fund-raising concert. Many people pointed out that no parents, one month after their daughter had gone missing, and who were still frantically hoping their daughter would be found, would even be thinking of planning for fund-raising and publicity-generating events, several months ahead. Unless, that is, they had more than a shrewd idea that Madeleine would never be found.
Less than a month later, on 28th June 2007, Dr Gerry McCann said: "I have no doubt we will be able to sustain a high profile for Madeleine’s disappearance in the long-term". How on earth, we might ask, could any father talk about organising concerts to generate publicity, and plan to sustain a ‘long-term high profile’ for Madeleine’s disappearance, months into the future, when there was still the possibility that the police might, any day, bring them news that Madeleine had been found - either alive, or dead? Furthermore, well in advance of 11th August - which would be ‘Day 100’ after Madeleine ‘disappeared’ - Dr Gerry McCann and his PR advisers were already planning how to mark the 100th day since her abduction.
Put simply, Dr Gerry McCann’s words are not those of someone who genuinely believes that his daughter has been abducted, and that there still remains a reasonable prospect of finding her. They are much more likely to be the words of someone who knows perfectly well that their daughter will not be found.
In October 2007, 'The Times' reported on the McCanns’ plans for a film or documentary about Madeleine, as follows: "Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns’ spokesman, would not speculate on whether Gerry and Kate would play themselves in any movie or whether their roles would be played by celebrity actors. He said: ‘While it may be hugely entertaining and a bit of fun to think of cast lists, we are a million miles away from that sort of thing’. The possibility of a film or television project is expected to be discussed further when directors of the Madeleine Fund meet later this week.


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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by Guest 30.05.11 21:16

ROSA wrote:
Making long-term plans to mark Madeleine’s alleged abduction - whilst at the same time claiming she was alive and could still be found
On 3rd June 2007, just one month after Madeleine had ‘disappeared’, Dr Gerry McCann was already planning a ‘big event’ to mark Madeleine’s ‘abduction’. He told the press: "We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing…It wouldn’t be a one-year anniversary, it will be sooner than that." He had talked specifically of approaching celebrities like Elton John to ‘front’ a major fund-raising concert. Many people pointed out that no parents, one month after their daughter had gone missing, and who were still frantically hoping their daughter would be found, would even be thinking of planning for fund-raising and publicity-generating events, several months ahead. Unless, that is, they had more than a shrewd idea that Madeleine would never be found.
Less than a month later, on 28th June 2007, Dr Gerry McCann said: "I have no doubt we will be able to sustain a high profile for Madeleine’s disappearance in the long-term". How on earth, we might ask, could any father talk about organising concerts to generate publicity, and plan to sustain a ‘long-term high profile’ for Madeleine’s disappearance, months into the future, when there was still the possibility that the police might, any day, bring them news that Madeleine had been found - either alive, or dead? Furthermore, well in advance of 11th August - which would be ‘Day 100’ after Madeleine ‘disappeared’ - Dr Gerry McCann and his PR advisers were already planning how to mark the 100th day since her abduction.
Put simply, Dr Gerry McCann’s words are not those of someone who genuinely believes that his daughter has been abducted, and that there still remains a reasonable prospect of finding her. They are much more likely to be the words of someone who knows perfectly well that their daughter will not be found.
In October 2007, 'The Times' reported on the McCanns’ plans for a film or documentary about Madeleine, as follows: "Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns’ spokesman, would not speculate on whether Gerry and Kate would play themselves in any movie or whether their roles would be played by celebrity actors. He said: ‘While it may be hugely entertaining and a bit of fun to think of cast lists, we are a million miles away from that sort of thing’. The possibility of a film or television project is expected to be discussed further when directors of the Madeleine Fund meet later this week.

Where is that piece from Rosa, is there a link?

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by HotlipsHealy 30.05.11 21:30

It's from Paulo Reis

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Ufercoffy posted it in the Research Library

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by Guest 30.05.11 21:34

HotlipsHealy wrote:It's from Paulo Reis

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Ufercoffy posted it in the Research Library

Thanks thumbsup

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 30.05.11 21:53

This is where i found it
Madeleine Foundation Book work pad

For Paulo Sargento, the thesis that Gonçalo Amaral revealed at first hand to "SP" that the blanket could have been used in a funeral ceremony at the Luz chapel "is very interesting".
And he adds: "In reality, when the McCanns went to Oprah's Show, the blanket was mentioned. At a given moment, when Oprah tells Kate that she heard her mention a blanket several times, Kate argued that a mother who misses a child always wants to know if she is comfortable, if she is warm, and added, referring to Maddie, that sometimes she asked herself if the person who had taken her would cover her up with her little blanket (but the blanket was on the bed after Maddie, supposedly, disappeared!!!).

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by HotlipsHealy 30.05.11 22:12

ROSA wrote:Madeleine Foundation Book work pad


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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 30.05.11 22:24

Using out-of-date photos of Madeleine for their ‘LOOK for Madeleine’ campaign
Instead of using an up-to-date photo of Madeleine for the 'LOOK' for Madeleine campaign, the McCanns instead used older pictures, where Madeleine is clearly looking much younger-looking, thus making it more difficult for those looking for Madeleine to have an up-to-date idea of what she looked like.

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by Zelina 31.05.11 10:29

Less than a month later, on 28th June 2007, Dr Gerry McCann said: "I have no doubt we will be able to sustain a high profile for Madeleine’s disappearance in the long-term". How on earth, we might ask, could any father talk about organising concerts to generate publicity, and plan to sustain a ‘long-term high profile’ for Madeleine’s disappearance, months into the future, when there was still the possibility that the police might, any day, bring them news that Madeleine had been found - either alive, or dead? Furthermore, well in advance of 11th August - which would be ‘Day 100’ after Madeleine ‘disappeared’ - Dr Gerry McCann and his PR advisers were already planning how to mark the 100th day since her abduction.

I remember this Rosa and also that they referred to Madeleine in the past tense on more than one occasion.
At the time I had this horrible feeling that her parents didn't expect her to be found - EVER.
I'm not able to provide links to specific interviews, I admire the detective skills of other posters [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 05.06.11 7:52

From Times Online
September 13, 2007
Social workers visit McCanns at home
Rosemary Bennett and Patrick Foster
Social workers have visited the Leicestershire home of Kate and Gerry McCann to check on the welfare of their two-year-old twins.
A man and a woman arrived at 11.30am and stayed for an hour. They left without commenting.
Friends of the family say they were there at the invitation of Kate McCann and the family is fully co-operating with social services.
A spokesman for Leicestershire County Council refused to comment on the subject.
The meeting is part of an initial assessment on whether the twins, Sean and Amelie, are at any risk now that their parents have been named as suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine.
The twins were present at the meeting, along with both parents.
Trish Cameron, sister of Gerry McCann, left the house at 10.15am with Sean and Amelie, the twins. The three walked down the Crescent, the private cul-de-sac on which the family live, and turned up the hill, towards the centre of Rothley.
An hour later Kate McCann drove the couple’s Volkswagen people carrier to pick up the trio, returning at 11.20am.
John McCann, Gerry's brother, said: "Kate has invited social services round to make sure everything is okay. That was at her behest. I am not aware of police coming round. We are continuing to focus on finding Madeleine. My niece is still missing."
Child protection experts predicted that the social services would stay in touch with the family. They also said a meeting at the home of parents who are involved in a case where a child has been harmed was standard practice and did not mean the children were judged to be at risk.
At a later date, a decision could be taken that a further “core assessment” into the welfare of the twins may be taken . That would involve other agencies such as the GP, local hospital, as well as the police. All this is standard procedure if there is a question over a child’s safety.

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Clarence Mitchell Lies on NZ Radio

Post by ROSA 06.06.11 5:24

Clarence Mitchell Lies on NZ Radio


On September 20th, 2007, Clarence Mitchell was interviewed on Radio Live in New Zealand.

Hear the interview at this link:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Near the end of the interview Clarence says this:

I’d stress as well that the money that people have donated from around the world is only being spent on that campaign and Kate and Gerry’s legal costs and media management in the shape of me that’s all coming from the financial benefactors who are contributing quite separately so that anybody who has given money to help find Madeleine need have no fear that their money is being spent on lawyers fees or anything like that.

This statement is quite clear. “No money will be spent on lawyer’s fees or anything like that.

After reviewing the money spent on lawyers in the Madeleine Fund accounts, it is quite obvious that Mitchell’s statement is a bare faced lie.
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Clarence Mitchell - McCann Spokesman

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 06.06.11 5:48

The Car Hired 5 Weeks After Madeleine’s Disappearance

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John McCann, the uncle of missing girl Madeleine speaks to the media in Glasgow after her mother Kate was made a formal suspect by police in Portugal.

When the DNA evidence was first brought to light, John McCann appeared on Sky Television in an interview.

Interestingly, and never challenged at the time, John went into elaborate detail about the car hired by brother Gerry and said;

“…but some of the, some of the stuff that’s being speculated on just isn’t plausible. Like information appearing about samples in a car which Gerry and Kate only got 5 weeks after Madeleine disappeared. Are you trying to tell me that Madeleine was hidden for 5 weeks and then was suddenly reappeared in this hire car. It…does not make sense.”

Listen to this blatant lie here:

Did John make an amazing Freudian Slip? Why did John mention “5 weeks” when he was talking in September 2007 – months after Madeleine had disappeared?

The facts are that the car had been hired on May 27 – 24 days after Madeleine was reported missing. 24 days is a significantly shorter time than 5 weeks.

So, what could be significant about something happening 5 weeks after Madeleine’s demise?

5 weeks after Madeleine disappeared was the weekend commencing Friday June 8, 2007. When we look closely at that weekend, there are several interesting things to note:

The McCann family flew in to the Algarve or were already there for that weekend. Susan and Brian Healy – Kate’s parents – were there. Trish and Sandy Cameron – Gerry’s sister and his brother in-law were there. Philomena flew in to Lisbon and Kate’s long time friend Anne-Marie Wright and her husband Michael had flown in to Faro.

Michael told the police that he and his wife flew in with the specific job of looking after Sean and Amelie while Kate and Gerry went to Morocco on Sunday June 10. Given the large number of close family relatives in town, Michael’s statement to the police is flawed.

On Saturday June 9, 2007, the entire family is supposed to have spent a day at the southwestern tip of Portugal – a town called Sagres.

On the Sunday afternoon, Kate, Gerry and Clarence Mitchell all went up to Lisbon to catch a small private plane laid on especially for them to go to Casablanca in Morocco. Their ultimate destination was Rabat, where a press conference with Sky’s Martin Brunt was held.

North Africa in June is a very hot place to be. Why then was Martin Brunt wearing a white suit, children were wearing t-shirts, but they chose to wear the worst attire possible – black suits more befitting a funeral?

Was Madeleine disposed of during the weekend of June 8? Did John McCann inadvertently let it slip that this was the weekend when Madeleine was finally laid to rest or disposed of?

John McCann, the uncle of missing girl Madeleine speaks to the media in Glasgow after her mother Kate was made a formal suspect by police in Portugal.


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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 06.06.11 7:00

British model agency “selling” Madeleine look-alike children

A British company is offering look-alikes of Madeleine McCann to photo sessions. The owner of Juliet Adams Model and Talent Cashing Agency is advertising several blonde girls, very similar to the missing girl, according to the Evening Standard. “This is an offensive way of making money out of Madeleine’s disappearance”, said Clarence Mitchell. “This is deeply offensive to Kate and Gerry. I would urge this woman to think again about what she is doing. We would be horrified if people were to pay for this sort of thing.”
Ms. Juliet-Adams, who runs the company, advertised a photo session with the child for 300 pounds each half-hour. Several parents of Madeleine look-alike children approached the company, Ms Juliet-Adams told the Evening Standard. She refused to apologise to Kate and Gerry and said that she was just doing her job. One of the children is an American girl who, according to the newspaper, “is stopped everywhere and told how much she looks like Madeleine.”

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“This is an offensive way of making money out of Madeleine’s disappearance”, said Clarence Mitchell. “This is deeply offensive to Kate and Gerry. ----->clarence nice comment lol

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 06.06.11 7:15

ROSA wrote:
The Car Hired 5 Weeks After Madeleine’s Disappearance

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John McCann, the uncle of missing girl Madeleine speaks to the media in Glasgow after her mother Kate was made a formal suspect by police in Portugal.

When the DNA evidence was first brought to light, John McCann appeared on Sky Television in an interview.

Interestingly, and never challenged at the time, John went into elaborate detail about the car hired by brother Gerry and said;

“…but some of the, some of the stuff that’s being speculated on just isn’t plausible. Like information appearing about samples in a car which Gerry and Kate only got 5 weeks after Madeleine disappeared. Are you trying to tell me that Madeleine was hidden for 5 weeks and then was suddenly reappeared in this hire car. It…does not make sense.”

Listen to this blatant lie here:

Did John make an amazing Freudian Slip? Why did John mention “5 weeks” when he was talking in September 2007 – months after Madeleine had disappeared?

The facts are that the car had been hired on May 27 – 24 days after Madeleine was reported missing. 24 days is a significantly shorter time than 5 weeks.

So, what could be significant about something happening 5 weeks after Madeleine’s demise?

5 weeks after Madeleine disappeared was the weekend commencing Friday June 8, 2007. When we look closely at that weekend, there are several interesting things to note:

The McCann family flew in to the Algarve or were already there for that weekend. Susan and Brian Healy – Kate’s parents – were there. Trish and Sandy Cameron – Gerry’s sister and his brother in-law were there. Philomena flew in to Lisbon and Kate’s long time friend Anne-Marie Wright and her husband Michael had flown in to Faro.

Michael told the police that he and his wife flew in with the specific job of looking after Sean and Amelie while Kate and Gerry went to Morocco on Sunday June 10. Given the large number of close family relatives in town, Michael’s statement to the police is flawed.

On Saturday June 9, 2007, the entire family is supposed to have spent a day at the southwestern tip of Portugal – a town called Sagres.

On the Sunday afternoon, Kate, Gerry and Clarence Mitchell all went up to Lisbon to catch a small private plane laid on especially for them to go to Casablanca in Morocco. Their ultimate destination was Rabat, where a press conference with Sky’s Martin Brunt was held.

North Africa in June is a very hot place to be. Why then was Martin Brunt wearing a white suit, children were wearing t-shirts, but they chose to wear the worst attire possible – black suits more befitting a funeral?

Was Madeleine disposed of during the weekend of June 8? Did John McCann inadvertently let it slip that this was the weekend when Madeleine was finally laid to rest or disposed of?

John McCann, the uncle of missing girl Madeleine speaks to the media in Glasgow after her mother Kate was made a formal suspect by police in Portugal.

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by ROSA 07.06.11 2:55

McCanns: 'We Think Madeleine Is Still Alive'
Jun 12, 2007
Kate and Gerry McCann have told Sky News they think Madeleine is still alive. In an interview with Sky's Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt they say the case must not remain unsolved - and that Madeleine must be found.
Martin Brunt: (voice over) Their recent travel over thousands of miles has shown Gerry and Kate McCann that they're not alone in their search for Madeleine and it's helped them in other ways.
Kate McCann: The work that we've been doing over the last few weeks has certainly helped Gerry, it's helped us both in that it has kept us focussed and, you know, not dwelling on Madeleine herself so much, you know we've been doing as much as we can, errm... and it's certainly helped Gerry a great deal whereas I've probably had a few moments, perhaps, not so good.
Martin Brunt: (voice over) In Morocco, their last stop to publicise their campaign to find Madeleine, they were overwhelmed by support. They met the Interior Minister and later switched on a website appeal for help in finding Madeleine.
(to McCanns) What comes next? This phase is over, what are your immediate plans?
Gerry McCann: We never, ever wanted this to be a long term campaign, we wanted the... and what we hoped was that by, errm... taking positive action it would speed things up and, you know, that hasn't happened, errr... there are some contingency plans but, errm... you know, I think we're... we're looking at event driven, errm... things to... to keep the profile up and just remind people, I suppose, and the authorities and the public, from time to time, that we will still be searching and that Madeleine is still missing.
Martin Brunt: I wanted to ask you both this question, perhaps. A very simple question: Do you still believe that Madeleine is alive?
Gerry McCann: Yeah.
Martin Brunt: And Kate?
Kate McCann: Certainly no evidence to the contrary, I mean we've said before, obviously, we've considered all scenarios but I think the fact that there's nothing to suggest otherwise, errm... gives us great hope, really. I mean, it's important we cling to that, as well.
Gerry McCann: And what, you know, we... we don't want, and you can imagine the pain, is that this must never end up an unsolved abduction...
Kate McCann: No.
Gerry McCann: ... it must have an outcome and we must find her.
Martin Brunt: (voice over) For the next few days the family want time alone to grieve for Madeleine, not for her death - for her absence. Martin Brunt, Sky News, Rabat.
Comment: When Martin Brunt asks the McCanns if they believe Madeleine is still alive, they both initially shake their heads from side-to-side, as if indicating the answer is 'No'.

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty click the pic to watch the vid

Post by ROSA 07.06.11 7:57

"Cheer up Gerry, we're on holiday"

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"Fuck off, I'm not here to enjoy myself."

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Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.' Empty Re: Clarence Mitchell, said: 'Kate and Gerry McCann are entirely innocent and have nothing to hide.'

Post by Mini Slueth 07.06.11 10:00

ROSA wrote:McCanns: 'We Think Madeleine Is Still Alive'
Jun 12, 2007
Kate and Gerry McCann have told Sky News they think Madeleine is still alive. In an interview with Sky's Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt they say the case must not remain unsolved - and that Madeleine must be found.
Martin Brunt: (voice over) Their recent travel over thousands of miles has shown Gerry and Kate McCann that they're not alone in their search for Madeleine and it's helped them in other ways.
Kate McCann: The work that we've been doing over the last few weeks has certainly helped Gerry, it's helped us both in that it has kept us focussed and, you know, not dwelling on Madeleine herself so much, you know we've been doing as much as we can, errm... and it's certainly helped Gerry a great deal whereas I've probably had a few moments, perhaps, not so good.
Martin Brunt: (voice over) In Morocco, their last stop to publicise their campaign to find Madeleine, they were overwhelmed by support. They met the Interior Minister and later switched on a website appeal for help in finding Madeleine.
(to McCanns) What comes next? This phase is over, what are your immediate plans?
Gerry McCann: We never, ever wanted this to be a long term campaign, we wanted the... and what we hoped was that by, errm... taking positive action it would speed things up and, you know, that hasn't happened, errr... there are some contingency plans but, errm... you know, I think we're... we're looking at event driven, errm... things to... to keep the profile up and just remind people, I suppose, and the authorities and the public, from time to time, that we will still be searching and that Madeleine is still missing.
Martin Brunt: I wanted to ask you both this question, perhaps. A very simple question: Do you still believe that Madeleine is alive?
Gerry McCann: Yeah.
Martin Brunt: And Kate?
Kate McCann: Certainly no evidence to the contrary, I mean we've said before, obviously, we've considered all scenarios but I think the fact that there's nothing to suggest otherwise, errm... gives us great hope, really. I mean, it's important we cling to that, as well.
Gerry McCann: And what, you know, we... we don't want, and you can imagine the pain, is that this must never end up an unsolved abduction...
Kate McCann: No.
Gerry McCann: ... it must have an outcome and we must find her.
Martin Brunt: (voice over) For the next few days the family want time alone to grieve for Madeleine, not for her death - for her absence. Martin Brunt, Sky News, Rabat.
Comment: When Martin Brunt asks the McCanns if they believe Madeleine is still alive, they both initially shake their heads from side-to-side, as if indicating the answer is 'No'.

Not dwelling on Madeleine herself so much

I find this hard to stomach. How can you NOT dwell on your daughter so much after she has gone missing. I would be a complete wreck!!!!
Mini Slueth
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