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Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May? Mm11

Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May? Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May? Mm11

Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May? Regist10

Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May?

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Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May? Empty Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May?

Post by HiDeHo 19.02.11 0:49

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Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May? Empty Re: Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May?

Post by Judge Mental 19.02.11 2:01

By all accounts, it is impossible to even hazard a guess. However, it is quite obvious that they have tripped themselves up again. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

The title of this thread has been changed as the (alleged) crying incident took place on the Wednesday night (2/3 May) - Admin
Judge Mental
Judge Mental

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Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May? Empty Re: Who cried the night of Wednesday 2/3 May?

Post by HiDeHo 21.02.11 18:04

In this video, Kate claims it was Madeleine crying and she fell back to sleep.

Gerry suggests it was when they were bathing them. (as well as referring to a previous night where Madeleine came into their room to tell them about Amelie crying and then stayed in their bedroom)

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Gerry May 10th

He cannot say exactly, but he thinks that on Monday or Tuesday MADELEINE had slept for some time in his bedroom, with KATE, as she had told him that one or both twins were crying, making much noise.

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[b]Kate 6th September:

When asked about the fact her daughter had been crying on Tuesday night for one hour and 15 minutes, between 10:30 and 11:45 p.m., she says that is not true. She says that on that night, after midnight, Madeleine went to their room and said that her sister Amelie was crying, so she stayed to sleep with her and Gerry in their bedroom. She says that before Madeleine appeared in her bedroom, she had already heard Amelie crying, however she did not go to the room, as Madeleine came into the room almost at the same time she heard the crying. She does not remember if afterwards she, or Gerry, went to the children’s room, however she asserts that Amelie cried for a short time.

When asked, she says that on that night the twins slept in the bedroom where Madeleine slept, each in their own cot.
NOTE: Cleaner saw cot in parents bedroom Wednesday morning but both Gerry and Kate denied it)

Transcript (my interpretation of what was said, please check video for confirmation)

I cannot love Madeleine more than I love know, I would never...(deep breath) have taken a risk it was something that wasn't.. it wasn't even a decision, thats how safe it felt, you know...and its...

What information did we have to suggest it wasnt going to be safe, we were dining 15 yards away, we were making regular checks we were going into the apartment, all was fine, every night and...we...if we had thought it was unsafe for a minute, if there was any conscious element that somebody was going to go into that apartment and steal your child, then of course we wouldnt have done that

It wasn't just a matter of being unsafe was it, I mean, is it the case, you can clear it up right here and now, was Madeleine upset the night before about being left alone, had she had..had she had a moment, got out of bed and started crying and started looking for you

I mean , I dont want to dwell on it too much and I dont know if you saw the documentary last night so, I have talked about it erm (pause and big breath) Madeleine made a comment passing...that...erm.."Where were you when I cried?"..Not just to mummy, by the way, (laughs) just generally just seemed a bit odd, I mean it was very kind of passing remark and we just thought she doesn't usually wake up... and she woke up that means that you know and she must have fallen back asleep very quickly erm and then she moved on..(laughs and makes face) you know, she moved on.

Anybody with young children will...understand that..children cry, they wake up at night, during that week there was one night err..and we cant give too much detail because its part of the investigation, but there was one night where Madeleine had come through and one of the other er twins was crying, so you know, and when she did mention to... it to us and we asked her about it and she just dropped..she was completely fine and we thought was it when we were bathing , getting them, you know, first putting them down in that period when they were really tired, of course, with hindsight in the context of what happened, of Madeleine being abducted its put in a very different light and its put in a very different light to us and of course we emphasise that...

Kate: (butts in)
If Madeleine hadn't been abducted...if Madeleine hadn't been abducted, we'd never have thought of that comment again.

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