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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Mm11

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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward

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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward

Post by Jill Havern 09.12.24 15:36

Thursday 12th December at 5pm

Thread locked for now.
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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Re: Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward

Post by Jill Havern 09.12.24 18:29

PeterMac wrote:You Waited.   MOST of you patiently.
Now it is coming

Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Img_1813


PeterMac wrote:I would gently advise people NOT to mock and criticise UNTIL they have watched, listened and understood
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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Re: Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward

Post by Jill Havern 11.12.24 8:41

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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Second Teaser / trailer

Post by PeterMac 11.12.24 15:46


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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Re: Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward

Post by PeterMac 11.12.24 16:26

If anyone is looking for a clue, it has been staring you in the face for days.
"The truth is in the details".  [© Bernt Stellander]

Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Screen50


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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Re: Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward

Post by PeterMac 12.12.24 10:36


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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Re: Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward

Post by PeterMac 13.12.24 7:19


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Bernt Stellander's SECOND James English interview - A New Madeleine McCann Witness Comes Forward Empty Letter to Grange and others

Post by PeterMac 22.12.24 7:20

17 December 2024

Gentlemen, / Sir

As I sincerely hope you are aware a new Interview by James English with Bernt Stellander has now been put on You Tube.  This is the second, and follows the release of his book, “The Sudden Impulse, of which I sent you a copy a few months ago.
It was viewed more than 58,000 times in the first 3 days, and has been widely circulated on Social Media channels, where viewing figures can not even be estimated.
Ref: 1  Shown below.  
It has not of course received any publicity within the UK Media

To precis:   it has been discovered that a witness saw Dr Gerry McCann emerge from the front door of apartment 5A carrying a heavy object about the size and weight of a small child, in a black bin liner around 0200 Thursday 3/5/7 and head off in the direction of the graveyard.

The witness had not realised the significance of what she saw.  She was not an employee of the Ocean Club and was only there helping a friend – whose statement is also in the PJ files – and then enjoying an informal after-hours drink with the staff;  and because the ENTIRE investigation was directed as if it had been an “Abduction on the Evening of Thursday 3/5/7”, and did not bother much with the days or hours before, a situation cleverly manipulated by the suspects themselves through their use of the British press and other influences, including political.
Her statement to the PJ dated 8/5/7 did not therefore include this evidence.

A little time later a Private Investigator from Lisbon became interested and visited the location.   By then this witness’ story was going round the Ocean Club Staff  – and we remember that the Ocean Club Manager, John Hill, had cast doubt on the “Abduction” right from the start, but was then silenced and moved –  the PI found her and conducted a long Q&A interview of which he made a full written record.  That is dated “25/5/7, 1:40pm Ocean Club.”

Only after Bernt Stellander’s first Interview was released on You Tube and the probable date of Madeleine’s death was suggested by the evidence to be Wednesday 2/5/7, did the Private Investigator contact Stellander. 
Ref 2:   Shown below. 
1.5 million views so far

Stellander’s theory which pins the time of the accidental death to about 2200 - 2400 Wednesday 2/5/7 and the initial concealment in the early hours of Thursday 3/5/7 has opened up the possibility of finding other witnesses to relevant facts.   

The importance of this is, I hope, obvious.  To the PJ – who by now have the evidence collected by Stellander, including the Q&A statement taken from the witness by the PI, and the reconstruction of the event in video format –,  to H. Wolters, the State prosecutor who was apparently convinced without any known evidence that Brückner had committed the Abduction and Murder,  and of course to Operation Grange and the Met.

What may now be more important for Operation Grange is the reputational damage to the Met. and a succession of Senior officers, many now retired but some still in senior posts, who drafted and agreed the Terms of Reference for the Operation in such a way that it was only permitted to look at the case as if it were an Abduction,  and not for example asking the question “What happened to Madeleine McCann ?”, which would be a more normal starting point for professional detectives.
“To examine the case and seek to determine (as if the abduction occurred in the UK) what additional, new investigative approaches we would take . . .”  END 
REF: 3  Shown below

Former Met. DCI Colin Sutton is on record as saying he had been warned OFF taking the job of SIO for Grange.  

QUOTE:   “[I was contacted by] a senior officer in the Met whom I knew quite well.  This officer told me I would do better to avoid the McCann investigation if it did happen, because "You wouldn't be happy leading an investigation where you were told what you could look at and what you could not”…    END
Note:  This was some months before Grange was established
REF: 4  Shown below

On another occasion Sutton elaborated and said words to the effect “The Scotland Yard investigation was going to be very narrowly focussed and the focus would be away from any suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of the McCanns or the Tapas friends…”
During this documentary Brunt repeated the familiar ‘Official Story’, including presenting the Pool Photo as having been taken on Thursday.  I have shown that it was NOT taken that day but on the Sunday 29/4/7, and sent you the evidence to prove this. 
The alteration of the EXIF Metadata was done in an attempt to prove she was still alive on 3/5/7.  The fact of the forgery simply ‘proves’ she was already dead.
REF:5. Shown below.   Sky documentary, by Martin Brunt, at 26:25 onwards

If it be eventually accepted that it was not an Abduction, as a huge number of people round the world now believe, then it may be important for your Chain of Command to have an agreed and coherent statement to explain why it had been pursuing a specific line of enquiry for which there was not one scrap of evidence except the uncorroborated testimony of the two principle suspects, for over 10 years at the cost of over 15 million pounds.

The present Commissioner made statements about the case in a more junior rank as AC many years ago and may wish to have his PR team draft something appropriate.

And of course I hope I do not need to observe – but will do for the record so that there shall be no doubt when FOI requests are submitted – that if it be shown that there was No Abduction, then crimes of Fraud, Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice,  Wasting Police Time, Perjury thereby Procuring Wrongful Imprisonment, and very many more all known the English law, committed in England by several clearly identifiable British subjects may have been committed.  

I do not need to remind the Met. of the acute and long enduring embarrassment of Operation Midland, the imprisonment of the self-styled victim Carl Beech for 18 years, and the excoriating report of the enquiry by Sir Richard Henriques criticising the way the “Victim” had been so uncritically and unquestioningly believed.  There are several disturbing parallels with this case which I have pointed out before.

I am copying this to officers who I believe are or were in your Chain of Command 
Cdrs. Steve Clayman and Paul Brogden
DAC.  Matt Ward

AC. Matt Twist
Comm.  Sir Mark Rowley
In the event that the emails are wrongly or badly formatted, and do not arrive on their desks, I ask and recommend that you send copies of this through the Met’s internal channels.

As before, I reserve the right to publish this letter on an open forum on the internet after a reasonable length of time, for comment and discussion.

Yours sincerely
Peter Mac
Retired Superintendent

Nottingham 1972-2000


Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4
Ref 5.   At 26:25 ff.

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