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Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Mm11

Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Mm11

Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Regist10

Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book

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Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Empty Re: Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book

Post by Judge Mental 05.02.11 19:48

Cherry wrote:and a typical selfish comment for this kind of person to make imo, what about the world crashing in on the kids who are being abused. He thinks just of himself, which is typical of paedophiles imo

Any paedophile will tell you, that it is the child who causes the situation that they find theirself in. Nothing to do with the paedophile. It is the child's fault and the child's responsibility. Should any paedophiles be found expressing remorse and regret at their heinous and fiendish behaviour, we can rest assured that it is only a veiled plea for mercy from the police and the courts.
Judge Mental
Judge Mental

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Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Empty Re: Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book

Post by Guest 05.02.11 19:53

I know of a case of a paedophile who abused a 4 year old child and said.......

but the child led me into the bedroom!!!

that says it all! Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 181747

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Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Empty Re: Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book

Post by poppydog 05.02.11 21:46

Utterly shocking, but true. I have a friend who works in a secure unit for mental health patients which has some peadophiles. He says no matter what the treatment, it can never work as they never, ever take responsibility for their actions and do not recognise that they have a problem.

Very few of the staff ever want to work with them, mainly for this reason, other than the obvious one of disgust at the crime. And yet, there are constant new programmes implemented to 'cure' them, futile.

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Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book - Page 3 Empty Re: Letter to Transworld from The Madeleine Foundation inviting the McCanns to answer 163 key questions in their forthcoming 'very truthful' book

Post by aiyoyo 08.02.11 4:01

Since the Mccanns had been asking (and still asking) people TO GIVE and TO LOOK, it is
only fair that they GIVE people answers to plenty unanswered questions,
but they are not going to do that - not in a million years. If they
hadnt given the LAW ENFORCERS those answers the last thing they will do
is to give people answers in their book.

They had made it SO CLEAR their book will ONLY ' an account of the
truth' and not the total truth. You can bet your bottom dollar their
'an account' will not include GM's account of '

"I know more than you do. I know what I saw" ..........Kate Mccann

"Not as bad as the night we found her....." Gerry Mccann

"Kate and Gerry knew Madeleine didnt wander out of the apartment" Clarence Mitchell

Well, well ,well, at least those three people know for sure what happened to Madeleine.

KM even admitted in that statement 'she knew because she saw.....' If it was an abduction how could she possibly know more
than anyone (the public and police for instance) because an abduction which happened in her absence could only mean she would be as much in the
dark as anyone else. To quantify that she know more because she saw can only mean she knew because saw Maddie died in her presence.
In other words Kate's subconscious is telling us she was at
the scene when Maddie met her fate -- whether the accident was caused
by KM or not is a $64M question.

If people were to deduce logically, people will find that even GM's
subconscious manifested THAT he too was present when Maddie had her accident and met her fate
by his statement of "not as bad as the night we found her".
How can
the experience and trauma of an allegedly abducted missing child not be as bad as something else. What could be WORST? The pertinent question is- why did he make a comparison - a comparison with what exactly? to quantify that it was 'badder' (so to speak)? means he was comparing. By that statement he admitted something WORST had already happened.
And the hidden meaning in his statement bears both the mccanns sublime message ie subconscious admission: they knew it was bad because they found that state - a Worst
(a badder) state. What can be worst than abduction? The answer is
obvious: they knew because they were with Maddie - either they found her after she met her self caused accident or they were the indirect or direct cause - in any case they saw DEFINITELY - they knew she
is died. Sure, nothing can be as bad as that ie a death and hence KM's statement
she knows more than us because she saw. errmmm very interesting.

It's a shame the case didnt go to trial or experts in diciphering (sp) hidden messages in mccanns language would be able to reach the mccanns' hidden psychic - would be able to decode their hidden meanings or trip or catch them out during the trial.

Let's face it their above statements (including that of CM) cant
possibly mean anything else.
How can KM "know more than you" (her own words) that Maddie was taken just by
looking at Maddie's 'unslept bed'...that she didnt wander off. And what
did GM find that was SO BAD? an empty bed too? and that was not as
BAD? as what?

Their statements say it all - they knew she is died.

Will peopole learn anything in their book about the absolute truth? I think NOT.
The book is about lining their pockets - it will be their one account of the truth.
At most it will contain details of the circumstances after the FACT and nothing else. People already know the 'after the fact' circumstances are but mccanns and friends manufactured crime scene and charade, and nothing about the 'Truth about Madeleine'.

I just wonder how long they are going to get keep it up and get away with it - this lining their pockets with blood money!


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