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Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall ! Mm11

Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall ! Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall ! Mm11

Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall ! Regist10

Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall !

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Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall ! Empty Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall !

Post by Verity 23.08.18 6:02

Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall ! ACSszfGYk33UPzgadGuQodOuKekdCqsONCrSGXYF8Q=s48-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no
Armchair Detective vs the McCanns
Published on Aug 22, 2018

Sir Mark Rowley yes man? Mark Rowley in 2000 joins Surrey Police as a senior officer when he was appointed Chief Superintendent in command of the WEST Surrey Basic Command Unit, SURREY POLICE

COVER-UP, 1 Sarah Payne disappeared on the 1st July 2000 from a cornfield near Kingston Gorse, WEST Sussex.
REBBECA BROOKS gives her mother a mobile phone, Police had earlier told her that her name was not among those recorded in NOTW PHONE HACKERS Mulcaire's notes, but officers from Operation Weeting told her they had found her personal details among the investigator's notes.
These had previously been thought to refer to a different target? SURREY POLICE

COVER-UP, 2 Starting in 2002, he led the five-year investigation into the murder of Milly Dowler, News of the World hacked her Mobile phone, Surrey police covered this up for 9 years.
He was appointed Chief Constable of the force in March 2009. on 4th July 2011, the Guardian newspaper tells the UK the truth! Rowley moves on great timing? EX Surrey chief Constables

COVER-UP, 3 He joined the Metropolitan Police Service as Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations in October 2011
Rules out Tapas 9 as suspects.
25 Apr 2017 - Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley made the comment .. Madeleine McCann's parents Kate and Gerry have been ruled out as suspects in the little girl's disappearance. The parents’ involvement: that was dealt with at the time of the original investigation by the Portuguese.
“We’re happy that’s completely dealt with and there is no reason whatsoever to reopen that or start rumours that’s a line of investigation."
MEGA DATA words Rowley/Surrey Police/News of the world /Brooks/coverups/ blatant ignoring of vital evidence. 9th Jan 2018 - ROWLEY announced his retirement, 8th Jun 2018 -
Mark Rowley, is knighted for services to policing? Is the job done? GRACE AND FAVOUR? or no fear or favour?

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Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall ! Empty Re: Alan Vinnicombe (the Armchair Detective) #16,Mark Rowley links to establishment cover ups,Grange is just another brick in the wall !

Post by willowthewisp 23.08.18 14:40

Hi Alan Vinnicombe,thank you for exposing this very Senior Police Officer now named Sir Mark Rowley,how does he like his porridge is all I could respond to?
The whole lot of them are as bent as *uck,which your video exposes them on Phone Hacking alone?

Just how many cases have they not properly investigated,how many innocent people could be in Prison due to their incompetence,is another aspect?

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