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The Fund Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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The Fund Mm11

The Fund Regist10

The Fund

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The Fund Empty The Fund

Post by Guest 13.05.11 9:13

I was just wondering, now the Scotland Yard team are flying out to Portugal to go through all the files, leads, evidence etc., what is going to happen with the fund to find Madeleine. The McCann's will surely no longer need the services of the Private Detectives, as the police are taking over. They will be going through everything, things that the detectives didn't even have access to. You surely wouldn't need them anymore, especially as it is the British police who are helping. They certaintly won't be called bungling cops etc by our media.

So my question is, what can the fund be used for. What about all this money that is coming in from the book and the large advance they had? The reason given in interviews for writing the book was to help fund the search for Madeleine, and to be able to pay the private detectives to keep on with this for another year or two. But they are not really required now are they?

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The Fund Empty Re: The Fund

Post by Guest 13.05.11 9:26

Ah but, they will now say that their investigators will need to hand over what they have discovered directly to the Met, so there will have to be some kind of consultation period. Which probably means a very long time yet. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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The Fund Empty Re: The Fund

Post by Guest 13.05.11 9:35

Stella wrote:Ah but, they will now say that their investigators will need to hand over what they have discovered directly to the Met, so there will have to be some kind of consultation period. Which probably means a very long time yet. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Well, it should all be properly documented in files, easy to just hand it over yes

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