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The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Mm11

The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Mm11

The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Regist10

The Teller's Tale: A Study of retrofitting - Introduction

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The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Empty The Teller's Tale: A Study of retrofitting - Introduction

Post by Verdi 07.02.20 21:24

On CMOMM this week, it has been suggested that the first hearing of something tends to stick in the mind, leaving little scope for expanding the mind or developing a hypothosize contrary to the earliest reports of any given occurrence - particularly, I think, major incidents that hit the world's headlines.

To this I strongly disagree.  In my view such a situation will only apply to the teller, who wants the world to believe their story and stops at nothing to propagate that story, no matter what the opposition or criticism.  It is not in their interest.  

It is however in the interest of the public, the outsider who has nothing whatsoever to do with any one case, who are free to draw their own conclusions from available information.  On average I would say, the cracks start to appear within days of the initial report.

The McCanns are a perfect case study.

From as far back as the night of 3rd/4th May 2007, the McCanns and their entourage have taken great pains to fool the police, the authorities, the public and above all else it would seem - themselves.   They told their tale and have continued to repeat the same tale over and over again over the years - no wavering, no back-tracking, no admissions, no apologies.  To this day Kate McCann continues to present for world consumption, tales of open shutter/windows, whooshing curtains and slamming doors;  even though the tale was proven by the PJ to be false in the very early days of their investigation.

They have tried to make fools of the people with their tales of the impossible, their misleading leading only to the butt end of a cul-de-sac.  Did that stop them?  Nah - not on your nelly!

CMOMM researchers, with the help of members and outside associates, have uncovered and exposed many instances of the McCann team's tales being nothing but falsehood, even the impossible.  Kate McCann's tales of her return to apartment 5a on the night of 3rd May 2007 being one such example.

The intention here is to start a new reference thread highlighting the many instances team McCann have tried to pull the wool over our eyes and the extensive efforts by CMOMM to expose the litany of misinformation circulated by their hand or a source close thereto, explaining every detail that created so much doubt in the minds of decent folk and their endeavours to uncover the truth by exposing the lies, discrepancies and deceit.

The  potential for this thread is endless - all donations gratefully received.


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Empty Re: The Teller's Tale: A Study of retrofitting - Introduction

Post by crusader 07.02.20 21:50

What a great idea verdi. The Mccann's story of the checking of the kids comes to mind. Gerry categorically states,   that the children were checked every half hour, when in fact they were seen once and for less than 5 minutes in 90 minutes.

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The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Empty Re: The Teller's Tale: A Study of retrofitting - Introduction

Post by Verdi 08.02.20 0:16

Thank you for your support crusader thumbup . Without member participation where would we be?

This is in it's infancy, I'm not entirely sure of the direction it's to take, other than to emphasis the due diligence of CMOMM researchers, the exemplary work they have contributed over the years with no expectations of financial gain or career advancement.

In that respect I believe CMOMM to be unique.

The least we can do is show solidarity even if we don't agree on the finer points.


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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The Teller's Tale:  A Study of retrofitting - Introduction Empty introduction

Post by Guest 08.02.20 9:58


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