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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Mm11

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Mm11

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Guest 31.12.10 20:29

Just seen on another forum - google translation

Book: Profits go to a fund managed by parents

'Maddie' launched in May

The book 'Madeleine', written by Gerry and Kate McCann, parents of English child who disappeared in 2007 from a resort in the Algarve, Portugal will be released by Editions Wing in May, the month which will complete four years since the night that Maddie will have been last seen.

Por:Leonardo Ralha

In launching the book, Edições Asa Group Leya, will have the presence in Portugal, the couple, who, throughout the investigation of the case, came to face charges of knowing more than he did understand about the fate of Madeleine, who was only three years when he came together with parents and two younger brothers, on holiday in the Algarve town of Aldeia da Luz

'Madeleine' is being presented as an account of Gerry and Kate McCann of the days before the disappearance of the eldest and the efforts to get the find. Revenues from sales of the book are intended to finance the fund that has funded initiatives - so far unsuccessful - to find the child or find out what was their destination.

Maddie's parents arrived in November, according to the publisher Transworld, which will be handed a million dollar advance plus a generous percentage of sales to Gerry and Kate McCann. At that time, it was announced that part of the book was already written.

The English version should be released on April 28 - after the anniversary be marked on May 3 - and was explained by Kate McCann as "an account of truth." "Publishing the book was a very difficult decision, taken after much deliberation and with very heavy heart," he said in November, noting that lack of money in the fund created with the name of the daughter was one of the reasons that led them to accept the challenge of the publisher.


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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Jill Havern 31.12.10 20:33

Gonçalo Amaral: “It’s being said that the book is an aid to find their daughter. As it will only be published towards the end of April, we can conclude that until then, their daughter won’t be found.”

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by maebee 31.12.10 23:44

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:Gonçalo Amaral: “It’s being said that the book is an aid to find their daughter. As it will only be published towards the end of April, we can conclude that until then, their daughter won’t be found.”

It never ceases to amaze me how the general public haven't copped on to this. TM have been planning future events since day one. They know, and they've been telling us, that Madeleine will never be found.
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by aiyoyo 01.01.11 3:03

It'll be interesting to know what they do with the money!

Are they going to let us know of new PIs hire? Or would it be a case of using existing PIs to hide how they spend the money?

This money making scheme from their book will go against them at the Libel for obvious reason they said Amaral wrote for profit. This will boomerang and be thrown in the face at the trial.

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by ShabbyTiger 01.01.11 13:55

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:Gonçalo Amaral: “It’s being said that the book is an aid to find their daughter. As it will only be published towards the end of April, we can conclude that until then, their daughter won’t be found.”

Exactly. A bit like the big pop concert "but not for a 1 year anniversary, sooner than that".

I can't see many people buying this book TBH, maybe a few thousand made up of the family, friends and strangers who still believe their abduction fairy tale.

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Guest 01.01.11 22:46

Makes me wonder if they have got their plans underway to plan something for the Olympics in London! Million dollar advance for McCanns book 234726

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by YNG 02.01.11 0:07

Cherry wrote:Makes me wonder if they have got their plans underway to plan something for the Olympics in London! Million dollar advance for McCanns book 234726

Don't give em any ideas laugh

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Guest 02.01.11 0:12

Million dollar advance for McCanns book 82678 Million dollar advance for McCanns book 302873

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by saloongirl 02.01.11 17:52

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Guest 02.01.11 18:03

Perhaps they will persuade Cliff to do a concert! Million dollar advance for McCanns book 160807

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Clarence Darling x 02.01.11 23:10

Cliff do a concert, haven't the poor parents suffered enough? We all make mistakes but no one should have to suffer that!

A million dollar advance isn't a million quid advance, honestly i really can't see masses of sales for this plop. The story is old hat and hardly fresh. Quite apart from the bonkers reasons for not publishing sooner to get their poor child out of that secret lair 15 miles from the scene of the abduction, with a story so old and cold waiting for another anniversary isn't sound marketing.

Even with 36 000 genuine signatures from 36 000 genuine concerned individuals all keen to see the case 'reviewed', that isn't a great deal of advance interest in the book. Any idea how much the plop will cost? Relative to what individuals contributed on average to the fund it has got to be cheap, but to get back the million dollar advance even it is going to have to be quite dear.

With the McCanns getting less and less column inches as the story gets colder by the month, other than less than satisfactory revelations such as Wikileaks who is going to shell out £20 maybe for a hardback copy. It would have to be a big book and with all the err and umm's taken out it will require some padding. I asked a few friends as a bit of a test marketing survey and not one person out 12 of would spend £4.00, with the general reaction being it is old news and it's been in the papers already.

Ho hum!
Clarence Darling x
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Contradictions - EXPLAINED AT LAST!

Post by Tony Bennett 02.01.11 23:50

Clarence Darling x wrote:Cliff do a concert, haven't the poor parents suffered enough? We all make mistakes but no one should have to suffer that!

A million dollar advance isn't a million quid advance, honestly i really can't see masses of sales for this plop. The story is old hat and hardly fresh. Quite apart from the bonkers reasons for not publishing sooner to get their poor child out of that secret lair 15 miles from the scene of the abduction, with a story so old and cold waiting for another anniversary isn't sound marketing.

Even with 36 000 genuine signatures from 36 000 genuine concerned individuals all keen to see the case 'reviewed', that isn't a great deal of advance interest in the book. Any idea how much the plop will cost? Relative to what individuals contributed on average to the fund it has got to be cheap, but to get back the million dollar advance even it is going to have to be quite dear.

With the McCanns getting less and less column inches as the story gets colder by the month, other than less than satisfactory revelations such as Wikileaks who is going to shell out £20 maybe for a hardback copy. It would have to be a big book and with all the err and umm's taken out it will require some padding. I asked a few friends as a bit of a test marketing survey and not one person out 12 of would spend £4.00, with the general reaction being it is old news and it's been in the papers already.

Ho hum!
All quite sound, Clarence dear, and if so you have begun the New Year with perhaps much greater clarity than a few of your earlier posts last year which did not fully come up to my clarification specifications.

But, well, yes, despite a succinct and if I may say so accurate analysis above, you've missed the point about newspaper and magazine serialisations.

This is where a lot of the money from books is made these days.

Papers like the News of the World and the Sun will pay small fortunes for exclusives. Hmmm, was it just co-incidence I mentioned a couple of Murdoch titles just then?

Probably a top-selling newspaper will run a 6-week series, each instalment trailed luridly in advance to attract maximum sales, you know, something like this:

* NEXT WEEK!! What really happened that week in Praia da Luz - the story never told before!!

* KEYSTONE COPS!! Just how bad were those bungling Portuguese boozy detectives!!

* POPE GIVES HOPE!! The famous people we met and how they gave us hope!!

But sadly what we won't get is:

* REVEALED!! Just what Brian Kennedy and Robert Murat discussed at their notorious November 2007 meeting!!

* UNCOVERED!! How Brian Kennedy ran the investigation from a leafy Knutsford avenue and made a series of costly blunders in appointing dodgy private eyes!!

* SOLVED!! All those contradictions and changes of story - EXPLAINED AT LAST!!
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Clarence Darling x 03.01.11 3:02

I have knowledge of two serializations directly and for various reasons it would be difficult to discuss either of them here without descending into the obtuse and obscure i fear.

One, the author was told in no uncertain terms though it was a fresh and interesting story, to forget it and walk away no UK publisher would touch it.

The other had a serialization deal agreed, and a book advance arranged from a very excited publisher....then and only then was the rug pulled by a suddenly nervous and uncomfortable publisher who said as above just walk away. Forgive me if i do not remotely hint at the content of the stories but the second made the MM saga look like a fly in a bowl of soup!

I mention these two events as what i see as an indication that the mystery of poor Madeleine McCann, is not locked down and restricted by the dark forces of international Masonic orders, or the power and influence of the highly esteemed Clarence Mitchell. Despite what some may believe about i just don't buy it.

I agree that the lolly would come from serialization, but of what? Have we not been told pretty much everything that we are meant to be told? Tony has indeed written all the headlines. Pope Sells Soap for Old Rope, i still think that for those outside the box as it were, that the story has no new angle or revelation. A story with an old story.

Then there is the fact that presently it is everyones story, to run with and use for profit.

Great, thats as it should be. If Posh Spice hangs around bars with the Child collector from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang that is news. In the quest to leave no stone unturned THAT news must get out there to the public, via as many outlets as possible. The papers all have their angle, they all flog it hard and make a profit, everyone is happy whether or not they think it is cobblers in the bars of Fleet Street.

However when you get into exclusives, and deals tis a double edged sword. Years down the line a new story and a new angle to make it attractive is needed. Pretend that there is one...or as Tony says six new ones...something fresh kept back over the years to sell week after tedious week. For when a deal is made in league with one devil the others are excluded, and the excluded will be pissed off and want to run spoilers or simply no longer want to play the game. Given that we are all told just when this exciting book launch will be, (assuming Madeleine is not rescued before then....perhaps there is a clause in the contract to ensure this?) other media outlets will know just when to run spoilers or be pissed off and look at the story with a different angle.

Regard the recent Telegraph MP expenses scandle, and how the other papers were caught out, having to follow the Telegraph along day after day. MP's are a popular target where everyone in Fleet Street could follow the lead. Not so the McCann's. Journalists are lazy and by definition lack integrity, they know the questions that are out there, they know the questions that Tony poses as his alternative headlines. None is going to grow a spine and rock the boat. But when excluded from the story will they follow meekly, or look for a new angle to get their sales and piss on someone elses chips? The McCann's are not the easy popular target that MP's are, treated with kid gloves on cosy sofa 'interviews', but the papers know what many, many people think from the many forums they refuse to report, perhaps with plenty of notice those excluded from the story will run with some questions that their investigative reporters have just thought up? Shock and horror could reign as those unable to meet the cosy sofa conditions run amok with questions that they dare not ask before.

Besides when is the Royal Wedding? Million dollar advance for McCanns book 847771
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by HiDeHo 03.01.11 3:31

Maybe if they knew they had no chance and the truth was going to become known....

and the consequences of that....

Wouldn't the book become a quick seller?

Money in the bank for the defence fund?

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Judge Mental 03.01.11 3:51

@ Clarence Darling x wrote: ''Pope Sells Soap for Old Rope,'' big grin

Excellent post there
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by aiyoyo 03.01.11 6:59

CDx wrote
Journalists are lazy and by definition lack integrity, they know the questions that are out there, they know the questions that Tony poses as his alternative headlines. None is going to grow a spine and rock the boat. But when excluded from the story will they follow meekly, or look for a new angle to get their sales and piss on someone elses chips? The McCann's are not the easy popular target that MP's are, treated with kid gloves on cosy sofa 'interviews', but the papers know what many, many people think from the many forums they refuse to report, perhaps with plenty of notice those excluded from the story will run with some questions that their investigative reporters have just thought up? Shock and horror could reign as those unable to meet the cosy sofa conditions run amok with questions that they dare not ask before.

The journalists certainly werent idled when Jo Yeates case is concerned.
They dug plenty dirts on her Landlord which leaves open question why there wasn't any parallel with the mccanns case? The mccanns were made suspects albeit in a slightly different legal sense technically - still no reason to believe no one ever came forward about them, all nine of them as hell.
So why was the Press cautious with the mccanns. They'd wheeled out their pink dog to bark followed by wheeling out their pet bull dog to bite a few papers editors/owners in the backside for daring to use some inks on them.

And no doubt Chris Jefferies is languishing at his aunt's house nitcombing papers ready to bark orders at lawyers to get into action. The differencce being there were already plenty rotten eggs hurled at CJ and not so the mccanns but both their reputation are in tatters that jumping into the Yellow River wont clean them off those muds on them. The mccanns were shielded by one media control freak and legal eagles rather than not a target. Whereas cast-iron proof evidence on free loading MPs was burned onto disk and handed on a plate for one lucky paper. The mccanns cunning manipulations work to their advantage.

The above posters who said the mccanns big jolly is going to come from Organisations vis-a-vis Press serialisations if there's stupid enough Editor who will pay is spo on. Waiting for a few quids to come trickling in from each individual is going to be a long wait to their big money dream which might not realised at all.

The $64K question is book still going ahead considering the odds stacked against them re their litigation, and clash with royal wedding? Unless of course deal is laready signed and advance received then we are going to hear a date change is my belief.

I doubt there's some important people or dark forces shielding them. At most the fews who'd bent over backward to help them were caught in their lies inadvertently and revelation would make their stupidity transparent. Not reason to believe they were not 'target' of the Media (even royals are target), rather they were successful at their manipulatively clever plan to use the Media to their advantage twirling the Press round their finger tips and dancing to their tune by aid of pinky and CR.

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Judge Mental 03.01.11 7:28

aiyoyo wrote: ''They dug plenty dirts on her Landlord which leaves open question why there wasn't any parallel with the mccanns case?''

This is the six billion dollar question.

If anybody can answer this question sensibly before tea-time tomorrow, they will have the eternal gratitude of a great many people.
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Clarence Darling x 03.01.11 11:14

The delay in the book launch has actually made it to the Daily Mail news section online. It is the bottom article on the list, but you may comment folks!
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Jill Havern 03.01.11 11:24

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Guest 03.01.11 11:38

McCann family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: 'The publication date for "Madeleine" has now been moved on to May 12 2011 in the light of the royal wedding and the subsequent media coverage that will generate.
'Kate and Gerry are very happy with the new date, as are the publishers, and it will still be very much tied into the fourth anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance

Read more:

OMG Unbelievable. So they are worried about the media coverage the wedding will generate, and obviously not focus on their book. The book according to Philomena is completed. If it was about finding Madeleine they would rush it out as soon as possible, not wait and postpone. mad

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Jill Havern 03.01.11 11:42

candyfloss wrote:The book according to Philomena is completed. If it was about finding Madeleine they would rush it out as soon as possible, not wait and postpone. mad


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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Blimunda 03.01.11 18:12

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:
candyfloss wrote:The book according to Philomena is completed. If it was about finding Madeleine they would rush it out as soon as possible, not wait and postpone. mad


Well, completed or not completed I'm sure it will be the kind of book you can write in a week sarcastic To wait months for such a masterpiece is just unbearable boohoo

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by PeterMac 03.01.11 18:19

I bet it was completed, but C-R and the fund lawyers have just proof read it and what is left will barely cover four pages.

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Judge Mental 03.01.11 18:24

PeterMac wrote:I bet it was completed, but C-R and the fund lawyers have just proof read it and what is left will barely cover four pages.

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by aiyoyo 05.01.11 15:29

Blimunda wrote:
Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:
candyfloss wrote:The book according to Philomena is completed. If it was about finding Madeleine they would rush it out as soon as possible, not wait and postpone. Million dollar advance for McCanns book 654494


Well, completed or not completed I'm sure it will be the kind of book you can write in a week Million dollar advance for McCanns book 181154 To wait months for such a masterpiece is just unbearable Million dollar advance for McCanns book 560425

It's supposed to be a factual book mostly accounts of their experience, so nothing to research anyway?
So should be able to recount it very quickly. Probably finished ages ago but Amaral beats them to it. Book's now used as contingent plan for financial recovery since they're unlikely to get money off Amaral's trial.

I would be surprised if people queue to buy the book?

They are leaving themselves to criticism from this book - their biggest mistake writing this book!
When people realise it's just dribbles, even those not already aware of PJ's version will become suspicions of them if there's neither substance or supporting abduction evidence.

They've dug their own hole long enough, they risk falling into it this time around.

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by PeterMac 05.01.11 17:11

I think Kate used the strange expression "..give an account of the truth".
Even allowing for the fact that English has never been their strong point, why not just say "the truth". That would obviously beg the question about what they had been saying for the last 4 years.
but - 'an account' of the truth ? What can it mean ? Are there other possible 'accounts', of which this is just one. (And Gonçalo Amaral's is another !)
"an account" does imply a set, from which this one is to be selected.
Has anyone ever heard anyone else on the planet use this form of words ?

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Guest 05.01.11 18:41

Kate has had plenty of opportunities to tell the truth to the Police. She does not need to write a book to tell the truth, that clearly is a money making exercise imo. The point also needs to be made when she says one thing in one interview then contradicts herself in other interviews as with the statements that would to me suggest that perhaps she does not know the meaning of the word Truth or how to tell the truth. imo

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Clarence Darling x 31.01.11 20:09

A million dollar advance......well today i read that it is frankly a timid £200 000 advance. And the only paper to take it up was the Sun.

Not a very good deal financially by a long stretch. And not really that good in marketing terms with just the Sun on board, should be good chip wrapping copy, while they are having phone hacking charges flying around News International.

With Clarence on £75k, Dave Edgar and the team on who knows what, this £200 000 isn't going to last long.......perhaps they are casting the musical soon?
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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Guest 31.01.11 21:20

perhaps it is to pay the mortgage off.

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Million dollar advance for McCanns book Empty Re: Million dollar advance for McCanns book

Post by Clarence Darling x 31.01.11 22:10

mmmm. Maybe Clarence can go in the spare room that should save a few quid. How much is a decent new rug?

At least we know who to bother sending the list of questions to, given that the Sun 'journalists', will have finished their exhaustive investigation by now, and the other papers will be looking for a spoiler. It would be nice to see the list of questions running at the same time! Ha ha as if!
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