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Secondary drowning

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 02.08.22 16:33

Arnold wrote:If Tony Bennett replies than there will be a next time.

This is an open forum Arnold, thus allowing all members to contribute to any given topic without restriction, that's to say your post should be addressed to the forum in general, not a specific member unless there is good reason, I see no good reason in this instance for you targeting one member.

There is no obligation for members to contribute if they feel they've nothing to offer.

As you are currently online, just to let you know I will now merge your posts.


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 03.08.22 11:46

Hemoglobin described on May 13 2022 accidental death, which secondary drowning also is called. 

This possibility is overlooked by everybody.

 Calling this possibility a baseless theory in this simple case shows how corrupt the human mind is.

Secondary drowning - Page 3 Ad4a4b03-c24d-4b99-81d8-75893bb8c315

Your reply to Hemoglobin, also a new member, was quite different.

As a forum manager and gatekeeper it looks like you have a hidden agenda.

Well, enjoy your role in this global hoax.


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 03.08.22 12:45

Arnold wrote:Hemoglobin described on May 13 2022 accidental death, which secondary drowning also is called. 

This possibility is overlooked by everybody.

 Calling this possibility a baseless theory in this simple case shows how corrupt the human mind is.

Secondary drowning - Page 3 Ad4a4b03-c24d-4b99-81d8-75893bb8c315

Your reply to Hemoglobin, also a new member, was quite different.

As a forum manager and gatekeeper it looks like you have a hidden agenda.

Well, enjoy your role in this global hoax.


A hidden agenda big grin ?

I couldn't hide a needle in a haystack, I'd be too anxious in case the poor little needle was lost forever.

I'm sorry if you feel you were singled out.  Please don't let that slight misunderstanding drive you away.


NB: I'm impressed how quickly you've mastered forum tools, it takes some members years - if ever!

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Milo 04.08.22 4:23


I can't find my million-word response on this topic

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 7:25

This thread is based on an incident that happened on Thursday morning May 3 2007 which is not mentioned in the PJfiles nor in CMOMM’s archive of the complete mystery of Madeleine McCann.

A crucial question needs an straight answer otherwise this never investigated scenario can be removed.

Was there a sailing incident at sea between 10.30am - 11.00am where Madeleine launched herself into Atlantic ocean to save the straw
hat of Jessica Berry or not ?

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by crusader 04.08.22 8:03

There is no evidence to suggest this incident took place, Neil Berry said this happened in the Netflix documentary.

Kate never mentioned Madeleine arriving at crèche to pick up a wet through Madeleine.

Even if Madeleine did dive into the sea to retrieve a straw hat, what would that have to do with the McCann's covering it up?

If Madeleine had died under these circumstances, there would be no reason to hide her body.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 11:16

So you assume that Jessica Berry's memory produced a lie.

I didn’t watch the Netflix documentary. Why should I when it’s based on a wrong timeline. I read about it in several newspaper articles published in 2019. That’s also when I saw the parachute photo, made on Sunday April 29 2007. I know the so called ‘last’ photo was also made on Sunday. 

The covering up is related to secondary drowning which took place more than 3 hours after the incident. Two symptons were many times mentioned by Kate. She had to carry Madeleine from the pool area to 5A during lunchtime because she was very tired and exhausted as Kate due to the activities that morning she stated. Gerry was also present and walked to 5A.
Maybe you should read about secondary drowning, the symptoms and the possible fatal consequences if you don’t call an ambulance, because she needed oxygen to survive. 

Instead her parents, being doctors, put her in bed. That is the worst thing one can do after inhaling water. Laying down is forbidden.
The twins were brought to the crèche and Kate said to Cat Baker, the nanny, that she would bring Madeleine later. She didn’t cause Madeleine’s physical condition worsened faster. Lack of oxygen caused her sudden and unexpected death. 
Being doctors, I assume they tried to save her life, but failed.
So they made fatal medical mistakes.

An autopsy would have made that clear.  Their careers, their parental
negligence  and their future were at stake. 

In this scenario she died around 2.30pm Thursday afternoon.

The PJfiles show the aftermath of an and the involvement of their friends to covering up her accidental death as secondary drowning is also called.

So there was no abduction, no murder, no fatal accident in 5A. 

Her death was a tragic event which cause was overlooked by all who were involved in this investigation.

If you know the cause and time of her death you will understand why they behave and acted the way they did till today.

I call them grieving victim players. The grieving is genuine and true.
Their role is horryfying.


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by crusader 04.08.22 12:46

The only person who has ever mentioned Madeleine jumping into the sea is Neil Berry, who never mentioned it in any of his police statements.

I don't know what happened to Madeleine any more than you do, I do however think if Madeleine had jumped off the boat into the sea, the evidence would have been obvious.

If a = jumping off the boat leads to B = lethargy and hours later death by secondary drowning, experienced doctors would know the signs  and what to look out for.

That's always assuming they had been told Madeleine had jumped off the boat and that is why she was being returned to her parents wet through.

Madeleine was a much loved Daughter in my opinion, do you honestly believe if they had been told she had jumped in the sea and was showing symptoms of unusual tiredness, they would not have put 2 and 2 together and just put her to bed then left her for God knows how long?

If they did put her to bed and leave her knowing she was suffering from the effects of secondary drowning, that is manslaughter, is that what you think happened?

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by sandancer 04.08.22 13:08

Jessica Berry has never stated herself anything about the so called jumping into the sea incident , it came from her father who was not present so it's hearsay . 

Kate allegedly carrying Maddie back to  apartment was after high tea not at lunch time , according to Kate anyway no independent witnesses . 

Can you show us where  you get the information that Kate told Cat Baker  she would bring Maddie along later ? In Kate's " truthful " book they sit by the pool where she takes the so called " last photo " then take the children to their creche . 

Cat Baker in non of her statements makes any references to Maddie jumping in the sea to rescue a hat , not something that would be easily forgotten by anyone ! 

 " Was there a sailing incident at sea between 10.30 - 11.00 am where Madeleine launched herself into the Atlantic Ocean to save the straw hat of Jessica Berry or not? " 

No , simple answer . I will put imho though .

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 04.08.22 13:37

Milo wrote:Help

I can't find my million-word response on this topic

Allow me .... censored



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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 04.08.22 13:48

Arnold wrote:A crucial question needs an straight answer otherwise this never investigated scenario can be removed.

Was there a sailing incident at sea between 10.30am - 11.00am where Madeleine launched herself into Atlantic ocean to save the straw
hat of Jessica Berry or not ?

The answer to that straight question is no - and that's an emphatic no!

If any evidence, even a hint, can be produced to support this theory then it might be worthy of further thought.  Until such time, which I can say with certainty will never happen, your theory is not worthy of attention.

A mention of the alleged incident shown on the Netflix documentary many years down the line, does not constitute valid evidence.

We've been this way before, you can regurgitate your theory until the cows come home but alas, it won't make it any more believable.


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 14:35

There is a £5000 reward offered on the internet (Twitter) to the one who can irrefutable proof that the secondary drowning scenario is not true.

Kate and Gerry are very grateful for your endless loop support.

Enjoy your dead end investigation.

Gerry was smart enough to make not only three police forces but also you the blindfolded fools in this simple case.


They are dancing behind their front door.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by crusader 04.08.22 15:16

I don't think they will be thanking you Arnold, you make them sound like imbecile's.

Stand and fight your corner if you think you are right, after all we are only blindfolded fools going around in circles and can't see what is so obvious to you.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 16:36

So no murder, no abduction, no wandering off, no fatal accident in 5A, no secondary drowning (accidental death) 

So what are you investigating all those years ?

What happened to her ? 

Abducted by an alien ?

Taken by God ?

Madeleine is really banned from the beach despite the witnesses ( 2 nannies, at least two waterfront employees, David, Fiona, Rachel, Jane She went twice in the dinghy and yellow catamaran.  One with Ella, one with Jessica. 

Hearsay ? Baseless crap theory ? Ask Russell, he admitted in April 2008 that he didn’t see her in the crèche that afternoon. He had to stop lying. 

A reply from OJ.

  • Madeleine died of secondary drowning after a sailing incident at sea on Thursday, the day she disappeared. It was Jessica, the daughter of Neil Berry who was present when it happened, who told her dad. In 2019 this incident was mentioned in an interview about the last hours of Madeleine McCann. One can find it on the internet. It shows also a photo of Madeleine. The straw hat of Jessica was blown by the wind when the kids were on the catamaran and Madeleine launched herself in the water to get the straw hat. At that incident she swallowed water, she was rescued by a staff member one thing which makes this condition ( secondary drowning) so difficult to detect its slow acting nature.
    A victim may breath in a very small amount of fluid and believe she has succesfully expelled it though coffing.
    In reality the water may fill up some oxygen rich pores of the lungs reducing the lungs ability to oxygenate the blood passes through. The heart does not slow down appreciably during this proces. so the victim can still talk and walk.
    The only symptoms may be sudden change of personality or level of awareness as the blood oxygen level drops over time. vomiting or unvoluntary defecation immediately following a swimming ( or bath) session should be considered as a red flag. The symptons are coughing, chestpain, trouble breathing, feeling extremely tired ( as Madeleine was according to Kate McCann in several interviews and in her book) and lack of sleep.
    Secondary drowning can also come from something as simple as getting water in your mouth or getting dunked.
    If the symptoms don’t go away or if they get worse the urgent advice is to bring the child to an emergency room, not to your pediatrician’s office. chest XRay and IV and be admitted for observation. breathproblems needed a breathing tube for a while. He or she should be observed for several hours for signs of labored breathing and altered mental status.
    Death may occur between one or 48 hours! Cause of heartfallure.

    Gerry McCann and his wife are doctors who probably thought they could handle the unexpected situation in which they were confronted with very serious medical problems. Maybe they tried to resuscitate Madeleine but failed to save her life.
    The nanny of the children was moved by the mark Warner firm to Greece ten days after the disappearance.
    The sail instructor nor the safety boat employee and other waterfront employees, all from the UK, contracted by the firm were never formally interviewed by the Portugese police nor the MET except the nanny, but in the PJ files this sailing incident was never mentioned.
    Maybe it is time for the four members of Operation Grange to investigate the possibility of a secondary drowning as a cause of death. Till now all their efforts to solve this case are dead end streets.

    March 26, 2020
  • On Twitter you can see what I did.



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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 04.08.22 16:41

Methinks the enigmatic Netflix star, Neil Berry, got his wires crossed about the alleged boating incident.

I recall..

Matt Oldfield wrote:And so we went back down to the beach and took one of the cats out and we were out a bit longer than expected because part of the boat's strapping fell off and I fell off the back and so we got sort of stranded in the water and he didn't really know how to sail but managed to bring the boat round and I was sort of like a mile from shore thinking I'm going to have to swim all the way back or he's going to run me down with the boat, but he actually did really well and actually managed to pick me up on the back of the boat. Erm,

Jane Tanner wrote:Matt and Russ went down to the beach and I think they took a boat out, erm, Matt fell off the boat and nearly lost Matt off the side of the boat and we thought that would be the drama of the day

Russell O'Brien wrote:Well we, me and Matt had gone down to the beach to go on, as I say, Matt’s a good, quite a good sailor and we took one of the, the, erm, the catamarans out.  So we’d gone down, erm, just after lunch, probably after the kids had gone back to the Kids Club, so two, two o’clock, two or three o’clock, and had quite a long sail, erm, we were out for a long time, Matt sailed for a bit and then I sailed for a bit and he kind of gave me a bit of a lesson really.  Erm, as I said, he, he got bounced overboard and the kind of wire snapped and I had to learn quite quickly how to turn a catamaran round and not run someone over in the water with it.  So we pick, you know, we picked him back up, erm, a boat came back out and repaired, you know, kind of repaired the, the bit that had snapped, erm, it was the harness.

Rachell Oldfield wrote:Matt and Russell came in from their sail and Matt had fallen overboard and Russell had managed to go back and rescue him so, cos it was, it was quite windy and I think they were quite big waves and Matt couldn't see the boat and it was like, well this will be the story of the holiday, you know, the story to tell the grandchildren which is, you know which is what we said at the table at dinner that night, erm, erm,

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 04.08.22 16:49

Arnold wrote:Maybe it is time for the four members of Operation Grange to investigate the possibility of a secondary drowning as a cause of death.

Par excellence !!!

Let us know how you get on thumbsup ....

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 17:08

This second sailing incident was a distraction imo.

They all know what happened. 
She died in 5A and her parents were not responsible for her death.

 That’s why the lying cowards sealed their lips.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 17:12

And yes, I informed the three police forces about this never investigated scenario, but they have already passed the point of no return.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 17:13

And Gerry got an long email at his work.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 17:15

Sir Mark Rowley becomes the one who controls this missing body case.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 04.08.22 17:16

Arnold wrote:This second sailing incident was a distraction imo.

They all know what happened. 
She died in 5A and her parents were not responsible for her death.

 That’s why the lying cowards sealed their lips.



I don't know what game you are playing but I don't like, nor appreciate, your persistence here on CMOMM with this,  your,  random baseless speculation.

You've had your fun, it's getting tiresome now - rein in or you will no longer be welcome.


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Arnold 04.08.22 17:26

Kierkegaard was right. In fact CMOMM is supporting the McCann’s.


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 04.08.22 17:30

Thread locked - over and out spam


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 04.08.22 17:55

Arnold has left the building ....


Until the next time ....



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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Guest 05.08.22 1:50

Now Arnold has taken flight, I have unlocked this thread should any member wish to comment further .... before relegating to the garbage!

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Milo 02.01.25 12:02

#1 Arnold, I cannot believe I have missed this rich thread. I have been considering secondary drowning for some time. I wish I had been part of the conversation you stimulated. I will be back on line in the near future.

I once shared my views on the make-up photo and I have still not yet recovered from being smacked by Verdi. A few forum members agreed with me but the general reaction was negative.

Bernt’s new witness rather blows the timeline for secondary drowning. I am persuaded by Bernt’s book so I need to return to my secondary drowning writings. We need to double check the timetable for the Lobsters that week because I have seen a version with arrows swapping activities to other days.

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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Milo 02.01.25 12:18



How is it that poor little me who studies all the Madeleine stuff but, over 17 years, only ever presents two theories to the forum (makeup photo and secondary drowning) finds herself in the reject shop?!

I only just read about Arnold’s expulsion when I was excitedly reading backwards on this topic.

May I please rest assured that I will continue to have access to the thread?

Sorry to be so dramatic - you have a few dramas on your plate lately.

Thanks for everything.


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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Jill Havern 02.01.25 12:31

This thread is not locked Milo...please post away to your heart's content.

Drama is what we do, apparently.
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Secondary drowning - Page 3 Empty Re: Secondary drowning

Post by Bluebagthepirate 02.01.25 19:27

On Thursday morning there was a sailing incident in which Madeleine jumped into the sea to save the straw hat of Jessica Berry. She was saved by OC employees. 
In 2019 Neil Berry, the father of Jessica, told the press about this incident when the Netflix documentary was released. 

That "story" is one of the more ludicrous ones invented to fill in the timeline.
It contradicts almost everything we think we know about Madeleine, and what was said closer to the time about the 'sailing'
That it was reported 12 years later, as recollected second hand 'hearsay' from a 3 yr old, but was apparently never reported or noted 
officially at the time by the responsible officers may give us a hint about its likely credibility.

The McCann parents would perhaps have had this reported to them, either by the staff, as it should have been, or by Madeleine herself, along with the ludicrous
"Best day of my life so far" comment, or even by Neil Berry on first hearing of it from his daughter when he met them to discuss the safety of the children in the hands of the creche staff . . .

BUT . . . The book is silent.
Fiona and Dave had been windsurfing that morning and had seen Madeleine’s group, who had gone down to the beach for their ‘mini-sail’ activity. We heard later that they’d been on a speedboat as well as a dinghy. Fiona told me she’d spotted Ella there but not Madeleine. [EDIT: TO ADD.  Ohhhh !   Why did Kate include THAT ?  Is she trying to leave breadcrumbs for us to follow later.   Why not leave it out ?  BUT SHE DIDNT.  SHE PUT IT IN]
McCann, Kate. Madeleine (p. 65). Transworld Digital. Kindle Edition. 

And then it is the nonsense about the Pool Photo and Broderie anglaise shorts and 'stuff'.

Conclusion:  In the absence of any credible evidence we may reasonably conclude that 'It did not happen'.   And the fact that Kate told us that Madeleine was NOT THERE may now, in the light of statement analysis and a new suggested timeline assume an even greater significance, when we add it to the LIE about the Pool photo's having been taken a short time later.
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