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“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children." Mm11

“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children." Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children." Mm11

“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children." Regist10

“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children."

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“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children." Empty “It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children."

Post by Jill Havern 31.12.24 15:13

From facebewk:

“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children."

So says Gerald Patrick McCann, without a trace of emotion on his face, in his “first interview” three weeks after the “abduction”.

This, you’ll recall, is the interview in which he compares the trauma of losing his four year old child to a “maxed out student overdraft”.

He then explained that he and his wife, the emotionless ponytailed figure next to him, were on a “more even keel”, indeed “back in the black”.... y’know, now that the “abduction” happened so long ago.

Three whole weeks ago.

Yes, it really was “as good a holiday” as they’d had with the children.

So how much time did they spend with their children on this “good” family holiday?

One hour in the morning and one hour in the evening - probably even less for Gerald, who viewed tedious tasks such as bathtime and storytime as “women’s work”, or maybe something that might reasonably be delegated to inarticulate bespectacled acquaintances called David.

Three weeks later and not a singular solitary f*** was given by either of them.

Jill Havern
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“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children." Empty Re: “It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children."

Post by sharonl 31.12.24 16:28

Jill Havern wrote:One hour in the morning and one hour in the evening - probably even less for Gerald, who viewed tedious tasks such as bathtime and storytime as “women’s work”, or maybe something that might reasonably be delegated to inarticulate bespectacled acquaintances called David.

All that can be confirmed is that Gerry spent an hour or so with the kids, on Saturday afternoon, in the park, and Sunday afternoon by the pool.

From them on we have:

Madeleine missing - probably from Sunday
Possibly a nanny
Kids all staying in one apartment being cared for by one tapas member
Gerry at the tennis courts when Kate was bathing them
Dodgy creche timelines

How much time did they really spend with the kids?
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“It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children." Empty Re: “It's as good a holiday as we've had with the children."

Post by PeterMac 01.01.25 7:32

Downton Abbey.
Mrs Crawley :   I'd imagined them [the chiildren] surrounded by nannies and governesses, being starched and ironed to spend an hour with you after tea." 

Violet, dowager Countess Grantham:  "Yes, but it was an hour every day."

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