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some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Mm11

some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Regist10
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some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Mm11

some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Regist10

some ideas about possible photograph anomalies

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some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Empty some ideas about possible photograph anomalies

Post by Mama Llama 30.12.24 10:13

Hello Jill , Peter and everyone thank you for welcoming me.
I have been reading on this site for some time but have always had far too much going on to start joining in.
Now, however, with the children grown and one left the nest..with the other half out (yikes) I can start to think about here i am.
Anyhow I was having a thought about photographs of Madeleine because so many are so strange they look photoshopped and those that don't look like she has hands in strange angles or some thing that is just plain weird. 
I know much of this has been discussed before and I'm not trying to waste anyone's time in any way but i just wanted to run something past you all so bear with me for a moment 
What if any of the photographs are natural mistakes that are occuring - through a trick of the light or because of an angle or similar?
I say this because I was going through old photos of my kids just yesterday and there was this one of my mother's . She had taken a picture of my eldest colouring in in a park whilst she was looking after him one Easter holiday. 
Mam love to be behind the camera. Sometimes she would pose in front of it if it suited her and if she felt she was in control (classic narcissistic behaviour..remind you of anyone?!) but mostly she liked to be the one behind the camera.
It was a lovely sunny day as she took the photo and as I chanced across this I was very pleased as I don't have much from my mother.
Now, the more i looked at this photo the more weird it seemed. I realised straight away that as Mam had taken it there were lots of reflection's in the cafe windows behind the group of children.
i immediately became excited because I thought I may be able tho see Mam's reflection' in the glass behind my child and therefore unwittingly she would be included in the picture.
At first I saw nothing and then suddenly there e she was, a ghostly reflection in the cafe window, with the camera covering her face, her finger poised on the shutter button.
Now maybe that should have been a simple end to it but no ..because the more I looked at the reflections in the cafe windows the stranger things became. 
There were family groups sitting behind the windows and Mam's image was sort of laid over the top. 
To the left of the picture, in the other window there were so many broken fragments of reflection that it was difficult to distinguish reality....The little white picket fence was broken into segments at strange angles and there was an image of some sort of plant  which was blurred over the top. In the corner dark creepy shadow people emerged yet in other areas people appeared clear and in colour. Faces peered out at me from all over the photograph - it was very strange indeed!
As I looked at these bent and curious reflections it occured to me that even if you desperately wanted to or tried to create such an image for arty reasons you just couldn't do it....
So it got me thinking what if some of the photos just happen to be genuine (not all I don't think and certainly not Tennis balls imo). what if they just by pure accident capture something by innocence because of the light or the angle? I think it's food for thought.
I do of course believe in all you do and I do firmly believe that unfortunately one way or another our beautiful Madeleine somehow met her demise. I do believe somehow Gerry and Kate had a hand   in it in some way. They hid her body imo too and it's just so i incredibly sad that she didn't get the justice she deserved.
I hope with all your hard work one day we will see this turned around and the world will at last be able to lay Madeleine to rest. 
I look forward to our discussion and to Ultimately helping Madeleine.
Mama Llama
Mama Llama

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some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Empty Re: some ideas about possible photograph anomalies

Post by CaKeLoveR 30.12.24 10:47

Greetings Mama Llama,  thanks for introducing yourself, and welcome to the  forum.
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some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Empty Re: some ideas about possible photograph anomalies

Post by Nina 30.12.24 11:45

Hello Mama Llama and welcome to the forum.  welcome

A great first post and got me thinking. I don't think that there is a photograph published of Madeleine that hasn't been discussed and queried. Even the ones taken by professionals. 
We all have family photographs that would give us something new to see in it years after the event as you did looking at your own photographs and this is why they are precious to us to remember people and events.
In the case of Madeleine I think we have seen photographs that concern us and these have been examined and commented on by both Joe Public and professional photographers as to their validity. In particular the tennis ball photo, as you say and the pool photo and the make up photo.
Then of course there are the photographs of the apartment, the photos taken by the reporters for their articles and even close ups from Google earth of the area. 
And maybe within all these images is something staring us straight in the face and we have missed it.

Not one more cent from me.
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some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Empty Re: some ideas about possible photograph anomalies

Post by Milo 05.01.25 2:13

Go to video made by Jon Corner. Extract some stills. Now re-think photographs.

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some ideas about possible photograph anomalies  Empty Re: some ideas about possible photograph anomalies

Post by Mama Llama 10.01.25 1:15

Thanks everyone. It's great to be able to join in on stuff I've been reading and watching for so long. Lets hope for a positive 2025. An outcome where we can at last sigh a breath of relief. It's about time (long overdue) that justice was served. It really upsets me that the poor child who is supposed to be the most famous missing person in recent times has actually been forgotten about in terms of true justice. It's just tragic. Madeleine should have been the normal girl no one ever even heard of. Her life was stolen . Accidents happen but the real crime here is the deception.
Mama Llama
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