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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Mm11

Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Regist10
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Mm11

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 14:24

After 17 years of research it suddenly occurred to me that there was a ‘timeline’ in place that seemed to show that Maddie’s body was moved on different occasions.
We are aware that Goncalo Amaral suggested the possibility that she may have been moved to an apartment with a freezer as the forensic showed body fluids leaking over a wheel from the McCann’s car onto the curb and the cause of this was likely that her body was frozen but when being moved in the heat of the summer.
There are those that believe she may have been moved to the beach initially.
For anyone that is aware of my research conclusions, I saw a strong indication that something happened to her earlier in the week.
I spent four years studying the T9 statements, knowing they were likely not the full truth but by placing them into tables and timelines I was able to compare and realized that the contradictions and discrepancies started Tuesday morning, leading me to believe that something had happened to Maddie earlier and they needed to cover up the truth, but of course, without the truth, they all created different scenarios etc.
Thanks to inspiration from a ‘Pro McCann’ on one of the forums I decided to try to establish which was the last day we had the best proof she was seen.

I was shocked to discover that with approximately 30 witnesses ONLY ONE showed reasonable proof of seeing Maddie as she described in detail seeing Maddie with her family, shoes that lit up and holding a plate with bread as they went up the stairs at 1:15pm on Sunday.

This was ‘confirmed’ by the statements that at lunchtime the friends went to the Payne’s apartment for lunch.  She was visiting her mother who cleaned the apartments and joined her in the apartment adjoining the Payne’s apartment.
NONE of the other witnesses were able to ‘prove’ they saw Maddie.  They were either vague, mistaken, or didn’t see her long enough to confirm it was Maddie.
We know from the owner of the Paraiso that one of the other children (Russell O’Brien’s daughter) could easily be mistaken for Maddie as he insisted that it was Maddie dancing with her father on Thursday.  The fact is that it was caught on CCTV and Maddie and her family were not there.
There are many people that claim Maddie ‘died’ earlier in the week.  I have never claimed that….only that ‘something happened’ (which could have meant she passed away at any time up until Thursday).
For me to claim something happened to her earlier in the week it was my responsibility to explain HOW she was supposedly seen at the crèche.
There has always been a perception that the crèche was run like a responsible nursery, but the reality is that it was more of a ‘babysitting’ service where children were dropped off and picked up at random times within the morning and afternoon  timeframe and at the many different locations thewere at during each day, so the crèche sheets were not strictly adhered to.
Back on 2008 I created a graphic to create an easier view of the crèche sheets and it was then I realized between Russell and Gerry’s children there seemed to be ‘One child in and one child out’ with one of them  signed in and one signed out.  For many years I could not explain that UNTIL I created a much more detailed graphic and was posting on ‘Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann’ forum and had a LIGHTBULB moment!!
I could see that for the most part, and regardless of Russell and Gerry having different activities they OFTEN appeared at the crèche at the same time!!
Realizing the ‘One child in and one child out’ scenario it occurred to me that MAYBE they both appeared at the crèche and Russell sent HIS child on AND GERRY WENT I WITH HER leading the Nannies to believe it was Gerry with Maddie which they claimed in their statements a few days later!!
At this point I created a playlist of my findings and rerecorded portions of my lives with Portuguese translations where available and sent them to the PJ.

  •  EMAL SENT TO: Policia Judiciaria

    With respect to your investigation of Madeleine McCann's disappearance, please find enclosed a small portion of my research that may be of interest regarding the possibility that something happened to Maddie earlier in the week...

    For four years I did in-depth research on the witness statements (2008 -2012) analysing and comparing each day of the holiday and compiling them into timelines and timetables.  

    From this, I was able to see the many discrepancies that seemed to start occurring on Tuesday morning of the holiday and continued until after the police arrived on Thursday night.

    I did not focus on simple memory issues but discovered many questionable contradictions, leading me to believe that the 'story' given for that week was contrived to 'fit' with a 'narrative'.

    The first question I asked myself was 'Why?' 

     A normal holiday timeline related from several people would have many differences, whether affected by memory or perception but the details would be trivial and follow a basic timeline agreed by all the Tapas 9 according to their individual activities.

    From those timetables comparing all of the Tapas 9, sometimes with 15-minute intervals. the DISCREPANCIES showed me some highly suspicious inconsistencies.  I recorded many of these discrepancies into graphics and subsequently into reference videos compiled in 2011 and 2012.

    I will include a few examples but had MANY timetables, timelines, (300 or more) graphics and videos.  I have never looked to make anything 'fit' I relied on the files and the information I compiled, telling me the 'story'.

    The discrepancies I discovered (from Tuesday morning onward) 'told' me that something seemed to be 'amiss' and there may have been a need to cover up the truth.

    At that point, I asked myself WHY? Had something happened to Maddie earlier in the week?  

    One MAJOR thing to keep in mind is that after 15 years of research I have NEVER found anything that contradicts my thoughts on what happened.  It only ever explains some of the questions.

    A few years ago I compiled a 'creche' graphic to put all the details into an easy-to-view format, not realising how IMPORTANT it would become.

    For those of us that believe something happened to Maddie earlier in the week, I felt it was our responsibility to explain the CRECHE DECEIT but up until about 4 years ago, any explanations eluded me until one day while posting in a forum (using the 'Creche' graphic') I had a 'lightbulb moment' and having retained details of the week in my head I realised how they all fitted into place and that my belief of how they would have been able to deceive everyone into thinking Maddie was in the creche was really quite simple and cunning.

    I am fully aware that the files we have available are a MINIMAL amount compared to the 'intelligence' and details known by the police, but from the info, we DO have I feel very confident about my findings from the research I have done, and, as mentioned, have never been advised of ANYTHING that contradicts my findings.

    The premise of the creche deceit that I could see from the creche deceit graphic is that many times Gerry and Russel O'Brien would drop off and pick up at approximately the same time as each other, regardless that they spent their days in different activities and travelled to the Kids Club from different locations.

    Since 2008 I had recognised that very often, one child had been signed in and only one child was signed out (Madeleine and Russel's daughter,) but it wasn't until Wednesday morning that the routine was slightly different and questionable.

    It was raining that morning so no tennis and the twins were dropped off earlier than usual, but Madeleine was not dropped off 10 mins later at her creche as usual..... Instead, it was sometime later and even though Russel was at breakfast at the Millenium and Gerry was at the ocean club, both Gerry and Russel dropped off their daughters at the same time.

    At this point, I recalled that Dianne Webster had made a comment in her statement that she saw Gerry and Kate at the Millenium that morning, but didn't recall them eating breakfast.  

    I realised it was possible that after dropping the twins off they went to the Millenium and immediately, along with Russel and his daughter, walked to Maddie's Kids club together.

    I then realised that THIS is how they may have accomplished the creche deceit if something happened to Maddie earlier...

    Russel O'Briens's daughter and Maddie were very similar in appearance and only three months apart in age..... Is it possible that Russel sent his daughter into the creche and Gerry walked in alongside, giving the illusion to the nannies that it was Maddie he entered into the creche with and subsequently when they were later asked in their interviews, they would recall seeing Gerry and PRESUMED he was with Maddie when in reality it was Russel O'Brien's daughter!!

    I have a graphic compiled with EVERY witness statement declaring they had seen Maddie but not ONE (except Fatima the cleaner's daughter) have details that show PROOF it was Maddie that they saw.

    I have compiled a PLAYLIST of video clips taken from my Youtube Live Streams and wherever possible I have rerecorded with Portuguese translations to make them available for Gonçalo Amaral to view if he chooses.

    Following his last book release, I saw an interview with Hernani Carvalho where Gonçalo claimed it was POSSIBLE that something happened to Maddie earlier in the week but could not be considered because the creche deceit could not be explained.

    I feel very confident that the details I have produced may explain.

    In closing, I am hoping that my research may be of interest and, in particular, may help explain how the McCanns were able to deceive everyone into believing Maddie was still active in the Ocean club that week.

    There are of course hundreds of my graphics and videos showing the HUGE discrepancies of the week and why I believe it was likely that something happened earlier.

    I stand behind everything I have compiled and have never tried to make any of the details fit a theory,  I have always allowed the files to tell me the 'story'.

    I want to thank the Portuguese Police and Gonçalo Amaral for the huge effort to find the truth in this case and for Portugal having to endure the financial strain of this disappearance.

    I realised the need for the McCanns to promote an inept investigation and made a video to highlight the respect I have for the reality of the  Police investigation.

    Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read the summary of a small part of my research.

    Lizzy Taylor





After taking a break from researching I came across some of the ‘issues’ raised over the years which we all were aware of but I had never seen the put into a timeline and very quickly I realized they seemed to indicate the timeline of when Maddie’s body may have been moved..
Da Telegraaf investigation in Areo/Odiaxere June 13th…but apparently Gerry received the details on June 7th and PJ was not told until June 12th. There is ‘credible’ indications that suggest ‘he was spooked and moved her body’

We know that there was the curiosity of Gerry changing his blog dated June 9thto show June 11th (which was an obvious lie as he was in Morocco by June 11th)

They were in Amsterdam on June 7th arriving home on June 8th.

Something I had forgotten about was a phone call between Russell O’Brien and Gerry on June 10th. It wasn’t until December that the phone provider s were able to locate where the phone call was from as well as ‘keywords’ that alerted the PJ to check.

It seems the location of the phone call 28 kms away from PdL (which Gerry denied) was located near a DISUSED BARN with a 14 ft mineshaft and a cavity where the earth had been disturbed!!

Everyone remembers the Aztec towel but the details have never been clear to me until just recently.

Found near the Disused Barn it shows a similarity with Maddie’s DNA and Fibres FROM THE McCANN’S SCENIC! Sadly, as has been found with all the forensic results in the case, the PJ could not use it in a court case.

If Gerry had been alerted to an investigation in Areo on June 7th, is it possible he made arrangements to move her body (as suggested) on June 8th and was she moved on June 9th (the day before the phone call)?

This was the day that the ‘family’ visited Sagres and the McCanns claimed they needed to grieve.

Checking Phone pings, Jon Corner and other members of the family (and David Payne) went to Sagres. Kate pinged along the route but Gerry was ‘missing’ for 2 ½ hours until he finally pinged in Sagres. (I checked the possibility of him driving to near Arao/Odiaxere and then on to Sagres and the timing does make that possible.


It was also claimed that Sean liked Sea Bass (which is known to produce a smell similar to cadaver odour.

On June 11th, the McCanns went to Morocco and it has always been an issue that they were wearing black!!

It was not until June 12th that the PJ were alerted to Da Telegraaf letter even though Gerry had known since June 7th!! So, IS it possible he kept it quiet until Maddie’s body had been moved?
Members of the forums and groups have always been curious about why the ‘TRIANGLE’ was of interest. Sagres is in the triangle and the McCanns were known to visit often since mid June until July 28th.

When Gerry returned from Washington on June 26th (27th) he overshoots PdL and pings in Vila do Bispo (Sagres area) the following day he spends 2 hrs in Sagres and that’s when I have always thought it was when he moved her body from Sagres on July 28th.

The date is very ‘telling’. Gerry ‘rushes’ back from Washington following Kate’s ‘dream’ and the DOGS on July 31st….Is that possible?

Huelva has always been an issue, and is it possible that on July 28th, her body was removed to Heulva (by ‘someone) and on August 3rd (the day following the PJ visit to the villa) the McCanns visited Huelva with Jon Corner (who soften shows up on these questionable days).

Apparently the PJ are very skeptical about the Huelva visit as there were many miles added to their car mileage and Thanks to the Spanish police releasing CCTV to PJ (PJ have no jurisdiction in Spain for CCTV or phone pings) they were able to see the McCann’s in places that did not fit with their schedule. They were ‘missing’ for 2 ½ hours during this time.
It is suggested that the PJ believe Maddie may have been moved to Spain (and with no jurisdiction to ‘follow’ them.)

It seems the SPANISH police have helped and they may have ‘proof’, but as we all know….

Although the PJ know exactly what happened, they cannot charge the McCann’s without unequivocal PROOF!!

Is it possible that Maddie was moved to Huelva July 28th and the McCann’s visited on August 3rd to make arrangements for Maddie's final resting place?


#1a 'Who Saw Maddie?' GRAPHICS for todays 'live' PROOF MADDIE "DIED' EARLIER

#1 (for PJ & GA) WHY NO PROOF MADDIE SEEN AFTER SUNDAY? Did something happen earlier? Portug Trans

#2a Creche Deceit GRAPHICS for todays 'live' PROOF MADDIE "DIED' EARLIER


#3 (For PJ) Maddie - Intro and Sunday to Wednesday DISCREPANCIES

#4 (For PJ and GA) Maddie - Thursday DISCREPANCIES (Portuguese Subtitles)


(More on the playlist)

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 15:35

HiDeHo wrote:We are aware that Goncalo Amaral suggested the possibility that she may have been moved to an apartment with a freezer as the forensic showed body fluids leaking over a wheel from the McCann’s car onto the curb and the cause of this was likely that her body was frozen but when being moved in the heat of the summer.
Can we start with this one?


Are you treating this as a FACT that she was kept in a freezer and moved to/from an apartment?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 15:49

Bluebagthepirate wrote:
HiDeHo wrote:We are aware that Goncalo Amaral suggested the possibility that she may have been moved to an apartment with a freezer as the forensic showed body fluids leaking over a wheel from the McCann’s car onto the curb and the cause of this was likely that her body was frozen but when being moved in the heat of the summer.
Can we start with this one?


Are you treating this as a FACT that she was kept in a freezer and moved to/from an apartment?

Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Freeze10

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 15:54

Does that make it a FACT?

As gruesome as it sounds, the body may have been moved decomposed. 
If it was in the bin bag.

Is that impossible?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 15:58

Bluebagthepirate wrote:Does that make it a FACT?

As gruesome as it sounds, the body may have been moved decomposed. 
If it was in the bin bag.

Is that impossible?

I post the details I use for the timeline and in this case suggested by the lead Co-ordinator Goncalo Amaral.

Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Ga_cad10

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 15:59

That's not really answering my question.

Are you treating it as FACT?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 16:22

Bluebagthepirate wrote:That's not really answering my question.

Are you treating it as FACT?

Why would I treat it as fact?  Are you able to look at the timeline and decide whether you think I have put together an interesting timeline.  There is very little we know in this case that is fact except Goncalo Amaral quoted the info and that is a fact.

I am not sure why you are asking this question, considering the volume of what I have posted.

Please feel free to question whether any of the info I have used is not possible and please explain why..

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 16:30

So you are accepting of the possibility that there was no freezer and the body was moved in a decomposed state?
I believe it's pretty cold in a tomb by the way.

How much does your theory hinge on this possibility of a freezer?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 17:30

Bluebagthepirate wrote:So you are accepting of the possibility that there was no freezer and the body was moved in a decomposed state?
I believe it's pretty cold in a tomb by the way.

How much does your theory hinge on this possibility of a freezer?
 Please keep in mind this is a summary from memory of my research to date and is still in progress.

As suggested...its possible she was moved to the beach...Maybe to a freezer...Possibly down a deep cavity... and maybe more.  My effort is to put the info into a timeline and see if it could tell us a 'story' of what may have happened to her body during that time prior to the dogs arriving.

May I ask why you would ask if my theory hangs on a freezer?  I'm confused why, with the volume of info I have given is that such an issue?

Are you familiar with the case from the beginning and the contents of the files as well as all the interviews by Goncalo Amaral?

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 17:40

It's just the first part of your post.

We can do them bit by bit.

So.. is it possible that the body was moved in a decomposed state in a large  (plastic) bag without having been in a freezer or an apartment?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 18:07

Bluebagthepirate wrote:It's just the first part of your post.

We can do them bit by bit.

So.. is it possible that the body was moved in a decomposed state in a large  (plastic) bag without having been in a freezer or an apartment?

Anything is possible but I base my research on the iinformation available and do not take anything that has not been referred to in the files etc.

So...Are you familiar with the case...the and Goncalo Amaral videos?

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 18:52

Yes I'm very familiar.

17 years familiar.

So if anything is possible... you agree that the involvement of a fridge/apartment is not essential and that moving a decomposed body in a plastic bag is?

This a simple yes/no question.
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 19:00

Bluebagthepirate wrote:Yes I'm very familiar.

17 years familiar.

So if anything is possible... you agree that the involvement of a fridge/apartment is not essential and that moving a decomposed body in a plastic bag is?

This a simple yes/no question.

As I mentioned, anything is possible, but I am curious why this appears to be of importance with you. I would love to know the context of why it is necessary for me to give a yes or no answer.

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 19:09

So I'll take that as a yes.

You agree that the a freezer/apartment may not have happened and that a decomposed body in a plastic bag hidden in some other place and moved to a burial place is possible?

I'm trying to be crystal clear before we move on.'s a yes/no answer.
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 19:37

Bluebagthepirate wrote:So I'll take that as a yes.

You agree that the a freezer/apartment may not have happened and that a decomposed body in a plastic bag hidden in some other place and moved to a burial place is possible?

I'm trying to be crystal clear before we move on.'s a yes/no answer.

I don't see it as a yes or no question...both scenarios are possible but I use the information available from the Chief Coordinator unless you have something to reference a bag with a decomposing body which would explain that it could leak fluids over the wheel of the rented scenic?

My research follows a timeline until just after the dogs arrived so any body fluids that leaked over the wheelwell may not have happened until July when she may have been moved over a long distance in hot weather.

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 19:49

It is a yes/no question.

Are you saying its impossible for a decomposing body in a plastic bag to leak fluids in the car?

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 19:53

Bluebagthepirate wrote:It is a yes/no question.

Are you saying its impossible for a decomposing body in a plastic bag to leak fluids in the car?

This thread is to discuss my research and decide if it could be no need for me to make yes or no comments based on a different scenario unless it links to my research.

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 19.12.24 19:59

HiDeHo wrote:
Bluebagthepirate wrote:It is a yes/no question.

Are you saying its impossible for a decomposing body in a plastic bag to leak fluids in the car?

This thread is to discuss my research and decide if it could be no need for me to make yes or no comments based on a different scenario unless it links to my research.
We are discussing the very first thing you mentioned in the opening post - totally on topic.

Once we are crystal clear on that point we can move onto the next one.

So for clarity... you agree that it is possible that a decomposing body in a plastic bag could be responsible for leaked fluids in the car and there is no need for a refrigerator?


When we agree on this we can move on to the next thing.
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 19.12.24 21:31

Bluebagthepirate wrote:
HiDeHo wrote:
Bluebagthepirate wrote:It is a yes/no question.

Are you saying its impossible for a decomposing body in a plastic bag to leak fluids in the car?

This thread is to discuss my research and decide if it could be no need for me to make yes or no comments based on a different scenario unless it links to my research.
We are discussing the very first thing you mentioned in the opening post - totally on topic.

Once we are crystal clear on that point we can move onto the next one.

So for clarity... you agree that it is possible that a decomposing body in a plastic bag could be responsible for leaked fluids in the car and there is no need for a refrigerator?


When we agree on this we can move on to the next thing.
Can you explain why it is so important to establish whether it was a plastic bag with her decomposing body?

I base my research on a credible source that it was likely held  in a freezer and subsequently leaked.

Do you have a source to say her body was not put in a freezer and that it was just decomposing?

I cannot answer a question that is based on speculation, whether it is possible or not.  I have answered your question many times by saying its possible....but I see no basis to this speculation.

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 20.12.24 7:50

Well there is a witness that's says they saw Gerry leaving 5A early Thursday morning carrying a black bag... have heard about that?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 20.12.24 7:54

I base my research on a credible source that it was likely held  in a freezer and subsequently leaked.
I don't get why you think a freezer needed to be involved rather than just a decomposing body in a plastic bag?

Isn't the latter more likely because there is less complexity?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 20.12.24 11:31

Bluebagthepirate wrote:

I base my research on a credible source that it was likely held  in a freezer and subsequently leaked.
'I don't get why you think a freezer needed to be involved' rather than just a decomposing body in a plastic bag?

Isn't the latter more likely because there is less complexity?

'I don't get why you think a freezer needed to be involved'  This comment troubles me considering it has been established that there was not only a strong likelihood of a feezer, but also it was possibly connected to an apartment that was frequented by the McCanns.

This thread is a summary of my findings  over the years and to suggest I should give more credence to a witness seeing a black bag as opposed to the source from the CHIEF COORDINATOR of the investigation Gonçalo Amaral then I have to suggest that you maybe use your own thread to discuss.

With such a volume of information that I have summarised in this thread I would kindly ask you to recognise you have alternative conclusion, but allow  me to choose to go with a source that I believe in and maybe give recognition to the overall thoughts of a timeline that suggests Maddies body was moved.

You have made it clear that you disagree but please allow me to sustain the belief with a credible source.


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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 20.12.24 12:22


Are you saying its a fact?

Are you now ruling out the body fluids coming from a decomposing body in a plastic bag with no need for a freezer?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 20.12.24 12:30


I'm going to write something now and it's your chance to disagree. We can move onto your second point when agreed.

You think it IS possible that the body fluids could have got in the car from a decomposing body that had never been in a freezer!

I'm eager to continue so a nice unequivocal response would be good.
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 20.12.24 13:13

Bluebagthepirate wrote:HideHo,

I'm going to write something now and it's your chance to disagree. We can move onto your second point when agreed.

You think it IS possible that the body fluids could have got in the car from a decomposing body that had never been in a freezer!

I'm eager to continue so a nice unequivocal response would be good.

I have answered that question several times and I'm finding it a little tedious to continually be required to give any further response.  It seems you may have a reason to have me answer...but may I remind you this is a thread about my research and whether you disagree... If you do...then fine, but I am not here to support any of your thoughts theories so please just respond to what I have written and certainly question the validity of any source that provide for all the info (though it is just a summary and not the full research)

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 20.12.24 13:21

OK so we agree that you think the body fluids could have got in the car without the need for a freezer/apartment and that makes any timeline based on the freezer is completely subjective and none factual.


Next point.

HiDeHo wrote:There are those that believe she may have been moved to the beach initially.
Are you one of those who say it?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 20.12.24 14:43

Bluebagthepirate wrote:OK so we agree that you think the body fluids could have got in the car without the need for a freezer/apartment and that makes any timeline based on the freezer is completely subjective and none factual.


Next point.

HiDeHo wrote:There are those that believe she may have been moved to the beach initially.
Are you one of those who say it?

I am finding your comments and questions more to do with an agenda that you wish to support.  I will not be responding to anything that does not focus on the validity of my timeline.

Please forgive me but I will only be commenting on replies that are based on this timeline and following up with a video or a live that representative of the Maddie Case from the holiday to September, based on information gleaned from credible sources.

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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 20.12.24 14:49

Lizzy, I'm responding to your post (the quote).

Why did you include these things if you didn't want to discuss them.

I'm working my way through your post.

I know it's slow, but we are on your second assertion so far.

I'll ask again about your statement: Are you one of those that say Madeleine was taken to the beach?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by Bluebagthepirate 20.12.24 15:08

Lizzy you said this right at the top of your post:

After 17 years of research it suddenly occurred to me that there was a ‘timeline’ in place that seemed to show that Maddie’s body was moved on different occasions.
We are aware that Goncalo Amaral suggested the possibility that she may have been moved to an apartment with a freezer as the forensic showed body fluids leaking over a wheel from the McCann’s car onto the curb and the cause of this was likely that her body was frozen but when being moved in the heat of the summer.
There are those that believe she may have been moved to the beach initially.
From the get-go you are literally including the moving the body to the apartment/freezer and then moving the body to the beach (I assume not chronologically).

This thread is about your timeline for moving the body.

And you don't want to discuss what you said about moving the body to these places?
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Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research Empty Re: Does anyone disagree with the possibility of what I believe happened based on 17 Years of Research

Post by HiDeHo 20.12.24 15:50

Bluebagthepirate wrote:Lizzy you said this right at the top of your post:

After 17 years of research it suddenly occurred to me that there was a ‘timeline’ in place that seemed to show that Maddie’s body was moved on different occasions.
We are aware that Goncalo Amaral suggested the possibility that she may have been moved to an apartment with a freezer as the forensic showed body fluids leaking over a wheel from the McCann’s car onto the curb and the cause of this was likely that her body was frozen but when being moved in the heat of the summer.
There are those that believe she may have been moved to the beach initially.
From the get-go you are literally including the moving the body to the apartment/freezer and then moving the body to the beach (I assume not chronologically).

This thread is about your timeline for moving the body.

And you don't want to discuss what you said about moving the body to these places?
This is a timeline IN PROGRESS and I have yet to research MANY of the issues so until I do I use the words possibly this possibly that because I do not have facts.  I was hoping to get some feedback on the overall timeline.

I am curious about the issue of the friends visiting the Marina.  Do you have any thoughts on that?  This has been a HUGE amount of effort with a LOT MORE ahead of me, but you seem to be focused on having me respond to YOUR theories instead of showing me where my timeline could not be correct.

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